Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām — “Be Like What They Were”
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Category: Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām
al-I’tiṣām Media presents a new video message from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām: “A Window Upon the Land of Epic Battles #10"
al-I’tiṣām Media presents a new video message from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām: “A Window Upon the Land of Epic Battles #9"
New statement from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām: "On the Military Operations in Rural Ḥamāh and the Liberation of the Air Defense Battalion and the Depots of Brigade 66"

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله ربّ العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد، وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.. وبعد:
ففي عمليّة نوعيّة ضخمة يسّر الله لها أسباب التوفيق، وبعد ما يزيد على الشّهر من الاستطلاع وجمع المعلومات والتخطيط والإعداد والتحشيد، انطلق المئات من رجال الدّولة الإسلاميّة في غزوة جديدة ضمن عمليات حصاد الأجناد مستهدفين كتيبة الدفاع الجوي ومستودعات اللّواء 66 الحيوية، وعشرات الحواجز والقرى والنقاط الأمنيّة المنتشرة في ريف حماة الشرقي..
ورغم ضخامة الهجوم وما تطلّبه من جهد ووقت للإعداد والتحشيد وسعة المنطقة المستهدفة، إلا أنّ جنود الرحمن نجحوا في مباغتة العدو من عدّة محاور بصورة لم يكن يتصورها، ممّا أدى لتفكك دفاعاته المتقدّمة بصورة سريعة ووقوع كتيبة الدفاع الجوي بيد المجاهدين بعد تدمير الحواجز الأمنيّة المحيطة بها، واستمرّ التقدّم نحو الهدف الرئيسي وهو مستودعات الذّخيرة للّواء 66 في الجيش النّصيري الذي لم تصمد دفاعاته بضعة ساعات قبل أن يسقط هذا الموقع المهم بالكامل بأيدي مجاهدي الدّولة الإسلاميّة، وكانت القوة الموجودة في كلا الموقعين العسكريين سبباً في تحصين قرى مشركي النصّيرية القريبة وإلحاق الأذى المستمر بمناطق المسلمين أهل السنة المنتشرة في معظم ريف حماة..
وقد منّ الله على المسلمين فنالوا من أكتاف عدوّهم وسقط العشرات منهم هلكى وجرحى وأسرى بأيدي المجاهدين، إضافة لكميات ضخمة من السّلاح والعتاد بمختلف أنواعه كان النّظام المجرم يحتفظ به خزيناً حيوياً لقواته في المنطقة الشمالية من سوريا، فوقعت جميعها بفضل الله ومنّه وكرمه بأيدي الأباة الكماة رجال الدّولة الإسلاميّة في العراق والشّام.
ونبشّر المسلمين في الشّام وخارجها بأنّ هذه الغزوة المباركة لها ما بعدها بإذن الله وستتبعها قريباً غزوات أخر تشفي صدور المسلمين وتُذهب غيض قلوبهم وتثأر لأطفالنا ونسائنا ورجالنا الذين اغتالتهم الأيدي المجرمة بالسّلاح الكيمياوي في دوما وغيرها، فليُبشر النّظام المجرم وأنصاره بما يسوؤهم في قادم الأيام… والحمد لله على توفيقه وتسديده، ونسأل الله لإخواننا ممّن خطّط وشارك في هذه الغزوة قبولَ العمل، وأن يجزل لهم الثواب الذي وعد به عباده، ويتقبّل من قتل منهم ويحشرهم في زمرة الشهداء مع النبيّين والصّديقين إنّه وليّ ذلك والقادر عليه.
والله أكبر
{وَلِلَّهِ الْعِزَّةُ وَلِرَسُولِهِ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَلَكِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ لا يَعْلَمُونَ}
وزارة الإعلام / الدّولة الإسلاميّة في العراق والشّام
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]
New statement from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām: "Targeting Operation of the Shaykh of the Criminal Saḥwāt 'Wisām al-Ḥardān'"

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله ربّ العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد، وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.. وبعد:
ففي عمليّة نوعيّة وفق الله لها رجال الدّولة الإسلاميّة، وبعد جهد استخباري متواصل لأكثر من شهر في رصد وتعقّب المرتدّ المجرم وسام الحردان، شيخ الصحوات الجديدة وأحد أركان المشروع الصفوي ممّن صعد نجمهم في حرب الإسلام ونُصرة الحكومة الرافضية في المنطقة الخضراء بعد أفول نجم الجيل الأول من الصحوات الذين لفظهم أسيادهم وصاروا لقمة سائغة لمشركي الرافضة الحاقدين على كل ما ينتسب للسنة في العراق ولو بالاسم.
انتُدب ثلاثة انغماسيين تبايعوا على الموت لهذه المهمة فقاموا بالهجوم على وكر هذا الطاغوت واقتحام عقر جحره المحصّن بالحواجز وعشرات عناصر الحماية أثناء اجتماعهم لحرب الله ورسوله، وذلك يوم الاثنين الموافق 27 شوال 1434 للهجرة، فتمكن الأبطال من تصفية كل عناصر الحماية على البوابة الرئيسية للمقرّ ومن ثم اقتحامه والاشتباك مع من تجرأ على المواجهة وقام اثنان من الإخوة بتفجير أحزمتهما الناسفة في جموع المرتدّين، ووصل الثالث غرفة الاجتماع حيث فجر فيهم حزامه الناسف ليُهلك الله على يديه جمعاً من عتاة المجرمين الخونة، وقُتل في هذه العملية قريباً من ثلاثين مرتدّاً وأصيب غيرهم، وكان نصيب وسام الحردان منها جروحاً وحروقاً بليغة ليذوق من عذاب الدّنيا وذلّها جزاءاً وفاقاً لكفره بالله وحرابته لأوليائه.
والله أكبر
{وَلِلَّهِ الْعِزَّةُ وَلِرَسُولِهِ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَلَكِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ لا يَعْلَمُونَ}
وزارة الإعلام – الدّولة الإسلاميّة في العراق والشّام
المصدر: مُؤسَّسةُ الاعتصام للإنتَاج الإعلامِي
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]
Check out my new ‘Policy Watch’ for the Washington Institute: “Al-Qaeda in Syria: A Closer Look at ISIS (Part II)"

This two-part PolicyWatch discusses how the jihadist group ISIS has gained a foothold in Syria. Part I outlined the group’s recent successes; this installment describes how it could face popular discontent if it attempts to enforce its socially conservative agenda or commit high-profile abuses.
Despite its successes in Syria so far, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) has shown signs of past tendencies — such as killing individuals in cold blood — that alienated many supporters during the height of the Iraqi insurgency. This raises the question of whether popular resistance to ISIS could emerge in Syria along the lines of the Iraqi sahwa (awakening) movement.
Click here to read the rest.
al-I’tiṣām Media presents a new video message from Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām: "And Kill Them Wherever You Find Them"

To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
Check out my new ‘Policy Watch’ for the Washington Institute: "Al-Qaeda in Syria: A Closer Look at ISIS (Part I)"

In August, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) bolstered its growing reputation as a key player in the jihad against the Syrian regime, participating in the takeover of Minakh air base in Aleppo governorate, the offensive in the regime heartland of Latakia, and other operations. Similar to Jabhat al-Nusra (JN), the other al-Qaeda-aligned group currently fighting in Syria, ISIS has attempted to ingratiate itself to the local populace through dawa (missionary activities) and other social outreach. Whether or not this adaptation is sustainable remains to be seen, but up to this point, ISIS has kept itself in check and made progress on the ground.
Click here to read the rest.
Musings of an Iraqi Brasenostril on Jihad: The Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham’s Messages and Self-Presentation in Syria and Iraq
By Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi
Click here for a PDF version of this post
As the civil war in Syria continues to rage on, it is apparent that the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS) in Syria has enjoyed a degree of success that the group’s counterparts in Iraq have never been able to achieve. For example, ISIS controls a number of towns and villages in Syria, most notably on the border areas with Turkey, such as Jarabulus in Aleppo province and ad-Dana in Idlib. Further, even where ISIS is not the main faction in charge, the group has engaged in outreach to locals through providing social services that resemble what my colleague Phillip Smyth terms the mechanisms of a “proto-state.”
This phenomenon most notably encompasses the provision of food aid, with ISIS even having introduced a formal rationing system of basic necessities in some Aleppo suburbs. In the rural Aleppo town of Manbij, ISIS is currently attempting to gain a monopoly on the means of bread-production in the town, sparking a dispute with the local council.
Elsewhere, particularly in towns where ISIS is the dominant faction (dubbed “emirates”- such as the “Emirate of Jarabulus”), the group goes beyond provision of food to running schools for children. From Raqqa, ISIS recently released a video of Qur’an recitation classes for children in the mosques.
The consequence of this level of control is that in images and videos put out by ISIS, its supporters and sympathizers within Syria, the wider ideological agenda of the group is made much more apparent than within Iraq. Thus, below one can see a number of images from Syria circulated among pro-ISIS circles that openly affirm the goal of establishing a Caliphate, which should eventually encompass the entire world.





Video evidence paints a similar picture. Indeed, even when there was only Jabhat al-Nusra, in localities where the group has had a long-established presence, one could find rallies for a Caliphate, such as this video from the Idlib town of Binnish. In a similar vein, from the Aleppo area of Tariq al-Bab, which has a strong ISIS presence, one can find regular rallies for an Islamic state and/or Caliphate. For example, here is a rally from mid-July set to the nasheed ‘Labbayka Islam’– a well-known nasheed for the Caliphate also used in Hizb-ut-Tahrir circles.
Likewise, in one of ISIS’ da’wah meetings that have now become a familiar sight in the Aleppo suburbs, one of the ISIS muhajireen explains that they have come in order to establish an Islamic state in Arḍ ash-Sham as an extension to an Islamic state in Iraq that is currently fighting the Safavid government and army. In the Aleppo town of Manbij, which ISIS shares with some other battalions, a preacher for ISIS gave a lengthy sermon in the town’s grand mosque on the need for the establishment of a Caliphate, explaining it as an all-embracing system of economics, governance and justice, while denouncing rival concepts like democracy, a secular state and nationalism.
Arguably most significant are the official ISIS videos released by al-Furqān media, as part of two series entitled “Those who believe, emigrate and wage jihad” and “Messages from Arḍ al-Melāḥam [Syria].” From the first, we have the video of ISIS’ martyred French convert Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Faransi, who speaks in an interview of the need to fight jihad in Syria and restore the Caliphate. The second series is widely advertised on jihadi forums, as shown by the photo distributed below:

The fighter shown in Figure 6 is an interviewee in one of these videos. His accent most likely indicates origin in the Iraq-Syria border areas. Going by the nom de guerre of Abu Omar al-Anṣārī, he is said to have taken part in the ISIS-led assault on Mannagh airbase in rural Aleppo. He is also described in the video caption as the eldest fighter for ISIS, noting in the video that he is 75 years old.
Among his children, four ended up becoming mujahideen, and one of them was imprisoned in Iraq by the Americans. He says: “I came to jihad because jihad is farḍ al-ayn [a duty incumbent on all Muslims]…I hope for martyrdom with my children.” Expanding on ISIS’ wider vision, he explains:
“God, give victory to Islam, give victory to the mujahideen…over all the enemies of the mujahideen…God give the mujahideen victory in every place….in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Somalia, Mali, Iraq, Pakistan and in every place…My age and elderliness are not a problem…Fighting [jihad] will always be until the Day of Judgment…God willing, when we are victorious in this land [Bilad ash-Sham], =&7=&. =&8=&, =&9=&” (emphasis in bold).
The vision outlined is entirely consistent with what the al-Qa’ida leadership, fighters and supporters have stated on past occasions:
Richard Dawkins: Do you want Islam to take over the rest of the world?
Yousef al-Khattab: Of course I want it to, and it will.
(From an interview conducted by Richard Dawkins for the documentary “The Root of All Evil?” with Yousef al-Khattab, who would go on to found the pro-al-Qa’ida site
You’ll see that the Muslim war has just started…until Islam is spread throughout the whole world.
(Videotape of failed Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad, released by Umar Media and obtained by al-Arabiya).
Alright, i [sic] wont [sic] go into too much details about me [sic] fantasy, but basically they are jihad fantisies [sic]. I imagine how the great jihad will take place, how the muslims will win insha Allah and rule the whole world, and establish the greatest empire once again!!!
(From a 2005 forum posting by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who tried to bomb a flight en route to Detroit on Christmas Day 2009)
Or, as one Egyptian supporter of ISIS put it to me in response to the UK’s designation of the mujahideen as the greatest security threat from Syria: “I love it when the Fish & Chips Folks exaggerate. Their [the mujahideen’s] focus is on Bashar for now. Their [the British people’s] time will eventually come Far Future.”
In contrast, ISIS and its supporters within Iraq are not putting so much emphasis on transnational ambitions for a Caliphate. Instead, it is accurate to characterize ISIS’ current approach in Iraq as conveying an image of “protector of Sunnis” (as suggested by analyst Joel Wing of Musings on Iraq), playing on the fact that many Sunni Arabs undoubtedly perceive themselves to be a marginalized minority, or even a plurality/majority unjustly usurped of power. Despite the sharp rise in ISIS attacks and attendant violent deaths, the group still lacks the sort of power it enjoys in parts of Syria.
For example, here is a relevant excerpt from an ISIS statement on a series of bomb attacks carried out in Baghdad and other areas of Iraq at the end of last month: “The lions of the people of the Sunnah in Baghdad al-Aziz and the other provinces of the Islamic State unleashed a response to the recent crime which the Safavid government committed with the execution of a new cohort of prisoners of the Muslims of the people of the Sunnah in Iraq.” Similarly, in a statement released on 7 September, ISIS characterized its latest operations as a “response to the ongoing security campaigns of the Safavid army and police that have reached the Sunni belt areas of Baghdad.”
More locally, the Mosul branch of ISIS released a statement in response to the Maliki government’s launching of a new security offensive last month in the Jazira region of northwest Iraq, giving the “Rafidites” of Ninawa province three days to leave or face death, for “we are taking revenge for our brothers and our dignitas in the province of Diyala and the regions of Baghdad, on account of what the soldiers of Satan from the Majoos Persians and the Rafidites who hate the people of the Sunnah there.” Earlier that month [Figure 7], Mosul’s ISIS branch had released a statement justifying a suicide car-bomb operation against the Iraqi army in the Mosul area as a ‘defensive jihad,’ citing the familiar Qur’anic verse 22:39 in justification: “Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought because they have been wronged.”

The point is that ISIS in Iraq is increasingly trying to tap into local Sunni Arab grievances. For instance, the theme of alleged cleansing by the Maliki government against Sunnis in the Baghdad belt area has been a theme at Sunni protests in Diyala province. Likewise, allegations of executions of innocent detainees by the government have also featured as protest themes (e.g. see this protest rally in Fallujah held by the “Herak” protest movement last month).
Indeed, the “Herak”- arguably the biggest movement among the Sunni Arab protest groups- regularly features reports of mass arrests carried out by the security forces in Sunni areas. Thus, on 28 August, it released a report alleging a mass arrest against Sunnis in the town of Jurf al-Sakhar, southwest of Baghdad and in Babil province (where ISIS has also been active), later featuring a special report consisting of interviews with people who had been arrested in these operations.
Diyala is a region of particular interest. With a very mixed population of Sunnis, Shi’a (many of whom are demobilized Sadrist militiamen) and Kurds, it is prone to volatile sectarian tensions. Most notably, on jihadi forums, a message of support for ISIS and Sheikh Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has circulated purportedly from the Diyala town of Muqdadiyah, where over the past several months there have been allegations of encroachment by “sectarian militias,” as one Iraqiya MP from Diyala indicated in March of this year.
While there are no specific names from back then, it is clear that the allegations largely concern the actions of Shi’a Iranian proxy groups, particularly Aṣā’ib Ahl al-Haq (AAH), which has certainly tried to expand into Diyala. Indeed, recently Sunni protest Facebook pages featured a photo of a purported AAH funeral convoy in Muqdadiyah for fighters killed in Syria [Figure 8], and claimed this to be an indication of the group’s expansionist efforts in the town and the wider province.

As it turns out, the group in question is not AAH. I should also emphasize that this photo is not original to Sunni protest pages, and by no means am I necessarily the first to chance upon this image. See my colleague Phillip Smyth’s work on the actual group behind this photo, including a discussion from him of possible locations of this convoy. However, from my perspective of looking at ISIS’ projection of itself as protector of Iraq’s Sunnis, what matters more here is perception.
Just as pro-ISIS circles in Syria conflate the Syrian Kurdish PYD (traditional leftist with the PKK, so too will Sunni protest and pro-ISIS circles in Iraq be liable to conflate Iranian proxies. The point is, allegations of Shi’a Iranian proxy militia troublemaking have been brewing for quite some time in Muqdadiyah and the wider Diyala region, and that is something ISIS can play on to continue cultivating an image as protector of Iraq’s Sunnis.
All the above data does not mean that there is no overlap. In the case of Syria, there is no doubt that ISIS also appeals to people in Syria with messages of defending Sunnis (cf. Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Faransi’s testimony). However, now that ISIS has strongholds within Syria and is ever seeking to expand its territory beyond town emirates, the ISIS contingent in Syria is starting to advertise its true ideological vision- in line with al-Qa’ida’s central leadership of a Caliphate that should eventually take over the world- much more openly.
In Iraq, ISIS does not control towns, and is still seeking to build up its reputation after many years of being perceived as brutal and heavy-handed- indifferent to local concerns- in pursuit of the grand goal of a worldwide Caliphate. Thus, one will not find pro-ISIS circles within Iraq circulating images like that in Figure 2. That said, ISIS is clearly able to conduct most of its operations in the Anbar area and wider western Iraq at will [Figure 9]. Indeed, in the widely publicized video of ISIS’ execution of three Alawites on the Anbar highway, it is noteworthy, as Michael Knights points out, that the mujahideen were in no hurry with their stopping, questioning and killing of the three men, illustrating a severe deficiency in control on the part of the Iraqi security forces.

In terms of the future, I do not think in the long-run ISIS in Iraq can enjoy the level of success it has achieved in Syria despite the attempted shift in imagery and any growths in popularity it may enjoy, for the simple reason that Syria does not have the same dynamics of conflict as Iraq. Sunni Arabs are a demographic minority in Iraq, the government has well-established security forces (however incompetent), and there is the problem that ISIS is undoubtedly continuing to target Sunni Arabs it sees as government collaborators, including in Sunni areas where attacks are likely to cause ordinary Sunni civilian casualties (e.g. Anbar localities like Fallujah and Ramadi).
As for Syria, the overt emphasis on transnational goals may cause a degree of alienation among locals, but there is no evidence that ISIS in Syria has reverted to brutalization of the populace as happened in the Iraq War. Conversely, I do not see much of an expansion for ISIS beyond northern and eastern strongholds, but from an analytical point of view, the only way its influence could be substantially reduced is in the context of a post-Assad order whereby a large long-term international occupation force (at least a decade or so) is stationed to coordinate an anti-ISIS/Jabhat al-Nusra militia movement, not through vague policies of ‘arming moderates.’
Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi is a Shillman-Ginsburg Fellow at the Middle East Forum and a student at Brasenose College, Oxford University. Follow on Twitter: @ajaltamimi
New statement from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shām: "On the Battle of Revenge for Ahl al-Sunnah in Baghdād Belt"
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله ربِّ العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد، وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.. وبعد..
In continuation for the qualitative strikes that were begun by men of the Islamic State in imprisoned Baghdad in response to the persistent security campaigns of the Safavid army and police that affected regions of the Sunni Baghdad Belt.
The knights of Baghdad set out on Tuesday night 2013-09-03 in a night Ghazwah after hours of the Safavid government declaration of the new security plan which the media propagated to cover up the full collapse of the security system in Baghdad, when almost half million element of the Safavid police and army with all the intelligence agencies geared to support it were unable to stop the extension of the severe strikes that reached the most secure areas of Baghdad, despite of closing all the exits of the city and cutting most of the major and feeder roads and bridges that link its two sides, and spreading hundreds of stationary and mobile checkpoints, all that to preserve what is left from their dignity and disrupt the footsteps of the heavy feet the men of the Islamic State in Iraq and Al-Sham that began to reach the outskirts of the Green Zone day after day with the grace of Allah.
The operations included targeted that were accurately chosen deep in the Rafidi protectorates inside Baghdad, where the Rafida suffered hundreds of dead and wounded including a group from filthiest people who stepped on earth from the protectors and callers for the Safavid project in Iraq and the region, and the details and results of the operations will be published later after documenting it in the periodical statements Allah willing.
So Alhamdulillah for His success and guidance, and we Allah to accept the actions of our brothers who participated in this Ghazwah, and increase their reward which He promised His slaves, He is worthy of this plead and is able to bring this pass.
Allah Akbar
(and to Allah belongs the might and to His Messenger and to the believers, but the hypocrites do not know)
Ministry of information / Islamic State in Iraq and Al-Sham
Source: Al-Itisam Media
Date of publication: 1 Dhu Al-Qa’dah 1434 A.H. – 7 September
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله ربِّ العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد، وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.. وبعد..
فاستكمالاً لسلسلة الضربات النّوعيّة التي بدأها رجال الدّولة الإسلاميّة في بغداد الأسيرة ردّاً على الحملات الأمنيّة المتواصلة للجيش والشّرطة الصفويّة التي طالت مناطق حزام بغداد السنّي..
انطلق فوارس بغداد مساء يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 3/ 9/ 2013 في غزوة ليلية بعد سويعات من إعلان الحكومة الصفويّة خطّة أمنيّة جديدة طبّلت لها وسائلُ الإعلام لتغطّي على الانهيار الكامل للمنظومة الأمنيّة في بغداد؛ حيث عجز ما يقرب من نصف مليون عنصر من الجيش والشرطة الصفويّة مع كافة الأجهزة الاستخبارية المسخرة لدعمها عن إيقاف مدّ الضربات القاصمة التي طالت أكثر مناطق بغداد تحصيناً، رغم إغلاق كل منافذ المدينة وقطع معظم الطرق الرئيسية والفرعية والجسور الرابطة بين جانبيها ونشر المئات من نقاط التفتيش الثابتة والمتحركة، كلّ ذلك ليحفظوا ما تبقّى من ماء وجوههم ويشوّشوا على وقع خطوات أصحاب الأقدام الثقيلة رجال الدّولة الإسلاميّة في العراق والشّام التي بدأت تصل مشارف المنطقة الخضراء يوماً بعد يوم ولله الفضل والمنّة.
وشملت العمليات أهدافاً تم انتخابها بدقّة في عمق المحميّات الرافضية داخل بغداد، تكبّد فيها الروافض مئات القتلى والمُصابين بينهم ثلّة من أنجس من وطئ الحصى من حماة ودعاة المشروع الصّفوي في العراق والمنطقة، وسيتم نشر تفاصيل هذه العمليات ونتائجها بعد توثيقها بدقة في البيانات الدّورية التي ستنشر لاحقاً بإذن الله.
فالحمد لله على توفيقه وتسديده، ونسأل الله لإخواننا ممّن شارك في هذه الغزوة قبولَ العمل، وأن يجزل لهم الثواب الذي وعد به عباده، إنّه وليّ ذلك والقادر عليه.
والله أكبر
{وَلِلَّهِ الْعِزَّةُ وَلِرَسُولِهِ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَلَكِنَّ الْمُنَافِقِينَ لا يَعْلَمُونَ}
وزارة الإعلام – الدّولة الإسلاميّة في العراق والشّام
المصدر: مُؤسَّسةُ الاعتصام للإنتَاج الإعلامِي
تاريخ النشر: 1 ذو القعدة 1434 – 7 سبتمبر
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