Fursān al-Balāgh Media presents a new Nashīd from Abū Qadāmah al-Muhājir: "Arrival of the News: In Eulogy for the Mujāhid Shaykh Abū Barā' al-Maqdisī"

New statement from Jabhat al-Nuṣrah: "Press Release #3: Refuting the Death of the Leader of Jabhat al-Nuṣrah"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Jabhat al-Nuṣrah — “Press Release #3- Refuting the Death of the Leader of Jabhat al-Nuṣrah”

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

Jihadology presents Academic Journal Articles of 2012, Part I

For previous posts in this series see:

Aaron Y. Zelin — al-Farīḍa al-Ghāʾiba and al-Sadat’s Assassination, a 30 Year Retrospective
Adis Duderija — Evolution in the Concept of Sunnah during the First Four Generations of Muslims in Relation to the Development of the Concept of an Authentic Hadith as Based on Recent Western Scholarship
Alexander Knysh — Islam and Arabic as the Rhetoric of Insurgency- The Case of the Caucasus Emirate
Andreas Gorke, Harald Motzki, and Gregor Schoeler — First Century Sources for the Life of Muhammad? A Debate
Anke Iman Bouzenita — Early Contributions to the Theory of Islamic Governance- ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Awzāʿī
Anver M. Emon — On Sovereignties in Islamic Legal History
Ashraf Nabih El Sherif — Institutional and Ideological Re-construction of the Justice and Development Party (PJD)- The Question of Democratic Islamismism in Morocco
Behnam Said — Hymns (Nasheeds)- A Contribution to the Study of the Jihadist Culture
Benjamin Ducol — Uncovering the French-speaking jihadisphere- An exploratory analysis
Bruce Maddy-Weitzman — Arabization and Its Discontents- The Rise of the Amazigh Movement in North Africa
Carin Berg — Tunes of religious resistance? Understanding Hamas music in a conflict context
Charles Hirschkind — Experiments in Devotion Online- The YouTube Khutba
Chris Lundry, Steven R. Corman, R. Bennett Furlow, and Kirk W. Errickson — Cooking the Books- Strategic Inflation of Casualty Reports by Extremists in the Afghanistan Conflict
Christian Bleuer — Muslim Soldiers in Non-Muslim Militaries at War in Muslim Lands: The Soviet, American and Indian Experience
Cynthia Shawamreh — Islamic Legal Theory and the Context of Islamist Movements
Damien Janos — Qur’anic cosmography in its historical perspective- some notes on the formation of a religious worldview
Danny Orbach — Tyrannicide in Radical Islam- The Case of Sayyid Qutb and Abd al-Salam Faraj
Darryl Li — Taking the Place of Martyrs- Afghans and Arabs under the Banner of Islam
Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Tara Vassefi — Perceptions of the “Arab Spring” Within the Salafi-Jihadi Movement
David H. Warren and Christine Gilmore — Rethinking neo-Salafism through an Emerging Fiqh of Citizenship- The Changing Status of Minorities in the Discourse of Yusuf al-Qaradawi and the ‘School of the Middle Way’
David Martin Jones and Michael K.R. Smith — Ideology, Networks and Political Religion- Structure and Agency in Jemaah Islamiah’s Small World

New statement from Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn: "Abū Manṣūr al-Amrīkī: A Candid Clarification"

In the name of Allah the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent
In the last few months the story of Abu Mansur Al-Amriki has been playing out in the media circles, not only feeding the narrative of the Western media that deep ideological differences were beginning to devour the Mujahideen in Somalia, but also leaving the Muslim Ummah extraordinarily confounded with a string of video releases that have stimulated a wide range of diverse reactions.
In the light of these events, and for the sake of clarification of the intricacies surrounding the Abu Mansur saga, Harakat Al-Shabaab Al-Mujahideen hereby declares that Abu Mansur Al-Amriki does not, in any way, shape or form, represent the views of the Muhajireen in Somalia. The opinions expressed by Abu Mansur, the alleged frictions and the video releases are merely the results of personal grievances that stem purely from a narcissistic pursuit of fame and are far removed from the reality on the ground.
Following the footsteps of the Noble Messenger, Muhammad (may peace and blessings be upon him) and the pious predecessors before them, the Mujahideen remain faithful to the lofty aspirations of their faith, strengthened by the bond of brotherhood, motivated by the rewards of altruistic self-sacrifice for their Muhajireen brothers and their path illuminated by the creed of Al Walaa-Wal-Baraa (Alliance and Enmity). The Jihadi theatre nevertheless accommodates people of all sorts. Some, above others, occasionally rise to prominence often with little merit save for their uniqueness, and contrary to portrait of the grand strategist, recruiter and fund-raiser portrayed by the Western media, Abu Mansur Al-Amriki does not hold any position of authority within Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen.
Despite their fair share of surprise at the turn of events, however, the Mujahideen did not immediately rush to reprimand him, but instead saw it appropriate to lean towards the noble path of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) in resolving the situation: that is Naseeha or giving advice to the brother.
To err is human, but Islamic Shari’ah has carved for us a clearly defined path for dealing with disputes should they arise and remedying the mistakes of our fellow Muslim brothers. For months the Mujahideen have been offering advice to Abu Mansur in private, without publicly rebuking him, employing every possible avenue to veil his faults, overlook his shortcomings and conceal the egregious errors he’d committed from the eyes of the Muslim Ummah, in the hope that Allah would guide him and us to the path of righteousness; for it remains obligatory upon the Muslims to offer sound advice to their brothers in religion, in the light of the Qur’an and Sunnah, and guide them towards that which is righteous. It is regrettable, however, that all such efforts have been fruitless despite the numerous attempts. Therefore, when a person rejects the sincere advice of his brothers in private, it becomes religiously and morally incumbent upon the Mujahideen to publicly advise the Muslim Ummah of his obstinacy and insistence on sowing disunity among the vanguards of this Ummah.
The series of video releases – one in March when the Kuffar were preparing to invade the Islamic Administrations in Lower Shabeelle region and another in October just after the Kenyans had invaded the port city of Kismayo, in Lower Jubba region – were intended to serve a broader purpose. Hence, the timing of the releases and the convergence of the entire East African nations upon the Mujahideen were not entirely coincidental occurrences but a calculated attempt to draw attention to the alleged voices of dissent within the ranks of the Mujahideen at a time when they were most likely to be under pressure from their enemies so as to cultivate the destructive seeds of disunity. But Allah is the best disposer of all affairs; the seeds failed to germinate ‘and the evil plot encompasses only him who makes it.’
We sincerely apologise to the Muslim Ummah in general and our Mujahideen brothers in all the fields of Jihad in particular for having to witness such childish petulance in one of the theatres of Jihad, reminding them that the caravan of Jihad cannot and will not, Insha-Allah, be derailed from its tracks or the spirit of this great Ummah dampened by the superficial allegations, frivolous ramblings and whimsical desires of those who wish to enhance their image at the price of Jihad and the Mujahideen, spreading discord and disunity in the process.
Press Office
Harakat Al-Shabaab Al Mujahideen

Jihadology presents The Books of 2012

NOTE: As with 2010 and 2011, over the next few days Jihadology will be posting lists of books, think tank reports, academic journal articles, and forthcoming books that have been published during 2011 and plan to be published in 2012. Below is a list of books that I have either read or am interested in reading that were published in the past year. They are in alphabetical order by author. If you have any other suggestions to the below books that deal with global jihadism or Islamic studies, please feel free to let me know in the comments section.

Aaron W. Hughes — Theorizing Islam: Disciplinary Deconstruction and Reconstruction
Daniel Lav – Radical Islam and the Revival of Medieval Theology
Gregory Johnsen — The Last Refuge: Yemen, al-Qaeda, and America’s War in Arabia
Hussein Abdul-Raof – Theological Approaches to Qur’anic Exegesis: A Practical Comparative-Contrastive Analysis
Jeevan Deol – Contextualizing​ Jihadi Thought
Joas Wagemakers – A Quietist Jihadi: The Ideology and Influence of Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi
Laurent Bonnefoy – Salafism in Yemen: Transnationalis​m and Religious Identity
Muhammad Qasim Zaman — Modern Islamic Thought in a Radical Age: Religious Authority and Internal Criticism
Ovamir Anjum – Politics, Law and Reason in Islamic Thought: The Taymiyyan Moment
Richard Gauvain — Salafi Ritual Purity: In the Presence of God
Sadakat Kadri — Heaven on Earth: A Journey Through Shari’a Law from the Deserts of Ancient Arabia to the Streets of the Modern Muslim World
Stig Jarle Hansen — Al-Shabaab in Somalia: The History and Ideology of a Militant Islamist Group, 2005-2012
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought
Umar F. Abd-allah Wymann-landgraf — Malik and Medina: Islamic Reasoning in the Formative Period
Vahid Brown and Don Rassler – Fountainhead of Jihad: The Haqqani Nexus, 1973-2010

New statement from al-Fidā' Arabic Forum: "On the Occasion of the Return of al-Fidā', the Opening of Registration for One Day"


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله رب العالمين و الحمد لله رب الأولين و الآخرين والحمد لله مالك الملك والحمد لله إياه نعبد وبه نستعين :

ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم ,, إخواننا في الدين

لنحتسب ونصبر ولا نبالي في مكر الأعداء ، كما قال المولى عز وجل ( وَاصْبِرْ وَمَا صَبْرُكَ إِلَّا بِاللَّهِ وَلَا تَحْزَنْ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا تَكُ فِي ضَيْقٍ مِمَّا يَمْكُرُونَ (127) إِنَّ اللّهَ مَعَ الَّذِينَ اتَّقَواْ وَّالَّذِينَ هُم مُّحْسِنُونَ (‏128) سورة النحل.

الحمد لله بنعمته تتم الصالحات و الحمد لله بشكره تدوم النعم والحمد لله كما ينبغى لجلاله وعظيم سلطانه .

بفضل الله عاد بريق فدائنا شماخاً ناصراً بإذن الله تعالى ، ولكن لا قيمة للعودة إن لم تتضاعف الهمم ولا فائدة إن لم نستمر في المسير ، فالله الله بنصرة إخوانكم المجاهدين لهذا اجتمعنا فاللهم حقق هدف جمعنا وارحم ضعفنا وقلة حيلتنا ، اللهم ثبت أقدامنا وأنصرنا على القوم الكافرين وزلزل عروش الظالمين يا ذا الجلال والإكرام .

ومن جانب إحقاق الحق نشكر إخواننا في اللجنة التقنية لمركز الفجر للإعلام على ما قدموا وبذلوا واجتهدوا ، فاللهم بارك فيهم ووفقهم .

وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين .

إخوانكم في الله
بشبكة الفداء الإسلامية


To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding the Recurrent Partial Report By the UN"

UNAMA, a branch of the United Nations, in its recent civilian casualties report once again attributed eighty percent (80%) of the caused casualties to the Mujahideen, six percent (6%) to the Kabul administration and chose to remain silent on the rest. The report writes that in the second half on the current year, civilian casualties increased compared to a downward trend in the first six months. 967 civilians were reported martyred and 1590 civilians wounded.
UNAMA has failed to even indicate towards the civilian casualties caused by bombings, raids and direct fire of the invading forces despite the fact that the mentioned forces oppress, detain and martyr civilians on a daily basis. Similarly, it has enshrouded the atrocities committed by the Kabul regime’s Army, Police and especially Arbakis (ALP/militia) and has only attributed six percent of civilian casualties to them which in reality is far lower than the actual percent.
On the other hand, UNAMA has now for a prolonged period been accusing Mujahideen for the major share of civilian casualties to hide the flaws of the invaders and at the same time, for unknown reasons, it has not positively responded to the reasonable appeals and genuine investigation called to by Islamic Emirate regarding prevention of civilian casualties. The general population is our own nation; our leader had previously taken serious steps in preventing civilian losses and efforts are still being made so none are caused by us; most importantly, we are divinely responsible to answer to the people in this regard. Using the issue of civilian casualties for political and other purposes is what strengthens such activities because its drives our enemies, in order to defame Mujahideen, to commit such acts which on the one hand cause heavy civilian losses and on the other hand, put pressure on Mujahideen through organization like UNAMA to achieve their sinister objectives. This evidence is adequate to prove UNAMA’s incompetence that it has never conferred Mujahideen while assembling its report so we can have an answer to the allegations blindly charged against us, all this while it is exclusively using the opposition as its sole source of information.
The Islamic Emirate has repeatedly made clear that mines placed by Mujahideen are all controlled by remotes and do not detonate by pressure but only hit its intended targets. To validate our claim, it is enough to say that the invaders themselves admit that sixty percent (60%) of their casualties in the past ten years have been caused by IEDs.
Attributing every explosion to Mujahideen is injustice and clear concealment of truth because the enemy has recently revamped efforts to try and defame Mujahideen. They persecute people in Mujahideen attire, place explosives on main roads and are flaming tribal conflicts, clear examples of which are present in the south, west and north of the country. We urge all impartial organizations and independent media outlets to not suffice with the fake reports and statistics provided by the occupying forces and Kabul regime. All events which are not accepted or rejected by the Islamic Emirate should not be attributed to us. From the findings of UNAMA, it seems that the source of its data is the governors and spokesmen of the corrupt and stooge Kabul regime because UNAMA does not only not have workers in the districts but also in the provincial capitals. According to our information, the figures of civilian casualties provided by UNAMA are in reality the sum of reports of Kabul administration which attribute civilian casualties to the Mujahideen on a daily basis.
We want to present examples of documented civilian casualties caused by the invaders and Kabul administration regarding which independent sides should base their judgment and themselves discover how UNAMA has neglected them in its report while keeping in mind that these are a small sample whereas the atrocities committed by them are far greater in number:
On July 11, foreign invaders carried out a raid on Kondlano area of Shahwalikot district (Kandahar) during which they trashed homes in search operations and martyred <<five>> civilians before leaving.
According to media reports, on July 22, a bomb blew apart an ISAF tank in Sra Shakh area of Nahr Siraj region, Gerishk district (Helmand), after which the invaders called in airstrikes from which <<four>> civilians were martyred.
On July 27, foreign invaders raided local homes at night in Qala Khor area of Khas Uruzgan district (Uruzgan)during which they brutally beat up <<three>> civilians before shooting them dead.
On August 2, Local Police aka Arbakis raided homes of locals in Sero, Matakzo and Sakano areas of Shali Nawa region, Khas Uruzgan district (Uruzgan), during which they martyred <<eighteen>> civilians and looted homes. Witnesses say that these were the armed men of Commander Shuja’I now known as Local Police who also threw several persons into wells. Witnesses told reported that the ALP burnt down <<eight>> motorbikes of locals and also stole their cash and watches.
On August 6, foreign invaders carried out a night raid on ‘Adl Khel village of Achin district (Nangarhar), searched homes, caused locals property damages and martyred <<four>> civilians before leaving. Locals say that none of the victim had ties to any group.
On August 7, foreign invaders carried out a night raid on Shesh Aba area of Khashrod district (Nimroz) during which they martyred <<four>> civilians including a woman and injured 2 children. The district governor confirmed the incident and said that the operation was carried out without them being informed.
On August 10, foreign invaders carried out a raid on Dahzak area of Dehrawod district (Uruzgan) during which they beat up locals, martyred <<four>> and detained another before leaving the area.
On August 30, 2 artillery shells slammed into a home and its garage in Baraki Barak district center (Logar), leveling both of the buildings and leaving <<five>> civilians martyred and <<ten>> others wounded. The security chief of Logar Police department, Raees Khan, confirms the incident and casualties but is unaware of its details. Local residents from the area say that the artillery shells were fired from inside the base of foreign troops while the foreigners have not said anything about the incident.
On August 31, Press TV reported that foreign invaders carried out airstrikes in Ghor province from which <<12>> civilians were martyred.
On September 2, Arabaki militia martyred << fifteen>> civilians in Kanam village adjacent Kunduz city, injured a number of others and took away several more as prisoners. Locals later said: “A former ‘Gilam Jum’ and gunman by the name of Qadir is now a Local Police commander and head of several check posts. His men came to the village at night and at daybreak, opened fire on locals who came out of their homes”. The incident took place after the said commander was kill by unknown gunmen and his men were after revenge.
Media reported on September 8 that hireling troops injured <<twenty>> civilians including women and children in Bala Marghab district’s Maidanzo village (Badghis), some of whom later passed away due to heavy wounds. Locals contacted by media through telephone said that the incident happened when police from a nearby check post indiscriminately shot at civilians after a bomb destroyed a police vehicle.
Media reported on 16 September that foreign forces killed and wounded <<twenty>> civilians in Nurlam area of Alingar district (Laghman. Reports said that <<eight>> women were amongst the martyred, adding that local women and children were out collecting wood when they suddenly became targets of enemy helicopters. Like every other time, the invaders simply said that they targeted Mujahideen and no civilians were harmed. However the officials of Laghman province and witnesses said that the victims of this bombing were all innocent poor locals who were out collecting fire wood.
On September 21, foreign invaders carried out a night raid on Gezak village of Shahwalikot district (Kandahar) during which they martyred <<six>> civilians.
On October 6, an Arbaki stabbed a woman to death in Andu Jan village adjacent Kunduz city. Locals told that media that the mentioned woman was killed for putting up resistance to the gunman’s forced fornication.
On October 12, foreign forces carried out a raid on Zareen village of Shilgar district (Ghazni), trashed homes during searches before martyring <<seven>> civilians including three children and one woman. The provincial governor’s spokesman, Nabi Jan, confirms the casualties in the incident and says that an investigation team has been sent to collect information, adding that the operation was carried out by the invaders without informing them.
On October 15, American helicopters targeted a tractor of locals in Tangano Godar area of Nawa district (Helmand) as a result, <<fifteen>> civilians onboard were martyred. Locals say that the victims were moving house when they were targeted.
On October 21, American invaders fired mortars at She Khelo village of Baraki Barak district (Logar) from which <<six>> children were martyred and <<two>> others wounded. Their names are as follow: Hakeen S/O Marjan; Umar Jan S/O Abdul Jabbar; Rahmat S/O Nawab; Zahit S/O Shams; Ya-Gul S/O Saleh and Hamayum S/O Ghazi (all residents of She Khelo village). Wounded Abdul Jabbar S/O Mayran and Zafar S/O Hassan (both residents of Nawabad village).
On October

New statement from the Muslim Youth Center: "Message To Our Beloved Amir Sheikh Aḥmad Imān 'Alī"

Dear Beloved Amir Sheikh Ahmad Iman
We thank Allah almighty for persevering for you for MYC and the rest of the Mujahideen in East Africa. It is with great satisfaction and admiration that we continue to see you sit at the right handside of Amir Sheikh Abu Zubeyr (May Allah Protect him for us) leading the Mujahideen in battle against the Kuffar in Somalia.
It has been many years since you took that moral decision of selflessness to defend and protect Islam by going +252. And since this departure, the cubs you left behind have become lions and some have even dared to join you in the land of Jihad. Today, those fortunate lions with you are a source of inspiration and recruiting force to the up and coming young cubs of East Africa that yearn to spread the sword here in Kenya and beyond.
Praise be to Allah for in the last couple of months, you have delivered messages and lectures to Kenya and the rest of East Africa, warning of the consequences of their refusal to leave Somalia. So far, the Kuffar has refused to leave Somalia, and in return you have sent back lions into Kenya and East Africa to remind them of your prophetic words on the consequences of invading our Muslim land of Somalia.
With the blessing of Allah, both your lions and cubs pledge and declare that we will not end our support to you as our Amir, and nor will we stop spreading the virtues of Jihad throughout East Africa. You have bestowed upon us a gift of understanding the necessity of Jihad and now we are in your debt forever. If only you could see the restlessness of your MYC lions in Nairobi and the eagerness of your cubs on the Coast to spread the sword of Islam throughout East Africa you would be amazed that your messages and lectures have been stamped on our hearts.
With Allah’s blessing we ask that our restlessness and eagerness translate into a Tsunami of Chinja Chonja Fiyeka in Kenya and East Africa, and that our Taqwa continue to remain strong.
We ask that Allah continue to protect you for the Mujahideen in East Africa.
Press Office

New article from Jaysh Anṣār al-Sharī'ah in Bilad ash-Shām's Abū al-Ḥārith al-Maqdisī: "Read About What's Going On From Events In The Region"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Abū al-Ḥārith al-Maqdisī — “Read About What’s Going On From Events In The Region”

To inquire about a translation for this article for a fee email: [email protected]

Labayk Media Foundation presents a new article from Shaykh Abū Salmān Aṣ-Ṣūmālī: "Questions From the First Session of the Open Meeting"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Shaykh Abū Salmān Aṣ-Ṣūmālī — “Questions From the First Session of the Open Meeting”

To inquire about a translation for this article for a fee email: [email protected]