As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from Khālid bin ‘Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān [Abū Zayd al-Kūwaytī]: “Da’wah Lecture #3: Milestones in the Life of the Ṣaḥābah”

UPDATE 4/22 8:20 AM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below video message:

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Khālid bin ‘Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān [Abū Zayd al-Kūwaytī] — “Da’wah Lecture #3- Milestones in the Life of the Ṣaḥābah”

NOTE: For the second and first lecture see here and here.

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New statement from Abū al-Walīd al-Maṣrī [Muṣṭafā Ḥāmid]: “Dialogue With Sayf al ‘Adl, Installment #2: We Are the Chessboard, Second Move- The United States on the Track of the Soviets”

As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from Ayman aẓ-Ẓawāhirī: “Fifth Installment of a Message of Hope and Glad Tidings to Our People in Egypt”

UPDATE 4/20 1:07 PM: Here is an English translation of the below video message:

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Ayman aẓ-Ẓawāhirī — “Fifth Installment of a Message of Hope and Glad Tidings to Our People in Egypt” (En; al-Jahad)

NOTE: Unlike the previous four parts, this one is live video of Ẓawāhirī. It has been quite some time since we have seen Ẓawāhirī live. He may be in a safer place now. This video also features a part from Anwar al ‘Awlaqī’s video last fall “To make it known and clear to mankind, and not to hide it.” Along with the video, As-Saḥāb Media released an Arabic transcription of it:
Ayman aẓ-Ẓawāhirī — “Fifth Installment of a Message of Hope and Glad Tidings to Our People in Egypt” (Ar)
Here are a few quotes from the below video via Evan Kohlmann’s Twitter feed:

I would like to encourage my brothers in Egypt, especially the tribes in the western desert, to support their brothers in Libya.
If US and NATO forces enter Libya, then their neighbors in Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria… must fight Qadhafi and the NATO crusaders.

For previous installments see: FourthThirdSecondFirst.

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As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from Khālid bin ‘Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān [Abū Zayd al-Kūwaytī]: “Da’wah Lecture #2: Manifestations of Old Age”

UPDATE 4/13 12:51 PM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below video message:
Khālid bin ‘Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān [Abū Zayd al-Kūwaytī] — “Da’wah Lecture #2- Manifestations of Old Age” (Ar)

NOTE: For the first lecture see here.

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As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from Khālid bin 'Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān [Abū Zayd al-Kūwaytī]: "Da'wah Lecture: Remembering the Birds of Prey"

UPDATE 4/3 1:26 PM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below video message:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Khālid bin ‘Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān [Abū Zayd al-Kūwaytī] — “Da’wah Lecture- Remembering the Birds of Prey” (Ar)

Dār al-Jabhah Publications and Distribution via the Global Islamic Media Front presents a new book from Shaykh 'Abd al-Majīd 'Abd al-Majīd: "The Struggle of the Islamic Zionist Crusader: The Real Face of the Struggle"

Sayf al 'Adl has written Five New Letters

HT to Leah Farrall for finding this content. She plans to write more about this later, but has had some quick take tweets on it already.
The five letters are as follows:

  1. For you God, Oh Libya, written March 9, 2011
  2. The Yemen Uprising or “The People’s King,” written March 8, 2011
  3. Terrorism + Bullying = Terrorbullying (إرهابجية an Arabic neologism I’m guessing), written March 8, 2011
  4. Margins on the Pages of Egypt’s Revolution, written February 27
  5. We Are Not .. On the Chessboard and We Are Not Stones, written January 12

al ‘Adl also wrote five letters late last year. For analysis on it see Vahid Brown’s excellent take at Jihadica.

Sayf al ‘Adl — Repayment of the Five
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al-Fajr Media presents a new book from Abū Yaḥyā al-Lībī: "Forty Virtues in Martyrdom and the Required Attributes"

NOTE: Seems as if there is somewhat of a dissonance between the message of a book like this and the recent video release from ‘Aṭīyatullah Abū ‘Abd ar-Raḥman titled “Maximizing the Sanctity of Muslim Blood.” They are not mutually exclusive, but one wonders.
Also, it is important to note that this is the ninth release from al-Qā’idah senior leadership in the past five weeks, which compared to the past year or so is a blistering pace. Could they have found new safe houses not near where the drones are flying anymore?

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Abū Yaḥyā al-Lībī — “Forty Virtues in Martyrdom and the Required Attributes”