New audio message from the ‘Abdullah ‘Azzām Brigades’ Sirāj al-Dīn Zurayqāt: "In Condolence to the Shaykh Sa'īd al-Shihrī"

UPDATE 8/20/13 7:17 AM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below audio message:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Sirāj al-Dīn Zurayqāt — “In Condolence to the Shaykh Sa’īd al-Shihrī” (Ar)

Sirāj al-Dīn Zurayqāt — “In Condolence to the Shaykh Sa’īd al-Shihrī”


To inquire about a translation for this audio message for a fee email: [email protected]

New audio message from the ‘Abd Allah ‘Azzām Brigades’ Mājid bin Muḥammad al-Mājid: "You Support Oh Shām"

UPDATE 8/22/13 8:39 AM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic audio message and transcription:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Mājid bin Muḥammad al-Mājid — “You Support Oh Shām” (En)

UPDATE 8/2/13 9:30 PM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below audio message:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Mājid bin Muḥammad al-Mājid — “You Support Oh Shām” (Ar)

Mājid bin Muḥammad al-Mājid — “You Support Oh Shām”


‘Ā’ishah Media Center presents a new article from Minbar Ahl al-Sunnah wa-l-Jamā'ah in Lebanon's Shaykh Abū Idrīs al-Shamālī: "Advice and Guidance #1: They Massacred Tawḥīd Oh Ahl al-Sunnah in Lebanon"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Shaykh Abū Idrīs al-Shamālī — “Advice and Guidance #1- They Massacred Tawḥīd Oh Ahl al-Sunnah in Lebanon”

To inquire about a translation for this article for a fee email: [email protected]

New article from Ibn Taymīyyah Center for Media: "Letter of Support for Ahl al-Sunnah in Lebanon"

UPDATE 7/17/13 11:11 AM: Here is an English translation of the below article:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Ibn Taymīyyah Center for Media — “Letter of Support for Ahl al-Sunnah in Lebanon” (En)

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Ibn Taymīyyah Center for Media — “Letter of Support for Ahl al-Sunnah in Lebanon”

al-Ma’sadat Media Foundation presents new research from Muḥammad bin 'Umar and Abū Sa'd al 'Āmilī: "The Clear Revelations in the Takfīr of the Lebanese State"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Muḥammad bin ‘Umar and Abū Sa’d al ‘Āmilī — “The Clear Revelations in the Takfīr of the Lebanese State”

To inquire about a translation for this research for a fee email: [email protected]

'Ā'ishah Media Center presents a new statement from Minbar Ahl al-Sunnah wa-l-Jamā'ah in Lebanon: "Statement #1"

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله رب العالمين, والصلاة و السلام على سيد المرسلين, و على آله و أصحابه الطاهرين, و من تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين, و عنا معهم برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين, أما بعد:

لا يخف على الجميع ما يحل اليوم في الشام, من تكالب للأعداء على إخواننا من كل حدب و صوب, كتكالب الأكلة على قصعتها, و إن هذه الأحداث تنتقل تدريجيا إلى البلد الحبيب لبنان, فقد أعلن حزب اللات الحرب على أهل السنة في العلن, و بدأ بتنفيذ خطط كان قد رسمها لإضعاف أهل السنة, فمنذ أشهر قتل الشيخ المجاهد خالد الحميد تقبله في عرسال التي يحاصرها الجيش الماروني الأسدي, و منذ أسبوع حوصر الشيخ المجاهد أحمد الأسير حفظه الله في مسجده مع أنصاره, فقتلت سرايا المقاومة العشرات من أهل السنة من أنصار الشيخ, و قصف مسجد بلال بن رباح, و أطلق الرصاص على مسجد علي بن أبي طالب, و اعتقل عدد كبير من أهل السنة و أحدهم قتل تحت التعذيب, و كل هذا حصل بالتنسيق مع الجيش الماروني الأسدي, و اليوم تحاك لطرابلس مؤامرة كبيرة الله أعلم متى ستنفذ, و المتابع للأحداث يعلم أنها قريبة جدا…

و كل هذه الحقائق يقلبها الإعلام اللبناني العميل, الذي يضع المظلوم في موضع الإتهام, و يجعله المجرم الأكبر, و كل هذا يصب في مصلحة حزب اللات ضد أهل السنة, فبناء على كل ما تقدم ذكره, قررنا أن يكون لأهل السنة و الجماعة منبرا إعلاميا ينقل الصورة على حقيقتها و ينصر المظلوم و يعيد الحقوق, و ينق الأحداث بإنصاف.

فنعلن عن إنشاء
مركز عائشة للإعلام 
– منبر أهل السنة و الجماعة في لبنان –

سائلين الله عز و جل أن يكون في عوننا و أن يسدد رأينا و أن يجعلنا على قدر من المسؤولية في سد ثغر عظيم و هو الإعلام الجهادي, و الله الموفق و عليه التكلان.

إخوانكم في مركز عائشة للإعلام
– منبر أهل السنة و الجماعة في لبنان –



To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the ‘Abd Allah ‘Azzām Brigades: "On the Aggression of the Party of Iran"

UPDATE 6/17/13 4:58 PM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic statement:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: ‘Abd Allah ‘Azzām Brigades — “On the Aggression of the Party of Iran” (En)

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: ‘Abd Allah ‘Azzām Brigades — “On the Aggression of the Party of Iran”

Hizballah Cavalcade: “Divine Victory” in Qusayr: Hizballah Promotes Their Success on the Web

NOTE: For prior parts in the Hizballah Cavalcade series you can view an archive of it all here.

“Divine Victory” in Qusayr: Hizballah Promotes Their Success on the Web
By Phillip Smyth ([email protected])
Figure 1: The green text on the sign reads, “Nasr Mubarak” (“Blessed Victory”); the red reads, “Al-Qusayr 2013”.
Throughout the month of May and into early June, the Battle for Qusayr pitted numerous rebel factions against the combined might of the Syrian military and Lebanese Hizballah. This period also witnessed Hizballah Secretary General Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah finally admit that Hizballah forces were not simply fighting to “Protect [Shia] shrines” or to “Defend Lebanese Shia border villages”.[1] Instead, all of Syria would be Hizballah’s battlefield until victory. As fighting in Syrian heated-up, Nasrallah promised to Hizballah supporters (on May 25, 2013), “I say to all the honorable people, to the mujahedeen, to the heroes: I have always promised you a victory and now I pledge to you a new one in Syria”.[2]
In many ways, the promise of victory in Syria harkened back to Nasrallah’s 2006, “wa’d sadiq” (“Truthful promise”). At the time, Hizballah’s leader had, before the July-August war, sworn he would undertake an operation to free prisoners in Israeli jails (namely, Samir Quntar).[3] The war was the summation of his promise. Following the war, Nasrallah’s “Truthful promise” became a common quasi-religious cum ideological narrative. With the 2006 war over, the phrase, “Divine victory”—a claim that the 2006 Hizballah-Israel war resulted in a Hizballah victory— was combined with “Truthful promise”. In turn, they both became common slogans utilized by Hizballah.
In an effort to demonstrate continuity with the narrative, Hizballah is reusing these themes once again in Syria.
The announcements of June 6, 2013, demonstrating Qusayr had been taken, resounded through Hizballah’s network of Facebook and forum pages. No more than an hour after it was declared that Qusayr had fallen to Assad’s and Hizballah’s forces, Hizballah partisans had already created numerous photos to praise the operation. Few photos of Hizballah fighters in Qusayr were released, but the video and photographic material which was made public emphasized a much more sectarian presentation of Hizballah’s fight for Syria.
Figure 2: Hizballah supporters envisioned Google producing a doodle to commemorate the group’s victory in Qusayr. The Google logo is in Hizballah’s green and yellow color scheme. Google’s “L” has been replaced by a round of ammunition. Additionally, the slogan featured on the top of Hizballah’s flag (which is Quran 5:56) has been placed above Google’s logo– “Indeed, the party of God are they that shall be triumphant”. A Hizballah fighter stands off to the left viewing a sign reading, “Welcome to Kossayr [sic]”. The date of the victory (June 5, 2013) is featured in the search-bar.

Figure 3: Hizballah supporters hand out candies. The sign reads “Al-Qusayr Saqatat” (“Qusayr has fallen”). Following Hizballah’s conquest of Qusayr, this photo became a common addition on most pro-Hizballah, pro-Liwa’a Abu Fadl al-Abbas, and a number of pro-Assad Facebook pages. Pro-rebel social media also featured the photograph in an effort to establish Hizballah’s hubris.
Figure 4: Hizballah supporters drive in a convoy flying Hizballah, Syrian (Assad pattern), and Iranian flags to celebrate the fall of Qusayr. This photo was later removed from the original Facebook page it was posted.
Figure 5: Jubilant Hizballah fighters roll through Qusayr on a pickup truck. This photo was featured on 7 major pro-Hizballah Facebook pages and a number of pro-Assad Facebook pages.
Figure 6: Hizballah supporters have tried to establish the Battle of Qusayr as a victory which is the equivalent to Israel’s 2000 withdrawal from Lebanon and the end of the 2006 Hizballah-Israel War (which Hizballah calls a “Divine Victory”).
A commonality in all videos is that of open celebration. The firing of weapons, fireworks, and demonstrations involving vehicle convoys are omnipresent in released footage.  Videos representing a clear sectarian-based shift also took center stage. Most importantly was one video of Hizballah fighters raising a banner reading, “Ya Husayn” (“O Husayn”) over the minaret of a captured Sunni mosque in Qusayr. The Hizballah fighters then chanted, “Labayka ya Husayn” (“We are here for you, O Husayn”). The clip was spread quite openly over Hizballah’s numerous Facebook, forum, and other social media sites and was then picked up by pro-rebel groups and other Arab media organs. In some ways, the video demonstrates that Hizballah views Qusayr as a Shia victory more than just a victory for the organization.

[1] See: [2] See: [3] See: Quntar was held in an Israeli prison for a 1979 terrorist attack on Nahariya, Israel, During the attack, Quntar murdered a 4 year old and her father. See:

Ibn Taymīyyah Center for Media presents a new article from Abū Sulaymān al-Filisṭīnī: "Strength of the Field Officer and Repeating the Experience of 'Ḥizb Allah' in the Protection of the Jews"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Abū Sulaymān al-Filisṭīnī — “Strength of the Field Officer and Repeating the Experience of ‘Ḥizb Allah’ in the Protection of the Jews”

To inquire about a translation for this article for a fee email: [email protected]