Category: Ramaḍān
New video message from al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula’s Shaykh Nāṣr al-Ānsī: “Ramaḍān Sparks #10″
New video message from Jamā’at Nuṣrat al-Islām Wa-l-Muslimīn’s Shaykh Qutaybah Abū Nu’man al-Shinqīṭī: “Faithful Positions #2: Ramaḍān Is the Month of Worship and Jihād”
Click here for the first part in this video series.

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New release from The Islamic State’s Wilāyat Khurāsān: “Welcoming Ramaḍān”

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: The Islamic State’s Wilāyat Khurāsān — Welcoming Ramaḍān
To inquire about a translation for this release issue for a fee email: [email protected]
New video message from al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib’s Ḥamzah Abū al-Mu’taṣim: “‘Īd al-Fiṭr Sermon 1443 H”

To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
New video message from Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn: “The Face of Success: Katībat Muḥammad Bin Maslamah #3″
For prior parts in this video series see: #2 and #1.

To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
New statement from al-Qā’idah in the Indian Subcontinent: “On the Occasion of ‘Īd al-Fiṭr 1443 H: Message To All Believers, Especially Muslims of the Subcontinent”

To inquire about a translation for this nashīd for a fee email: [email protected]
New video message from Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn: “Harvesting the Fruit of Sharī’ah #12: Qur’anic Competition For the Soldiers of the Group, Part Three”
New video message from Hay’at Taḥrīr al-Shām’s Sharīḥ al-Himṣī: “Message of the Verse, Episode Eight”
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Mawlāwī Hībat Allah Akhūnd Zādah: “On the Arrival of ‘Īd al-Fiṭr”

To Muslim and Mujahid Nation of Afghanistan and all Muslims around the world!
1- I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all of you on the arrival of Eid-ul-Fitr. May Allah the Almighty accept all our fasting, prayers, charities and good deeds.
I am immensely grateful to Almighty Allah that we are celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr this year at a time while our country is completely free of foreign invasion. After 43-year, the long lasting and devastating war has finally ended and now under the shade of Islamic rule, the ground has been prepared for a peaceful and prosperous life in Afghanistan.
2-Dear compatriots!
The Jihad, sacrifice, and efforts of all Mujahedeen of the Islamic Emirate and those who strive for achieving the freedom and independence of the country is commendable and I pray to Allah to reward each individual in this world and in the hereafter.
May Allah the Almighty, accept the sacrifices, martyrdoms and Jihad of our Mujahedeen in the last two decades, may Allah reward the disabled, refugees, wounded and the prisoners and empower us to look after the widows and orphans.
3-Since Afghanistan is no more under foreign invasion, therefore, it is time for all Afghans to come together and work for the development, prosperity and welfare of their country.
Security is the prime condition for development and prosperity, and fortunately, the IEA forces have ensured security with immense sacrifices; now, it is duty of all Afghans to work hard and rebuild their country and serve poor and needy people with integrity and courage.
4-Dear compatriots!
Islamic Emirate has granted a general amnesty to all of its oppositions and has implemented it in practice. On the basis of this amnesty, I once again invite all Afghans to come to their country and live peacefully. This country is no longer capable of carrying out any conspiracy. However, if anyone disobey the amnesty and try to start a war in the country, then they will face a harsh and severe reaction and the nation will allow none to disturb peace and security of the country through foreign encouragement.
5- I invite all Afghans who have left the country to return to Afghanistan. This country is our common home where every Afghan has the right to live in peace and harmony. No one is seeking to continue enmity with you nor do they want to see any Afghan harassed. All returnees have been embraced with dignity and are living peacefully in their home, therefore, you should also return to your homeland and leave behind the life of forced migration in other countries.
6- The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan attaches great importance to reconstruction of the country for which it has assigned a competent economic committee to utilize all existing capacities toward the development of the country. Also, the national traders, financiers and industrialists are empowered to play their role in Afghanistan’s reconstruction. The Islamic Emirate will stand behind and strongly support all construction projects and efforts.
I invite domestic and foreigner investors to invest in Afghanistan; the Islamic Emirate will cooperate with you and will provide all necessary means and facilities.
7- The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan wants positive relations with the countries of the region and the world.
We allow none to pose a threat to other countries from Afghanistan and we also want other countries to engage with us on mutual respect.
There is a binding Doha agreement between the Islamic Emirate and the United States in line with which the US shall not interfere in Afghanistan’s internal affairs. We continue to emphasize full implementation of the Doha agreement and to move forward in the spirit of cooperation instead of pressure. The Islamic Emirate has implemented its commitments and will continue to do so.
8- Undoubtedly, the world has transformed into a small village, the interactions between the countries are interrelated, Afghanistan has its role in world peace and security, according to this need, the world should recognize the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan so that we may address our problems formally and within diplomatic norms and principles.
9- We call on our neighboring and other respective countries to treat Afghan refugees in line with international practices and standards, give them time and permission to return to their homeland voluntarily and with dignity. Violation of human rights is not in the interest of anyone, rather it causes constant hatred and animosity between the nations.
I also call on the UN and international institutions to provide opportunities for Afghans to return back to their homeland.
10- Promotion of good deeds and prevention of evil is the prime duty of any Islamic system, however, the relevant authorities should invite people towards Shariah with wisdom and avoid extremism in this regard.
The nation should also cooperate with relevant authorities in practicing good deeds and preventing evil, this way, we can jointly clean our country from the rebellion and sin and fulfill our Islamic responsibility.
11- Cultivation of poppy and all types of narcotics is strictly prohibited in Afghanistan, Afghans should respect and obey the decree, continuation of such act threatens the lives of millions of our countrymen.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan seeks to address the problems of farmers and the countrymen in general by providing alternative livelihoods, cultivation and other means. We also call on the international community to assist the Afghan people, particularly farmers, to find alternative livelihoods and cultivation, and we urged them to understand importance of this matter and take practical steps towards assisting the Islamic Emirate and the people of Afghanistan.
12- We respect and are committed to all the sharia rights of men and women in Afghanistan, no one should worry about it and do not use this humanitarian and emotional issue as a tool for political ends. Compared to the last 20 years, Afghans now enjoy more of their rights, such as life, security and dignity, which cannot be ignored.
13- The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is working to strengthen education and learning, opening new schools and madrassas in many central and remote areas of the country for religious and modern education, and providing a safe environment for education. It has provided timely salaries to teachers and lecturers and provided curriculum to them.
IEA is committed to take further steps in this regard, as education is the key to rescue our compatriots and pave the way towards country’s development and prosperity.
14- The Islamic Emirate is also committed to freedom of speech in the light of national interests and Islamic values and supports healthy and positive broadcasts. Our broadcasting outlets, both governmental and private, must take into consideration interests of our people and broadcast constructive programs in line with our Islamic beliefs and legitimate customs.
15- As different sectors of Afghanistan have been affected by the long lasting war, our health sector has also been severely affected. We call on the international health organizations and aid institutions to help the people of Afghanistan in this regard. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will provide all necessary means to improve the capacity of health sector in the country.
16- In the past few months, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has been able to lay the foundations of a strong Islamic and national army for the defense of the country, as well as an effective police force for social security and a strong intelligence organization to protect national interests. We built this on our own, our forces have very high moral and purpose that will strongly defend the country and will not allow anyone to harm Afghanistan’s soil, security and interests.
17- All officials, Mujahedeen, and employees of the Islamic Emirate are instructed to treat the people kindly and gently and do not misbehave with Afghans.
Also be very careful with the treasury, the treasury is a trust, which is given at your disposal, no one has the right to misappropriate, waste, betray and personalize it, if anyone is careless with the treasury, he will be treated harshly by the Islamic Emirate and Allah Almighty will deal with him severely.
I urge all the rich and wealthy people of the country not to neglect their poor and needy fellow citizens during these auspicious days, rather to help them and lend them a helping hand.
To conclude, I once again wish you all a happy and joyful Eid-ul-Fitr, may Allah the Almighty grant our country lasting peace, security and prosperity.
Amir-ul-Mumineen Sheikh-ul-Hadith Hibatullah Akhundzadah, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
۲۸/۹/۱۴۴۳هـ ق
۹/۲/۱۴۰۱هـ ش ــ 2022/4/29م