New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Aghanistan’s Zabīh Allah Mujāhid: “Clarification Concerning Propaganda About the Ceasefire”


For the past few days, a number of media outlets have been publishing false and baseless reports about a ceasefire by the Islamic Emirate.

Propaganda by some outlets has even reached heights of supposed schism within the Islamic Emirate on the issue of a ceasefire.

The reality of the situation is that the Islamic Emirate has no intention of declaring a ceasefire. The United States has asked for a reduction in the scale and intensity of violence and discussions being held by the Islamic Emirate are revolving solely around this specific issue.

The leader of the Islamic Emirate has not yet issued a final decree and neither is there any differences within the Islamic Emirate related to this issue.

It is hoped that our compatriots pay no heed to the malicious reports being propagated by the enemy media.

Some intelligence circles are utilizing the media in an effort to generate anxiety, false optimism and sabotage the ongoing negotiations process through the dissemination of misleading information.

The Islamic Emirate will take every necessary and appropriate step that ensures the higher interests and Jihadi aspirations of our homeland in the light of Islamic Shariah in both the military and political fronts, Allah willing.

The Islamic Emirate shall keep its nation informed of any progress through its official channels.

Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Zabihullah Mujahid

04/05/1441 Hijri Lunar

09/10/1398 Hijri Solar                   30/12/2019 Gregorian


Source: Telegram

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: “Regarding Soviet Invasion On the 6th of Jaddi”


Forty years earlier on the 6th of Jaddi 1358 (Hijri Solar), the arrogant Soviet armies launched an invasion against our sacred Islamic homeland, Afghanistan.

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan is considered one of the biggest human tragedies in modern history.

The ruthless communists began mass murder of our believing people, bombing of villages and indiscriminate destruction with an impression that they could succeed in imposing their evil system and ideology on our believing nation through the use force and brutality. Our people, however, presented unimaginable sacrifices to protect and defend their sacred values as one and half million compatriots sacrificed their lives in defense of Islam, a similar number were wounded, maimed, imprisoned or disappeared, majority of villages and towns were destroyed and our national foundations razed. But despite such calamities and the unspeakable horrors of the ruthless invaders, our believing nation was not prepared to forgo their values and accept the Soviet occupation. In the end due to the blessing of these enormous sacrifices, the Soviet invasion was repelled and they left our land in humiliation.

On this occasion marking the launch of the Soviet invasion, we remind the current invaders (Americans) and their stooges that your experiments of oppression and terror that you are perpetrating – the razing of villages, torching of homes, murder of women and children, imprisonment of believers and repetition of the experiences of Genghis, English and Soviets – have continuously failed and proven futile here.

Understand that this nation is prepared for death with honor but never a life of disgrace and persecution.

Therefore, learn lessons from past experiences and adopt the path of reason. End this unlawful occupation and leave our oppressed people to live a life of dignity and peace in accordance with their own values in their own homeland.

To end we condemn the Soviet invasion and ask the Almighty Allah (SwT) to grant all the martyrs of the Afghan Jihad Jannat-ul-Fidaus and may He (SwT) accept the hardships of all the martyrs, injured, maimed, migrants and Mujahideen – Ameen O’ Lord of the Universe.

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
30/04/1441 Hijri Lunar
06/10/1398 Hijri Solar 27/12/2019 Gregorian


Source: Telegram

New video message from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: “”Education and Training #23″

For prior parts in this video series see: #22, #21#20#19#18#17#16#15#14#13#12#11#10#9#7#6#5#4#3#2, and #1.


To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]

New video message from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: “Killing of the Nation #11″

For prior parts of this video series see: #`10, #9#8#7#6#5#4#3#2, and #1.


To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Aghanistan’s Zabīh Allah Mujāhid: “Martyrdom Attack Ongoing Inside the Largest Military Base of the American Invaders – Bagram Airbase”


Amid the ongoing thunderous ‘Al-Fath’ Operations, a complex martyrdom attack was carried out this morning against the largest American base in the country, Bagram Airbase.

The attack began at around 06:00am local time this morning when a martyrdom seeker detonated his explosives-laden truck next to the wall of an American base resulting in a large portion of the infrastructure destroyed and a path opened for others to enter the base.

A group of martyrdom-seekers armed with heavy and light weapons, incendiary weapons and explosives vests managed to reach the barracks, sleeping quarters and other military targets and begin engaging the invaders in close combat.

According to initial information, tens of foreign invaders and their hirelings have been killed and wounded so far with heavy damage caused to barracks and other buildings and the operation is still ongoing at the moment.

Reports about destruction of a hospital or mosque or casualties to civilians are untrue, however, if some civilians have been slightly injured due to the sheer force of the explosion then such is not intentional.

Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Zabihullah Mujahid

14/04/1441 Hijri Lunar

20/09/1398 Hijri Solar 11/12/2019 Gregorian


Source: Telegram