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Source: Telegram
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Recently, various media outlets have quoted well-known addresses that the United States wants to stay in our neighbourhood after withdrawing from Afghanistan in order to carry out operations in our country.
Due to the sensitivity of the issue, the Islamic Emirate wants to clarify its position in advance and share it with all.
Foreign forces are the root cause of insecurity and war in the region and the greatest tragedy is that everyone has witnessed in the last twenty years, especially our afflicted people who have suffered and continue to suffer more than anyone else.
We urge neighboring countries not to allow and grant anyone such a concession.
God forbid, if such a step is taken once again, it will be a great historic mistake and disgrace that shall forever be inscribed as a dark stain in history.
The Muslim and Mujahid nation of Afghanistan will not remain silent before such heinous and provocative acts. Rather, it will fulfill its religious and historical responsibilities in the same way as it has performed throughout history.
As we have repeatedly assured others that our soil will not be used against the security of others, we are similarly urging others not to use their soil and airspace against our country. If such a step is taken, then the responsibility for all the misfortunes and difficulties lies upon those who commit such mistakes.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
14/10/1442 Hijri Lunar
05/03/1400 Hijri Solar 26/05/2021 Gregorian
The recent announcement by the American President about withdrawing all forces from Afghanistan, no military solution to the Afghan problem, not returning to war with Taliban, not staying there forever, withdrawal not conditions-based, Doha agreement holding importance and meaning, and withdrawal in line with it, suggests that American officials have understood the Afghan situation to an extent and the efforts of warmongering circles have failed.
But as the withdrawal of forces is being delayed by several months and will be completed before September, we would like to declare the following:
– This decision is a clear violation of the Doha Agreement and non-compliance with its commitments.
– As this agreement was signed in the presence of United Nations and representatives of numerous world countries and organizations, and is currently being breached by America, it is imperative that all countries and organizations that were witnesses to the signing of this agreement exert pressure on America to implement its commitments and withdraw all forces from Afghanistan by the specified date.
– Despite the agreement and commitments, extending the ten-day six thousand prisoner release process to six months in the initial phase, followed by not releasing remaining prisoners in a three month period after the start of intra-Afghan negotiations, failing to terminate blacklists, committing over twelve hundred violations and finally delaying the withdrawal date of forces by several months, all makes evident to the world that America cannot be trusted nor is it committed to its pledges and promises.
– All sides should understand that the Islamic Emirate has so far complied with the agreement exceptionally well, has implemented it and considered it the sole solution to the conflict. Now as the agreement is being breached by America, it in principle opens the way for the Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate to take every necessary countermeasure, hence the American side will be held responsible for all future consequences, and not the Islamic Emirate.
– The Islamic Emirate urges America and all occupying countries to stop making excuses for prolonging the war and to withdraw all their forces from Afghanistan immediately.
– The Islamic Emirate will under no circumstance ever relent on complete independence and establishment of a pure Islamic system, and remains committed to finding a peaceful solution to the Afghan problem following the complete and certain end of occupation.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
03/09/1442 Hijri Lunar
26/01/1400 Hijri Solar 15/04/2021 Gregorian
As the US President recently made vague remarks about implementation of the Doha agreement and withdrawal of all foreign troops, and moreover, some NATO member states are seeking to extend the occupation of Afghanistan, the Islamic Emirate would like to clarify its stance regarding the issue as following:
The Doha agreement is the most sensible and shortest path to ending the past twenty-year war between Afghanistan and America and establishing a peaceful Afghanistan.
The Islamic Emirate is firmly committed to its undertakings outlined in the agreement, and wants the American side to also remain firmly committed to the Doha agreement and not wasting this historic opportunity due to flawed advice and incitement by warmongering circles.
If, God forbid, all foreign troops not withdraw from Afghanistan on the specified date in line with the Doha agreement, undoubtedly it will be considered a violation of the accord by America for which it shall be held liable and which shall also harm its international standing.
In such a case, the Islamic Emirate – as a representative of the believing, valiant and Mujahid Afghan nation – will be compelled to defend its religion and homeland and continue its Jihad and armed struggle against foreign forces to liberate its country.
All responsibility for the prolongation of war, death and destruction will be on the shoulders of those whom committed this violation.
The resolve and seriousness of the people of Afghanistan must not be tested any further, and reason and logic must prevail to end the war.
Afghanistan is the home of Afghans, the establishment of whatever type of government is the lawful right of its citizens, no other nation can impose upon them a government or system from abroad, nor do they reserve such a right.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
13/08/1442 Hijri Lunar
06/01/1399 Hijri Solar 26/03/2021 Gregorian
For prior parts in this video series see: #2 and #1.
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]________________
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]On the 5th of Rajab 1441 Hijri Lunar corresponding with 10th Hoot 1338 Hijri Solar, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the United States of America signed a historic deal in the presence of international observers along with the foreign ministers and representatives of multiple countries.
This agreement is a historic accord between the people of Afghanistan and the people of America because it is aimed at ending the twenty-year imposed war.
We congratulate everyone specifically our beloved compatriots and valiant Mujahideen on the first anniversary of this momentous agreement.
The United States of America has committed itself in the agreement that in fourteen months following this date, they will withdraw all their military personnel along with those of their allies and coalition as well as all non-diplomatic civilian personnel, private contractors, trainers, advisors and service providers.
On the other side, the Islamic Emirate committed itself to not allow anyone to use the soil of Afghanistan to threaten the security of the United States of America and its allies.
On the basis of this historic agreement, five thousand prisoners of the Islamic Emirate and one thousand of the other side were released and the intra-Afghan talks subsequently launched. Even though this process was unfortunately delayed for six months, this delay was not on part of the Islamic Emirate.
But in spite of this, the release of prisoners and launch of intra-Afghan dialogue served as positive momentum towards finding a resolution to the Afghan issue and for bringing peace and prosperity to the people.
The release of six thousand prisoners was in reality a cause for joy and celebration for six thousand Afghan families.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan would like to communicate its stance on the first anniversary of this agreement as following:
1 – The Islamic Emirate is committed on its part to all contents of the agreement and views its implementation the sole effective tool for resolving the Afghan issue and establishing peace, that shall be realized under the shade of an Islamic system.
2 – The Islamic Emirate also calls on the other party to the agreement (United States of America) to honor its own commitments towards security and stability in Afghanistan by implementing all parts of the agreement.
3 – The release of remaining prisoners and end of blacklists are part of the agreement that have yet to be implemented. Practical steps must by undertaken to expedite the ongoing intra-Afghan dialogue process. The implementation of the agreement must be utilized to improve the situation and pushing it in the wrong direction must be avoided.
4 – The Doha agreement has created a practical framework for bringing peace and security to Afghanistan. If any other pathway is pursued as a replacement, then it is already doomed to failure.
5 – The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has significantly reduced the level of operations in line with the Doha agreement. No operations have targeted major military and intelligence centers, martyrdom operations have seized, provinces have not been overrun, provincial capitals have not been attacked, district centers have not been targeted, and this is known and clear to everyone.
However, the other side has not fulfilled its obligations in this regard as bombardments, drone strikes, raids and offensive operations that were all prohibit on the basis of the agreement are still continuing, which is mostly causing civilian harm and increasing the levels of violence.
Moreover, some circles with their interests tied to foreign actors have recently launched a wave of targeted attacks especially against civilians with the aim of showing the situation as teetering on the brink of a crisis, and to create excuses for the continuation of occupation and war.
6 – But despite these shortcomings, the agreement is still moving in a positive direction, the results of which shall be beneficial for all parties. In line with this agreement, a large part of foreign forces specifically American forces have withdrawn from our country, while the rest must also withdraw within the specified date. Similarly, the Islamic Emirate has also shown complete adherence to its commitments and continues to honor them.
7 – The State of Qatar, Security Council along with all other countries and international observers that participated in the signing ceremony have an obligation in the complete implementation of the agreement that must be fulfilled.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
16/07/1442 Hijri Lunar
10/12/1399 Hijri Solar 28/02/2021 Gregorian
As you may already be aware, every nation aspires to live a life in accordance with their own principles and values free from the fear of threats, invasions and attacks. Our struggle for the past nineteen years in Afghanistan has been conducted to attain this exact way of life.
The Doha agreement signed between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the United States of America on the 29th February 2020 with the aim that all foreign military forces along with their non-diplomatic personnel, private contractors, advisors, trainers and service providers withdraw from Afghanistan within a 14-month timeframe, while the Islamic Emirate would reciprocate by committing itself to preventing all threats to the security of other nations from Afghanistan.
I would like to clarify a few points for the effectiveness and success of the ongoing peace process:
1 – The past nineteen years have proven beyond any doubt that the Afghan issue cannot be resolved through the use of force or by alternating military strategies and generals.
2 – Just as this war — the longest in US history — has caused great tragedies and sufferings for the Afghan people, it has also caused America heavy human and financial losses, damaged its reputation and continues to inflict harm on both parties.
3 – After nineteen years of experiences, both reason and logic dictate that genuine efforts be made and commitments undertaken implemented to bring a comprehensive end to the ongoing conflict. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is sincerely committed to finding a political solution to the ongoing conflict and therefore, took the initiative by opening a political office in the nation of Qatar towards this end.
It followed this by constantly emphasizing upon the need for a political solution in international conferences and conventions in conjunction with taking further practical steps, ultimately signing the Doha agreement in the presence of political representatives of a large number of countries including the United Nations, following which it significantly reduced the number of operations and launched intra-Afghan negotiations to fully comply with the Doha agreement.
4 – We believe that the United States and its allies have also concluded that the Afghan conflict can only be resolved through dialogue, hence it participated in positive negotiations with the Islamic Emirate in order to draft the Doha agreement.
5 – Now that a year has passed since the signing of the Doha agreement, we urge the American side to remain committed to the full implementation of this accord.
6 – We are fully confident that the Afghans themselves can achieve the establishment of an Islamic government and enduring peace and security through intra-Afghan dialogue.
7 – It is an irrefutable fact that majority of the general public supports the Islamic Emirate and, with the help of Allah (SwT), it is the outcome of this exact support that has carried our struggle to the threshold of success.
8 – The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan does not allow discriminatory treatment among people in our homeland. This country is the shared home of all Afghans and discriminatory behavior among members of this home is unacceptable.
9 – Just as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has clarified in many instances that it is committed to upholding and guaranteeing all rights of women afforded to them by Islamic law, we would like to once again assure the international community in this regard.
10 – We would also like to once more declare to everyone our commitment towards freedom of speech within the framework of Islamic principles and national interests.
11 – Just as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan established a record in curtailing narcotics in the country prior to the invasion, it will again take all necessary steps in preventing narcotics resulting from international coordination and alternative income opportunity. On top of this, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan considers it an obligation to provide treatment to drug addicts.
To end, I would like to remind all that our nation and people are dealing with an imposed war. It is the responsibility and in the interest of all to bring an end to this war, and the implementation of the Doha agreement is the most effective way of ending it. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is aware of its obligations, other parties must also discharge their own obligations. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan does not interfere in the internal affairs of others, neither does it want to harm others, nor will it allow anyone else to interfere in our own affairs. Defending our land and people is our legitimate right.
Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar Akhund
Political Deputy and Chief of Political Office of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
04/07/1442 Hijri Lunar
28/11/1399 Hirji Solar 16/02/2021 Gregorian