New release from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Introduction Of the Newly Appointed Leader Mullā Akhtar Muḥmmad Manṣūr"


بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

(وَالَّذِينَ جَاهَدُوا فِينَا لَنَهْدِيَنَّهُمْ سُبُلَنَا وَإِنَّ اللهَ لَمَعَ المُحْسِنِينَ) [العنكبوت:(69)

الحمد لله رب العالمین ، والعاقبة للمتقین ، والصلاة والسلام علی سید الانبیاء والمرسلین ، قائد المجاهدین  نبینا ومولانا محمد علیه افضل الصلوات والتسلیم  وعلی آله وأصحابه  ومن اهتدی بهدیه اجمعین وبعد.

The prominent figureheads of Jihad generally possess distinct leadership qualities. They are usually either naturally gifted with these capabilities or they master them through learning and studying other Jihadi leaders. Due to their deep sincerity and devotion, these Jihadi leaders are granted with exceptional divine generosity, support and benevolence as Almighty Allah says:

(وَالَّذِينَ جَاهَدُوا فِينَا لَنَهْدِيَنَّهُمْ سُبُلَنَا وَإِنَّ اللهَ لَمَعَ المُحْسِنِينَ) [العنكبوت:(69)

Translation: (And as for those who strive to meet Us – We will surely guide them in Our ways. And verily, ALLAH is with those who do good.) [Al-Ankaboot:69]
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is considered an impregnable front of Jihad and struggle against international infidelity and tyranny whose founding founders are by the grace of Almighty Allah bequeathed with extraordinary proficiency and skills as leaders and guides.
The founder of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan himself, the late Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) was a living anthology of such leadership qualities. Amidst the battlefield of Jihad and combating international infidelity, he successfully managed to transfer these lofty aptitudes of Muslim leadership qualities to several of his Mujahidin brothers who were his intimate colleagues, struggling together in the thorny path of establishing the sacred and sovereign system of Allah, the Almighty.
His Excellency, the late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) was the spiritual and moral guide of new students of the Jihadi madrassa [Mujahidin] as well as being their military leader. The Umari Jihadi Madrassa trained and graduated many high caliber personalities during his lifetime and under his leadership, each one perfectly capable of guiding the Muslim masses in the most critical junctures of this era.
It is established religious foundations rather than particular personalities which play a pivotal role in ideological and Jihadi movements. Everything here is organized on the basis of Jihad and ideology. Teachings of the Holy Quran and noble deeds of our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and his rightly guided Caliphs (may Allah be pleased with all of them) are the role models for the followers of these movements.
The core responsibility of the leadership in such ideological movements is merely to educate its members and followers both morally and ideologically and to impart them with spiritual passion and commitment.
Upon founding the Taliban Islamic Movement and establishment of the Islamic Emirate, his Excellency late Amir-ul-Momineen Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) mentored for future leadership several Mujahidin who displayed foresight and leadership traits, capable of leading this Jihadi caravan to its goal and destination even in the most critical circumstances of Jihad and persistent struggle. Such fearless and courageous personalities who were undaunted by the most difficult of conditions nor influenced by dangerous temporal or spatial circumstances.
Among these foresighted vigilant personalities and pupils of the enduring Umari Madrassa is the newly selected leader of the Islamic Emirate, His Excellency Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur (may Allah safeguard him) who practically handled leadership affairs of the Islamic Emirate during the lifetime of late Amir-ul-Momineen (may his soul rest in peace) and was appointed as the new head (leader) of the Islamic Emirate by Ahl hal wal Aqd dignitaries of the Islamic Emirate, religious scholars, Jihadi leaders and various other public figures after the announcement of his (RA) passing away.
Although the new leader of the Islamic Emirate is a well-recognized figure in all Jihadi spheres whoever to better acquaint his Excellency Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur to all the Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate and the general masses of the Muslim world having affection with the Islamic Emirate, it is deemed appropriate to write down a few lines about his life and personality.

  1. His birth:

His Excellency, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur s/o Alhaj Mohammad Jan was born in 1347 Hijri (solar) – 1968 Gregorian in Band-i-Taimoor village of Maiwand district in Kandahar province.
As his family was well-known in the area for their affection for religion and learning and his father particularly held deep love for knowledge therefore his top priority for the healthy upbringing of his son was religious education.

  1. Early Education:

His Excellency Mansur Sahib, under the guidance of his father assumed his religious education in the village mosque and joined the local primary school for his early studies at the age of seven. As he showed signs of wisdom, acumen and insight in his early childhood, he received special care and attention from his father as well as all his teachers.
Due to his deep love for learning, he successfully completed his early education in a considerably short period of time. He left his home in pursuit of secondary education, joining various bigger distinguished madrassas where he completed his studies all the while earning a reputation as an intelligent and honest pupil among his contemporaries due to his innate acumen and excellent Islamic ethics.
He had not yet begun his higher education when the political control of Afghanistan fell to the Communists and the Afghan Mujahid nation rose up and began their Islamic revolution against them.

  1. His Jihadi and political struggle:

Due to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1978, the Afghan Mujahid masses began their Islamic resistance (Jihad) against them.
His Excellency, Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansur, who was now in his mid-teen years and had intended to complete his religious education left them unfinished and began waging armed Jihad in the middle years of the Russian occupation due his Jihadi passion.
But due to his deep love for learning, he would continue his studies under the supervision of his benevolent teachers upon returning from Jihadi fronts. It was with this sheer resolve that he completed his second to last year of studies and before beginning the final year studies, he left for the frontlines once and for all.
His Excellency Mansur Sahib who had just entered his early twenties was a strong and courageous young man who had purposely assumed armed Jihad as a valiant Mujahid to defend his creed and country against the invading Soviets and their internal stooge communists.
In 1985 he chose his Jihadi front in Kandahar by joining the famous Jihadi group of late commander Qari Azizullah and continued his Jihad against the occupying (former) Soviet forces and their internal communist puppets in Pashmul area of Panjwai district under the supervision of a well-known Jihadi figure Alhaj Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhond, who would later be selected as deputy head of the ministerial council during the rule of the Islamic Emirate. The Jihadi group of late Qari Azizullah was associated with the Islamic Revolutionary Movement of eminent Jihadi leader late Moulavi Mohammad Nabi Muhammadi. After the martyrdom of Qari Azizullah, this group was linked under the leadership of Commander Mullah Haji Mohammad with the Islamic Party of prominent Jihadi leader Moulavi Mohmmad Younun Khalis.
His Excellency, Mansur Sahib actively participated in various military operations against the former Soviet occupying forces and their internal stooges. In 1987, during a direct assault on a strategic Russian military post in Sanzary area of Panjwai district in Kandahar, he was injured with thirteen wounds on his body and later recovered by the grace of Almighty Allah. He was injured for a second time in May 1997 at Mazar-i-Sharif airport during the reign of the Islamic Emirate and subsequently captured by the opponent forces.

  1. His foundational role in the Islamic Movement of Taliban:

After the collapse of communist regime inside Afghanistan and the outbreak of civil war in 1992, Mansur Sahib laid down his arms just like all the sincere Mujahidin and did not support any party in the illegitimate war for power.
His Excellency Mansur Sahib, who was a renowned Mujahid at the time, abandoned all factional activities resembling other well-known local Jihadi and military personalities like the late Mullah Mohammad Rabbani, late Haji Mullah Mohammad and late Mullah Bor Jan. He started living an ordinary life and began engaging in various educational and training activities.
In 1994 when the Islamic Movement of Taliban was founded by His Excellency Amir-ul-Momineen late Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace), Mansur Sahib played a crucial role in the organization and development of this movement. Due to his Jihadi and administrative proficiencies, he was tasked major responsibilities by the then head of the Islamic Movement of Taliban which are as following:

  1. After the conquest of Kandahar province and subsequent successes of Taliban Islamic Movement in south western zone, His Excellency Amir-ul-Momineen late Mullah Mohammad Umar Mujahid (may his soul rest in peace) appointed Mansur Sahib as the director general of Kandahar Airport due to the trust he placed in the administrative and Jihadi talents displayed by him.
  2. When Kandahar province fell to the Taliban, he was given the responsibility of air force and air defense system of Kandahar.
  3. After the conquest of the capital Kabul in 1996, he was appointed as the minister of aviation and tourism.
  4. Simultaneously with heading the ministry, he was placed in charge of the Emirate’s air-force and air-defense in the ministry of defense on the basis of a special decree of late Amir-ul-Momineen.

While heading the aviation and tourism ministry of Afghanistan, he completed a number of new and reconstruction projects which are briefly discussed in the following lines:
When the capital city of Kabul came under the control of the Islamic Emirate, the main buildings and premises of aviation ministry inside this city were heavily damaged due to the internal factional fighting. Due to his reconstruction policy, Mansur Sahib successfully managed to repair all the damaged planes of this ministry and rebuilt the main airbases.
At that

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases Issue #113 of al-Ṣamūd Magazine

NOTE: Previous issues: #112, #111, #110, #109, #108, #107#106#105, #104, #103, #102,#101,#100,#99#98#97#96,#95#94#93#92,#91#90#89#88#87#86#85#84#83#82#81#80#79#78#77#76#75#74#73#72#71#70#69#68#67#66#65#64#63#62#61#60#59#58#57#56#53, and #51.

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — Issue #113 of al-Ṣamūd Magazine

To inquire about a translation for this magazine issue for a fee email: [email protected]

New release from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Spokesman Zabīhullah Mujāhid Answers Several Important Questions"

Here we present to our readers the English translation of an interview conducted by Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, with Afghan Islamic Press news site answering several important questions lingering in the minds of many Afghans and people worldwide.
AIP: Following the passing away of Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid, some former and current high-ranking officials declared their opposition to the new leader. What are the reasons behind this disagreement?
Internal disagreements and difference are found and arise on various subjects and are a common feature in every movement or system. The passing away of the late Amir ul Mumineen Mullah Mummand Omar Mujahid (RA) and the selection of his heir was an important issue and a major transition. So it is entirely possible that some colleagues would have found this process extremely burdensome and tried to let their feelings be known through the media while it is also cannot be ruled out that some malicious circles might have tried to deliberately instigate a campaign to divide the Islamic Emirate. However we currently believe that these disagreements are being answered to and the problems are moving towards a resolution.
The respected leadership of the Islamic Emirate and especially his excellency Mansur Sahib are determined to listen to all the reasonable objections of individuals and are working hard for their conciliation and integration.
Another thing to touch upon is that despite their small number, all the disillusioned brothers who are standing with the opposition are not actually united upon a common point rather each one has his own objection.
But now that the issue of the new leader has been resolved and the Emirate has once again stood on its feet due to most of the people having pledged allegiance therefore it is hoped that the rest of the brothers will set their minor trivial differences aside like how many already have and the Emirate will also exert further efforts for their complete satisfaction.
AIP: The head of the Political Office resigned after announcement of the new leader and has yet to declare his allegiance to him, has Tayyab Agha left the Islamic Emirate?
Without a doubt that the respected Tayyab Agha has shouldered a lot of pain with the Emirate and has served admirably. As for him voluntarily presenting his resignation then he must have thought it was appropriate. However we still consider him a member of the Islamic Emirate, his colleagues are working hard to take advantage from his experiences and we do not see any barrier which Allah forbid, would make him turn his back on this distinguished front of Jihad. He has also stated in his resignation letter “I will resign as the head of the Political Office but will continue working in an individual capacity with the Taliban”.
AIP: Has the resignation of Sayyed Tayyab Agha had an effect on your relations with the government of Qatar and the world?
Our policy does not revolve around individuals but is based on concrete goals and sound politics. The international community and world countries undoubtedly need to retain their relations with the Islamic Emirate in this framework. The Political Commission similarly has its own official guiding principles and such principles are not suspended with the shifting and moving of individuals. Another point is that the respected Tayyab Agha was accompanied with a large operational team of the Emirate who are still busy in their activities while Agha Sahib will also be helping them along the way as he so has stated himself.
AIP: The situation seems pretty normal at the moment as compared to the initial days. Can you state what actions Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansur has taken to quell the unrest of the oppositions? and what are its results?
His excellency Amir ul Mumineen Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansur has been practically leading the Emirate for the past 6 to 7 years. Each high and low ranking official got to know him personally and all of them put their trust in him. It was comparatively easy for him to take leadership and control of this caravan. That is why the Shura (leadership council) and scholars backed his leadership.
– In his initial sermon, he forgave all of the opposition and called for brotherhood and joint efforts.
– He did not hide anything in his actions, gave all decision powers to the shura and scholars who in return forced him and pledged their allegiance to him as their leader.
– He did not close any doors on any opposing brothers but continuously met and tried to reach an understanding with them. He answered every sour disagreement with a gentle response and that is why most understood his reality and pledged their allegiance to the Emirate.
AIP: Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansur ordered continuation of war (Jihad) to his followers in his first sermon. This was interpreted by many as an end to the talk process, is this true? If you do however believe in talks, has your policy of not meeting with the Afghan government changed?
The doors of indirect meetings with the enemy in regards to independence of Afghanistan and end of occupation were and still are open.
And continuation of Jihad has always been our policy. We have never announced the end of Jihad and neither are there yet any reasons present which annuls the obligation of Jihad. The occupation has not yet ended nor has an Islamic government been established nor is the country independent.
AIP: The international community has always emphasized that the Taliban renounce all ties with terrorist outfits (international armed groups). The Taliban have also over the past years declared in their statements that there are no foreign armed groups present in Afghanistan and neither do the Taliban have any ties with them. Now that the leader of Al Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri pledged his allegiance and was accepted by Mullah Mansur, does this not mean that a gulf has once again appeared between the Taliban and the international community?
We have had a policy of non-interference since the rule of the Emirate. We wanted embassy relations with the world, ambassadors were sent to countries which recognized us officially and efforts were made to establish relations with those which did not.
But on top of this, we still cannot forget the oppressed Muslims and individuals worldwide. It is our religious and ethical responsibility to sympathize with the oppressed Muslims. People can label them whatever they want but they are still our brothers in religion.
We have not asked anyone from outside of our country to pledge their allegiance to us but if they do so due to their own affection then we have no religious grounds to reject their pledge rather we must respond reciprocally to their affection.
But this does not mean that our soil can be used against anyone else without our knowledge. It is a need and necessity of our time to not make the world our enemy and foolishly increase the allies of America with our policies. It is wisdom and necessity that the outside world does not feel threatened by us.
AIP: The group ‘Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan’ declared their allegiance to Daesh in a video. It is said that this group is based in Afghanistan. If they are in Afghanistan, would you be able to tell us what flag they operate under? how are their relations with the Taliban?
As for them being based in Afghanistan then this is a false presumption.
Those who are waging Jihad in Afghanistan are doing so under the flag and policy of the Islamic Emirate.
People under the name of Daesh are currently only operating in one or two districts of Nangarhar who are mostly Pakistani nationals with a very small number of young locals. They cross over the border from Pakistan and there is no one else operating anywhere under this name in Afghanistan.
AIP: What were the results of meetings between Taliban delegates and some members of the Afghan community in Norway and Qatar?
The policy of the Political Commission of Islamic Emirate is to openly communicate their policy everywhere and to everyone so that people are not left to study us through media propaganda.
All in all, the Islamic Emirate was able to properly communicate its message and policy to the world and Afghans and this was its result.
AIP: Is it true that the leaders of Taliban convene gatherings outside the country? Why don’t the Taliban transfer their activities to inside the country?
You are aware that our Mujahideen are physically at battle in all the provinces of the country and the provincial Jihad in-charges are all in their respective areas too. It seems that some brothers due to necessities might be utilizing the geographic makeup of the neighboring countries but this certainly does not mean that our members are their due to someone’s formal invitation. That is why some of our key personnel are imprisoned and some have even been martyred in detainment.
Many Afghans who had worked with the Taliban government were forced to migrate to relatively safer places due to the American criminalization. Naturally migration to countries which are geographically and culturally similar will be the first in line and which have been hosting Afghan refugees for the past three decades.
Therefore if the border regions of such countries are used due to a necessity that certainly does not mean that someone has granted us a free passage and opportunity.
AIP: Exactly whose decision was it to hide the passing away of Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid? and what were its advantages to the Taliban?
The family of Amir ul Mumineen (may Allah have mercy

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding the Blacklisting of Ḥāfiẓ 'Abd al 'Azīz"

US Department of State recently announced that they have added a low-ranking Mujahid of Islamic Emirate, the student of knowledge Hafiz Abdul Aziz, to their blacklist and freezed all his assets in America.
America which has lost in all combat and military strategy initiatives in Afghanistan wishes to divert the attention of the world from its defeat with such superficial announcements.
The Islamic Emirate considers this act by the defeated Americans as a clear sign of their weakness and requests all its Mujahideen to intensify their Jihad and Jihadi activities in order to force them out of Afghanistan.
The defeated Americans must realize that blacklisting Mujahideen and putting bounties on their head is now an expired formula. Our Mujahideen do not nor have any plans to interact with America where such ridiculous sanctions might have an effect. Such talk and warnings by America will never have an effect on the Jihadi determination of the Mujahideen. America should choose the path of intellect instead of such actions and fundamentally change its policy of keeping Afghanistan occupied.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
12/11/1436 Hijri Lunar
05/06/1394 Hijri Solar    27/08/2015 Gregorian

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Today’s Attack In Kabul Has Nothing To Do With Us"

The blast which took place in Makroyano area of Kabul city today in which caused several civilian casualties has nothing to do with the Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate.
We contacted all the local leaders of Kabul province and after completing our investigation it was established that our Mujahideen had no operations planned for today and we are unaware of whatever took place there today.
Our Mujahideen are mandated to take immense caution during operations and are not allowed to carry out attacks without the approval of leaders.
Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Zabihullah Mujahid
07/11/1436 Hijri Lunar
31/05/1394 Hijri Solar                       22/08/2015 Gregorian

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Regarding Fabricated Report Attributed to the Leader of the Islamic Emirate by ‘Ummat’ Pakistani Newspaper"

A Pakistani newspaper ‘Ummat’ published a report yesterday attributing a letter to the leader of Islamic Emirate concerning the passing away of General Hamid Gul. No such thing has occurred and neither has the leader of Islamic Emirate released anything in this regard.
It is true that the former head of Pakistani intelligence, General Hamid Gul, was a close aid for Jihadi organizations during the era of Jihad and the Islamic Emirate also appreciates the services lent by all individuals and parties to the just demands and Jihad of the Afghans against the invasion of Soviet Union.
However news outlets should recognize their responsibilities. They should strive to only publish the truth and not work for mischievous objectives by heaping such slanderous accusations upon leaders and pass it off as news because such reports will only cause damage to their own reputation.
Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Zabihullah Mujahid
05/11/1436 Hijri Lunar
29/05/1394 Hijri Solar    21/08/2015 Gregorian

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding the Recent Barbarity in Nangarhar"

A horrific video was released yesterday showing kidnappers who associate themselves with Daesh (ISIS) brutally martyring several white bearded tribal elders and villagers with explosives in Mamand Dara area of Shinwaro district.
This un-Islamic act where innocent civilians are martyred after being charged with apostasy merely for aiding the Islamic Emirate can never be justified. The Islamic Emirate strongly condemns this act. No law can ever allow prisoners to be mistreated in such a manner.
This offense and other such brutal actions by a few irresponsible ignorant individuals under the guise of Islam and Muslims are intolerable. The Islamic Emirate orders it leaders in the area to find and punish the perpetrators of this heinous act in light of sublime Shariah Law.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
26/10/1436 Hijri Lunar
20/05/1394 Hijri Solar                    11/08/2015 Gregorian