Kavkaz Center presents three new Omra's [Decrees] from the Amīr of the The Caucasus Emirate Dokku Umarov

Omra № 27
On the appointment of the Naib Emirs of Provınce of Nokhchicho of the Caucasus Emirate
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate!
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Peace and blessings be upon the Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions and all those who follow him until the Day of Judgement. And then:
I decree
1. To appoint as Provınce Nokhchicho’s naib Emir Khamzat to the Western direction.
2. To appoint as Province Nokhchicho’s naib Emir Hussein to the Eastern direction.
3. This Omra comes into force from the moment of its signing.
Emir of the Caucasus Emirate,
Dokku Abu Usman (Dokku Umarov)
10 Sha’ban 1432 (11/07/2011)
Omra № 28
On the appointment of the Emir of the Armed Forces of United Province of Kabarda-Balkaria-Karachai of the Caucasus Emirate
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate!
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Peace and blessings be upon the Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions and all those who follow him until the Day of Judgement. And then:
I decree
1. To appoint as Commander of the Armed Forces of Province of Kabarda-Balkaria-Karachai of Alim Zankishev (Emir Ubayda).
2. This Omra comes into force from the moment of its signing.
Emir of the Caucasus Emirate,
Dokku Abu Usman (Dokku Umarov)
11 Shawwal 1432 (09/09/2011)
Omra № 29
On the appointment of the Wali, or Governor, for the United Province of Kabarda-Balkaria-Karachai of the Caucasus Emirate
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate!
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Peace and blessings be upon the Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions and all those who follow him until the Day of Judgement. And then:
I decree
1. To appoint the Emir of the Armed Forces of United Province of Kabarda-Balkaria-Karachai Alim Zankishev (Emir Ubayda) as Wali of the United Province of Kabarda-Balkaria-Karachai.
2. This Omra comes into force from the moment of its signing.
Emir of the Caucasus Emirate,
Dokku Abu Usman (Dokku Umarov)
09 Shawwal 1432 (09/07/2011)
Kavkaz Center
О назначении наибов амира вилаята Нохчийчоь Имарата Кавказ
Именем Аллаха Милостивого и Милосердного
Хвала Аллаху Господу миров. Мир и благословение пророку Мухаммаду, его семье, его сподвижникам и всем тем, кто последовал его путем вплоть до Судного Дня. И затем:
1. Назначить наибом Амира вилаята Нохчичоь по западному направлению Амира Хамзата
2. Назначить наибом Амира вилаята Нохчичоь по восточному направлению Амира Хусейна
3. Омра вступает в силу с момента подписания
Амир Имарата Кавказ Докку Абу Усман (Докку Умаров)
10 Шаабан 1432 год (11.07.2011)
О назначении Амира Вооруженных Сил Объединенного Вилаята Кабарды, Балкарии и Карачая Имарата Кавказ
Именем Аллаха Милостивого и Милосердного
Хвала Аллаху Господу миров. Мир и благословение пророку Мухаммаду, его семье, его сподвижникам и всем тем, кто последовал его путем вплоть до Судного Дня. И затем:
1. Назначить командующим Вооруженных Сил Объединенного Вилаята Кабарды, Балкарии и Карачая Алима Занкишева (Амир Убайда)
2. Омра вступает в силу с момента подписания
Амир Имарата Кавказ Докку Абу Усман (Докку Умаров)
11 Шавваль 1432 год (09.09.2011)
О назначении Валия Объединенного Вилаята Кабарды, Балкарии и Карачая Имарата Кавказ
Именем Аллаха Милостивого и Милосердного
Хвала Аллаху Господу миров. Мир и благословение пророку Мухаммаду, его семье, его сподвижникам и всем тем, кто последовал его путем вплоть до Судного Дня. И затем:
1. Назначить Амира ВС Объединенного Вилаята Кабарды, Балкарии и Карачая Алима Занкишева (Амир Убайда) валием Объединенного Вилаята Кабарды, Балкарии и Карачая
2. Омра вступает в силу с момента подписания
Амир Имарата Кавказ Докку Абу Усман (Докку Умаров)
09 Шавваль 1432 год (07.09.2011)

Kavkaz Center presents a new statement from the Amīr of the Caucasus Emirate Dokku Umarov: "Shamil asked me: 'When you become Emir, are you going to proclaim the Emirate?'"

The editor of the Kavkaz Center received a message from Emir Dokku Abu Usman, dedicated to the 4th anniversary of the proclamation of the Caucasus Emirate.
Ramadan 1428 (October 7, 2007). This date has come down as an important event in the modern history of the peoples of the Caucasus.
25 Ramadan 1428 was also the day of distinction, which revealed sincere Muslims, dedicated to spread Allah’s word, and the hypocrites, who for many years have concealed their duplicity under verbiage about freedom and independence.
In his message Emir Dokku Abu Usman reveals some little known details about the preparation for the proclamation of the Caucasus Emirate, which has been declared not spontaneously, as opponents of Sharia tried to claim, but as a result of several years of intense debate.
The decisive factor for the cardinal change of course towards the restoration of historically conditioned single Islamic state of the Muslims of the Caucasus, was the fact that the Islamic Jihad attracted young people who sacrificed their lives for the sake of not ephemeral slogans and goals, but establish laws for the sake of Allah and the conquest of Paradise.
Shamil asked me: “When you become Emir, are you going to proclaim the Emirate?
The name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful!
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, Who created us Muslims and favored us with Jihad, giving us a chance to win the Paradise.
Peace and blessings be upon the Leader of all Mujahideen, Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions and all those who follow him until the Day of Judgment. And then…
For those who become martyrs in the jihad for the Mujahideen, for the Muslims who experience difficulties, we make Dawat, or appeal, Insha’Allah, or God’s willing. We endeavor and spare no effort and we will persevere to alleviate the burden they experience.
I praise Allah for the developments that are taking place in the Islamic world today. Muslims are waking up, people are going out against the dictators and tyrants. Many of them suffer as victims. Since they have come for the establishment of the Sharia of Allah, they will be rewarded. Those who fell in this fight will go to paradise, Insha’Allah!
But if, following a deposition of one dirty slave of infidels, another one comes to power, be it an Amr Moussa or a Mohamed ElBaradei, the dead can only regret, forgive them God. And those who led these people and made them go under fire, they will not escape punishment on Judgment Day, Insha’Allah.
We make appeal for the death of those who fell for the sake of Allah, that Sharia be established in their countries and that Muslims realize the truth and follow it.
Not once has the Islamic Ummah, or Community, experienced difficulties in their history. And always have these occurred when the Muslims were divided. At the time of the Mongols the first one to fall was Khorezm Shah. Neither the Abbasid Caliphate nor Egypt has offered him assistance.
The Mongols obliterated the caliphate. The Caliph himself was killed. Muslims went panicking. The mullahs and corrupt scholars of the time, like today, conducted their dastardly work. They argued that the Mongols were Ya’juj and Ma’juj (Gog and Magog). No way to fight against them, we should await the arrival of the Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) in prayer that God would respond and destroy both Gog and Magog. Having heard such opinions, many Muslim armies just fled not to engage in battle with the Mongols.
The Mongolian army numbered 100,000 men, and the greatest number of them reached up to 150 000. However, they have killed about 10 million Muslims.
At a difficult time, Egyptian Muslims who remained so few that if they died, the religion of Islam could disappear, according to the will of God exhibited Iman, or faith, resilience and courage. They fought the Mongols, defeated them and saved the religion of Allah.
This fact, I recall especially to our brothers in Egypt that they would not forget their true heroic story, the enemies are trying to distort, and to spread worship of filthy Egyptian pharaohs among the Muslims.
Fitnah, or split, existed in the past, the same way it does today. However, we are continuing Jihad, God’s willing, because it has been entrusted to us by Allah.
And those Muslims who are not following jihad (yes, save us Allah from that), or do not intend to pursue it will die as hypocrites.
Today, we are doing jihad as far as we can and may, if we had more forces, we would do it more. In our jihad the enemies are infidels and apostates. When we put another blow to the disbelievers, hypocrites and apostates respond stronger against us than infidels themselves.
We hit them a blow in Moscow. By Allah’s will the polytheists accurately established identity of our brother who has committed Istishhad, or self-sacrifice (at Moscow’s Domodedovo airport). We had learnt about it even before the video record was sent for publication. Only after the invaders had established the identity of our brother, did we distribute our coverage.
The Russians intensely discussed why we had not published the record earlier, in an effort to ascribe to it some importance. We know the methods of Russian infidels and therefore tried to keep relatives and friends of our brother away from their tyranny. But the enemy will still interpret events his own twisted way.
This year has started well for us, Alhamdulillah, or Praise to God. With patience, we have overcome fitnah also this year. So please, make Dawat for us. Sure, we are also experiencing difficulties. No matter how much do we try to anticipate all the nuances, not everything works.
The enemy does not sleep and also plots against us, trying to respond to our actions. Some of our plans have been thwarted, but God’s willing, all that we can do, we will do, and the result is up to Allah.
Now I would like to refer to the proclamation of the Caucasus Emirate. Many things have reached my ears recently. So, I think it will be useful to highlight some points that were not particularly well known.
Allah in His mercy has given us an understanding of what is happening in this world. As we know from the Hadith, all Muslims are like one body. Mutual love, support and brotherhood. And if one part of the body hurts, then the whole body hurts. This hadith tells us to be bound by our unity and to support one other.
Jihad goes all over the world, and the time came for us to settle its details. And if you do not correct them, the question is about your Aqida, or creed. And then, when this question arose, we proclaimed the Emirate.
We must pay attention as with whom keep contacts the hypocrites who spread lies about the Emirate. Let me quote a hadith which says that on the Judgment Day, each of us will be raised with those whom he loves in this world.
The Humpty-Dumpty Kadyrov said: “I respect Mr. Putin, I like Mr. Putin”. Hence, on the Day of Judgment he will be resurrected along with Putin, Insha’Allah.
Another one is doing time with Berezovsky. We must remember that neither Berezovsky nor anyone else in Moscow could earn money, if he hadn’t been under the umbrella of the KGB, could not and can spend his earnings without permission awarded by “the office”. We also know that the KGB, the FSB and the related people never retire. They can only change the scope of their activities up to the need of their organization. Berezovsky’s money is a fund of the KGB, which is replenished at the expense of its business in Russia.
Zakayev, who also draws from the fund, teaches children and provides for his family, on the Day of Judgment also will join those whom he loved in this world, God’s willing.
Therefore, anything those people said or spoken or will say about the Emirate – is a lie There isn’t but one gram of truth in their words.
I joined jihad to raise Allah’s word, God’s willing, to perform the fard, or obligatory, because I love God, love His religion, like the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Just come with me and my brothers in Islam, Insha’Allah.
Aslan Maskhadov, subject to the global geopolitical configuration, for political reasons, in an effort to give people a break and a rest to gather strengths, played by their rules, to confront those who firmly insisted on moving to the position of Islam.
In keeping with this position and policy, he nurtured hope that the West would indeed accomplish its declarations in expectation of some sort of justice from them.
I dealt with him a lot. Aslan in his heart knew the price of all these western leaders. I can testify it that he was a genuine Muslim brother and he loved Islam.
So in 2002, Aslan chose Abdul-Khalim his naib, or deputy. And in the event of Abdul-Khalim’s death, the function would devolve to Abu-Usman (Dokku Umarov).
Why did Aslan choose me, why did he establish that chain? Because my views have not been firmly fixed yet, although I knew the price of the infidels. Aslan knew my relationship with Zakayev and therefore he hoped that, via those channels, the options would remain open to reach out for a sort of Western intermediation in order to ease the situation of the people. For this reason I was chosen naib to Abdul-Khalim.
In fact misunderstanding prevailed among the people. In 2002, Arsanov, Khamzat Gelayev, and Abdul-Malik Mezhidov refused to swear Bayat, or an oath of obedience, to Aslan Maskhadov.
We met with them. We asked them to state the motivation to refuse Bayat, and their first argument was that they were supposedly called FSB agents, insulted, and so on …
The meeting was attended by Shamil

New statement from Wilāyah Dagestān of the Caucasus Emirate: "Statement of the Mujāhidīn of the Kadar Zone – West Dagestān’s Central Sector"

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, Peace and Blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family and his companions, as well as those who followed them till the Day of Judgement!
And then:

We, the Mujahideen of the Kadar zone of W. Dagestan’s central sector, make this statement in connection with the elimination of Magomed Makhdiev on July 10 (in Karamakhi, Buynaksk district). He was an enemy of Allah and an enemy of Muslims, the Imam of the hypocrites and apostates in Karamakhi. For many years he worked closely with the infidels and was proud of his dog’s anti-Islamic activities. He not only prevented the spread of Islamic knowledge, but also distorted the religion of Allah in every way possible, and was defiant to His Laws. When someone asked him to explain the hukm of the one who drink alcohol, according to Sharia, he said: “As long as the entire prosecutor’s office, starting with Yeltsin and Magomedali (1), will not be for the establishment of Sharia law, I too will not.” We warn all the explicit assistants of the infidels from the [power] organs and their puppets, and all those who help them in every way in the fight against Islam and the Mujahideen, and all those who distort the religion of Allah, spreading Shirk (idolatry) and Bida (innovations) among Muslims, and discouraging Muslims from Jihad in Allah’s way: Take a look around yourself! Many of those who opposed the Muslims in 1999 and killed them after 1999, have already found their death and punishment in this world. Many of them are no longer. Do not think you’re safe! Do not think that you will not be punished in this Dunya and in the Akhira. If you keep your anti-Islamic “work” and do not leave your ungodly things, then you face the same fate as your “associates.” We have lists of all those involved in crimes against Islam and Muslims, and we are working and will, Insha’Allah, work on these lists. Below there is a list of names, expecting their lot, among the enemies of Allah and the enemies of the believers:

Ali Alibekov 

In 1999, when a son of Gubden – Ahmad – was killed, he shouted to the Muslims: “Where is your Allah, why He does not help you? As for us, our OMON help us! “

Ali-Kadi Kadiev

Alcoholic. Drunking during the month of Ramadan. Together with his son Amaem, they burned a house where surviving Muslims gathered after the ‘miliatry operation’, and they gave them false informations. His youngest son was in the milita against the Muslims.

Zaynudin Zaynutov 
FSB collaborator. Outspoken opponent of Islam. Back in 1994, he said: “The 6th division proposed us: you go against the Jamaat (2), and we will finish [the job]
Shapi Gadisov, Khussein, son of Sagidula
According to the former vice deputy head of the 6th Division Gamzat Gamzatov, they [Shapi and Khuseyn] are also agents of the same department.
Nabi, son of Paykhomat
Paykhomat himself sold the mosque for 3000 rubles to drug addicts, they transformed it into a brothel (A’udhu Billah).
Khamit – from Chabanmakhi

Vagab – from Chabanmakhi

Known to have exhumed Mujahideen’s bodies and shouted: “Are these martyrs?” He abused, in every way possible the corpses, cut off limbs, etc.

Yusup Zhiguli

Abakar Galimov

Magomed Gadisov 
Yusuf Gadisov 

In this black list, there are the names of other people who are also helping the disbelivers against the Muslims, they are not mentioned here, but they are known to the Mujahideen. And if they do not stop their dirty work, then Insha’Allah, their punishment is near. We once again warn innocent civilians to stay away from the concentrations of employees of the infidels’ ‘security forces’ and their collaborators from among your relatives and fellow villagers. All those who are now cooperating with them against the Muslims, are our legitimate military targets. By staying next to them, you are putting your life at risk.

Victory or Paradise! Allahu Akbar
The Mujahideen of the Kadar zone – Central Sector of Wilayah Dagestan
Translation (with adaptations) from VDagestan, by the Kavkaz-Jihad blog.

1. Magomedali Magomedov, ‘president’ of Dagestan from 1994 to 2006. Succeded by Mukhu Aliyev. 2. It is not clear if they talked about an actual Jamaat or if it’s a generalization. They often called all Salafi of the region, ‘Jamaat members’ and ‘Mujahideen’ while they lived peacefully. In this case it could mean that the FSB asked the milita to provoke Muslims in order to have a reason for retaliation. Note: Some of the events reffered here took place during the summer 1999, when the Kadar zone was bombed and invaded because its inhabitants started to enforce Sharia and expelled police (in fact the propagation of Sharia started earlier in the region). Although local population was in majority pro-Sharia, some joined the Russians and formed ‘Anti-Wahabi militias’. Russian: БисмиЛляхи-р-Рахмани-р-Рахим! Хвала Аллаху – Господу миров, мир и благословение Посланнику Аллаха, его семье и его сподвижникам, а также всем, кто последовал за ними до Судного Дня! А затем: Мы, муджахиды Кадарской зоны Центрального сектора Вилайята Дагестан, делаем это заявление в связи с уничтожением нами 10 июля Магомеда Махдиева. Это был враг Аллаха и враг мусульман, имам карамахинских мунафиков и муртадов. Многие годы он активно сотрудничал с куффарами и гордился своей собачьей антиисламской деятельностью. Он не только препятствовал распространению исламских знаний, но и всячески искажал религию Аллаха и ни во что не ставил Его Законы. Когда однажды к нему обратились, чтобы он объяснил, каков по шариату хукм того, кто выпил спиртное, он ответил: «Пока вся прокуратура, начиная с Ельцина и Магомед-Али, не будет за установление шариата, я тоже не буду». Мы предупреждаем всех явных помощников куффар из органов и мунафиков, всех, кто помогают им всеми способами в борьбе против Ислама и муджахидов, всех, кто искажает религию Аллаха, насаждая среди мусульман ширк и  бидъа, и отвращает мусульман от Джихада на пути Аллаха: Оглянитесь вокруг себя! Многие из тех, кто противостоял мусульманам в 99 году и уничтожал их после 99-го, уже нашли свою смерть и наказание еще в этом мире. Многих из них уже нет. Не думайте, что вы находитесь в безопасности! Не думайте, что вы останетесь безнаказанными как в этой дунья, так и в ахира. Если вы будете продолжать свою антиисламскую «работу» и не оставите свои богопротивные дела, то вас ждет та же участь, что и ваших «подельников». У нас есть списки всех, кто замешан в преступлениях против Ислама и мусульман, и мы работаем и будем, иншаАллах, работать по этим спискам. Ниже приведен список имен, ожидающих своей участи  из числа врагов Аллаха и врагов верующих: Алибеков Али Когда в 1999 году убивали Ахмада, сына Губдена, кричал мусульманам: «Где ваш Аллах, почему Он вам не помогает? А нам наш ОМОН помогает!» Кадиев Али-Кади Алкаш. Пил и в месяц Рамазан. Вместе с сыном Амаем поджигал уцелевшие после боевых действий дома мусульман, а также они давали на них ложные показания. А его младший сын был в ополчении против мусульман. Зайнутов Зайнудин Сотрудник ФСБ. Ярый противник ислама. Еще в 1994 году говорил: «6 отдел предлагает нам: вы начните против джамаата, а мы закончим». Гадисов Шапи, Гусейн, сын Сагидула По словам бывшего тогда в должности зам.начальника 6-го  отдела Гамзатова Гамзата также являются агентами этого же отдела. Наби, сын Пайхомата Сам Пайхомат продал наркоману мечеть за 3000 р., а тот сделал из нее бордель. Хамит – Чабанмахи Вагаб – ЧабанМахи Известен тем, что выкапывал трупы муджахидов и кричал: «Это что ли шахиды?» Всячески издевался над трупами, отрубал им конечности и т.д. Жигули Юсуп Галимов Абакар Гадисов Магомед Гадисов Юсуп В этом черном списке есть имена и других людей, которые также пособничают куффарам против мусульман, они не упоминаются здесь, но они известны муджахидам. И если они не прекратят свои грязные дела, то их наказание уже близко, иншаАллах. Мы вновь предупреждаем мирное население, чтобы держались подальше от мест скопления сотрудников куффарских силовых структур и их приспешников из числа ваших родственников и односельчан. Все, кто сегодня сотрудничают с куффарами против мусульман, являются нашими законными военными целями. Находясь рядом с ними, вы подвергаете свои жизни опасности. Победа или Рай! Аллаху Акбар Муджахиды Кадарской зоны Центрального сектора Вилайята Дагестан


New sermon from 'Alī Abū Muḥammad al-Dagestanī the Qāḍī‎ of the Caucasus Emirate: "Patience"

As-Salam Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. We are the Mujahideen of Wilayah Dagestan. Today, our guest is Sheikh Abu Muhammad al-Daghestani, the Qadi of the Caucasus Emirate. And today, on this occasion, our Qadi wants to make an appeal to all CE Mujahideen. And the theme of today’s speech is ‘Sabr’ (Patience). AlhamduliLlah …. There is a regularity, which Allah has established on this earth and that has not changed. This is that the salve of Allah will be tested by Him, before he obtains strenght on this earth. Allah the Almighty said in the Qur’an:  “Alif, Lam, Meem. Do the people think that they will be left to say, “We believe” and they will not be tried?But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars.” (Surat Al-`Ankabūt  : 1-3) Allah also said in the Qur’an: “Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such [trial] has not yet come to you as came to those who passed on before you? They were touched by poverty and hardship and were shaken until [even their] messenger and those who believed with him said,”When is the help of Allah ?” Unquestionably, the help of Allah is near. (Surat Al-Baqarah : 214 ) And He said:  “Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while Allah has not yet made evident those of you who fight in His cause and made evident those who are steadfast?” (Surat ‘Āl `Imrān : 142) The Imam Shafi’i (ra) was asked: “What’s the best between test or strenght ? He replied: “There will be no strenght until a test comes.” As the Almighty added: “And [mention, O Muhammad], when Abraham was tried by his Lord with commands and he fulfilled them. [Allah ] said, “Indeed, I will make you a leader for the people.” [Abraham] said, “And of my descendants?” [Allah ] said, “My covenant does not include the wrongdoers.” (Surat Al-Baqarah : 124) Know, my brothers, that what has befallen upon us, such as destruction, torture and punishment in the way of Allah is nothing else except the elevation and honor on this earth. As well as the augmentation of ‘Ajr (recompense) in the next world (Paradise). As stated in a Hadith transmitted by Ibn Abi Waqqas:  “I asked the Prophet (saws), who among the people most of all will be tested? He answered : “Those who face the toughest trials and hardships are the Prophets, then those who are nearest to them (i.e., in terms of faith) and a person will be tested according to the strength of his faith.” (Tirmidhi) Yes, we are confident, [because we know that] this hatred and the revenge [desire] against us, exist only because we believe in Allah the One, because we said that our Lord is Allah and because we perform our duty before Him, by protecting the weak. We just want to establish Justice on this land. Allah said: “And they resented them not except because they believed in Allah , the Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy.” (Surat Al-Burūj : 8) and “[They are] those who have been evicted from their homes without right – only because they say, “Our Lord is Allah .” And were it not that Allah checks the people, some by means of others, there would have been demolished monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which the name of Allah is much mentioned. And Allah will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.” (Surat Al-Ĥaj : 40) I don’t understand those people who disown their loved ones and relatives in favor of the infidel’s system. Yes, these infidels are trying to give a ‘color’ to this Jihad – to this opposition – they come up with different reasons: political, economical, racial, nationalistic, etc… But by Allah, it’s not true, it’s all a lie. We fight in the way of Allah and endure all those punishments and sufferings on this path, only because we want to raise the word of Allah on this earth. [Only because] we want the laws of Allah being implemented on this land without giving Allah associates, to worship Allah alone. And those Jaheel (ignorant people) – I don’t know how to call them otherwise – disown their children from their own families, only because they [these childrens] believe in Allah alone. Because they want to establish the law of Allah on this land. If we try, we can understand these Jaheel, but it’s quite impossible to understand those of scholars or these so-called scholars, who belittle the Mujahideen with their tongue, their evil tongue. Instead of helping and supporting the Mujahideen, they betray them and affect their honor. Lately it became clear that what’s the Mujahideen do in the way of Allah caused the elevation of His religion and thus, Allah humiliated the infidels and the polytheists from among the crusaders and Jews. And He showed ther futility and destroyed the myth of their invincibility. “So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers. If a wound should touch you – there has already touched the [opposing] people a wound similar to it. And these days [of varying conditions] We alternate among the people so that Allah may make evident those who believe and [may] take to Himself from among you martyrs – and Allah does not like the wrongdoers.” (Surat ‘Āl `Imrān : 139-140) I also want to speak to the brothers who are in captivity – in the hands of the infidels and the polytheists – and suffer in the way of Allah, ‘tasting’ all kinds of torment and humiliation. My brothers, don’t weaken, be steadfast and know that this is the way of our Messengers and our righteous Predecessors. If Allah was to give victory without trials and hardships, [then] Allah would have gave it to our Prophet Muhammad (saws), because he was the best out of people, he was the lord of all the sons of Adam and he deserved this reward more than anybody else. But along with this, he suffered more than anyone in the way of Allah, he was banished from his homeland and tasted all sorts of torment and suffering in this way, such as the economic blockade. And the best of the Companions, the righteous Predecessors and Imams were killed on the way of the Call. This proves that the one who engage himself in the cause of Allah, will certainly tast what the other Predecessors endured. Know that if you get killed on this path, it will be Martyrdom for you, if they torture you, it will be as a cleansing of your sins. And if you are expelled from your homes, then it will be Hijra (emigration) in the way of Allah. [So] you just go from one benefit to another. As stated in the Hadith: “Wondrous are the affairs of the believer. His affairs are all good, and this is only the case for the believer. When something pleasing happens to him, he is thankful, and it is good for him. When something harmful happens to him, he is patient, and it is good for him.” (Sahih Muslim) And I want to appeal to the acting-Mujahideen brothers… Don’t weaken, and go ahead with the blessing of Allah and don’t let you be withheld by what has befell upon your – and our – brothers.  Yes, recently there were losses among the Mujahideen. Our Amir Sayfullah, Hassan Abu Sufyan and other brothers passed away. Yes, this is a test is in the way of Allah, it should not withheld us, AlhamduLillah, there is no shortage of quantity (he speaks about the brothers). AlhamduLillah we have many brothers who want to move out, but we simply refuse them, then we don’t have the opportunity to welcome them properly. But Insha’Allah, we strive to provide them everything they need so they can join the Mujahideen throughout the Caucasus. And be like those people, those righteous slaves about which Allah speaks in the Qur’an: “And how many a prophet [fought and] with him fought many religious scholars. But they never lost assurance due to what afflicted them in the cause of Allah , nor did they weaken or submit. And Allah loves the steadfast.”(Surat ‘Āl `Imrān : 146) And ponder the words of Allah: “Muhammad is not but a messenger. [Other] messengers have passed on before him. So if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on your heels [to unbelief]? And he who turns back on his heels will never harm Allah at all; but Allah will reward the grateful.” (Surat ‘Āl `Imrān :144) We ask Allah to strengthen our footsteps on this path, may He accept our actions and reward us with Martyrdom in His way, and elevate us together with the Prophets, the Martyrs and the righteous Predecessors. Translation with adaptations, from VDagestan, by the Kavkaz-Jihad blog.


Kavkaz Center presents a new interview with the Amīr of the Caucasus Emirate Dokku Umarov: "About Bin Lāden, the Caucasus Emirate, and Casualties Among the Mujāhidīn"

KC: The beginning of this spring has been marked by casualties among the Mujahideen of the Caucasus Emirate. The leading commanders of the Emirate – Emir Supyan, Emir Hassan, Emir Abdullah and others – martyred (Insha’Allah). These are tangible casualties. Can we say that the Mujahideen are weakened?
Dokka Abu Usman: The casualties we incurred have not weakened us and will not weaken us in the future, Insha’Allah. War is impossible without casualties. Since 1999, we have lost many of our emirs and leaders, but the Jihad did not stop, but vice versa, it expanded and strengthened. Generations of the Mujahideen replace each other. New young men take place of the deceased. More and more young men want to join the Mujahideen, but unfortunately we can not accept all the newcomers.
Another thing is that due to casualties, we have to correct our plans, to change tactics on the fields. However, that does not mean that a relative calm, for example, in Ingushetia, testifies about the weakening of the positions of the Mujahideen.
At one place, the activity of the Mujahideen could be reduced for tactical reasons, and in other place, they could be intensified. There could be a calm in Nalchik, but a major sabotage attack could be carried out in Vladivostok. We consider the Caucasus Emirate and Russia as a single theater of war.
We are not in a hurry. The path has been chosen, we know our tasks, and we will not turn back, Insha’Allah, from this path. Today, the battlefield is not just Chechnya and the Caucasus Emirate, but also the whole Russia. The situation is visible to everybody who has eyes. The Jihad is spreading, steadily and inevitably, everywhere.
I’ve already mentioned that all those artificial borders, administrative divisions, which the Taghut drew, mean nothing to us. The days when we wanted to secede and dreamed of building a small Chechen Kuwait in the Caucasus are over. Now, when you tell the young Mujahedeen about these stories, they are surprised and want to understand how those plans related to the Koran and the Sunnah.
Alhamdulillah! I sometimes think that Allah has called these young people to the Jihad, so that we, the older generation, could not stray from the right path. Now we know that we should not be divided, and must unite with our brothers in faith. We must reconquer Astrakhan, Idel-Ural, Siberia ´- these are indigenous Muslim lands. And then, God’s willing, we shall deal with Moscow ulus (district – KC).
KC: As you know, the US said that they had been able to kill bin Laden. There was a statement on behalf of al-Qaida posted on the Internet, which confirmed the martyrdom of their Emir. What is your assessment of what happened? The US says that the death of bin Laden will positively (for the West) affect the overall situation in the world.
Dokka Abu Usman: If the death of Sheikh Osama bin Laden is confirmed, then we will only say the words from the Holy Koran – “We all belong to Allah and to Him shall be our return”.
We ask Allah that He accepts the martyrdom of Sheikh bin Laden, because that man abandoned his wealth and peaceful worldly life for the sake of protecting Islam. And that is a great goal, and the reward for it is great.
With regard to the question of whether bin Laden’s death will affect the situation in the world, I think that the infidels do not believe themselves that their life became easier. According to all signs, it is clear that the world is in such situation that the death of the leaders of the Jihad cannot stop the process of the revival of Islam.
That development will go forward, regardless of the fact if the United States, Russia or the UN want it or not.
We all see that the world has changed very much.
For the first time in decades, the awakening of the Islamic Ummah from hibernation has become so clear and widespread. The Mujahideen and true scholars operate more than ever simultaneously in different regions of the globe, supporting each other and realizing the common goal. Ordinary Muslims take to the streets and express their support for the Mujahideen, demanding to restore the Sharia.
And in response, the infidels are frightening the public with al-Qaeda that allegedly became more active in the Caucasus, the Philippines, Yemen and Somalia.
KC: In this regard, we would like to hear your opinion about so-called “Arab revolutions”. Some experts say that these revolutions were initiated by Western countries.
Dokka Abu Usman: For the West, these developments were as much a surprise as for the Arab regimes. It is obvious. And it is all nonsense that America planned here, and the CIA acted there…
Allah, praise to Him, shook those regimes by His Will and Wisdom, humiliated those Taghuts who were in power for many years and humiliated the religion, and humiliated the Muslims.
And it is another problem that Western countries are trying to use the wave of “Arab revolutions”. And they manage to do it, although not everywhere.
At present, it is not all clear, and it is not clear how the events will unfold further.
Everybody sees today how America and other Western countries betray their allies, puppets, who faithfully served them for many years. Subhan’Allah, these dictators sought greatness from the infidels, while all the glory belongs to Allah and his Messenger (pbuh). Now the masters rejected them and left them to be devoured by the crowd.
The time has come for collapse of dictatorial regimes, which the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) warned about, and it is obvious.
Even if the infidels manage put in power new puppets, I’m sure that there will be no longer former control over these countries now. A completely new situation emerges before our eyes, Allah opens up new opportunities for the Muslims.
Another problem is how this opportunity will be used by the Muslims. Because Allah does not change the condition of the people unless they change it themselves.
At present, there is a state of confusion in Libya. Although, according to incoming information, groups of Mujahideen are operating there. There is a hope that they will be able to lead the Muslims.
There is no sufficient information about the situation in Egypt and Tunisia. We hope for the best, but at present, a certain calm is felt there, and, unfortunately, news reaches us that some well-known Jamaats are again going to play the game of “Democratic Islam”.
Events in Syria, as it seems, just start to unfold. There is unrest in Algeria, Morocco and Jordan.
Perhaps, the most interesting events, of all Arab countries, can be expected in Yemen, where the positions of the Mujahideen are most promising and from where a serious military movement could start.
The only thing I can say for certain is that if there are no armed force of Muslims, no Jihad and no fighting, nobody would allow us to establish the Sharia of Allah. If it were possible, it would have been done already by our Prophet (pbuh).
KC: May Allah reward you in goodness for the interview and your comments.