New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Dhabīḥ Allah Mujāhid: “Reaction Regarding the Report By the U.S. Defense Department”


The US Department of Defense in its report to the congress stated that according to reports of other organizations, members of Al Qaeda organization continued to support the Islamic Emirate in attacks and other such allegations.

The Islamic Emirate strongly rejects this report and considers such remarks a campaign promoting specific and malicious objectives.

Our Mujahideen are strong enough to combat the enemy and are not in need of support from any foreign side or organization.

Such provocative reports only serve to make Afghans even more skeptical about US intentions for peace.

American officials, politicians and astute parties must not fall into the trap of baseless allegations and not become victims of false reports and information pushed by some warmongering circles present within the American military apparatus.

The Islamic Emirate has committed itself in the Doha agreement to preventing harm to the United States and its allies from Afghan soil.

We remain committed to the aforementioned agreement and have so far implemented and will continue to honor our part of the agreement.

Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Zabihullah Mujahid

01/01/1442 Hijri Lunar

30/05/1399 Hijri Solar               20/08/2020 Gregorian


New release from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Dhabīḥ Allah Mujāhid: “Remarks Concerning the Completion of the First Phase (135 Days) Since Signing of the Agreement”


As 135-days since signing of the Doha agreement between the United States of America and Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan come to a close, we would like to communicate the following points:

– It is a welcome and positive step that the United States and its foreign allies have reduced the number of their forces and vacated five bases in accordance with their commitments under the agreement.

– The delay in the completion of the first condition of the agreement – the prisoner release process – in this period is very unfortunate due to it becoming a cause for the delay of intra-Afghan negotiations and comprehensive peace. There should currently have been even more prisoners released alongside the provided list.

– The issue of blacklisting of the leaders of the Islamic Emirate remaining unresolved is also a cause for concern that must be given serious consideration and practical steps taken.

– No attacks have been recorded against foreign forces by the Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate following the agreement which shows that the Islamic Emirate is committed to the contents of the agreement.

– It is unfortunate that although there is an explicit provision in the agreement that halts all types of military movements outside active combat zones, the American forces and their internal supporters over the course of these 135 days have frequently carried out bombings in non-combat zones, offensive operations by the Kabul administration forces have been supported and Kabul administration aircrafts have been flown by American pilots to carry out airstrikes against civilians, Mujahideen and public infrastructure.

In just the past ten days, the Americans and their internal supporters have repeatedly carried out drone strikes and bombings in Logar, Badghis, Maidan Wardak, Ghani, Zabul, Uruzgan, Helmand and Kandahar and carried out two raids. These all are blatant violations of the agreement and a deliberate attempt at provoking the Mujahideen towards large-scale attacks. The Islamic Emirate condemns all these attacks and demands its immediate suspension.

– Yesterday’s attack in Samangan and similar escalation of violence in other areas are a reaction to the launch of operations by the Kabul administration, ruthless attacks on civilians like in Sangin district of Helmand and the violations committed by the American forces. These cannot be classified as actions but as reactions.

– The Islamic Emirate again calls on America and related sides that the swift and complete implementation of the Doha agreement is in the interest of everyone. This opportunity must sincerity be taken advantage of, the process not obstructed nor delayed and the situation stopped from spiraling towards further mistrust, peril and problems.

The American side must not afford a very small specific circle an opportunity to muddy water and catch fish, rather the interest, views and demands of the entire nation must be respected.

Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Zabihullah Mujahid

23/11/1441 Hijri Lunar

24/04/1399 Hijri Solar                   14/07/2020 Gregorian


New release from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: “Mullā Barādar Akhūnd Met With U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo”


Late yesterday afternoon, the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accompanied by his delegation held a lengthy meeting with the Political Deputy of the Islamic Emirate Mullah Baradar Akhund accompanied by his delegation.

The meeting which took place in the capital of Qatar, Doha, centered around the implementation of the US-IEA agreement and the swift release of prisoners.

Both the Political Deputy of Islamic Emirate Mullah Baradar Akhund and the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stressed that the rigid implementation of the agreement will pave the way for intra-Afghan negotiations along with enduring peace and ceasefire including a future Islamic government in accordance with the agreement.

The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave assurances that the US forces withdrawal will continue in accordance with the declared timetable.

Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Zabihullah Mujahid

29/07/1441 Hijri Lunar

05/01/1399 Hijri Solar                   24/03/2020 Gregorian


New statement from al-Qā’idah’s General Command: “Indeed, We Have Given You, [Oh Muhammad], A Clear Conquest”

The title of this release is Qur’anic verse 48:1.

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah’s General Command — Indeed, We Have Given You, [Oh Muhammad], A Clear Conquest


Source: RocketChat

To inquire about a translation for this release for a fee email: [email protected]

New release from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Dhabīḥ Allah Mujāhid: “U.S. President Donald Trump Holds Phone Conversation With Mullā ‘Abd al-Ghanī Barādar”


At around 05:40 pm Qatari time, the President of the United States of America held a 35 minute phone conversation with the Political Deputy and Chief of Political Office of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, the respected Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar.

In the presence of a number of members of the negotiation team and Dr. Zalmay Khalilzad, Mullah Baradar welcomed the first contact of the US President and added:

I, as the representative of the Islamic Emirate and the Afghan people, want to assure you that if the United States honors the agreement concluded with us then we will have positive future bilateral relations.

Mullah Baradar said:

Mr. President!

Take determined actions in regards to the withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan and do not allow anyone to take actions that violate the terms of the agreement thus embroiling you even further in this prolonged war.

Mullah Baradar further said that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is a strong political and military force that aims and has the potential of maintaining positive bilateral relations with you and other world countries.

Mullah Sahib said that national sovereignty and establishing a government of our own choosing in our homeland is the legitimate right of Afghans therefore terms of the agreement must immediately be implemented, comprehensive peace established and the Afghan people given their basic rights.

The Political Deputy of the Islamic Emirate said:

It befits a developed country like the United States to give complete rehabilitation assistance to a war-torn Afghanistan and this is an appropriate actions that shall positively effect the status of the United States.

The President of the United States Donal Trump said:

It is a pleasure to talk to you. You are a tough people and have a great country and I understand that you are fighting for your homeland. We have been there for 19 years and that is a very long time and withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan now is in the interest of everyone.

President Trump added:

My Secretary of State shall soon talk with Ashraf Ghani in order to remove all hurdles facing the intra-Afghan negotiations.

He said that we shall take complete part in the future rehabilitation of Afghanistan.

Extensive discussions were also held about the implementation of the agreement concluded by both sides.

Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Zabihullah Mujahid

08/07/1441 Hijri Lunar

13/12/1398 Hijri Solar               03/03/2020 Gregorian


New release from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: “Transcript of the Speech By the Political Deputy To Participants at the Ceremony of the Termination of the Occupation Agreement With the U.S.”


In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

We praise Him and send blessings upon His benevolent Messenger

I welcome and thank all the honorable dignitaries and guests who are participating in this historical event related to our country.

The successful negotiations and an agreement between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the United States of America is a positive step in the interest of the Afghan Mujahid nation and the world and I congratulate everyone upon it.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is committed to honoring the agreement reached with the United States, and as a strong military and political force, seeks positive relations with its neighbors, regional countries and the world while playing a constructive regional and international role.

The people of Afghanistan have suffered tremendously over the past four decades. I am hopeful that following the exit of all foreign forces from Afghanistan, the Afghan nation will breath a sigh of relief and begin a prosperous life under the shade of an Islamic government as everyone focuses on the national unity and development of our homeland. Therefore, I call upon all Afghan sides to come to the negotiation table in good faith for a sovereign and strong Islamic government and to collectively gather around our Islamic values and national interests.

To end, I thank the honorable Emir of the state of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, its Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Mohammad bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani alongside other Qatari officials who aided, facilitated and exerted efforts in the lengthy negotiation procedure of the peace process. I also thank the state of Pakistan for their undertakings and efforts regarding peace alongside help provided towards the peace process by China, Uzbekistan, Iran, Russia, Indonesia, Norway and the numerous other countries. I hope that all will partake in the rehabilitation of Afghanistan.


New video message from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: “Interview with the Deputy Minister of the Islamic Cultural Commission (Mawlāwī Aḥmad Allah Wathīq) On the Occasion of the End of the Occupation Agreement in Doha, Qatar”

New statement from Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn: “American Massacres in Somalia”

New release from Shaykh Abū Muḥammad al-Maqdisī: “Take From the Ṭālibān the Straightforward Lesson”

بغض النظر عن تحفظاتي وموقفي من تصريحات الطالبان الجديدة؛ وشكر أميرها لقطر والإمارات والصين وو إلخ
فلهذا موضعه إن شاء الله

لكن هناك درس مهم يجب أن نسجّله هنا؛ولا نُفَوّته ؛فهو مهم للفصائل المنبطحة؛والجماعات المنقلبة على نفسها؛والمنخلعة من جذورها ؛ والحركات الساعية لإرضاء الغرب وخطب ود أمريكا ومغازلة المجتمع الدولي!

طالبان كانت حتى صباح اليوم مصنّفة عند أمريكا والعالم كله كحركة إرهابية!
فما الذي جعل أمريكا تعترف بها وتجلس معها على طاولة الحوار لتوقع معها اتفاقية؛ تنسحب بموجبها من أفغانستان؟!

‏قطعا ليس السبب تمسّح الطالبان بالديمقراطية ؛فلم نسمع ذلك منها حتى الآن!
ولا هو إعلانها بقبول ما سيختاره الشعب من نوع الحكم والحاكم حتى ولو كان شيوعيا!
‏ولا هو تبرّيها من تحكيم الشريعة إرضاءً للعالم الكافر بالشريعة!
ولا حتى تغييرها لمسمى الإمارة الإسلامية
ولا تخلي ممثليها عن عمائمهم ولحاهم

إن السبب الوحيد الذي أرغم أمريكا على التفاوض مع من تُصنفهم كإرهابيين؛هو إرادة القتال التي لم تنكسر عندهم على مدى ١٩عاما

فالحل ليس في الديمقراطية؛ولا في صناديق الإقتراع!
بل في الجهاد وصناديق الرصاص

خذوا من الطالبان هذا الدرس الصريح؛
ودعوا عنكم الرغوة إن كنتم طلاب حق وشريعة


To inquire about a translation for this release for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Shaykh Hībat Allah Akhūnd Zādah: “Regarding the Termination of the Occupation Agreement With the United States”

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate

Allah is the Greatest, praise be to Allah in abundance, and glory be to Allah at the beginning and end of day.

Praise be to Allah, He fulfilled His promise, Helped His slave, Strengthened His forces and He alone defeated the Ahzab (confederates). And peace and blessings be upon the one whom has no prophet after him and, on his descendants and companions who spread his religion:

On the 7th of October 2001 after the allied forces led by America transgressed against our homeland, the Islamic Emirate representing the Afghan nation, with the Divine Help of Allah (SwT), finally reached an agreement about the termination of occupation of Afghanistan following nearly nineteen years of Jihad and struggle.

This victory is the collective victory of the entire Muslim and Mujahid nation – of our fellow brothers and sisters who presented monumental and extraordinary sacrifices of life and wealth for nearly two decades.
The accord about the complete withdrawal of all foreign forces from Afghanistan and never intervening in its affairs in the future is undoubtedly a great achievement.

The Islamic Emirate extends its heartfelt felicitation to all strata of society specifically to the Mujahideen, the families of martyrs, the imprisoned, wounded, maimed, displaced and the nation as a whole on the occasion of this tremendous accomplishment and considers this great victory a product of Divine Help of Allah, the heroics of Mujahideen and the sincerity, efforts, struggles and sacrifices of its nation.

Following this great achievement, I wish to turn the attention of Mujahideen and the entire nation to these points concerning the forthcoming state of affairs:

– This accord with the United States about the termination of occupation that shall deliver our people from subjugation is a significant milestone and a special Beneficence, Help and Reward from Allah (SwT). Therefore, we must not label this accomplishment the work of a particular individual or group but consider it a Reward from Allah and the product of the sacrifices of the entire Mujahid nation.

– The agreement between the Islamic Emirate and United States drafted in compliance with Islamic principles and conforming with International standards is a pledge that must be honored by all Mujahideen and Afghans. No official or individual of the Islamic Emirate nor anyone from the general public must violate these terms and everyone must deem it an obligation because Islam does not have any room for treachery and deceit and classifies such an act a great sin. However, if the other party does oppose or violate the agreement then the entire nation must maintain robust defense capabilities.

– The believing Afghan nation specifically the Mujahideen must thank Allah (SwT) for the achievements gained and must commit themselves even further to Taqwa (fear of Allah), truthfulness and sincerity while strictly refraining from arrogance, pride, superiority and meritorious behavior because such things are in conflict with the spirit of Jihad and victory.

– Successful negotiations with the United States prove that solutions can be found for all seemingly complex issues. The success of these negotiations relays a message from the Islamic Emirate to all internal actors that we are ready for a rational and just solution. Come, let us find a solution to our problems in light of the religious and national values of our people and let the Kabul administration end its opposition towards this nation.

– The Islamic Emirate believes in maintaining positive bilateral relations with the world and especially with the regional countries and is committed to the principle of good neighborly relations with its neighbors.

– We assure our oppressed people that all male and female compatriots shall be given their due rights under the shade of a just and true Islamic government.

– Anyone who partook in hostilities against the Islamic Emirate or anyone with reservations about the Islamic Emirate is forgiven and pardoned for all past actions and we seek for them Islamic brotherhood, national unity and a prosperous life.

– The Islamic Emirate shall work towards providing quality (religious and scientific) education, employment, trade opportunities, development and growth in all public sectors because this is the basic right of all Afghans and a fundamental need for our national progress, prosperity and wellbeing.

– The Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate must further solidify, organize and bolster their ranks so that they can attain their objective of establishing an Islamic government and bringing prosperity to their fellow brethren following the end of occupation while simultaneously preventing future unfortunate events, protecting Islamic government, maintaining combat readiness against all potential threats to peace and security and being at the service of people.

– The Islamic Emirate calls on the all strata of our faithful nation – the noble scholars, tribal elders, spiritual leaders, intellectuals, teachers, students and the general public to preserve their unity and cooperation in finding solutions to our domestic issues just as they worked diligently with their Mujahideen brothers in ending the occupation so that this phase also attains success and Afghanistan is blessed with peace and a just Islamic government.

– To end, I express my gratitude to the state of Qatar and its honorable Emir – Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani – for facilitating these negotiations and earnestly aiding this process. I also thank and extend best wishes to the states of Pakistan, Uzbekistan, China, Iran, Russia, Indonesia, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, United Arab Emirates and all others that helped in this process.

Leader of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Amir-ul-Mumineen Sheikh-ul-Hadith Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada

05/07/1441 Hijri Lunar

10/12/1398 Hijri Solar               29/02/2020 Gregorian
