Esteemed Brother Hassan Amir Abdullahian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran,
Distinguished Ministers, Scholars, and Participants of this significant gathering,
Assalamo Alaiku, (May peace be upon you all),
First and foremost, I express my gratitude to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran for providing me with the opportunity to share my perspective on this crucial and deeply distressing regional, Islamic, and humanitarian issue.
Dear colleagues,
We convene here today while, even as I speak, the youth of Gaza, the oppressed, are being killed, their mothers are enduring unimaginable suffering, and innocent children are losing their parents.
Today marks the 78th day of the ongoing massacre and genocide of the people of Gaza. Yet, the international community, which incessantly proclaims its commitment to human rights, values, justice, and freedom, remains mere spectators to these barbaric acts.
Regrettably, we find ourselves in an era rife with contradictions. While some nations impose sanctions on others for political reasons or purported violations of human rights, they remain silent regarding the crimes committed by a regime that has perpetrated the genocide of an entire nation. Humanity seems to have abandoned all principles and standards.
In the presence of numerous conventions on human rights and other humanitarian issues, we witness the loss of 20,000 lives in the past 78 days alone, with half of the victims being innocent women and children.
Esteemed attendees,
Can the international order born out of the aftermath of the Second World War truly address the needs of humanity in the 21st century with such glaring contradictions? Can we, in this age of heightened intellectual awareness, accept these double standards?
I do not believe that these dual and multiple attitudes will satisfy the awakened conscience of the present generation. We are in dire need of a new international order founded on justice and equality, an order that upholds all human rights without exceptions and prevents the politicization of these values.
We need an order that can bring peace, stability, and justice to our world.
Whether we acknowledge it or not, the human conscience cannot ignore these contradictions. The blatant permission granted to the Zionist regime to massacre Palestinians in Gaza is a clear example of this contradiction. Consequently, reforming the current international order becomes an imperative.
It is profoundly ironic that while Afghanistan, after four decades of foreign interference and wars, has made strides towards security and stability, it now faces international sanctions due to the political manipulation of human rights. How can we comprehend the logic behind these double standards?
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, separate from the Afghan society, not only managed to end the 20-year American occupation through the grace of Allah and the relentless struggle of its heroic mujahideen, but it also empathizes with the suffering of the Muslim nation of Palestine more than any other nation.
The Palestinian cause extends far beyond the Palestinian people; it is an Arab, Islamic, and humanitarian issue. Anyone who believes in justice, freedom, and human values cannot remain silent in the face of the ongoing atrocities committed by the Zionist regime.
Esteemed attendees,
As an inseparable part of the Islamic Ummah, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan firmly rejects the ongoing oppression by the Zionist regime and the occupation of Palestinian lands. We consider the struggle of the Palestinian people as a legitimate and lawful endeavor, rooted in religious texts and international law.
We urge the influential countries of the Islamic world to play an active role in putting an end to the killing of innocent Palestinians. The Islamic world must unite its voice in support of Palestine’s liberation, not allowing political considerations to hinder this noble initiative. I commend Iran’s current initiative in this regard.
However, it is essential for other regional nations to join hands so that we may collectively halt the genocide of the oppressed Palestinian nation. These efforts must persist until a permanent and equitable solution to the Palestinian issue is achieved, granting the Palestinians rightful ownership over their historical land of Palestine.
IEA stands ready to assist the Islamic world in this humanitarian and Islamic cause, in accordance with His will.
Once again, I extend my gratitude to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran for providing me with this platform to address you all.
Thank you sincerely for your kind attention.
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the beneficent
حامدا ومصلیا وبعد
First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to the governments of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan for hosting this meeting and inviting us on behalf of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan to take part in order to discuss and talk in-depth about the most recent political, security, and economic developments in our country.
Dear attendees,
Two years ago, on October 16, 2021, a delegation of the IEA participated in the Moscow format meeting at a time when the American and NATO occupation in Afghanistan and the administration dependent on them was toppled, and the new government of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan had just begun working. At that time, there were deep concerns and serious questions regarding the future governance, the revival of government institutions, especially the reactivation of the security sector ministries, the security situation and drugs.
We believed in the special help of Allah, the support of the people, and our firm determination that as soon as the occupation ends, we will lay the foundation stone of an independent, peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan. All praise belongs to Allah almighty as this task begun and efforts underway to strengthened it.
For the past two years, in this format and other formats, We gave satisfaction and promised that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, as a responsible government, will not allow any threat to the world, the region and especially to its neighbouring countries from the territory of Afghanistan, and this promise has been well implemented.
In the past two years, while rebuilding the political, security and economic foundations of our government, we have accelerated the fight against the insurgent groups trained in the shadow of the invaders and were able to destroy the hideouts of Daesh throughout the country in a very professional manner and thus we foiled the last attempt of a big conspiracy against the security of the entire region including Afghanistan.
Dear attendees,
In the past half a century, Afghanistan was faced with many political, security, economic, social and especially domestic legitimacy crisis, which caused many challenges; Scientific and practical experience showed that the main root of the crisis was the application of foreign versions, models and orders regarding the domestic problem, which ignored our geography, history, culture, religious and social values.
A valid example of our claim is the last two years of government, where we ended the war without any help or support, we centralized the government, we made the budget independent, we did not threaten anyone from the country. We have effectively fought against drugs, we have expanded job opportunities in the government and private sector, access to justice has been extended to every district and village, we have created facilities for trade, transit and investment, in different parts of the country. We have started a rehabilitation project and ensured transparency in the delivery of services to the deprived sections of the people.
In the last 20 years, the so-called all-inclusive regime did not achieve this despite hundreds of thousands of foreign and domestic soldiers, advanced weapons, extensive financial support and political support from the region and western countries, which is the main reason for the collapse. As a result of accepting the orders, a crisis of legitimacy was created for the people and the people were opposed to it.
Based on this, we have established a government that enjoys religious and national legitimacy along with good governance, taking into account the religion, history, culture and especially the immediate political realities of our people. I hope that the countries of the region and the world also put their stamp of approval on this fact, but in the last 45 years, no foreign version like undefined inclusiveness has solved the problems of Afghanistan.
We hope from all countries, especially our neighbors and the countries of the region, as we do not convoy direction to others regarding the form of governance, they should also instead of presenting prescriptions regarding the form of governance of Afghanistan start official work with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in every field so that the hands of the evil directions can be cut off as well as take part as per their resources and capacity to use this historic opportunity for the benefit of the stability and prosperity the Euro-Asia region, which forms nearly seventy percent of the world’s population, most of the wealth and a third of the energy.
Dear attendees,
In the end, I would like to reference a few important issues.
First: Now as the occupation of Afghanistan has ended, security has been restored and there is a strong political will, it is time to implement the regional connectivity project cantered on Afghanistan. Based on our economic oriented foreign policy, we are ready to provide all necessary facilities for regional connectivity be it in the form of transport or in the form of energy transfer.
After the new political developments, now more than ever the conditions are suitable for the implementation of the “North-South Trade Corridor”. We support the statements of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Mr. Mikhail Mishustin, who said that “Russia is ready to focus on the development of trade routes in the Euro-Asia region, including Afghanistan and South Asia.” It should also be important for the countries of the region to know how to protect their interests and take advantage of opportunities.
Second: Afghanistan has a strong potential for economic cooperation, trade and investment, and we have no discrimination in infrastructure projects, energy, mining, agriculture, communication lines, and especially the railway that connects the entire region through Afghanistan, we are ready to provide the necessary facilities.
Third: We are reiterating our preparations in the field of border cooperation with neighboring countries to prevent the movement of smugglers and other destructive elements. Countering these threats requires collective cooperation. We have made effective efforts in this area and we have fought to reduce drug cultivation and trafficking to zero; But in the field of smuggling, which requires bilateral cooperation, we need the cooperation of the respective countries.
Fourth: During the last two years, Afghanistan witnessed the beginning of extensive political and diplomatic interactions with many countries, especially with the countries of the region. In this regard, the countries of the region were very forward, thank you!
We call this a new chapter of diplomatic relations between Afghanistan and the region and the world. For example, the People’s Republic of China introduced an ambassador to the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan according to diplomatic formalities. We hope that this action of China will become a good example for other countries and our ambassadors will also accept it in order to provide effective engagement in view of mutual benefits.
Fifth: Tourists, diplomats, aid workers, journalists and researchers from different countries of the world come to Afghanistan with confidence and roam freely throughout the country.
Therefore, we once again announce that anyone who is worried about security or drugs from Afghanistan should go to Afghanistan instead of listening to the propaganda of selfish people and reacting to this selfish propaganda. They should come, sent delegations and see everything with their own eyes so that their worries are relieved and they are satisfied.
In the end, besides thanking the Russian Federation for this initiative, I once again call on the neighbors and the countries of the region that Afghanistan is ready to interact positively with all of them based on common legitimate interests, and we hope that all countries taking into account their national interests will use this opportunity.
Thank you for your attention and have a great time.
Honorable Foreign Ministers of Afghanistan’s neighboring and regional countries, please do accept my highest compliments.
Allow me to express my appreciation for this initiative taken by regional countries, and particularly Uzbekistan, for hosting this round of talks. I also extend my gratitude to countries that exerted efforts for our participation in this meeting.
This initiative expressly shows our joint commitment for the stability, security and economic prosperity of our own region. It indicates that we have a common future and must synergize our efforts to make full use of existing opportunities brought about by the prevalent stability and security, and tackle common threats in a responsible manner. Afghanistan stands ready for close and coordinated engagement with the region.
We are gathered here today as the pace towards multipolarity has accelerated. The Eurasian continents generally, and our region particularly, will play a key role in this new world order.
Afghanistan, located in an important geostrategic area between West, Central and South Asia, is currently blessed with a committed and responsive government. A stable and secure Afghanistan has the potential of playing a pivotal role in regional security, stability and economic connectivity.
However, decades of imposed wars had not only snatched great economic and commercial opportunities from Afghanistan but the region at large. We now have a window of opportunity to transform Afghanistan into a key economic and commercial partner.
Our expectation remains that regional countries will exert joint efforts to bring about conditions of stability and economic prosperity in Afghanistan so that it may assist Afghanistan in playing a constructive role. We, likewise, are ready to fulfill our obligations as a responsible government.
We, under no circumstance, will allow Afghanistan to turn into an arena for negative confrontations and illegitimate rivalries.
The recent positive developments in Afghanistan, such as the withdrawal of foreign forces, rise of a powerful central government, law and order, encompassing security, end of corruption, access to judiciary and justice, ban on narcotics cultivation and trade, and the overall positive resolve of the Afghan government have spawned new opportunities for close and meaningful cooperation between Afghanistan and the region.
The groundwork has been laid for Afghanistan to play its role in all regional connectivity projects such as Trans-Afghan Railway, TAPI, TAP, CASA-1000 and the Belt and Road Initiative.
Let us not overlook that there remain many challenges in our common pursuit requiring us to overcome impediments through joint efforts in order to make proper use of all opportunities for our common region. Afghanistan remains firmly committed to not allowing any group or individual to use the territory of Afghanistan against any regional state or beyond, or to engage in the cultivation and trade of narcotics in Afghanistan. This commitment is not only in words, rather we are practically engaged in serious security and stabilization efforts inside Afghanistan, and have discernable achievements to show.
Nearly two years since the establishment of the current government, no significant security incident has transpired where its roots take source from Afghanistan. We encapsulate Afghanistan’s interests in the framework of regional security, stability and economic connectivity, and this precise discourse can best guarantee the interests of our entire region.
On this basis, regional states must remain vigilant about not allowing their policy towards Afghanistan to fall prey to the negative propaganda and machinations of opposing powers. Rather, Afghanistan must be viewed from the lens of regional security, stability and economic connectivity, and through close observation of ground realities and positive engagement with its authorities. Positive and resolute political, security and economic regional cooperation can prove beneficial in securing both the interests of Afghanistan and the region.
Instability in Afghanistan is not in the interest of anyone as it can become a source for regional instability, narcotics boom, arms proliferation, illegal migration and other challenges.
To end, I again thank the Republic of Uzbekistan for hosting this important meeting. We hope that Afghanistan can represent itself in all future regional formats, initiatives and organizations so that we may jointly realize the full potential of the Asian Century.
Wishing you a great day!
Thank you very much.
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: The Islamic State’s Wilāyat Khurāsān — Response To Amīr Khān Muttaqī
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In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Honorable participants of Antalya Diplomatic Forum,
I would like to start off by thanking President of the Turkish Republic, His Excellency Regip Teyyep Erdogan, and my honorable brother, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Cavusoglu for bringing us all together through this initiative, the Antalya Diplomatic Forum.
The theme of this Forum ‘Recoding Diplomacy’ was truly striking for me, because despite the presence of thousands of diplomatic missions and hundreds of thousands of diplomats across the globe – the existence of wars and its detrimental effect on lives and livelihoods in multiple states, and the failure of diplomacy by countries and the world order in preventing and finding just resolutions to conflicts, along with the hand of negative diplomacy in igniting, escalating and broadening wars indicates that there exists a profound flaw in the current form of diplomacy, and there exists a genuine need to review the present methods and constructs of diplomacy.
This deep flaw in diplomacy can rightly be understood by a country like Afghanistan which has suffered from the detrimental effects of four decades of conflict.
We believe diplomacy should not be employed to legitimize wars, but to prevent outbreak of violence. It should not be a mere tool to promote the ideologies and interests of great powers, rather it should be utilized to protect the sovereignty, identity and legitimate interest of all countries without taking into account their military might. We believe that diplomacy should not only be a necessity for the weak, but also a requirement for great powers.
It was on this exact basis that in the year 2001 our late leader, Amir-ul-Mumineen Mullah Muhammad Umar Mujahid, proposed dialogue with America, but the then US administration was adamant about a military invasion. Armed struggle against an armed invasion was our duty and a necessity. But in spite of that, when the United States elected talks in 2010, interactions revived and sincere diplomacy was pursued, an agreement was struck on the 29th of February 2020 resulting in withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan and an assurance to the world that the territory of Afghanistan would not be used against others.
Honorable participants,
We continue to pursue the path of diplomacy and dialogue with all parties even after the developments of 15th of August 2021. We have announced an amnesty to all our political and military rivals and have implemented such in practice. We have maintained sincere engagement with all those countries that waged a war inside our country for twenty years.
Afghanistan seeks to turn a page on the past and move forward in tandem with the world on the basis of understanding, legitimate mutual interests and cooperation. As we again reassure all regional and world governments that the territory of Afghanistan will not be used to threaten international peace and security, we look forward to reciprocal treatment from other countries.
As a nation coming out of a four-decade conflict, we seek cooperation of world countries in building a politically stable and economically self-reliant Afghanistan, and we also seek their assistance in the unconditional release of Afghan central bank reserves and an end to all economic sanctions on Afghanistan.
In parallel to expressing our appreciation for humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan by friendly nations, we request world countries to extend development aid to Afghanistan to lay the foundations of a durable economy.
With comprehensive security, end of corruption and blessing of a committed government, Afghanistan stands ready to become the beacon of peace and a center for regional economic connectivity and prosperity through implementation of mega economic projects.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan, through diplomacy, will remain your partner in all positive actions and will accompany you in promoting loftier accepted diplomatic principles.
The first day of the meeting was set to meet with Afghan personalities and several civil society representatives, at the end of which a joint statement was issued by both sides rejecting any military action against the current government in Afghanistan and emphasizing resolving any issues through dialogue.
According to the agenda, the second and third days of the meeting were set to discussions on humanitarian and economic assistance, security issues and human rights in Afghanistan, women’s education and work – with special representatives from Norway, the United States, Britain, Germany, Qatar, Italy, France, and the European Union & the heads of several charity organizations to hold detailed discussions in the technical committees.
Serious and effective talks were also held with senior US Treasury officials on frozen assets, economic sanctions, humanitarian aid, and expediting economic activities to ease restrictions on banking transactions and the free flow of money.
Minister Muttaqi and the accompanying delegation provided detailed information and reasons to the representatives of various countries and institutions regarding the achievements of the last five months, new policies, laws, and plans.
Members of the European Union, the British and American delegations, and representatives of charity organizations praised the Afghan government’s progress in security, the fight against corruption, education, and other areas, and expressed hope for further progress.
Concerns about human rights and women’s rights and several other issues were shared at the meeting, where IEA officials and the accompanying delegation provided conclusive explanations, stressing that the Government of Afghanistan is committed to implementing the amnesty decree and administering justice as well as fully adheres to and cooperates with all international law within the framework of Islam and Afghan values.
It is worth mentioning that in the last part of these meetings, special meetings were held with representatives of different countries to discuss the expedited and increased humanitarian and economic aid and the establishment of political relations with Afghanistan.
As a result of this meeting, the Afghan Government was able to present its policies, achievements, and plans for the future in direct response to the concerns of the world and resolve many misunderstandings.
The Afghan Government expresses gratitude to the Kingdom of Norway for its warm hospitality, facilitation of confidence-building, expediting humanitarian and economic assistance to Afghans, the release of frozen assets, lifting banking and economic sanctions, attracting new aid, and confidence-building for political relations with the US and EU.
All parties at the Oslo meeting stressed the need for the continuation of such meetings, the establishment of a mechanism for humanitarian and economic assistance to Afghanistan, and close cooperation to address the problems.
In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
Praise be to Allah, and prayers and peace be upon the best of His creation, Muhammad, and his family and his companions.
So let them serve the Lord of this House. Who feeds them and gives them security against fear [Al-Quraish: 3-4]
Honorable Prime Minister of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, venerable Deputy Prime Ministers, esteemed members of the Cabinet, representatives of world countries, academics, experts and all those present!
May Peace, Mercy and Blessing of Allah be upon you all
I am overjoyed that following positive developments in Afghanistan, we are able to convene such a high-level economic conference for the very first time.
To begin, I would like to express my gratitude to the Prime Minister for calling this meeting and to the Finance Minister and his team for preparing this vital conference.
Over the last five months since the new government came to power in Afghanistan, entire focus of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been centered around opening a new chapter of relations between Afghanistan and its neighboring, regional and world countries.
It was the need of hour that we present a real picture of Afghanistan and the Islamic Emirate to the international community following a two-decade propaganda war against us. Over the course of this period, we managed to hold meetings with foreign ministers and senior officials of neighboring, regional and world countries, as well as to travel to different states. Moreover, we also held the honor of hosting representatives and dignitaries of various countries and international organizations right here in Kabul.
These meetings and travels resulted in the opening of a new chapter of relations between Afghanistan and the world, clarifying to all that Afghanistan is now the owner of a responsible and committed political actor that believes in mutual respect and mutual interests. We were able to reduce negative perception about Afghanistan in our meetings, and build mutual trust and confidence.
Esteemed participants,
Economy has a distinct and key role in our new foreign policy. We believe in a neutral, balanced and economic-centric foreign policy. We are witnessing geo-political approaches being replaced by geo-economic approaches on regional and international stages. We believe that an economic-centric foreign policy has the potential of isolating conflict and bringing governments closer on the basis of mutual interests.
Objective of an economic-centric foreign policy is to both establish relations with the world based on mutual economic interests, and to transform Afghanistan into a hub of regional economic connectivity. We invite leading international governments and investment companies to invest in various sectors of Afghanistan. Moreover, with security taking hold in Afghanistan and with the advent of a responsible and corruption-free government, an opportunity has presented itself for us to play a pivotal role in regional economic connectivity. The time is nigh to turn this ambition to reality. Afghanistan from now onwards shall serve as an arena of cooperation, as opposed to competition, between governments.
With unremitting efforts, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan are now connected with South-Asia via Afghanistan and Afghanistan is now regularly being utilized as a short transit route between these countries.
Another trilateral Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan transit agreement is also under works and all shall witness its materialization very soon. Our pursuit of becoming a transport transit center shall not end here, rather negotiations are underway to connect Russia, Kazakhstan and ultimately entire Central-Asia with South and South-West Asia. This shall on the one hand become a source of uninterrupted revenue for Afghanistan, and on the other, bind stability in Afghanistan with the economic interests of the region.
Another key agenda of our foreign policy was attracting emergency humanitarian assistance, salvaging banking and monetary systems, and business growth regarding which we held consecutive technical meetings with related departments of various countries in our foreign travels and inside the country.
Attracting humanitarian assistance and working on changing international mindset to delink economic and humanitarian assistance from politics, easing sanctions on banking and financial systems and reaching agreements with neighboring and regional countries about increasing Afghan exports are elements that demonstrate our economic-centric policy.
Honorable participants,
We must not forget that the two-decade regime, endemic corruption, neglect of basic infrastructure and imposed wars resulted in our people facing a humanitarian catastrophe. Availing this opportunity, I would like to wholeheartedly thank all those countries and relief organizations that have extended humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable in our hour of need.
I, however, must add that humanitarian assistance may address short-term problems, but for Afghans to stand on their own feet and not become a burden for others or be forced to migrate from their homeland, we must pave the way for implementation of major economic projects in order to attain national self-sufficiency.
The Afghan government will exert its best efforts towards creating an even more secure environment for foreign and domestic donors and investors in investment and basic infrastructure projects. To end, I again avail this opportunity to call on the United States of America to unfreeze the assets of Afghanistan’s Central Bank and to remove all impediments for relief organizations and Afghans in money transfers to Afghanistan. We hope that world countries will also raise their voices for this pure human issue.
May Allah make this conference a source of economic progress for our beloved homeland.
Thank you for your attention!
May your remaining time be blessed.
English translation:
To the organizers of today’s meeting, my fellow Afghan brothers and sisters in America, representatives of international organizations, honorable academics and political figures, and members of the media!
May Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon you all!
I am glad to be addressing you all at a meeting convened in America for the very first time as peace and stability have also returned to Afghanistan for the first time after four decades, and the entire country is under the shade of a unitary government. The historic agreement signed between us and the United States in February 2020 resulted in all foreign forces exiting Afghanistan and a great positive development unfolding. The time has come to not repeat failed experiments and to give Afghanistan a chance, as a responsible side, to play a positive role towards world stability, economic growth and a better future.
Honorable participants!
Afghanistan passed a key and historic milestone in August last year. This development, contrary to many analysis and assessments, transpired in a very peaceful manner without any bloodshed, looting or destruction. This itself demonstrates that the recent developments had public support and legitimacy. The Islamic Emirate entered Kabul with a message of national unity and opened its arms of peace and brotherhood to its past political and even military rivals. It would be rare to find such civilized, humane and Islamic conduct in history.
We sought to enter Kabul city through dialogue and understanding, but as the head and security organs of the previous administration chose to run away and a power vacuum gripped Kabul, public figures and residents of Kabul requested our forces to enter the city and establish security. The Emirate had no plans of killing or detaining anyone upon entering Kabul, and our former opposition are still living a dignified life under the shade of the Emirate.
The Doha agreement is a good framework for relations between Afghanistan and the world, specifically with the United States of America. We believe that the complete implementation of the Doha agreement can remove existing impediments in relations between us and the United States of America along with its allies, therefore, it is needed that all sides remain committed to contents of the Doha agreement.
Esteemed participants!
Afghanistan has been a victim of foreign interventions, invasions, civil wars and a host of other tragedies since the year 1978. We want to open a new political chapter of good governance internally and relations with the region and the world. Foreign policy of the new government is positive, balanced and economic-centric. We seek positive and constructive relations with our neighbors, region and the world. We want positive interaction based on mutual respect with all nations so not to become a casualty of conflict of interests of great powers nor be a part of any hostilities. We similarly want to be the crossroads of Asia by transforming our country into a hub of prosperity and cooperation for our nation, region and the world through connectivity and transit. We will not allow anyone to use the territory of Afghanistan to the harm others and will also not allow others to interfere in our internal affairs. We respect the legitimate interests and demands of other nations and in return, we expect similar treatment from others.
The new government does not want its citizens specifically its educated and professional cadre to be encouraged or forced to migrate to Europe. Such is not in the interest of anyone and neither do we want Europe to be burdened with our refugees. Afghans should have a good life in their own homeland Afghanistan.
Dear attendees!
Diversity of thought, ideologies, ethnicities and languages around the world is a reality, and these realities must be acknowledged.
Afghanistan as a state and Afghans as a nation have differences and commonality with other world nations. Just as we are able to understand the differences of others, we expect that differences of Afghanistan also be discerned. Impositions of distinct foreign ideologies and political models on Afghanistan have not yielded results. Afghans currently have an opportunity to create a political structure in line with its national and religious values such that it is accountable both domestically and also carries out its international obligations in a proper manner.
Cabinet of the new government of Afghanistan is composed of qualified individuals from various regions and ethnicities of the country, however this process has not halted, rather reforms are underway on a cabinet level and in other areas, and you are witnessing them.
Moreover, we have five hundred thousand civil servants working in our government that also served with the previous administration. We have not fired former workers from their jobs, rather have paid them their salaries and utilized their capabilities without prejudice, and have given all Afghans, especially the youth, positions in the political composition and will continue to provide them with more opportunities.
Respected colleagues!
Corruption and strongmen have been severely curtailed in Afghanistan. Administrative corruption, usurpation, personal use of national resources and islands of power have been eliminated.
The new government exercising power over the whole country – that has secured Afghanistan’s geography and territorial integrity, established security, formed a responsible government and does not pose a threat to any world country – and as a ruling system reserves the right that world interacts with it formally. All must understand that political isolation of Afghanistan is not in the interest of anyone. Hence, all bear a responsibility to assist the existing stability and to strengthen it with political and economic support so that Afghans can stand on their own feet and bring this unending tale of violence and migration to an end, and not that to freeze the assets of Afghanistan or place sanctions on its banking and private sector.
To end, I thank you for convening this successful meeting about Afghanistan. Your efforts demonstrate that you harbor genuine love and sincerity for your homeland. The new Afghan government will support your sincere efforts and if humanitarian assistance is announced, we stand ready to facilitate its delivery and transparency. I again thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate and deliver a speech in this meeting.
My final request is to not look at Afghanistan from the lens of others, but to better understand the ground situation with first-hand information. Governance here is infinitely better than what the opposition and some media are trying to suggest. My expectation from faithful and just Afghans as well as cognizant fellow humans is to help us present an accurate picture of Afghanistan to the world.
Thank you.
May your remaining time be blessed.
الحمد لله والصلاة السلام علی خیر خلقه محمد وعلی آله واصحابه اجمعین.
اما بعد:
((وَاعْتَصِمُوا بِحَبْلِ اللَّهِ جَمِيعًا وَلَا تَفَرَّقُوا)) صدق الله العظيم
Mr. Hussain Ibrahim Taha the Secretary-General of OIC, Prince Faisal bin Farhan Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia, Mr. Shah Mahmood Qureishi Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and members of the OIC,
May Peace, Mercy and Blessing of Allah be upon you all!
Before anything else I extend by gratitude, as a representative of the people of Afghanistan, to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Secretary-General of the OIC for convening this important meeting in such extraordinary circumstances.
As Afghanistan, from a historic perspective, is one of the founding members of OIC, we are also presently seeking to remain an active member of this organization. We remain a unified body and none can wedge a divide amongst us.
– We stand ready, as a member of a single family, to listen to and accept all requests, concerns and advice of Islamic countries in relation to Afghanistan that can lead towards a proper and just roadmap and direct us out of the current crisis. We thank Islamic countries for their empathy in this regard.
We, as a representative and responsible government of the Afghan people, consider human rights, women rights and participation by all capable Afghans from various regions our duty. We have done much in this regard and will continue to take further steps.
Recently a very effective decree was announced by the leader of the Islamic Emirate about the rights of women which shall prove instrumental in giving them their rights.
But we must regretfully say that we continue to be targets of partisan propaganda by a number of media outlets whereby the present picture of Afghanistan is displayed in a distorted manner to the world. And this despite peace prevailing throughout Afghanistan after the 15th of August and none facing danger to their lives due to political or other factors. After forty years of instability and war, every Afghan currently has an opportunity to reside in their homeland without fear or threats.
– It is the first time ever that Afghan detention centers are not holding any political prisoners.
– All government departments have resumed operations in a very short period and are providing needed services.
– Five hundred thousand civil servants from the former regime are continuing to work in the various departments of the Islamic Emirate and none are treated in a discriminatory or vindictive manner.
– People from all ethnicities, regions and faiths see themselves reflected in the current government and we remain committed to broadening by providing favorable opportunity of participation for professionals from all ethnicities and faiths.
– Corruption and strongmen have been restrained, administrative corruption, usurpation, personal use of national resources and islands of power have been eliminated. Afghanistan, following many decades, finally has a government that is united and controls all territory.
The new government exercising control over the entire country – that has secured its geography and territorial integrity, established security, does not pose a threat to any world country and as a ruling system – reserves the right to have formal relations with the world and be a responsible member of the wider international community.
– We assure the entire world and specifically Islamic countries that the territory of Afghanistan will not be used against anyone and we shall work in tandem to combat the cultivation and trafficking of narcotics.
All must acknowledge that political isolation of Afghanistan is not beneficial for anyone, therefore it is imperative that all support the prevailing stability and back it both politically and economically.
– Afghanistan presently is a very secure country from a security perspective. We are hopeful that work on regional projects is expedited and half-done projects financed by world countries completed.
– Currently there exists a great opportunity for foreign investment. We call on the international investors and specifically those from Islamic countries to begin investments in Afghanistan. We from our side assure them about providing all necessary facilities. As a result of the prevalent security, Afghanistan can now transform into a hub of regional economic connectivity.
At a time when our people have been devastated by wars, drought, the covid-19 pandemic and poverty, as billions of our dollar reserves have been frozen, and the suspension of development and assistance projects by the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Asian Development Bank and other institutes have led to health, education and social services teetering on the brink, all of this has only harmed the general public.
– All these elements need urgent resolutions and we remain hopeful about jointly addressing them with the assistance of Islamic countries and international humanitarian organizations. We need urgent assistance in the short term and our compatriots need liquidity more than items in order to retain the value of Afghani currency and to address their principle needs. Fortunately, Afghanistan now has a responsible, non-corrupt and committed government that shall safeguard Afghans from difficulties moving forward. As the developments are nascent and we face unjust sanctions, our people are in dire need of your support.
– We welcome the return of diplomats from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to Kabul.
– The sanctions on Afghanistan and freezing of assets by the United States of America is harming the Afghans, is a clear violation of the human rights of Afghans, and can be interpreted as enmity with an entire nation.
We urge participants of this great gathering to remind US officials that persecution of Afghans and weakening of the Afghan government is not in the interest of anyone. This is not conducive to improving ties. Such actions harm American prestige and exacerbate the refugee crisis, the detrimental effects of which will not spare the wider world.
– We call on members of the OIC that have deferred reopening their embassies in Kabul to reopen their missions, and we shall welcome them as a friend nation.
– To end I again recall and reassure nations of the Islamic world that Afghanistan now has a responsible and committed government. This government, as a representative and legal authority of Afghanistan, has the capability of interacting politically and responsibly with other nations in official capacity.
Thank you for your attention.
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۲۸/۹/۱۴۰۰هـ ش ــ 2021/12/۱۹م