New statement from the Kavkaz-Jihād Blog: "One Year of Work"

In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, his compagnons and those who followed him until the Day of Jugement. Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, this day marks the first year of activity of our blog dedicated to the struggle of Caucasian Muslims for Islam and Freedom. By the grace of Allah (swt) we have been able to increase our activity thanks to our contributors, may Allah (swt) reward them. We saw with satisfaction our work being quoted, reposted and translated in other languages. Be assured that we do our best to increase the quality of our work and we ask Allah (swt) to assist us in this task. The number of our readers is slowly but steadily growing, however, and with honesty, it remains fairly low. But it is not that important. We are realistic, we understand that simple words only can hardly improve the situation or even raise awareness about it. However we hope that, Insha’Allah, our modest contribution helped some people, Muslims or not, to partly understand the nature of the war in the North Caucasus. Or at least, that it helped people to remember this small piece of earth and the blood being shed on it on daily basis… If Allah (swt) allows it, we plan to expand our activities in the comming year. But this cannot be made without help. So currently, we are especially looking for translators from Chechen to English and from Russian to English. If you are interrested you can contact us at kavkaz.jihad(at) On the other hand, we are open to critics and suggestions to improve the quality of our work. We invite you not only to read but to share your opinions by commenting or by participating in the polls (check on the right of this page). We Insha’Allah, will continue to work for the benefit of our readers as long as Allah (swt) allows us to do so. In the end, we ask Allah (swt) to accept our efforts and our work on His path and we ask Him forgiveness for our mistakes. The Kavkaz-Jihad English blog staff.


Check out my new article for the Central Asia Caucasus Institute Analyst: "The Reunification of the Caucasus Emirate"

NOTE: I wrote this about a month ago and it was finally published on Monday so it is kind of dated, but is a good summary. It follows up on my piece about the fitnah that surrounded the Caucasus Emirate in the second half 2010 and first half of 2011 that I wrote about for the Atlantic, which you can read here. Below is the opening paragraph of my new piece for the Central Asia Caucasus Institute Analyst.

In late July 2011, the Caucasus Emirate’s official media mouthpiece Kavkaz Center announced that the two rival factions within the emirate had reconciled their differences through a Shari’ah court. Aslambek Vadalov and Khusayn Gakayev, as well as other commanders who previously rescinded their bay’at to Doku Umarov, renewed their allegiance. This episode provides further evidence of the decline of Arab fighter influence in the Caucasus jihad, yet paradoxically shows the impact of popular Arab online jihadi shaykhs. It also solidifies Umarov’s pan-Caucasus project as the leading resistance to Russian aggression in contrast to the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria’s claims as the true representatives of the more nationalist-Islamist Chechen struggle.
Read the rest here.

Kavkaz Center presents a new video message from the Amīr of the Caucasus Emirate Dokku Umarov: "Fitnah Among the Mujāhidīn Overcome, Insha'Allah!"

UPDATE 9/20/11 9:23 AM: Here is an English translation of the below video message in Russian:

I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the accursed. In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Praise be to Allah from whom we seek help and forgiveness. We seek Allah’s salvation from the evil of our soules. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is Allah’s servant and His Messenger. “O you who have believed, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims.” (Surat Ahl ‘Imran : 102)I, the Amir of the Caucasus Mujahideen, appeal today to all Muslims and Mujahideen. Today is 10th of Sha’aban of the year 1432 from Hijra, in 10-15 days begins month of Ramadan(July 11, 2011). We all know that there is very little joy for Muslims today in this world, caused by Muslims themselves. Allah gives little joy to Muslims because we turned away from the religion of Allah. I appeal today to Muslims and Mujahideen of the whole Caucasus and the whole world. I want to inform you about a good news from the Caucasus: the fitnah that was here in Caucasus, is over. Praise be to Allah, with whose help, it ended. Every single Mujahid of Wilayah Nokhchicho gave Bayah and I’m sure that all Mujahideen and all Amirs, who labor today to elevate the word of Allah in the Caucasus, are also subordinate to their Amir and are under Bayah. It’s a big joy for all of us.As we know, this fitnah was planned by disbelievers and hypocrites. Hypocrites who sat on warm sofas in front of their TVs, to give the impression they work. We, AlHamduliLlah – the Mujahideen and Amirs who were in this fitnah – understood what’s right and came to an unanimous decision, established by a Sharia court. Thats why the fitnah is over, AlHamduliLlah. I appeal to all Mujahideen of Caucasus, to the Mujahideen in Russia, who gave us their oath. I appeal to all of you: direct all [your] forces against the enemies of Allah. Today, Allah ordered us to do Jihad against the enemies of Allah. We know that it’s our obligation to do this Jihad. It’s our duty to elevate the word of Allah on the territory which the Almighty gave us. Therefore, dear brothers I hope that this news is a big joy for you, because I know that you are true Mujahideen, true Muslims and that’s why you all were doing Dua’a and worried about that fitnah. AlhamduliLlah, it is over. With the help of Allah, with help of your Dua’a, Allah answered at our Dua’a. Dear brothers, dear Mujahideen, don’t worry, in the future, Insha’Allah, we will try to prevent such fitnah, Insha’Allah, in the future we will try to be guided only by Sharia law. Allah ordered us to live in accordance with that law and to be guided by it in our affairs AlHamduliLlah, AlHamduliLlah, AlHamduliLlah. We praise Allah, Who took this fitnah away. And our last prayer is to praise Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. As Salamu Aleykum Wa RahmatuLlahi Wa Barakatuhu.  Translation by Abdullah Umarov, may Allah (swt) reward him, for the Kavaz-Jihad blog and JamaatShariat. Adaptations and editions by the Kavkaz-Jihad blog.

