Our countrymen know that on 14th June 2014, the conspiracy against Islam and our beloved homeland in the disguise of election is repeated. The Islamic Emirate deems it necessary to alert the people and warn them for the last time that they should not participate in this American process, deliberately or inadvertently.
You realize that this conspiracy is plotted by Americans. The history of the American invasions exhibits that they have always misused the public opinion by deceptions and temptations and eventually, they have imposed their own policies over the nations and have kept them under the yoke of their brutal occupation for years and years. The ultimate and sole outcome of this misleading process is the protraction of occupation and paving the road for the existence of foreign occupiers inside Afghanistan.
By holding elections, the Americans want to impose their own stooges on the people by deceiving them. You know that the candidates in the present elections are all those notorious figures who have supported the occupiers from the very beginning of the American invasion against their own religion, homeland and people. They left no stone unturned, mentally and practically, to protract the American occupation and explicitly reiterate that if empowered, they will sign the notorious agreement of enslaving our beloved homeland Afghanistan.
It is obvious that if their stooges are empowered, their masters will plot conspiracies and will impose them through their self carved puppets whatever they want to implement over the oppressed nation.
The Islamic Emirate regards these elections as one of the devil planning and is determined to halt this process by the support of Allah Almighty and backing of the nation as it has cut short numerous American conspiracies in the previous 13 years holy Jihad against the brutal foreign occupiers.
We once again call upon the people not to participate, even inadvertently, in forthcoming election drama of 14th June. They should completely reject it as they have done in the past. If they do not follow the instructions and demands of the Islamic Emirate and do participate in the elections, they will be held responsible for all the unpleasant consequences come what might, because following the infidels’ plans is a kind of directly supporting them and participation in this untoward process is considered a felony according to the sacred religion of Islam.
The Islamic Emirate calls upon all the devoted Mujahidin throughout the country to carry out their assaults in a well-organized manner according to the prescribed planning. They should circumspectly detect all the polling stations and should bring them under decisive attacks.
O Mujahidin! You should bring the foreign occupiers, the mercenary forces of stooge Kabul admin, the centers of police and Arbaki forces, their check-posts and convoys and should continue your assaults and blasts nonstop for 24 hours on the elections day so that the enemy is paralyzed and this process is aborted.
With Regards,
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Category: Quetta Shura
al-Imārah Studio presents a new video message from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Exchange of Prisoners Between the Islamic Emirate and U.S. Government"
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "To the Pious People of Afghanistan Regarding the Elections"
In the name of Allah, the most merciful and the most beneficial!
The prime objective of the invasion of the western infidels over Afghanistan under the American leadership was to overthrow the Islamic system and then to create hurdles in its revival; their second objective was to loot the assets of our beloved homeland and to threaten the regional nations.
The western coalition headed by America tried tooth and nail to impose its illegitimate occupation over Afghanistan by fighting, military force and all other possible and available means. In the wake of the previous several elections, the masses observed that the rein of power were handed over to such corrupt, alien and stooge people who won the topmost position in bribery and corruption on the world level. They people, who were made to win the election under the American supervision, imposed alien laws, control, culture and policies over the Afghans. They inflicted incurable losses to the religion, ethics, pure Islamic culture and prestige of the honorable Muslim dwellers of this pious land. They altered Afghanistan from a free, independent and a Muslim sovereign state into an occupied, dependent and western puppet state which cannot make any political and national decision independently. As the enemy has launched the process of selecting another tyrant ruler under the fake name of elections, in these circumstances, our pious countrymen should pay heed to this Quranic verse and should completely boycott the election.
وَتَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الْبِرِّ وَالتَّقْوَى وَلا تَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الإِثْمِ وَالْعُدْوَانِ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ شَدِيدُ الْعِقَابِ
Translation: (And help one another in righteousness and in piety; but help not one another in sin and transgression. And fear ALLAH; Surely ALLAH is Severe in punishment.)
You realize that all the nominees and their supporters in this fake election are the supporters of the American occupation. They are cruel, corrupt and those people who had already betrayed the Afghan Mujahid masses. The Afghan should not participate in their future cruelties and felonies. About supporting the tyrant, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah Almighty be upon him) says:
مَنْ مَشَى مَعَ ظَالِمٍ لِيُعِينَهُ وَهُوَ يَعْلَمُ أَنَّهُ ظَالِمٌ ، فَقَدْ خَرَجَ مِنَ الإِسْلامِ– رواه الطبرانی
Translation: (He who accompanied a tyrant to support him while knowing that he is a cruel person, verily he went astray.) Narrated by Tabarani.
Just like the previous occupation years, Americans want to impose these non-Afghan puppets over the Afghans through this counterfeit and un-Islamic election process so that they could openly work for the fulfillment of the unfinished American aspirations even after their abscondence from Afghanistan and to prolong the ongoing war against Islam and pious masses of Afghanistan through the financial, political, military and propaganda support of the west.
You observed that in the previous elections, the masses welcomed the demand of the Islamic Emirate thoroughly boycotted the elections but it was the western media which took the enemy side and announced the failed elections as a successful one.
The candidates for these elections are proposed by America and each one of them will inevitably try his best to implement the agenda already set for him for the Americans. Therefore, every one of them is saying very openly and shamelessly that he will sign the ‘Basic Security Agreement’ which is actually the ignominious enslavement agreement of Afghanistan.
Americans could simply empower anyone of their stooges and could save their time and money lavishly spent for these drama-like elections but they do not want to do so; because in this way the stooge will be only one and American will be solely and wholly held responsible for his selection.
Americans want to keep a number of their stooge in their service through elections and secondly to throw the responsibility of electing these stooge over the Afghans. In the future, they can frankly say that you Afghans had yourself selected these people as your rulers in the elections.
O the Muslim and Mujahid Afghan people!
Do not let the enemy play with your minds and wills through this deceitful drama of elections for the second time and to impose a ruler upon you who could keep you for another stretched period of time under yoke of American and allied occupiers.
The only way of terminating the American occupation and getting rid of the ongoing calamity is achieving complete independence and restoring the system of Islam; and this lofty ideal can be achieved neither by elections, selections, coalitions nor following alien policies. Lofty ideals need huge sacrifices and the revival of your determination which was the only tool in your hands for defeating and breaking the British and Russian empires and which has confronted America and the whole NATO alliance with a humiliating defeat today.
O the Muslim and valor Afghan people!
Rest assured that your enemy (i.e. America and its allied forces) are on the verge of collapse inside Afghanistan. They are demolishing their bases by themselves and they have already announced the withdrawal of their forces from Afghanistan as they have realized that the permanent subjugation of this land is unattainable.
How can a few powerless slaves control this country by proxy for the west which could not be subjugated by America and its western allied forces with all their political and military might and equipments?
For the complete failure of this deceitful process of elections, for the assurance of your freedom and for the restoration of an ideal Islamic system, you should persist to support those Mujahidin who are scarifying their sweet lives in the path of Allah Almighty for the liberation of our beloved homeland, for the elevation of our sacred religion and for the safety and security of the honorable people of Afghanistan.
Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate, who had carried out hundreds of attacks over the enemies in the first phase of elections and had destroyed a large number of their polling stations, are once again fully prepared to operate against the workers and polling stations in the second phase of these counterfeit elections. Therefore, you (the masses) should remain far away from the polling stations on 14th June 2014 least you should be hurt or killed.
With best regards,
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
03/08/1435 A.H (lunar) 11/03/1393 A.H (solar) 01/06/2014 A.D
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Mullā Muḥmmad ‘Umar: “Message Of Felicitation Regarding the Release of Jihādī Heads From 'Guantanamo Jail'"
I would like to congratulate from the core of my heart the whole Afghan nation, the devoted Mujahidin and the kith and kin of the prisoners on the auspicious occasion of this great achievement of the release of five distinguished Mujahidin heads from the ‘Guantanamo Jail’.
All praise is to Allah Almighty! Due to the benevolence of Allah Almighty, the enormous sacrifices of courageous Mujahidin and the statesmanship of the Political Bureau of the Islamic Emirate in Qatar, five prominent heads of the Islamic Emirate are soundly released from the ‘Guantanamo Jail’.
This huge and vivid triumph requires from all Mujahidin to offer thanks to the Benevolent Creator who accepted the sincere sacrifices of our Mujahid nation and managed the release of these five renowned Mujahidin from the enemy’s clutch.
The efforts and endeavors of all Mujahidin, leading council of the Islamic Emirate, the detainers and keepers of the American prisoner ‘Bergdahl’ and generally the whole nation which played a significant role in this colossal victory are appreciated and I beg even deeper divine help, guidance and favorable turn of circumstances for all of them.
I would like to thank his highness ‘Shaikh Tameem Bin Hamd Al-Thani’ the Amir of Qatar, for his sincere and friendly efforts and mediation in the release of these five prominent Mujahidin heads. I pray to Allah Almighty to reward him reciprocally in this world and in the world hereafter.
May Allah Almighty get, just like these five heads, all those oppressed prisoners released who are incarcerated in the path of liberating their country and serving their creed.
This huge accomplishment brings the glad tidings of liberation of the whole country and reassures us that our aspirations are on the verge of fulfillment, Insha-Allah.
And it is never hard for Allah Almighty.
Servant of Islam, Mulla Mohammad Omar Mujahid
03/07/1435 A.H. (Lunar)
11/03/1393 A.H. (Solar) 01/06/2014 A.D.
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "About the Release of Five Heads from 'Guantanamo Jail'"
We heartily congratulate the whole nation, Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate, particularly the kith and kin of the released ones that five heads of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan namely Mulla Muhammad Fazal Akhund, Mulla Noorulla Noori, Mulla Khairulla Khairkhwa, Mulla Abdul Haq Waseeq and Moulavi Muhammad Nabi who had been incarcerated for the last thirteen years in ‘Guantanamo Jail’ are released due to the benevolence of Allah Almighty and the sacrifices of the heroic and courageous Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate.
These five heads were released in the result of an indirect negotiation between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the United States mediated by Qatari government. They will remain with their families inside Qatar and will lead a normal life.
To get the preceding five heads released, it is worth mentioning that the Islamic Emirate handed over the American soldier to the US who was captive with us approximately for the last five years.
These five heads of the Islamic Emirate were handed over on Saturday at 07:00 pm Afghanistan standard time to the delegation of Qatar who has been waiting there in ‘Guantanamo Bay’ for the previous three days. This delegation, including five heads of the Islamic Emirate, left Guantanamo at 10:00 pm and will arrive in Qatar today Sunday. They will be received and welcomed by the Political Bureau of the Islamic Emirate inside Qatar and members of the leading council of the Islamic Emirate. Similarly, the American prisoner ‘Bergdahl’ was handed over in the suburbs of ‘Khost’ province to the other side on Saturday at 07:00 pm Afghanistan standard time.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has been taking all possible measures since long to get all the Afghan prisoners released whether they are incarcerated inside the country or outside and to let them enjoy a free and peaceful life.
In the future too, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is determined to get all the Mujahidin prisoners released as soon as possible. In this regard, we expect all the legal and human rights societies particularly the United Nations to share and accelerate their efforts with Afghan people and the Islamic Emirate on the basis of human sympathy so that all the incarcerated people are freed and their basic legal and human rights are safeguarded and they could lead an independent and peaceful life of their own accord.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Rejoinder Regarding Obama’s Recent Announcement Of the Extension Of the Occupation"
As Obama announced to keep nearly ten thousand troops inside Afghanistan till 2016 and protract the occupation, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan strongly condemns this stance of the American politicians and considers it a clear violation of the religious, national and human rights of the freedom loving people of Afghanistan.
No human law allows anyone to violate the territorial boundaries of a sovereign country, usurp their political independence and bring them under military occupation. As the US authorities blatantly say to protract the occupation of Afghanistan till 2016, these expressions are very ignominious and they must be strongly condemned by those individuals, peoples and governments who are committed to sovereignty and freedom.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has explicitly manifested its stance on behalf of its pious masses about the US occupation i.e. even the presence of a single American soldier inside Afghanistan is unacceptable for our nation and masses; Jihad is obligatory against them and our people will continue their legitimate resistance and Jihad against them.
Prior to the invasion, we had told the Americans that they will not benefit from this felony rather it will increase their miseries but they did not pay any heed and now they are not only stuck into the longest and humiliating war of their history but also internationally their foes are increased; their military, political and economic majesty and supremacy are demolished; rather their decline and deterioration started from the start of this futile war.
A few years ago when the reins of power was transferred from Republicans to Democrats, we once again called upon the fire kindling US authorities to recompense the blunder of the previous government and if they insist on war, their casualties and humiliation will inevitably escalate but Barak Obama did quite the opposite. Instead of withdrawing his forces, he sent tens of thousands more troops to Afghanistan. The scope of resistance and struggle against the American occupation soared correspondingly with the increase of invading forces. The amount of casualties among the occupying forces escalated and eventually the American authorities were compelled to decide to quit from the battlefield.
We once again call upon the American officials that they are repeating the felony of their predecessors here; they are only wasting their time here; they are augmenting the miseries of our as well as their nations and eventually it is the American people who will suffer most from this futile war. The American authorities should presently take that decision which will have to eventually be taken by them two years later so that on one side, the sufferings of our people are brought to an end and on the other side, their casualties are not protracted too.
For the apprehension of the American authorities, we would like to elucidate that as a Muslim nation, Jihad is obligatory on us according to our beliefs till the end of occupation of our pious land by the infidel forces. The presence of armed infidel forces inside a Muslim land has no legitimacy and justification. Therefore the obligation of Jihad is not deferred with the quantitative decrease of the occupying forces rather it (Jihad) is as compulsory even against a single foreign soldier as it is obligatory against thousands of them.
Therefore, if the Americans want to relieve themselves as well as the Afghan masses from this futile Afghan war, they should completely withdraw their forces from Afghanistan as soon as possible.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
29/07/1435 A.H. (Lunar)
07/03/1393 A.H. (Solar) 28/05/2014 A.D.
Manba’ al-Jihād Studio presents a new video message from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "The Men of Truth"
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases Issue #97 of al-Ṣamūd Magazine
NOTE: Previous issues: #96, #95, #94, #93, #92,#91, #90, #89, #88, #87, #86, #85, #84, #83, #82, #81, #80, #79, #78, #77, #76, #75, #74, #73, #72, #71, #70, #69, #68, #67, #66, #65, #64, #63, #62, #61, #60, #59, #58, #57, #56, #53, and #51.
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — Issue #97 of al-Ṣamūd Magazine
To inquire about a translation for this magazine issue for a fee email: [email protected]
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding the Commencement of the Annual Spring Operation Named ‘Khaybar’"
Allah is Great, Allah is Great, Allah is Great and all praise is due to Allah
March forth, whether light or heavy and strive hard with your wealth and your lives in the Cause of Allah. This is better for you, if you but knew. (Taubah : 41)
O the Mujahid and Islam loving nation of Afghanistan!
The days of the abscondence of the barbaric invaders from the pure soil of our country have come close Allah Willing due to your 13 year Jihad and sacrifices and it is not far that Allah shall bestow upon us the blessings of complete freedom and independence of our Islamic land.
ولله العزة ولرسوله وللمؤمنین …. الله اکبر الله اکبر الله اکبر و لله الحمد وَيَوْمَئِذٍ يَفْرَحُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ بِنَصْرِ اللَّـهِ يَنصُرُ مَن يَشَاءُ....
O Muslim Mujahid nation!
In order to fully complete our religious obligation in attaining the gratitude of Allah (SWT) and in defense of our Islamic homeland, we once again announce our annual spring operations under the name of ‘Khaibar’ with the onset of the new military year against the invaders and their spineless backers!
The Battle of Khaibar was launched by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in the seventh year of migration (7th Hijri Lunar) against the enemies of Islam which resulted in the conquest of heavily fortified enemy castles and bases, the infidels completely fled the area while huge spoils fell into the hands of the Muslims. By taking this name as a good omen for the current year, we ask Allah (SWT) to completely cleanse our country from the filth of the infidels and let their large bases be liberated, Allah willing.
The upcoming ‘Khaibar’ operation shall begin with the cries of Allah u Akbar throughout the country at 5am local time on Monday 13th of Rajjab ul Murrajjab of the year 1435 (Hijri Lunar) corresponding with 22ndThuwar of 1393 (Hijri Solar) and 12th May of 2014 (Gregorian).
Allah is Great, Allah is Great, Allah is Great and all praise is due to Allah
Like previous years, the main target of the current year’s blessed Jihadi operation shall be the foreign invaders and their backers under various names like spies, military and civilian contractors and everyone working for them like translators, administrators and logistics personnel.
Similarly the blessed ‘Khaibar’ Jihadi spring operations shall target all high ranking government officials, cabinet ministers, members of Parliament, security officials, occupation backing officers in the Interior and Foreign Ministries, attorneys and judges that prosecute Mujahideen as well as agents in the National Directorate that pursue and torture Mujahideen.
Various modern military techniques shall again be utilized in the current annual ‘Khaibar’ operations. Back-breaking martyrdom strikes, infiltrator operations (insider attacks), targeting large and well fortified enemy bases with heavy weapons and missiles as well as carrying out head-on offensive operations against enemy gatherings shall be some of the main techniques used in these spring operations.
The main targets of the annual spring ‘Khaibar’ operations shall be the military gatherings of foreign invading forces, their diplomatic centers and convoys as well as the military bases of their internal mercenary stooges, their convoys and the facilities of foreign, interior, intelligence and Arbaki militia.
As this year holds critical importance in the 13 year Jihad of the Mujahideen because of the significance of this juncture in this current era therefore the Mujahideen will exert extra efforts and utilize complex military techniques in planning their current year spring operations as compared to the past. Such war techniques which shall inflict maximum losses on the invaders while preventing corporeal and financial losses on the ordinary civilians.
The plans for upcoming spring operations entitled ‘Khaibar’ have been drawn up by the specialists and courageous military commanders of the Islamic Emirate while also paying heed to the environmental and seasonal conditions of each region of the country and so will be launched in each area according to the laid out plans.
The Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate that are only sacrificing their lives to attain the gratification of Allah (SWT), in defense of the sanctum of their homeland and for the protection of their people respectfully calls on all its Muslim countrymen to aid them in crushing the enemy, to avoid working with the enemy, to keep away from their military and intelligence gatherings and bases and to fulfill their religious responsibility towards their Mujahideen brothers, in defense of their country and for attaining the pleasure of Allah (SWT)!
We also once again declare to all the workers of the crumbling Kabul regime to stand next to their Mujahideen by desisting from backing the foreign infidel invaders and to come out of the enemy ranks. The Islamic Emirate assures them of a honorable, safe and a peaceful life if they forgo the enemy ranks and considers your protection our moral duty.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan firmly believes in the complete defeat of the foreign invading forces due to the divine help of Allah (SWT) and full backing of its Mujahid nation, insists on the unconditional withdrawal of all invading forces from our Islamic country and sees the continuation of its armed Jihad imperative to achieving these goals. We must again make it absolutely clear that in presence of infidel invaders inside our country our religious and Fiqhi (Jurisprudence) sources order us to wage armed Jihad against the invaders and labels this as an individual obligation. Hence if the invaders or their internal stooges believe that reducing the number of foreign forces will dampen our Jihadi fervor then they are sadly mistaken and should understand that due to our Islamic principles, just like how thousands of invaders are forbidden to live in Dar ul Islam (Home of Islam), limited and small number of invaders has the exact same ruling and it is obligatory upon every Muslim to expel them.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has ambitions of continuing the sacred obligation of Jihad with the backing of its Muslim nation until the expulsion of every last infidel invader and establishment of an Islamic government.
Allah is Great, Allah is Great, Allah is Great and all praise is due to Allah
Leadership Council of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
09/07/1435 Hijri Lunar
18/02/1393 Hijri Solar 08/05/2014 Gregoria
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Clarification Regarding the Resignation of Mullah 'Abd al-Qayyum Zakir, Head of the Military Commission"
The head of the Military Commission of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, the respected Mullah Abdul Qayyum Zakir, resigned from the burdensome duties of the Military Commission because to his prolonged battle with ill health.
The respected Zakir Sahib who carried out an admirable service during his time is a trustworthy, veteran and dependable leader inside the Islamic Emirate and his resignation was accepted by the leadership in an atmosphere of joy after reviewing his situation and due to his repeated requests.
However the respected Zakir Sahib is a member of the Leadership Council of Islamic Emirate and is busy working in other important Jihadi works which are comparatively easier.
It must be mentioned that change, alteration, presenting and accepting resignations is a norm in the affairs of Islamic Emirate. Since some media outlets have published reports asserting that Zakir Sahib was the deputy of Amir ul Mumineen (Commander of the Faithful) and gave ambiguous interpretations for his resignation therefore we must clarify that Zakir Sahib has never been tasked the responsibility of the Deputy of Amir ul Mumineen but was the head of the Military Commission and his resignation was accepted due to his ill health and heavy workload. Wasalam
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
25/06/1435 Hijri Lunar
05/02/1393 Hijri Solar 25/04/2014 Gregorian