In the following lines we would like to turn your attention to an interview which has been conducted with the head of Commission for NGO’s and Companies:
Question: What are the objectives behind forming this commission in the hierarchy of the Islamic Emirate and what is its composition?
Answer: You know that after the American invasion over Afghanistan, a war situation is prevailing inside our beloved homeland. The Americans have imposed a type of government over Afghanistan which is the most corrupt regime in the world. Under the shadow of this corrupt regime, besides looting, usurpation and pillage, a great deal of injustice has been done in the field of human assistance.
On one side, the war stricken people of our country are facing numerous problems and issues in their day to day lives and they need help. On the other side, whatever comes to Afghanistan under the name of assistance, that is largely spent in paying the high salaries of the administrative personnel of foreign NGO’s, paying the rents of luxurious and grand palaces, purchasing the latest model vehicles and other extravagant requirements of their officials. The remaining fund which is allocated for a project, most part of it either goes to the pockets of influential figures inside these NGO’s or to the pockets of corrupt officials of the stooge admin of Kabul. To deliver these supports to the eligible people and places and similarly to halt the selfish activities of the enemy in the disguise of assistance, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan decided to constitute a separate commission for the control of NGO’s and companies and for the well organization and co-ordination of their activities and expenditures.
I would like to mention the second article of the ‘Modus Operandi’ of this commission which encompasses the answer of the above question:
(Article-2: The commission of control and co-ordination of NGO’s and companies is established by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which will permit, organize and oversee the activities of NGO’s and companies as per needed.)
As far as the structure of this commission is concerned, it is as following:
A director at the top, a deputy director and two well-experienced members, admin and financial organs, organ for co-ordination of re-construction, organ for co-ordination of wireless, public relations organ and branches in all provinces.
Question: What kinds of activities have been performed by your commission inside the country till now?
Answer: The NGO’s and companies control and co-ordination commission has successfully prevented the waywardness which had become the order of the day by some irresponsible individuals misusing the name of Taliban or the Islamic Emirate. They used to make contacts with NGO’s or telephone companies by various means and pressurized them for fulfilling their illegal and unjustified demands. This phenomenon had created impediments in executing the public welfare activities. The human assistance could not be easily supplied to where it was really needed and the poor and needy people had no access to these facilities. On the other side, a baseless propaganda was launched that the Islamic Emirate is impeding the development activities inside the country. By the grace of Allah Almighty, all these complaints and issues were settled down by forming this commission. We managed to provide our programs and rules of procedures through our well-organized setup to our representative offices in all provinces. In the beginning, we want to stop the willfulness of the self-interested individuals and secondly, we would like to get detailed information about the work and activities of all the human assistance organizations, private companies and wireless networks. They will be supervised so that the public welfare works are well organized and the ordinary people are benefited. We can say that a positive change is visible as compared to the previous years.
Question: Do you supervise and control the activities of NGO’s or only remain in contact with them inside the country?
Answer: This commission has no specific agreements or contracts with NGO’s and private companies, rather we have our representative who remains in contact with them via telephone round the clock. He can easily be contacted by all the concerned sides and can convey their requirements and issues to us very easily.
Nevertheless, the working procedure is that whenever a project is implemented somewhere, after its approval, an application of permission is drafted by the local dignitaries to the Jihadi in-charge of the respective province. After the approval of the provincial representative of our commission, if the Jihadi in-charge also agrees, then the subject is deeply discussed in a meeting of this commission. After deep analysis, a permission letter is provided according to Article No-8 of our working procedure. The implementation of the project is then supervised by the provincial representative of our commission from the beginning to the end so that all kind of fraudulence could be prevented and the quality of the project is maintained throughout. When the project is completed, once again, the commission is informed about it.
Question: What kind of activities are not allowed by your commission for NGO’s and what is eligible for them?
Answer: The Islamic Emirate has never opposed the reconstruction, rehabilitation and development of our beloved homeland. There is no hindrance for all those individuals or groups who want to rebuild and provide human assistance for the relief of our masses. They can openly go forward with their activities while observing the rules and regulations laid down for this purpose. Article-3 of the ‘Modus Operandi’ of this commission says as following:
(The control and co-ordination commission of the Islamic Emirate for NGO’s and companies bears the responsibility to allow all those public relief works like rehabilitation and human assistance carried out by NGO’s and companies, in accordance with the principles laid down for them. This commission is also responsible for halting all those activities which are harmful for our religion and people and damaging the ongoing Jihadi process.)
However, some foreign organizations are found involved in such activities which are against the sacred religion of Islam, under the disguise of human welfare NGO’s. They want to convert our Muslim masses especially the children and young ones to Christianity and other null and void beliefs. It is the obligation of this commission to halt these kinds of illegal activities as it is mentioned in Article-4 of the working procedure of this commission as following:
(Those NGO’s which invite the people to un-Islamic ideologies like Judaism, Christianity etc. and they are involved in activities against Mujahidin, they are absolutely prohibited to work. The control and co-ordination commission for NGO’s and companies will halt their activities with its full strength.)
Question: You know that some of our countrymen are working with these NGO’s. Now according to your policies, these Afghans are permitted to work with them or not? If the answer is yes, then what are the sectors in which they can work?
Answer: The Islamic Emirate finds no difficulty in working with those NGO’s which are solely involved in public relief works on the basis of human sympathy. However, it is advisable for these Afghans working with foreign welfare NGO’s that they should observe their Islamic and religious obligations and Afghan traditions as it is their Islamic and national responsibility for being a Muslim and an Afghan.
Question: If the demands or working procedures which are laid down for NGO’s and companies are not observed by them, then how you deal with them and can you close down their activities?
Answer: The NGO’s and companies which violate the rules and regulations furnished by the control and co-ordination commission for them, or do not fulfill the accepted articles of an agreement for a specific project, these kinds of NGO’s and companies are not given the permission to work anymore. Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate can halt these kinds of violators. But if they want to re-start their activities, then they should get work permit after providing the guarantee of no further negligence.
Question: Do you have the responsibility of control and co-ordination of telephone networks inside the country? We hear that the foreign invaders and their internal stooges are misusing these telephone networks against Mujahidin and the masses of country. What steps have been taken by you in this regard?
Answer: Yes. This commission is also responsible for observing the telephone networks besides the NGO’s and companies. This commission has laid down different working procedures for these telephone networks, keeping in mind the prevailing circumstances of the respective province where these networks operate. In some provinces, these networks are allowed to operate for twenty four hours and in some areas, they work in the day time and are closed in the night time while in some other areas, they are allowed to operate for some specific hours. All these procedures depend on the demands of the masses and Mujahidin. By implementing this strategy, we have successfully prevented the raids and indiscriminate bombing of the enemy in various parts of the country which has inevitably resulted in the considerable decline of civilian casualties. On the other side, the Islamic Emirate has provided various kinds of facilities to these companies in the fields of security and the transportation of their personnel and equipments. I can utter with