NOTE: Click here for issue #1.
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — “Sharī’at Issue #2″
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Category: Quetta Shura
New article from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "The Wrath of Jihād ‘al-Fārūq Operation’ Launched in Afghanistan"
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases Issue #72 of al-Ṣamūd Magazine
NOTE: Previous issues: #71, #70, #69, #68, #67, #66, #65, #64, #63, #62, #61, #60, #59, #58, #57, #56, #53, and #51. You can also see English translations of articles from previous issues here. In this issue there was also a new article from Abū al-Walīd al-Maṣrī.
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — Issue #72 of al-Ṣamūd Magazine
To inquire about a translation for this magazine issue for a fee email: [email protected]
New article from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Shahīd (Ghazniwal): "One Year After the Martyrdom of Shaykh Usāmah!"
It was a rainy November day in the year 1996 when we visited Maulawi Khalis colony in Jalalabad to meet Sheikh Osama bin Laden in his quarters. Our meeting with the Sheikh was arranged by his close associate Abu Khabab al Misri, who was described as the chemical expert of the Al Qaeda organization by the Americans and was later martyred in a drone strike in the August of 2008 in South Waziristan.
Osama bin Laden has only recently arrived to Afghanistan from Sudan and was living at the private building of Engineer Mahmood in Nangarhar under the guidance of the late Maulawi Younus Khalis Baba.
This structure was surrounded by a lot of other buildings where the close associates as well as bodyguards of Osama lived.
We reached his quarters at a time when they had gathered for Friday prayers in a Mosque based inside the building. Mustafa Abul Yazid, who was appointed as the military chief of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in the year 2007 and was martyred in Waziristan in a drone strike in 2010 was giving the Khutba of the Friday prayers.
About a day earlier, the Taliban in Kabul had officially announced the presence of Osama bin Laden in the areas controlled by them therefore it was the first time that they used loud speakers for the Friday Khutba and prayers.
We offered our prayers behind Abu Muhammad al Misri and then proceeded towards the guest house where we were then joined by Osama and his first deputy, Abu Hafs al Misir (Muhammad ‘Atif).
I had never met Osama however Abu Khabab al Misri identified the foremost as Sheikh and the other as Abu Hafs al Misir from afar.
We began lunch after a formal initial introduction. Besides Osama and Abu Hafs, a few of their bodyguards also joined us for lunch. Even though food was not up to the standard of a ceremonial occasion but due to it being late on the one hand and extremely delicious on the other therefore it was well eaten and enjoyed by both the guests and the household.
As we ate, Osama talked about the great lengths and difficulties Afghans go to in order to take care of their guests and greatly praised this attribute. Tea was served after lunch in accordance with Afghan culture and the Sheikh began his speech. He began his formal talk at the start of tea as he was well acquainted with the culture of the Afghans.
Sheikh Osama began by asking me to elaborate on the message of Taliban given in his support. I told him that the Taliban announced his presence and declared support for him in areas under their control to the media during a press conference yesterday.
The Sheikh was delighted with this news and then related the story of what the president of Sudan, Omar Bashir, had told him while expelling him under the pressure of America.
He repeatedly praised and gave thanks to the Taliban and the Mujahideen of Khalis Baba for honoring their guests and for giving him special assistance and said that Afghans are a nation who have little competition when its comes to Islamic valor.
He talked with a very soft tone and gave me a lot of information about his Jihadi methodology in this calm meeting.
He started off by talking about his studies of economics in Malik Faisal University in Saudi Arabia; then his links to the Muslim Brotherhood organization in the initial stages of his political life; his participation in Jihad against the Russians in Afghanistan; the victory of Mujahideen and the collapse of communism were systematically described one after the other.
He followed this up by talking a great length about the destructive plots of America hatched against Islam after the defeat of communism and about defending the Islamic world by combating such plots. At that time, no gestures were given about such a big military confrontation with American but rather most of his talk expounded on how the Muslims must become aware of this point and think about how to free themselves from these western conspiracies.
He talked on this subject until the call for Asr prayer was given. Then we headed to the same mosque together, prayed in congregation and walked back to the gate of the guest house. There we took leave from him and then abu Hafs escorted us to the outer door where we also took leave from him and headed towards Jalalabad city.
6 years later from that day, in August of 2001, we had our last meeting in Kandahar. This time we met in his house which was located in Lo Wiyala area of Kandahar city.
A lot of difference could be noticed in the military state and talks of Osama bin Laden this time around as compared to the previous. From his talks and actions, one took the impression as if he was physically standing in the battle field against America. A detailed geographical map was hung in his private guesthouse. The borders of all those countries that once fell under the rule of Ottoman Empire were highlighted. Osama bin Laden said while indicating towards the mentioned map that this entire region was once a united Islamic Caliphat however it was distributed into various countries in 1915-1916 under the colonial Sykes-Picot treaty. He said that the Muslims must work to bring together this fragmented region and establish an Islamic Caliphate on it.
This time the Sheikh was joined by his second deputy, Ayman az Zawahiri, who would interrupt his talk from time to time for endorsement.
A month after this meeting, the bloody events of September took place which gave a practical side to the confrontation between Sheikh Osama and America and at the same time, it also brought about the excuse of bringing down the rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Ten years after those bloody events, America finally managed to martyr Sheikh Osama in a military strike in the city of Abbottabad and in doing so, ended one chapter of the ongoing confrontation between Osama and America.
It has now been a full year since Osama bin Laden was martyred however the anxiety brought about by the confrontation and felt by the Americans inside and outside America is still the same. Outside America, warning bells are ringing inside the American embassy in Kabul on the first day of the anniversary of martyrdom of Sheikh Osama bin Laden while the warning meters inside America are being kept at an all time high.
If the problem was in fact between the confrontation of Osama and America then that was solved a year ago however if this confrontation was an excuse for occupying Afghanistan and persecuting its people then I believe that it will not be solved for many years to come and in the end, the fate of the United States shall be the same as that of the former Soviet Union.
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Call to the Pakistani Authorities to Provide Clarification About Ustāẓ Yāsir"
Rumors have been swirling for the past several days that the former chief of Islamic Emirate’s Cultural Commission, the famous religious and Jihadi personality, Ustaz Muhammad Yasir, has attained martyrdom under the imprisonment of the Pakistani authorities which has the Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate, the family of Ustaz and all of his associates very distressed.
The mentioned Ustaz was apprehended in the Pakistani city of Peshawar on January of 2009, news which has also been verified by the Pakistani authorities in press, and has since been held captive for the past four years.
Since rumors have now been spread about Ustaz Muhammad Yasir’s martyrdom in Pakistani captivity and various other released prisoners have also told his family about his martyrdom, news which is very distressing for the Islamic Emirate and his family and at the same time, no information has been furnished by the government of Pakistan therefore the Islamic Emirate deems its necessary to demand clarification from the concerned Pakistani authority to provide information to the Islamic Emirate about the fate of Ustaz Muhammad Yasir so the matter becomes clear.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding the Inhumane Treatment of Inmates at Qandahār Prison"
It has been several days since seven hundred (700) inmates inside Kandahar’s Sarpoza prison have gone on a hunger strike to protest the criminal and savage treatment by officials of Kabul administration and especially the insult of the Holy Quran by the cruel prison officials. It has now been a full period that the
inmates have not had any food intake and no one has so far inquired about or listened to their demands. According to obtained information, eighteen inmates have so far entered a state of coma due to extreme hunger and the inmates wounded by the gunfire of prison guards two days earlier have not yet received treatment either. Meanwhile several innocent defenseless inmates have also been taken away by the intelligence department to an undisclosed location where they are most likely facing torture.
There is well established international documented evidence against the Kabul administration’s practice of torture in its prisons especially in Kandahar which is spearheaded by Abdur Razziq, the police chief of Kandahar and his group. These sadists and members of the former brutal communist regime take satisfaction from torturing humans in a prison environment regarding which the international community has been informed multiple times.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan once again strongly condemns the mistreatment of prisoners by the Kabul administration and considers such inhumane actions as yet another disgraceful act of the stooge regime.
Such savage practice is always conducted with defenseless prisoners. Our innocent countrymen are initially locked up in dark cells where they are tortured against all Islamic and international norms and Afghan customs; forced confessions are extracted and are constantly tormented, a good example of which is the current situation in Kandahar prison.
According to our information, the described situation in Kandahar is still ongoing today and the puppet officials of Kandahar have neither themselves visited the prison nor have they granted permission to the Red Cross, human right watchdogs or the media to visit and listen to the demands of the prisoners.
These actions are entirely worth denouncing and the Islamic Emirate calls on all International Human Right organizations, the International Red Cross and all claimants of Human Rights to firstly condemn this action against the prisoners and then to inquire and see the situation of the Afghan prisoners for themselves and then fulfill their duties.
The Islamic Emirate also extents a message of condolence and patience to the families of the oppressed prisoners and asks the inmates to sincerely implore Allah Almighty to destroy this barbaric enemy and free our country from its shackles. They should turn their faces to their Lord even more in such a difficult situation and pray for the salvation of the whole nation and for the freedom of our country from the claws of these invaders and their criminal puppets.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
New statement from the Leadership Council of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding the Inception of the al-Fārūq Spring Operation"
New issue of In Fight Magazine #40
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Reaction to the False Claims of Resumption of Talks with America"
Some media outlets published reports yesterday that a source (unkown) of Islamic Emirate has told British Channel 4 that talks have resumed between Islamic Emirate and America and that so far 2 meetings have taken place between the two parties all the while these allegations have no basis and are nothing more than baseless claims.
From the day the Islamic Emirate suspended talks with the Americans up until today, all contacts and meetings have ceased between the representatives of America and Islamic Emirate. Just as was stated in the statement regarding suspension of talks with America, the Islamic Emirate will not resume talks until the Americans take constructive steps and fulfill promises which were agreed upon for confidence building.
Due to this, we once again call on all media outlets to follow the ethics of journalism and refrain from publishing such baseless and misleading reports just for propaganda. Before publishing a report, confirmation about its authenticity should be acquired from the spokesman of Islamic Emirate. We have observed some media outlets in the past decade which repeatedly create and publish rumors in order to maintain a malicious propaganda atmosphere.
Hence, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan requests all impartial news agencies to avoid publishing reports sourced from such media outlets associated with known circles without receiving verification from Islamic Emirate while all the accepted rules of journalism should be observed.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Remarks Regarding the US, Pakistan, and Kabul Three-Cornered Summit"
Viewing its massive military collapse lurking ahead, the U.S, the global invading bully, in futile attempts, latest in series of ineffective efforts to make up for its open and
disgraceful defeat and, in a sense, to protect and bolster its battered prestige and status worldwide in a face-saving way, apparently opened a trilateral conference thursday in Islamabad which was participated by delegations from Pakistan and Kabul stooge administration who agreed on establishing a sub group to look at ways to provide safe passage and facilitate the Mujahideen kowtowing to US demands in the name of supposed reconciliation talks.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, hereby, strongly denounce such foul and horrendous rift-creating attempts and express its remarks as follows:
Precisely, it is an acknowledged fact that the Islamic Emirate is engaging in Jihad for a higher and sacred cause and drive and there is none in the ranks of Mujahideen who may deviate from his supreme command and leadership of the Islamic Emirate, broadly speaking, from the teachings of Islam in return for the few dollars, positions, status and ranks and bow to the invading enemy. Failure to recognize this phenomenon, so far, may be an indication of sheer ignorance on the parts of the US and its allies, that is, either they are still unaware of this fact, or they just fool themselves by looking at their future in Afghanistan through rose-colored glasses.
Our fight has never been and will never be for the sake of the social status and positions, and monetary incentives nor is it for the sake our own comforts and luxuries. On the contrary, we, as true representatives of a free nation, have combated for more than 10 years against the aggression, operation and evils by the invading forces to uphold the truth so as to achieve our a sovereign independent Islamic country which is our due right.
The enemy’s attempts to put temptation in the ways of Mujahideen and create rifts among their ranks in addition to resorting to any kinds of evil ploys and stratagems rather than weighing and understanding the ground reality are adequate and clear proof of its vulnerability and panic, however, all its schemes and traps are destined to be doomed as they used be over the last 10 years.
The Islamic Emirate, mindful of cunning enemy’s every move and tactic, prefer a way which is in the best interest of our beloved-country by putting Islam before everything else.
Zabihullah Mujahid, the Islamic Emirate’s spokesman.