Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Shaykh Abū al-Mundhir al-Shinqīṭī — “Is It Permissible To Me To Enforce Martyrdom Operations Upon the Communities of Ḥizb Allah al-Rāfiḍī?”
To inquire about a translation for this fatwā for a fee email: [email protected]
Category: Lebanon
Hizballah Cavalcade: The Qusayr Meat Grinder: Hizballah’s Dead From May 20-May 25, 2013
NOTE: For prior parts in the Hizballah Cavalcade series you can view an archive of it all here.
The Qusayr Meat Grinder: Hizballah’s Dead From May 20-May 25, 2013
By Phillip Smyth
Click here for a PDF version of this post
Figure 1: Four Hizballah dead are buried in the Bekka Valley city of Ba’albek on May 21, 2013.
The five day period from May 20-25th saw a massive rise in the number of Hizballah funerals which occurred across Lebanon. There were also group funerals. One occurred in the Bekka city of Ba’albek and is shown below.
An undeniable trend, which has also become much more widespread, is the insistence that every dead Hizballah member was a “Defender” of Damascus’s Sayda Zaynab Shrine. During earlier announcements and funerals, the Zaynab Shrine and it’s protection were invoked quite regularly, but this shift demonstrates a more full acceptance of the narrative that all Hizballah members who are dying in Syria are “Protecting the Lady Zaynab”. On Facebook, albums holding the pictures of Hizballah’s dead from Syria have been entitled, “The Campaign to Defend Saydah Zaynab’s Shrine” to “Zaynab’s Defenders”. The narrative disregards whether these fighters were serving in the countryside near Qusayr, Damascus, or elsewhere within Syria. Instead, the main theme is that all actions executed in Syria are done to protect the Zaynab Shrine. Of course, this promotes more sectarian aspects of the war in Syria and with Hizballah’s involvement.
The listed Hizballah members were all confirmed by checking close to 30 pro-Hizballah and official Hizballah forums, Facebook pages, and websites.
Name: Muhammed Yasir Sabalani
Death Announced: May 21, 2013
Notes: Sabalani was buried in a group funeral which included three other Hizballah members.
Name: Muhammed Qataya.
Death Announced: May 21, 2013. Funeral was also held on May 21, 2013.
Notes: Qataya’s was part of a group funeral, which included three other dead Hizballah members.
Name: Muhammed Mahdi Ahmed Murtada
Death Announced: May 21, 2013. Funeral was also held on May 21, 2013.
Notes: Murtada was part of a group funeral, which included four other dead Hizballah members.
Name: Al-Haj Ahmed Wael Ra’ad
Death Announced: May 21, 2013. Funeral was held on May 21, 2013
Notes: Ra’adwas part of a group funeral, which included four other dead Hizballah members.
Photos of the Ba’albek Group Funeral
Name: Ali ‘Abbas Daheni (Abu Ghaleb)
Death Announced: May 20, 2013.
Notes: Daheni’s death was first announced on three pro-Hizballah Facebook pages.
Name: Husayn Ahmed Abu al-Hassan (Al-Sayyid Abu Zaynab)
Death Announced: May 20, 2013. Funeral was held on May 21, 2013.
Notes: First announcement of Hassan’s death came via Facebook and then
Name: Muhammed Hassan al-Shahadi
Death Announced: May 20, 2013. Funeral was held on May 23, 2013.
Notes: and reported that Shahadi was killed “Defending the holy shrines in Syria” and that those attending his funeral chanted “Labayka ya Zaynab” (“We are here for you, O Zaynab”). The first photo of al-Shahadi which was uploaded showed him with a beard. His martyrdom poster showed him clean-shaven.
Figure 2: Trucks with mounted speakers are often used to shout Hizballah slogans during funerals.
Name: Al-Sayyid ‘Abd al-Talib Husayn al-Musawi
Death Announced: May 21, 2013. Funeral was held on May 21, 2013.
Notes: The funeral was held in the central Bekka Valley town of Nabi Chit. The day before, the town buried another fighter, Hassan Faysel Shaker (also spelled Shukor).[1]
Name: Muhammed Jihad Yusuf
Death Announced: May 21, 2013. Funeral was held on May 23, 2013.
Notes: Yusuf was from the southern Lebanese city of Tyre.

Name: Muhammed Ghassan Bedayr (A.K.A. Muhammed Husayn Ghassan)
Death Announced: May 21, 2013. Funeral was held on May 23, 2013. Funeral was also listed (with photos posted on two Hizballah run webpages) on May 24, 2013.

Name: Ali Ahmed Mazloum
Death Announced: May 21, 2013.
Notes: At the time of this writing, no other photographs were available. Mazloum’s death was announced via Facebook. It is important to see that the two religious clerics at the top of the photograph are Hizballah’s leader Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah (left) and Iran’s Supreme Leader, Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Name: Talib Habib Fadhl (A.K.A. Abu ‘Ali al-Hur)
Death Announced: May 24, 2013.
Notes: At the time of this writing, only one photo of Fadhl was released. In this photo Hizballah’s flag waves (left corner) and Damascus’s Sayda Zaynab Shrine shines in the sun (right corner).

Name: Abbas Ahmed Halal (A.K.A. Abbas or Abu al-Fadhl)
Death Announced: May 24, 2013
Notes: On most Facebook and Hizballah-run webpages, Hilal is usually only referred to as, “Holy Warrior Martyr Abbas”. His middle and last names are not mentioned (except for one photo shown below). He was buried in Haboush, Lebanon.

Name: Muhammed Diab ‘Ali Sayyid Ahmad (A.K.A. ‘Ali al-Ridha)
Death Announced: May 24, 2013

Name: Jusoor Muhammed Isma’il (A.K.A. Tareb)
Death Announced: May 24, 2013
Notes: In the photo it is possible to make out a tattoo of Abbas Ibn Ali (Abu Fadhl al-Abbas), a major figure in Shia Islam, who represents bravery, loyalty, and strength on the battlefield.

Name: ‘Ali Muhammed Sa’id ‘Aql (A.K.A. Abbas or ‘Ali Muhammed Aql)
Death Announced: May 24, 2013
Notes: One photograph of ‘Aql has been issued in the 24-hour period since his death was announced. His poster combines a photo of Hizballah leader, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah and the gold dome of the Zaynab Shrine.

Name: Abbas ‘Ali Rashid Meqdad (A.K.A. Abu al-Fadhl)
Death Announced: May 24, 2013
Notes: Meqdad was claimed as a “Commander” on one Facebook page.

Name: Salah al-Sabagh
Death Announced: May 22, 2013

Name: Muhammed Hamadeh (A.K.A. Haj Bashar)
Death Announced: May 24, 2013
Notes: On Facebook, Hamadeh was claimed to be a Hizballah commander. His older age may indicate this claim as true. The announcement for Hamadeh was only found on 2 pro-Hizballah Facebook pages.

Name: Isma’il ‘Ali Za’ytar (A.K.A. Abu Mahdi Nasrallah)
Death Announced: May 25, 2013
Notes: claims Za’ytar was killed in Qusayr.

Name: Husayn Abdallah Tashuni
Death Announced: May 25, 2013
Notes: claimed Tashuni was killed in Qusayr.

Name: Muhammed Husayn Salami (A.K.A. Bura al-Zuhra)
Death Announced: May 23, 2013. Burial took place on May 24, 2013.

Hizballah Cavalcade: Hizballah’s Multiplying Qusayr Martyrs
NOTE: For prior parts in the Hizballah Cavalcade series you can view an archive of it all here.
By Phillip Smyth
Hizballah Cavalcade: Hizballah’s Multiplying Qusayr Martyrs
Click here for a PDF version of this post
Figure 1: Hizballah fighters pose under a road sign pointing to the Syrian city of Qusayr. (Source: Facebook).
On April 30, 2013, Hizballah leader Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah finally made an official announcement signifying Hizballah would become more greatly involved in the Syrian Civil War. Coinciding with his speech were a number of Facebook, pro-Hizballah forum, and other online webpage posts (often with photographs) showing funerals of Hizballah members. These posts had also occurred for well over a month prior to the Nasrallah speech. While Hizballah had been more publicly involved in the conflict in Syria since the summer of 2012 (with the announcement of the first Hizballah members killed in Syria), the speech appeared to be the first truly publicized acknowledgement of what was originally covert Hizballah activity inside Syria.
The weekend spanning May 18-20, 2013 was one filled with martyrdom announcements from Lebanese Hizballah. These announcements coincided with some of the heaviest fighting witnessed since the start of an over-a-month-long, combined pro-Bashar Assad, and Hizballah offensive. This offensive targeted the strategic area of Qusayr. Qusayr serves as a communications link between Syria’s hilly coastal ‘Alawi heartland, Lebanon’s Hizballah-dominated Bekka Valley, and Syria’s capital, Damascus.[1]
Hizballah often obscures the activities of its fighters in Syria. When a Hizballah member is killed, the phrase, “Killed while performing jihad duties” is regularly utilized by the organization as a description for how and why the member died.
As the Qusayr offensive picked-up steam, the numbers of Hizballah dead multiplied greatly. On May 19, 2013, Hizballah officially released a list of 12 Hizballah members killed.[2] On the other hand, Pro-rebel sources claimed anywhere from 20-120 Hizballah members were killed. Hizballah Facebook pages posted different numbers, ranging from 8-15 killed. Additionally, not all of the newly killed Hizballah members had photographs of themselves posted online.
Pro-Hizballah Facebook groups have taken the brunt of responsibility in spreading the news of new Hizballah dead. These pages are often the first to post photographs of Hizballah’s fallen. In turn, pro-Hizballah Facebook pages demonstrate a high level of online organization. Posts announcing newly killed Hizballah members on different pro-Hizballah Facebook pages often occur within minutes of each other. Honing Hizballah’s message further, these pages also share similar photographs. Such activity underlines how information is vetted and then conveyed to the public about those killed. This fact may also demonstrate official Hizballah involvement in announcements of their dead on Facebook.
There are other dead Hizballah members who were killed in Qusayr before the turbulent weekend. However, the posted list includes individuals who were announced by Hizballah as “Martyred” during the fighting from May 18-20, 2013. Currently (May 20, 2013, 12:00PM EST), that number stands at 20 (though, it may be updated with more information). Additionally, only names which could be cross-referenced using a variety of Hizballah sources were incorporated. These sources included pro-Hizballah Facebook pages, Iranian websites, pro-Hizballah forums, official, and semi-official websites.
Name: Hassan Faysal Shaker
Death Announced: May 19, 2013
Notes: Shaker’s place of death was not listed on Facebook, forum, or official web posts. Shaker was originally listed as killed-in-action in an official Hizballah announcement. The announcement reported a group of 12 Hizballah fighters were killed while fulfilling their, “Jihad duties”. This photo was the only one released and could only be found on pro-Hizballah Facebook pages and on pro-Hizballah forums.
Name: (Al-Haj) Muhammed Salman al-Khalil
Death Announced: May 19, 2013
Notes: Khalil’s place of death was not listed on Facebook, forum, or official web posts.
Name: Muhammed Ali Assad Bakri
Death Announced: May 19, 2013
Notes: Bakri’s place of death was not listed on Facebook, forum, or official web posts.
Name: Abbas Muhammed Uthman
Death Announced: May 19, 2013
Notes: Uthman’s place of death was not listed on Facebook, forum, or official web posts. He was one of 12 dead, who were named in the official Hizballah notice.
Name: Fadi Muhammed al-Jazar
Death Announced: May 19, 2013
Notes: One pro-Hizballah Facebook page reported Jazar was killed fighting in Qusayr. This was one of the first announcements of a Hizballah fighter being killed in that area. The Times of Israel reported Jazar was a Hizballah “Field commander” at Qusayr and from 1991-2004 he was jailed by Israeli authorities after attacking Israeli positions on the Israel-Lebanon border. Jazar was part of a prisoner exchange in 2004.
Name: Muhammed Fouad Raba’
Death Announced: May 19, 2013
Notes: Raba’’s photo shows him holding a modified M4 carbine and posing in front of the 23mm quad-cannon toting ZSU-23 anti-aircraft gun. Raba’ was part of an official Hizballah announcement that a group of Hizballah fighters were killed fulfilling their, “Jihad duties”. This photo was the only one released and could only be found on pro-Hizballah Facebook pages.
Name: Ibrahim Husayn (A.K.A. Abu Ali or Hatem Husayn)
Death Announced: May 18, 2013
Notes: Husayn’s death was announced as part of an official Hizballah announcement that a group of Hizballah fighters were killed while fulfilling their, “Jihad duties”. On two pro-Hizballah Facebook pages, it was claimed that Husayn’s death occurred while “Defending the Zaynab Shrine”. This is a common narrative used to describe Hizballah members who have been killed in Syria. However, it is possible that Husayn could have been serving in Damascus with Hizballah-staffed front groups like Liwa’a Abu Fadl al-Abbas. Other dead Hizballah members from the weekend of May 18-19 did not repeat the claims of that note with their Facebook martyrdom announcement posts. The official website for the town of Bint Jbeil (which is Hizballah controlled) did not report that Husayn was killed defending the Zaynab Shrine. On May 20, an official Iranian website for the Young Journalists Club, reported Husayn was a Hizballah commander.
Name: Hassan Ali al-Shahrour
Death Announced: May 18, 2013. Funeral held on May 18, 2013.
Notes: According to, a pro-Hizballah website, Shahrour’s funeral was attended by many senior Shia religious leaders. Al-Ahed, one of Hizballah’s official news organs, reported that Hizballah MP Muhammed Ra’ad attended the funeral. This was the likely due to the fact that Ra’ad represents Nabatiyeh in Lebanon’s parliament. Photos were posted on Facebook pages,, and
Figure 2: Shahrour’s funeral was led by members of the Mahdi Scouts (Hizballah’s official scouting program). To the right of Shahrour’s posters, Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini is pictured on another poster.
Name: (al-Haj) Ahmed Wael Ra’ad
Death Announced: May 19, 2013.
Notes: No photo was posted. Ra’ad was part of an official Hizballah announcement stating a group of Hizballah fighters were killed fulfilling their, “Jihad duties”.
Name: (al-Haj) Radhwan al-‘Attar
Death Announced: May 19, 2013.
Notes: No photo was posted. ‘Attar was part of an official Hizballah announcement stating a group of Hizballah fighters were killed fulfilling their, “Jihad duties”.
Name: Hassan Hariri
Death Announced: May 19, 2013.
Notes: No photo was posted. Hariri was part of an official Hizballah announcement stating a group of Hizballah fighters were killed fulfilling their, “Jihad duties”.
Name: Radhi al-Sha’er
Death Announced: May 19, 2013
Notes: No photo was posted. Hariri was part of an official Hizballah announcement stating a group of Hizballah fighters were killed while fulfilling their, “Jihad duties”.
Name: Hussein ‘Amar Yaghi
Death Announced: May 19, 2013
Notes: No photo was posted. Yaghi was part of an official Hizballah announcement stating a group of 12 Hizballah fighters were killed while fulfilling their, “Jihad duties”.
Name: Abu Saman Qasas
Death Announced: May 19, 2013
Notes: No photo was posted. Qasas was part of an official Hizballah announcement stating a group of 12 Hizballah fighters were killed while fulfilling their, “Jihad duties”.
Name: Muhammed
Expanding the Scope of Jihadology: Intro to the Hizballah Cavalcade
Three years ago, in May 2010, was established to provide easy access to primary source materials from Sunni global jihadi groups affiliated or sympathetic to al-Qaeda’s worldview. I never would have imagined how large this site would become and want to thank everyone for that support and I hope it has been a useful resource. That being said, one of the largest conflicts embroiling the greater Middle East is the current civil war in Syria. As a consequence of the sectarianization of the war, non-state Shia jihadi groups aligned with the Iranian regime and Hizballah have joined the fight on the side of the Assad regime. It is important to note, that while both AQ-sympathetic and Iranian/Hizballah-sympathetic are ‘jihadi’ in nature, this site is not conflating these two separate movements and strands of thought. Due to the dearth of information on Shia jihadi organizations, Jihadology hopes to fill the same type of gap it did when covering the study of AQ-type groups. For more on this new project (which will take a slightly different approach to what I have done as it relates to Sunni global jihadis), see the introduction to it below from Phillip Smyth.
What is Hizballah Cavalcade?
The new and improved Hizballah Cavalcade has now moved to its new home and will present new information here at Jihadology. Beginning as a humble Twitter hashtag (#HizballahCavalcade) by Phillip Smyth, Hizballah Cavalcade initially sought to post photos of Lebanese Hizballah members killed in Syria and their funerals.
Hizballah Cavalcade will now also focus on (but is not limited to) organizations such as: Lebanon’s Hizballah and Harakat Amal (Amal Movement); Iraq’s Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq’s (League of the Righteous), Kata’ib Hizballah (Hizballah Brigades), and Liwa’a al-Yum al-Mawud (Promised Day Brigades); and Syria’s new Liwa’a Abu Fadhl al-Abbas (The Abu Fadl al-Abbas Brigade).
By utilizing data found on sympathetic Facebook pages, YouTube accounts, and on forums, the new Hizballah Cavalcade will attempt to display available photos of all funerals and martyrdom posters belonging to Shia groups which are fighting in Syria. In addition, funeral, combat, and even music videos belonging to these groups pertaining to the fighting in Syria will also be posted.
About the Author:
Phillip Smyth is currently a researcher focusing on Hizballah for University of Maryland’s Institute for Advanced Computer Studies’ Lab for Computational Cultural Dynamics.
New article from Abū Sa'd al 'Āmilī: "Urgent Advice and Briefs to Our Brothers in Ṣīdān (Sidon)"
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وبه نستعين وعليه التكلان
في ظل التوتر القائم في صيدا وتبعاً لتحرشات الكلاب الروافض مما يسمى بحزب الله في مدينة صيدا لأهلنا أهل السنة، ومن باب الدين النصيحة، أتقدم بعجالة بتقديم هذه النصائح المختصرة لإخواننا أهل السنة وحراس التوحيد هناك وعلى رأسهم أخونا الشيخ أحمد الأسير، وآمل أن يمن الله عليهم بالثبات والصبر والحكمة لكي يتجاوزوا هذه المرحلة الحرجة بكل نجاح وبنصر وتمكين لدين الله تعالى.
أولاً: لابد من المحافظة على القيادة في الفترة الراهنة وهذا يتطلب التركيز على الجانب الأمني ومزيد من الاحتياطات والحذر.
ثانياً : لابد من التميز بالعمل الصالح والتوحيد الخالص وبيان المنهج للناس.
ثالثاً: لابد من إعداد البنيات التحتية وكل ما يلزم من الآن من أجل الدخول في حرب قد تكون أطول مما يتصور الجميع.
رابعاً: لابد من التنسيق مع الإخوة في سوريا الشام ليكون كل طرف مدد للآخر، ويتم التنسيق ثم التوحد بعد ذلك لتتشكل جبهة قوية قادرة على الصمود والانتشار في الشام كله..
هذه رؤوس أقلام قد ييسر الله تفصيلها لاحقاً ، والحمد لله رب العالمين..
To inquire about a translation for this article for a fee email: [email protected]
New statement from the 'Abd Allah 'Azzām Brigades: "Condolences to the People of Palestine on the Martyrdom of the Two Shaykhs"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: ‘Abd Allah ‘Azzām Brigades — “Condolences to the People of Palestine on the Martyrdom of the Two Shaykhs”
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]
New video message from the ‘Abdullah ‘Azzām Brigades’ Sirāj ad-Dīn Zurayqāt: "May the Path of Criminals be Evident"
UPDATE 6/17/13 4:53 PM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic video message and transcription:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Sirāj ad-Dīn Zurayqāt — “May the Path of Criminals be Evident” (En)
UPDATE 10/6/12 5:59 PM: Here is Arabic transcription of the below video message:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Sirāj ad-Dīn Zurayqāt — “May the Path of Criminals be Evident” (Ar)
New statement from Fataḥ al-Islām: "Obituary for Shaykh Abū Qaswarah al-Muhājir"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Fataḥ al-Islām — “Obituary for Shaykh Abū Qaswarah al-Muhājir”
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]
al-Anṣār Media Foundation presents a new statement from Anṣār al-Islām: "Condolences to Their Brothers in Fataḥ al-Islām on the Occasion of the Martyrdom of Abū Ḥussām ash-Shāmī"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Anṣār al-Islām — “Condolences to Their Brothers in Fataḥ al-Islām on the Occasion of the Martyrdom of Abū Ḥussām ash-Shāmī”
To inquire about a translation for this statements for a fee email: [email protected]
New statement from Fataḥ al-Islām: "On the Martyrdom of the Amīr of Fataḥ al-Islām in the Land of Bilād ash-Shām Abū Ḥussām ash-Shāmī"
UPDATE 9/11/12 10:06 PM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic statement:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
It is time for the knight to rest… Departure of the Amir of Fatih Al-Islam Organization in Bilad Al-Sham… Mujahid sheikh Abu Hussam Al-Shami
Alhamdulillah who legitimized for His slaves jihad and defending of the honors, and made the swords of the believers raised in the faces of the people Kufr, rejection and avoidance, and peace and blessings be upon His prophet the laughing slayer who said: “The best life is that of the man who holds his horse’s rein in Allah’s way and flies on its back to the places from whence he hears a war cry or the clatter of arms, seeking martyrdom or slaughter on the battlefield”. Narrated by Muslim.
The caravans of martyrdom continue one after another, and this Ummah is still prolific offering its best sons and the elite of its men for the sake of giving pride the religion and supporting the oppressed slaves of Allah and seeking to defeat the unjust Tawagit.
And to confirm the saying of the Almighty: (Of the believers are men who are true to the covenant which they made with Allah: so of them is he who accomplished his vow, and of them is he who yet waits, and they have not changed in the least) 23 Surah Al-Ahzab.
Fatih Al-Islam Organization in Bilad Al-Sham mourns to the people of Islam in general and Syria in particular, the martyrdom of Amir of Fatih Al-Islam Organization in Bilad Al-Sham Mujahid sheikh Abu Hussam Al-Shami (Abdul-Aziz Al-Korkali) rahimahullah and may He accept him in the martyrs.
The hero Abu Hussam departed raising the banner of Tawhid on the proud land of Sham fighting for the sake of Allah Almighty – we reckon him to be so and we do not recommend anyone before Allah -, he rahimahullah was one of those who work in quietly, and he has departed – may Allah praise him – quietly, and he always made Dua that he be sincere, he didn’t record an audio, or have a picture taken for him, and he was very eager for his security.
It is like Bishr Al-Hafi mourned him by saying: “It is sufficient that some dead people revive the hearts by mentioning them” and that is the blood of the martyr as we knew it in the fields of jihad… “A light and fire” A light to glow the path for us to continue the march and a fire on the enemies of Allah that open for them the doors of hell fire…
The mujahid hero Abu Hussam was a torch of activity that doesn’t goes off, going from one battlefield to another, and from one front to another in our beloved Sham, and he departed to his Lord when he attained full strength and reached 40 years, which he spent most of his life in the fields of pride and dignity and the factories heroism and championship.
He was harmed for the sake of Allah many times, and was arrested by the agencies Nusayri Tagut and its intelligence and aerial intelligence several times, and he tasted the pain of prison, bitterness of imprisonment, being far away from the family and loved ones and his prison only made him more solid and energetic in the jihad of this criminal regime.
Ask about him throughout the Golan, the plateaus of Daraa, Damascus neighborhoods and the groves of Al-Ghouta, this is its pure soil that witness that it was watered by his pure blood, and thus the tree of Khilafah only stands on the blood of the heroes.
Our martyr has departed to his Lord patient Murabit after a clash in an ambush that was set by the aggressive regime forces in Al-Sham on the Damascus – Daraa road after he was steadfast and refused to surrender to the enemies of Allah to tempt him from his Tawhid and jihad.
Let the mourning women cry on those similar to Abu Hussam, he departed in humility so that tears be shed on him and the decision of the matter, before and after these events is only with Allah, and all matters return to Allah.
O’ Allah accept him a martyr for your sake, and grant him happily the highest Firdaus , and aid us to carry the banner after him unerringly.
Fatih Al-Islam Organization
Tuesday 17 Shawal 1433 A.H.
Corresponding 2 September 2012
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Fataḥ al-Islām — “On the Martyrdom of the Amīr of Fataḥ al-Islām in the Land of Bilād ash-Shām Abū Ḥussām ash-Shāmī”