New video message from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: “Preparation of Jihad #2″

Click here for the first part in this video series.


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New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Shaykh Hībat Allah Akhūnd Zādah: “Message of Felicitation On the Occasion of ‘Īd al ‘Aḍḥā”

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Shaykh Hībat Allah Akhūnd Zādah — Message of Felicitation On the Occasion of ‘Īd al ‘Aḍḥā


Source: Telegram

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Aghanistan: “Regarding the Supposed Election Process”


For the past few days the deceiving process of elections has again picked up steam and candidates have launched their election campaigns. The Islamic Emirate declares its stance regarding this issue as such:
– As Afghanistan has been occupied by foreign forces and all affairs of the country are in their control including the funding, management, monitoring and final decision of this process and as foreign embassies in Kabul frequently interject and give instructions, keeping all this in mind, this election process is nothing more than a ploy to deceive the common people because all understand that ultimate decision making power lies with those (foreigners) funding and managing this process and not with the public.
– Our compatriots might remember that the supposed presidential elections were held twice in the year 2014. Hundreds of millions of dollars were spent and the election process dragged on for months yet when the time for the final decision came, the US secretary of state of the time – John Kerry – arrived at Kabul and declared all votes null and void before picking two candidates of his own choosing to run the government.
As the wise say “testing the already tested is an error” therefore our compatriots must not continually fall for these cunning political traps and refrain from participating in such a process where their votes do not actually hold any value.
– The reality remains that the Kabul administration exercises control over a very limited area of Afghanistan and voting will only take place in selected cities but even then, most of the inhabitants will not be participating. On the other hand, negotiations are underway to bring an end to the occupation and arrangements for intra-Afghan understanding are being put into place. Taking into account this distinct situation and the prevailing conditions, these supposed elections are only for satisfying the ego of a limited number of sham politicians, resulting in the waste of time, money and resources.
– As this upcoming supposed election is also akin to previous misleading processes, the Islamic Emirate shall exert utmost efforts in its prevention. We call on all our fellow countrymen to boycott this process and not partake in any campaign rallies because your participation will only be used as a ruse by the invaders and their hirelings to gain validity. We believe that the nation – like the years past – will neuter this process of the invaders with a complete boycott.
– As campaigns for these theatrical elections are already in full swing and rallies are being organized, the Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate will be becoming their barrier. To prevent losses, God forbid, from being incurred by our fellow compatriots, they must stay away from gatherings and rallies that could become potential targets.
– The Islamic Emirate also calls upon foreigners that frequently declare support for this sham process or commit meaningless financial resources to instead dedicate their energies and resources to ending the occupation of Afghanistan and establishing true peace so that genuine service is made for Afghanistan and the ongoing peace process in these critical moments is not sabotaged for a few figures.
– The Islamic Emirate instructs all its Mujahideen to stand against this theatrical and sham of a process to their full capabilities and prevent the enemy from succeeding in their malicious plans.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
5/12/1440هـ ق
15/5/1398هـ ش ــ 2019/8/6م


Source: Telegram

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Aghanistan’s Zabīh Allah Mujāhid: “Remarks Regarding Report Published By UNAMA”


Today UNAMA published a report in Kabul highlighting civilian casualties in the first six months of this year.

Even thought UNAMA did point out that a large portion of civilian casualties have been caused by American airstrikes and night raids in the first half of this year however they failed to publish the true extent of casualties.

Similarly, the percentage of civilian casualties attributed to the Islamic Emirate is also of full glaring holes and rejected by us.

An active department for the prevention of civilian casualties is operating on behalf of the Islamic Emirate that thoroughly investigates every civilian casualty incident and prevents its reoccurrence. Moreover, no attack has been deliberately or specifically carried out against a civilian target.

Yet the report by UNAMA has still falsely attributed 38% of all civilian casualties to the Islamic Emirate.

UNAMA report has attributed attacks to the Islamic Emirate that have been rejected by us at the time of occurrence.

Additionally, individuals that are working in enemy ranks and actively supporting the enemy in military and intelligence departments have been given a civilian status.

On the other hand, the invaders responsible for 80% of civilian casualties and directly involved in or playing a supporting role in every civilian casualty incident, have only been blamed for 18% of total losses which is clear injustice as witnessed by our entire nation.

The Islamic Emirate advises all humanitarian and right organizations including UNAMA that effective steps for the prevention of civilian casualties can only be taken when a thorough investigation is carried out about each incident, real perpetrators as requirements demand are highlighted and a humanitarian issue such as civilian casualties is kept separate from politics.

Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Zabihullah Mujahid

27/11/1440 Hijri Lunar

08/05/1398 Hijri Solar 30/07/2019 Gregorian


Source: Telegram

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Aghanistan’s Zabīh Allah Mujāhid: “Delegation Attended An Important Conference in Indonesia”


This afternoon, the Islamic Emirate delegation led by the Political Deputy of the Islamic Emirate, Mullah Baradar Akhund, attended a joint conference with a number of scholars and experts at the headquarters of the Majlis-e-Ulema of Indonesia.

The conference was held at the Majlis-e-Ulema conference hall in Jakarta, where respected Mullah Barader Akhund and his colleagues highlighted the current situation of Afghanistan, policy and achievements of the Islamic Emirate.

The leaders of the Indonesian Ulema Council and other prominent leaders of the country appreciated the sacrifices of the Islamic Emirate and the Afghan Mujahideen, offered their views and suggestions and also prayed for further success. Later the delegation of the Islamic Emirate attended a lunch prepared by the Majlis-e-Ulema.

*Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan*

*Zabihullah Mujahid*

*27/11/1440 Hijri Lunar*

*8/5/1398 Hijri Solar*

*30/07/2019 Gregorian*


Source: Telegram