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For prior issues in this magazine see: #163, #162, #161, #160, #159, #158, #157, #156, #155, #154, #153, #152, #151, #150, #149, #148, #147, #146, #145, #144, #143, #142, #141, #140, #139, #138, #137, #136, #135, #134, #133, #132, #131, #130, #129, #128, #127, #126, #125, #124, #123, #122, #121,#120, #119,#118,#117,#116,#115,#114, #113, #112, #111, #110, #109, #108, #107, #106, #105, #104, #103,#102,#101,#100,#99, #98, #97, #96,#95, #94, #93, #92,#91, #90, #89, #88, #87, #86, #85, #84, #83, #82, #81, #80, #79, #78, #77, #76, #75, #74, #73, #72, #71, #70, #69, #68, #67, #66, #65, #64, #63, #62, #61, #60, #59, #58, #57, #56, #53, and #51.
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — al-Ṣamūd Magazine #164
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Officials of the stooge Kabul administration claimed to have killed a leader associated with Al Qaeda organization during the raid and bombing of a wedding in Musa Kala district, Helmand.
We categorically reject this claim by Kabul officials and consider it a part of enemy fabricated propaganda.
Truth of the matter remains that the said operation in Musa Kala district only caused heavy civilian losses and tens of ordinary civilian Afghans including those participating in a wedding ceremony were martyred and wounded.
The enemy is trying to use such claims to conceal the crime it perpetrated in Musa Kala.
Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Qari Muhammad Yousuf Ahmadi
09/02/1441 Hijri Lunar
16/07/1398 Hijri Solar
08/10/2019 Gregorian
Source: Telegram
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Eighteen years ago today, America launched an invasion against our homeland (Afghanistan) under flimsy excuses and without any proper justification.
The American invaders used the September incident as a pretext even as it had no relation with Afghanistan nor were any facilities present in Afghanistan where such actions could be organized and executed.
Instead of adopting dialogue and tact or accepting the offer of Islamic Emirate of peacefully resolving the issue, America heedlessly attacked Afghanistan on the 7th of October 2001, initially launching the invasion by air followed by using a few incompetent pseudo-Afghans as ground troops.
The Islamic Emirate also stood against this American invasion in accordance with its national and religious obligation and began Jihad against the aggressors with reliance upon Allah (SwT) and support of its nation.
It has now been eighteen years and the American occupation continues as they kill our people, perpetrate unimaginable horrors through ground and air operations and seek to forcefully impose their corrupt, failed and servile regime upon the Afghans.
But the scope of Jihad and struggle has also expanded the breadth of the country as Afghan sacrifices and heroics oppose the American invaders and their supporters like impregnable walls and neutralize all their schemes, plots, stratagems and military efforts, and all praise belong to Allah (SwT).
Currently, the Afghan war has transformed into an open wound for the Americans. Tens of thousands of their troops have been killed and maimed and billions of dollars spent but they have yet to achieve any of their objectives in Afghanistan.
We and the entire world understand that the occupation of Afghanistan and continuation of war is causing America enormous human and material losses on top of damaging its prestige. It has ended the international political standing of America, extracted the world from a unipolar order and inflicted humiliation upon a great military alliance like NATO.
America herself and specifically her war-mongering circles and generals are responsible for this fiasco as they insist upon war in order to find a market for their military industry and fleece their own citizens under the name of aiding Afghanistan.
The American public shall continue enduring daily harm under these conditions and so will it inflict suffering upon the valiant Muslim Afghan nation.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan – in accordance with its rational and principled policy – calls on the American invaders to stop missing out on further opportunities as the past eighteen years, end the futile use of force and power, take sincere steps towards finding a logical pathway forward and safeguard itself from further international ridicule, shame and humiliation.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
08/02/1441 Hijri Lunar
15/07/1398 Hijri Solar 07/10/2019 Gregorian
Source: Telegram
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — Jihādī Conquests in Tala wa Barfak District
Source: Telegram
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The Muslim and Mujahid Afghan nation again showcased that the wishes and occupation of all foreigners are unacceptable to them through the complete boycott and neutralization of machinations of the misleading Kabul administration elections.
Today the stooge Kabul administration held a staged election process to gain false legitimacy but faced failure and rejection by the vast majority of our nation, and all praise belong to Allah.
Barring official government staff, employees and a few mislead individuals in a number of cities, this foreign imposed process was rejected and spurned by the masses.
The Islamic Emirate wholeheartedly thanks the entire suffering Muslim nation for positively responding to the call of the Islamic Emirate and for rejecting this conspiracy termed elections, comprehensively supporting their Mujahideen brothers, lending them a helping hand and proving their unbreakable bond.
The failure of the imposed election process clarifies the following points:
1 – Majority of the nation wants an end to the occupation and establishment of a strong Islamic government.
2 – The supposed Afghan individuals involved with the Kabul administration must end self-deception, stop playing with the Islamic beliefs and demands of the nation and quit servitude of foreigners by grasping ground realities.
3 – As independent media and assessment groups also confirmed an extremely low voter turnout therefore the boycott of the Afghan nation must make the occupying side understand that the Afghan nation shall never accept occupation or any foreign imported processes and plots. The pointless expenditures, encouragement and time wasting by foreign invaders in this procedure is not in the interest of any side hence they must come to grips with realities without further hesitation, accept demands of the valiant Afghan nation, end their occupation, leave this nation to its fate and cease all interference in our homeland.
4 – The Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate must express further appreciation of its nation. Today it was this nation that courageously opposed this great enemy plot and safeguarded themselves despite monetary incentives, propaganda, encouragement and other conspiracies. From Badakhshan to Uruzgan, from Herat to Nangarhar and from Kunduz to Balkh and all the way from Kandahar to Paktika, the entire nation unanimously adhered to the request of their Mujahideen brothers and neutralized a grand enemy scheme.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
29/01/1441 Hijri Lunar
06/07/1398 Hijri Solar 28/09/2019 Gregorian
Source: Telegarm