Two new Fatāwā from Minbar at-Tawḥīd wa-l-Jihād

Two new Fatāwā from Minbar at-Tawḥīd wa-l-Jihād

Minbar at-Tawḥīd wa-l-Jihād presents a new Fatwā from Abū Hamām Bakr Bin 'Abd al- 'Azīz al-'Atharī: "Is It Permissible For The Captivity of Kuffār Women In This Age?"

Minbar at-Tawḥīd wa-l-Jihād presents a new Fatwā from Shaykh Abū al-Mundhir al-Shinqīṭī: "What Is the Ruling On Participating in the People's Assembly In the Pretext of Not Letting the Secularists Take Over?"

NOTE: For great analysis of the below fatwā check out Will McCants’ post at Jihadica.

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Shaykh Abū al-Mundhir al-Shinqīṭī- “What Is the Ruling On Participating in the People’s Assembly In the Pretext of Not Letting the Secularists Take Over?”

Three new Fatāwā from Minbar at-Tawḥīd wa-l-Jihād