New release from al-Muhājirah al-Gharbīyah: “Important Advice For the Female Captives From the Free Women of This Nation”


الحمدُ لله وكفَى، والصَّلاةُ والسّلامُ على النبيِّ المُصطَفَى، وعلى آلِهِ وصحبِه ومن لأثرِهم اقتَفى،

أمّا بعدُ؛

فمِمّا لا يخفَى علَى أُمّتِنا الثّكلَى ما حلَّ بإمائِها الحرائِر منْ عظيمِ بلاءٍ، تتفطّرُ له قلوبُ الغيَارَى ولا نقولُ سوى اللهم إنا نعوذ بكَ من جَهدِ البلاء، ودركِ الشقا، وسوءِ القضاء، وشماتةِ الأعداءِ.

ومن المعلومِ أن ما حلّ بنساءِ أمتنا في مخيّمات الذلّ، لهو من النوازلِ التي يحارُ فيها اللبيب، فأن تؤسرُ عوائلُ بأكملها جلها من النساء والأطفال وبهذه الأعداد المهولة، من الحادثات التي قل أن شهدها تاريخُ البشريّة؛ {وَمَا نَقَمُوا مِنْهُمْ إِلَّا أَن يُؤْمِنُوا بِاللَّهِ الْعَزِيزِ الْحَمِيدِ}.

وقد بلغتنا بعضُ التصرّفاتِ التي صدرت وتصدرُ من بعضِ أخواتِنا الأسيرات – أصلحهنّ الله – والتي تفتقد إلى الكثيرِ من الحكمةِ والسّياسةِ، وهي تصرّفات وأفعال وإن كانت فرديّة إلّا أنها تعود غالبًا بالضررِ على جميعِ الأسيرات، كما ولا ننكرُ أن بعضَ تلك التصرّفات ناجمة عن حرقةِ الأختِ على دينها وسعيها للذبّ عن عقيدتها، فرأينا أن نستعينَ بالله تعالى ونكتبُ هذه الكليمات، نُصحًا للأخواتِ وإرشادًا للأسيرات والله من وراءِ القصد.

?أوّلًا؛ فلتعلم الأخت الموحّدة المسلمة أنّ الطريقَ إلى اللهِ طريقٌ شائكٌ مليءٌ بالعثراتِ والعقبات، وأنّ الابتلاءَ في ذات الله عزّ وجلّ ليس حكرًا على الرجلِ دون المرأةِ، فالمرأةُ أيضا تُبتلى فتُقتلُ وتؤسرُ؛ وقد تُسبَى وتُبترُ، وما إلى ذلك من المكارهِ التي يُكابدها المسلمُ الموحّد في سبيل ربه وإعلاءً لكلمتِه في الأرضِ.

ففي سبيل الحنيفيّة أسِرت سارة زوج خليل الله إبراهيم عليه السّلام، وراودها طاغوت مصر على نفسها ونجّاها الله منه، وفي سبيل الحنيفيّة عُذبت آسيا زوج فرعون، وفي سبيل الحنيفيّة قُتلت سميّة بنت خيّاط، وفي سبيل الحنيفيّة جاعت خديجة أم المؤمنين وبناتها بنات النبيّ – صلّى الله عليه وسلم – حتى كان أهل مكّة يسمعون أصوات النساء والأطفال المحاصرين في شعب أبي طالب وهم يتضوّرون جوعا!

فلا تظنّي أختي الأسيرة – ثبّتكِ الله – أن ما قد أصابكِ أمرٌ جديدٌ مُحدث، بل هو طريق الأولين ومن تبعهم بإحسانٍ إلى يوم الدّين؛ “وكذلك الرسل تبتلى ثم تكون لها العاقبة”.

?ثانيًا؛ اعلمي – سلّمكِ الله – أنّكِ وأنتِ أسيرة مُستضعفةٌ، والاستضعافُ من الضّعفِ، والضّعف خلافُ القوّةِ.

ومن لطفِ الله بعبيده أن جعل من شريعته شريعةً سمحةً فيها مراعاةٌ لأحوالِ العبادِ عند الاضطرارِ والضّرورةِ، بل قد تتغيّرُ الأحكامُ بناءً على وضعِ العبدِ أو الجماعةِ.

قالَ اللهُ تعالى: {فَمَنِ اضْطُرَّ غَيْرَ بَاغٍ وَلَا عَادٍ فَلَا إِثْمَ عَلَيْهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ} [البقرة:173].

وقال أيضًا:{فَمَنِ اضْطُرَّ فِي مَخْمَصَةٍ غَيْرَ مُتَجَانِفٍ لِإِثْمٍ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ}[المائدة:3].

ومن السُنّةِ النبويّةِ المُطهرةِ فلنَا في قصّةِ عمّارِ بنِ ياسر – رضي الله عنه – عبرٌ وفوائدُ، إذ لاقَى عمّار في سبيلِ الله ما لاقى من مُشركي قريش وأكرهوه على قولِ كلمةِ الكفرِ، فنزلَ قولُ الله تعالى:

{إِنَّمَا يَفْتَرِي الْكَذِبَ الَّذِينَ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِآيَاتِ اللَّهِ ۖ وَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْكَاذِبُونَ ۝ مَن كَفَرَ بِاللَّهِ مِن بَعْدِ إِيمَانِهِ إِلَّا مَنْ أُكْرِهَ وَقَلْبُهُ مُطْمَئِنٌّ بِالْإِيمَانِ وَلَٰكِن مَّن شَرَحَ بِالْكُفْرِ صَدْرًا فَعَلَيْهِمْ غَضَبٌ مِّنَ اللَّهِ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ} [النحل: 105 106].

قال ابنُ عباس – رضي الله عنهما – : (أخذه المشركون وأخذوا أباه وأمه سميَّة وصهيبًا وبلالًا وخبَّابًا وسالمًا فعذبوهم، وربطت سمية بين بعيرين ووُجِئ قُبُلها بحربة، وقيل لها إنك أسلمت من أجل الرجال، فقُتلت وقُتل زوجُها ياسر، وهما أول قتيلين في الاسلام.

وأما عمار فأعطاهم ما أرادوا بلسانه مكرهًا، فشكا ذلك إلى رسولِ الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم، فقال له رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم: (كيف تجد قلبك؟) قال: مطمئن بالايمان، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم: (فإن عادوا فعد) [رواه الحاكمُ وقال على شرط الشيخين].

وعن ابنِ عبّاسٍ – رضي الله عنهما – يرفعه قال: قال – صلى الله عليه وسلم – : (إنَّ الله وضع عن أمتي الخطأ والنسيان وما استكرهوا عليه) [رواه ابن ماجه وابن حبان يرفعه وكذا الحاكم وقال صحيح على شرط الشيخين].

وبناءً على ما تقدّم يتبيّنُ للأختِ الأسيرةِ أنّها مُستضعفة وتأخذُ حكمَ المضطرِّ في أمورٍ كثيرة، والضرورةُ تُقدّرُ بقدرها، ومن المؤكّد أن من تُعذَّب في السجونِ ويُنتهكُ عرضها ويذيقُها أعداءُ اللهِ صنوفًا شتّى من صنوفِ التعذيبِ والتّنكيلِ، ليست كمن تجلِسُ في خيمةٍ لا تُعذّبُ ولا تُستكرهُ على شيْءٍ وإنّما هي مسلوبةُ الحريّة لا أكثر!

?ثالثًا؛ وإذا ما استوعبتِ أختنا أنّكِ مُستضعفة، ينبغي لكِ حينها أن تعلمي أنّ أهل العلمِ قد قرّروا قاعدةً فِقهيّةً عظيمةً ألا وهيَ: “درء المفَاسِدِ مقدّمٌ على جلبِ المَصالحِ”

ومعناهَا؛ أنّه إذا تعارَضَت مفسدةٌ ومصلحةٌ يُقدَّم رفعُ المفسدةِ على جلبِ المصلحةِ؛ لأنّ اهتِمامَ الشّرعِ بالمنهيَّات أشدُّ من اهتمامِه بالمأموراتِ، وخيرُ مثالٍ على تجلّي هذه القاعدة في أيّامِنا هذه ما يحدثُ بينَ أخواتِنا الأسيرات، فتأتي إحداهنّ أو بعضهنّ بفعلٍ ظاهره المصلحة ولكن عواقبَه تكون وخيمةً على بقيّة الأسيرات واللهُ المُستعان.

بعضُ الأخواتِ – هداهنّ الله – ينادين بالجهادِ وهنّ في الأسر! أيّ جهادٍ هذا يا رعاكِ الله؟! وليست رسالة إحدى الأخوات عنّا ببعيد والتي خاطبت فيها جُنودَ الدولةِ واستنفرتهم بما معناه: (نحن جاهزات وقد حددنا السكاكين وقد اشتقنا لأصوات الرصاص والانفجارات)، والله ما هذا إلا قلّة عقلٍ، إذ كيف لعاقلةٍ أن تتفوّه بمثل هذه الأمور التي قد يتّخذها السجّان حُجّةً للنّيل من الأسيراتِ وتنغيصِ عيشهنّ المنغّصِ أصلًا؟!

وتستغلها الصحافة للتحريض على الأسيرات؛ مما يُطلق السجانين بالتنكيل بالأسيرات دون رقيب أو عنيب.

حسنًا؛ ماذا جنيتنّ من الاعتداء على العساكر أوقتلِ عنصر أو اثنين منهم؟

لا شيء سوى مزيدًا من التضييق على المهاجراتِ ومنعهنّ من السوق والتداوي وجميع مؤهلات الحياة، حتّى الماء والثلج الذي كان يدخل إليهم منعوه عنهن في أشدّ الأيّام حرًّا!

وهذا غير تجديد التحقيق والتفتيش والإهانة والإذلال.

وهذا ما لا تُقدّره الكثير من أخواتِنا – أصلحهنّ الله – اللاتي لازلن يعشنَ على أنغام الخلافةِ والتّمكين!!

لا شكّ أن الثبات على الحقّ في وجهِ الباطلِ زمن الاستضعافِ والهزيمةِ من أجلّ العبادات وأعظم القربات، ولكن لا يكون ذلك داعيًا لتجاوز الأخت الأسيرة لحدود ما شرعه الله تعالى ورسوله، فلا نقصان في العبادةِ ولا غلوّ ولا زيادة، فإقامة الأخوات لبعضِ الحدود داخل المخيّم أمر غير جائزٍ شرعًا، وهذا من الافتآت؛ وقد نصّ أهل العلمِ على أنّ إقامةَ الحدودِ موكولة إلى إمامِ المسلمين أو من ينوب عنه، وهنا سؤال للأخوات اللاتي قطعن يد أخت سرقت محفظة ثم أعادتها – كما بلغنا – : هل هذه الأخت التي قطعتنّ يدها قد استوفت كافّة الشّروط لإقامة حدّ السّرقة، والتي تتجاوز العشر شروط؟!

وإني أجزم أنّنا لو ذهبنا الآن وسألنا أخواتنا الأسيرات خيمةً خيمةً عن شروط حد السرقة لما عدّتها لنا واحدة منهن!

فهلّا اتقيتنّ الله وتركتنّ الحدود لأهلها؛ والتزمتنّ خيامكنّ وأذكاركنّ وقرآنكنّ وتربيةَ أشبالكنّ؟

وهلّا كففتنّ ألسنتكنّ عن أعراض أخواتكنّ وتوقفتنّ عن رمي كلّ من خالفتكنّ بالردة والكفر؟!

وما شأنُ الجاهلاتِ المتعالماتِ بالأخت التي تعمل مدرّسة لغة عربيّة وقرآن في المخيّم؛ تعلمّ أبناء المجاهدين وترعاهم، حتّى يكفّرنها ويدعينها للتوبةِ؟

ومنهنّ من تجلس بين الخيامِ فإذا ما رأت أختا تعمل مع المنظمات إلا وصرخت فيها: “يا كافرة يا عدوّة الله”!

أو ما علمت تلك المتعالمةُ القائلةُ على الله بغير علمٍ أن كبار المشايخ؛ والذين نرفع بهم وبعلمهم رؤوس الموحّدين قد أفتوا بجواز العمل مع المنظماتِ في المخيم بسبب الضيق والضرورة والمخمصة وشرطوا لذلك شروطًا؛ منها أن لا تعينهم على كفر أو منكر؛ ولا تعرّض نفسها لفتنة؛ ولا تطلعهم على عورات المسلمين أو تعينهم على أحد من أخواتها الأسيرات.

ثم من وَلّى هذه ومثيلاتها أمور المسلماتِ؟ عليكِ بنفسكِ ورعيّتكِ التي ولّاك الله عليها وهم أبناؤك، قرّي في خيمتكِ يا رعاكِ الله وكفّي شرّك عن المسلمات، وإن رأيتِ من أختكِ منكرًا فانصحيها باللينِ والرفق، وبالحجّة والدليل، واحذري الغلوّ الذي دمّر الدولةَ وأوصلنا إلى ما نحنُ فيه.

أما المنتكساتُ ممن كانوا بالأمس لنا أخوات فأقول لهن؛ أدميتُنّ قلوبنا والله، وقد بلغنا من أفعالكنّ ما تشيب لها الولدان، ونعوذ بالله من الحور بعد الكور، وإنا والله ما نحزنُ عليكُنّ بقدر ما نحزنُ على تلك الأمانة التي ضيعتنّها ألا وهي أبناء المجاهدين، ذاك الزّرع الطيّب الذي فرطتنّ فيه، ولكن لا عجب؛ فمن فرّطت في حقِّ الله عليها؛ ستفرّط حتمًا في حق من سواه؛ وإنّا لله وإنّا إليه راجعون.

اللهم فرّج عن أخواتنا الأسيرات، اللهم ثبّتهنّ وآجرهنّ وإجعل لهنّ فرجًا ومخرجًا.

وآخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله ربّ العالمين

وصلّ اللهم وسلم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.

✍?المهاجرة الغريبة

(أسيرة مُحرّرة من سجون الأكراد)


Praise be to Allāh, and peace and blessings be upon the Prophet ﷺ, and upon his family, companions, and those who follow their way.

To proceed,

It is no secret to our bereaved Ummah what have befallen its free women of great afflictions that break the hearts of those who are jealous for them.

We can only say: O Allāh, we seek refuge in you from the difficulties of severe calamities, from having an evil end and a bad fate and from the malicious joy of your enemies.

It is well known that what happened to the women of our Ummah in the camps of humiliation, is one of the calamities about which the wise person becomes confused.

For to capture whole families, most of which are women and children, in these huge numbers, this is one of the events that are rarely mentioned in the history of mankind.

﴾They had nothing against them, except that they believed in Allāh, the All-Mighty, Worthy of all Praise!﴿

We have heard about some of the actions that some of our imprisoned sisters did and keep doing, may Allāh rectify them, actions which lack a lot of wisdom and good management.

Although those actions are individual acts, they often incur harm to all the prisoners. We do not deny that some of these actions are due to a sister’s concern over her religion and her quest to defend her ʿaqīdah.

So, we seek the help of Allāh the Almighty and write these words, as advice to the sisters and a guide to the captive women, and Allāh is the One sought from our endeavours.

Firstly: Let the monotheist Muslim sisters know that the way to Allāh is a thorny path that is full of pitfalls and obstacles, and afflictions are not exclusive to men.

Women are also tried by being killed or captured, and they may be taken as captives and their limbs may be severed and other undesirable things that the Muslims endure for the sake of their Lord and to make His Word superior in the earth.

For the sake of the Ḥanīfiyyah [the religion of Ibrāhīm], Sarah, Ibrāhīm’s wife, was captured and Pharaoh tried to sleep with her, but Allāh saved her from him. Āsiyā, Pharaoh’s wife, was tortured as was killed Sumayya bint Ḵẖayyāṭ for the sake of Ḥanīfiyyah.

It was for the sake of Ḥanīfiyyah that Ḵẖadījah, the Mother of the Believers, and her daughters, the daughters of the Prophet ﷺ …were starved.

Starved to such a degree that the people of Makkah could hear the sound of women and children, who were besieged in the valley of Abū Ṭālib, as they were suffering from severe hunger!

So, do not think my captive sister, may Allāh keep you steadfast, that what has befallen you is something new, but it is the way of those who preceded us [the Companions] and those who followed them with good conduct until the Day of Recompense.

“This is how the Prophets are tried before the final victory is theirs.” [Hiraql (Caesar), the Emperor of Rome addressing Abū Sufyān.]

Secondly: Know, may Allāh save you, that you, being a captive, are in a state of weakness. And it is of the kindness of Allāh towards His slaves that He made His Sharīʿah a tolerant one taking into account the conditions of worshippers.

Whether constrained or forced by necessity. Moreover, the rulings might even change depending on the condition of the servant or the group.

Allāh the Almighty said:

﴾But if one is forced by necessity without wilful disobedience nor transgressing due limits, then there is no sin on him. Truly, Allāh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful﴿

He also said:

﴾But as for him who is forced by severe hunger, with no inclination to sin, then surely, Allāh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful﴿

And in the purified Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ, we take lessons and we benefit from the story of ʿAmmār ibn Yāsir, may Allāh be pleased with him, when ʿAmmār endured, for the cause of Allāh, what he had to on the hands of the mūshrikīn of Quraysh who forced him to say words of disbelief.

Then the Words of Allāh were revealed:

﴾It is only those who believe not in the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allāh, who fabricate falsehood, and it is they who are liars ۝ Whoever disbelieved in Allāh after his belief, except him who is forced thereto and whose heart is at rest with Faith but such as open their breasts to disbelief, on them is wrath from Allāh, and theirs will be a great torment.﴿

Ibn ʿAbbas, may Allāh be pleased with them, said:

“The mūshrikīn took him and took his father and mother Sumayyah, Ṣuhayb, Bilāl, Ḵẖabāb, and Sālim, and they tortured them. Sumayyah was tied up between two camels and was stabbed in her female organ.

She was told: ‘You embraced Islām for the men’, and was then killed. Her husband Yāsīr was also killed. They were the first two persons who were killed in Islām.

As for ʿAmmār, he was coerced to let them hear what they wanted, so, he complained to the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ about it.

The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ asked him:

«How do you feel about it in your heart?»

He answered: “It is at rest with Faith.”

So, the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ told him:

«If they do that to you again, say as you said.»”

Al-Ḥākim narrated it and said it is Ṣaḥiḥ according to the standard of the Shayḵẖayn (Buḵẖārī and Muslim.)

And Ibn ʿAbbas, may Allāh be pleased with them, said:

The Prophet ﷺ said:

«Allāh has forgiven my Ummah for their mistakes and forgetfulness, and what they are forced to do.»

Narrated by Ibn Mājah and Ibn Ḥibbān in addition to al-Ḥākim who said Ṣaḥiḥ according to the standard of the Shayḵẖayn.

Based on the foregoing, it is clear that the captive sister is in a state of weakness and the ruling of the compelled applies to her in many things, and “A state of exigency is assessed and answered proportionately.”

And it is certain that she who is tortured in prisons, raped, and afflicted with various kinds of torture and abuse from the enemies of Allāh is not like a woman sitting in the tent without being tortured or forced to do anything, but it’s only that her freedom is taken from her, no more than that!

Thirdly: If you, O sister, understand that you are in a state of weakness, then you should know that the scholars have stated a great legal maxim which is:

The prevention of harms is preferred over the attainment of benefits.”

This means that if preventing harm and attaining benefits are incompatible with one another, then preventing the harm takes precedence over attaining the benefit.

[This is] because the Sharīʿah gives more importance to what is prohibited than it gives to what is mandatory.

The best example of this maxim in our days is what is happening among our captive sisters.

One or some of them do something that seems to bring benefit, but its consequences are harmful to the rest of the female captives, and from Allāh alone do we seek help!

Some sisters, may Allāh guide them, call for Jihād while they are in captivity! What Jihād is this, may Allāh protect you?

It hasn’t been long since we heard about the message of one of the sisters, in which she addressed the soldiers of the Islāmic State calling upon them to fight, something like:

We are ready and we have sharpened the knives and we are longing for the sounds of bullets and explosions.

By Allāh, this is nothing but narrow-mindedness. How can a sane person say such things that the jailers may take as a pretext to make those women’s life more difficult than it already is?!

And the Press exploits those words to incite against female prisoners, which makes the jailers feel free to torture the female captives without accountability.

All right! What did you get from attacking soldiers or killing one or two of them?

Nothing but more restrictions on the immigrant women and preventing them from going to the market and from getting medication and all the necessities of life.

Even the water and ice that was allowed before became prohibited even on the hottest days! Not to mention the renewed interrogation, inspection, and humiliation.

This is something that many of our sisters – may Allāh guide them – can not realise, those who are still living upon the melodies of ‘caliphate’ and ‘the established power’!

There is no doubt that steadfastness upon the truth in the face of falsehood in times of weakness and defeat is of the best of worship and the greatest of good deeds.

Yet this must not cause the sister to exceed the limits of what Allāh the Almighty ordained of religion, with no reduction in worship nor excessiveness and additions.

The establishment of Ḥudūd [punishments] by some of the sisters in the prison camp is not permissible according to Sharīʿah.

Scholars have stated that the establishment of Ḥudūd [punishments] is entrusted to the Īmām of the Muslims or his representative.

And here is a question for the sisters who cut off the hand of one who stole a wallet and then returned it – as we were told.

Did all the conditions of establishing the punishment of theft – which are more than ten conditions – apply to this sister that you cut her hand?!

I am certain that if we had gone there now and asked our captive sisters in the tents one by one about the conditions of establishing the punishment for theft, none of them would have [been able to] count them for us!

Will you please fear Allāh and leave establishing the punishments for the appropriate people, and abide in your tents, and adhere to your adhkār [remembrance of Allāh], to the Qurʾān, and raising your cubs?

Will you please keep your tongues away from the honour of your sisters and stop accusing all of those who disagree with you with apostasy and disbelief?!

What have those wiseacre ignorant women got to do with a sister who works as a teacher of Arabic and Qurʾān in the prison camp, teaching the sons of the Mujāhidīn and taking care of them?

What business do they have with her to proclaim her a non-believer and to call her for repentance?

Some of them would sit between the tents, and whenever they saw a sister working with the organizations, they would shout at her, “O non-believer! O enemy of Allāh!”

You who pretend to have knowledge! You who talk about what Allāh ordained without knowledge!

Don’t you known that senior scholars, who the monotheists are proud of, stated that working with the organizations in the prison camp is permissible because of the distress, necessity, and severe hunger!

And they explained the conditions for that, some of which are: not to help the organisation in acts of disbelief or evil, not to expose herself to fitnah, and not to expose [or spy on] the Muslims for them or to help the organisations against one of her captive sisters.

Moreover, who entrusted this woman, and her likes, with the affairs of Muslim women?

Look after your own affairs and the affairs of your subjects that Allāh entrusted to you – your children.

Abide in your tent, may Allāh protect you, and restrain yourself from doing wrong to Muslims, and if you see your sister doing evil, advise her with leniency and forbearance, and with proofs and evidence, and beware of the excessiveness in religion that destroyed the Islāmic State and brought us to where we are now.

As for those who relapsed, those who were our sisters yesterday, I tell them:

By Allāh, you broke our hearts. We have reached a state that causes the hair of the young to go grey due to your actions, and we seek refuge in Allāh from becoming in a bad state of affairs after we were in a good state.

By Allāh, we are not as sad for you as we are sad for that trust that you have failed to preserve, which is the sons of the Mujāhidīn, that good offspring that you have failed to take care of.

But that is not surprising, for whoever was negligent regarding Allāh’s Right, they would be negligent regarding the right of other than Him.

Indeed we belong to Allāh, and indeed to Him we will return.

O Allāh, release our captive sisters, O Allāh give them steadfastness and reward them and give them relief and make a way for them to get out of difficulties.

And Praise be to Allāh, the Lord of the Worlds,

Blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and Companions.

Al-Muhājirah al-Gharbiyyah (May Allāh preserve her)

[Former prisoner of the PKK aligned SDF]
