GUEST POST: Gaidi Mtaani

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By Jonah Ondieki and Jake Zenn
Al-Shabbab introduced the world’s first Swahili jihadi magazine on April 5, 2012 called Gaidi Mtaani, meaning “On Terrorism Street.” In “On Terrorism Street” al-Shabbab subtly mocks the Kenyan army’s Operation Linda Nchi (“Defend the Nation”) by naming its own operation, Operation Linda Uislam (“Defend Islam”). The online magazine’s colourful style and well-edited and formatted articles places it among the elite of online Jihadist publications, similar to al-Qaeda’s now inactive Inspire and the Turkistan Islamic Party’s (TIP) Islamic Turkistan.
As always, the language of choice for this publication, Swahili, matters. Evidently, al-Shabbab wants to appeal to the Kenyan street. Al-Shabbab’s own constituency in Somalia would only understand Somali and, to a lesser extent, Arabic. Kenyan elites would be more attracted to an English publication than Swahili given that English is the language of education and the upper class in Kenya. Al-Shabbab may be trying to win over lesser-educated Muslims in Northern Kenya to al-Shabbab’s cause or to convince Kenyans of all stripes that the propaganda they see on television about the Kenyan army’s success in Somalia is untrue.
Alternatively, the publication may be a way for al-Shabbab to tell jihadis that al-Shabbab considers Kenya another one of its enemies, as evidence by the use of Swahili—not English, Somali or Arabic. On the Somali online jihadi forum, al-Qimmah, al-Shabbab has released other warnings to the Kenyan government, but the “Gaidi Mtaani” publication in Swahili, which was released on the Shamukh al-Islam forum, will reach a more diverse audience than statements on al-Qimmah.
Below is a summary translation of some of the main points included in the publication:
Operation Linda Uislam (Operation protect Islam)
Many Muslims believe that any attack on them (such as the incursion of Kenyan Defense Forces (KDF) into Somalia) is instigated from the West. The basis that Kenya used to start the attack was not sufficient to justify its attack on al-Shabbab, but was part of the wider scheme of the influence of the unbelievers (kafir) of the Western world. The reason was a mere fabrication to validate their attack on Islam.
It is clear that the Western media has been successful in shading Muslim believers in a bad light. It has created an impression that the believers of God, who are fighting according to God’s will are followers and sympathizers of terrorism. The Western journalists are experts of deceit who have even managed to deceive some Muslims to believe their slander!
The fact is that they are trying to misrepresent the mujahidin by spreading false information and magnifying their small mistakes to look like big crimes. They are sowing a seed of hatred amongst them, their leaders and followers. On the other hand, they seem to praise the West and justify their wickedness. Therefore, Muslims are urged not to rely on such news sources until they are validated by true Islamic sources. However, some news such as that of weather can be relied on.
Protecting the Mujahidin
The prophet of God (Mohammad) says, “Whoever shall protect the reputation and name of his brother, God shall deliver his face from the furnace of jehannam (hell) at the day of judgement (from Al Tirmithi).” He continues saying that, “anybody who shall betray a fellow Muslim, his reputation shall be destroyed and God will forsake him at the time of need…” therefore Muslims are urged to defend their Muslim brothers all the time.
The British Betrayal of Muslims
History is very clear about how the British related with Muslims in the East African coast in the colonial period. The massacre, persecution and other inhumane acts that they did to Muslims are evidence of how they hate humanity. Their image today of being in the front line in defending human rights is superficial because underneath lies the crimes against humanity they perpetrated especially on Muslims. The British activities of fighting Islam are well known and are not a new thing. For example they took Palestine’s land and gave it to Jews. This is a proof that they can take land that duly belongs to Muslims and give it to their enemies.
In the case of East Africa; in 1895, the British government was given a coastal strip of 10 miles by the Sultans of Zanzibar. These Zanzibar leaders entered into a treaty which had one of its articles state that “Britain will not apply any Christian law on any party of the coast UNLESS Kenya attained independence or they consent to change the religion of the coast six months in advance.” These unwise poor sultans of Zanzibar made religion a commodity for transaction with the British authorities.
In the Lancaster meeting of 1962-63 which was to write the Kenya constitution, it was agreed that that coastal strip shall remain under the jurisdiction of the independent Kenyan government. We are not trying to mean or imply that the coastal Kenya should secede from the mainland Kenya. Not at all! We are trying to make the reader to understand how the Islamic religion was joked about.
Britain was a key player in dislodging Palestinians in favour of the Jews and selling the Muslim land in the Kenyan coast to the Kenyan government. Today the same thing is happening in Somalia where they are assisting to cast down Islam that is defended by al-Shabbab. They have been envying the Islamic growth in Somalia for the past 20 years, thus they now support the AMISOM, Ethiopian troops and now the KDF incursion into Somalia to disrupt the Islamic systems. But their efforts will not prevail over God.
The recent London Conference on Somalia was sponsored by Britain. The inner motive was to topple the Islamic systems by collaborating with Kenya together with other African countries and the world. If you carefully look at what is going on in Kenya and Somalia then you will vividly understand the real intention.
Just a few days before the conference, Kenya had given a contract to Total to start exploring oil on the coast. Later we saw British and American companies sign a contract to mine oil in Puntland. Moreover, just the other day we saw the Kenyan president, Ethiopian PM and the South Sudan president converge in Lamu to launch the construction of the Port of Lamu. It is sad that other nations are using the Somalia situation to advance their economic development instead of helping Somalia back to peace by strengthening Islam because Somalia was peaceful when it was under Islamic rule.
If Kenya is going to be the Israel of Africa and Somalia the Palestine of Africa then we must not allow that. Every Muslim wherever you are ask yourself whether you are defending Islam from attack by the unbelievers (kafir) or you are supporting the attack.
10 ways of recognizing an undercover spy

  1. He will disguise himself and start establishing friendship with the one he is interested in investigating just as a normal person.
  2. A few elements of lies will start surfacing. You will note this when he will use long explanations to defend himself whenever he contradicts himself. For example he may claim to be a college student and you may see him in a cyber cafe or the mosque

New statement from the Global Islamic Media Front: "Important Clarification for Members of the Jihādī Forums"

UPDATE 4/26/12 9:19 AM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic statement:
First: GIMF have received a number of emails about matters related to somalia and as a result they want to explain:
1 – Shabaab al-mujahideen movement is a jihadi movement approved by all mujahideen leaders in the world and the ulumaa for the truth of their manhaj and beliefs
2 – recently an interview was announced with sheikh ali dheere – may Allah protect him – this interview allowed all questions to be asked
and many questions were asked about matters related to jihad in somalia and the situation of brothers going there
and other matters and GIMF are waiting for al-kataib organisation to publish the answers
GIMF do not allow publishing of any false or untrusted news related to somalia and advise brothers not to be helpful to
US State Department communication team which has the task of distorting islam and challenging mujahideen everywhere
Second: GIMF released a statement on 2011/12/15, (statement about publishing of fake copy of mujahideen secrets program which had spyware)
which warned about the forum “ashiq al-hur al-islami” and this warning was after a copy of mujahideen secrets program was published by a member of this forum with spyware in it and a fake copy of the program was published as if it was a new version. GIMF contacted the forum administrators but didnt get any reply to their message so they were forced to issue this warning to brothers not to download the program which contained spyware. There is no link between GIMF and the forum, positive or negative but GIMF advised the administrators to be responsible. GIMF are working on publishing mujahideen secrets program in a way that prevents upload sites from manipulating the program, with Allahs permission, like by putting spyware in it as happened recently on these sites. it will be published soon inshallah
Third: GIMF received some private messages with some work by individual brothers and they are not able to publish these because of agreement
with brothers in the media organisations. every brother who wants to provide assistence should contact GIMF and say what they can do to help jihadi media. GIMF ask all brothers experienced in media, design or translation or audio-visual production  to contact them to contribute to support of jihadi media to contact GIMF send message with your email address so they can reply to you to :
لا تنسونا من صالح دعائكم
Don’t Forget Us in Your Sincere Prayers
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الجبهة الإعلامية الإسلامية العالمية
Global Islamic Media Front
رَصدٌ لأَخبَار المُجاهِدين وَ تَحريضٌ للمُؤمِنين
Observing the Mujahideen News and Inciting the Believers

الحمد لله رب العالمين , والصّلاة والسّلام على رسول الله محمد النبي الأمين وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين ثم أما بعد..

الأخوة الأفاضل أعضاء المنتديات الجهادية نود توضيح بعض الأمور التي نرى من الواجب توضيحها:

أولاً : وصلتنا رسائل عديدة عن بعض الأمور في الصومال فيما يتعلق ببعض الأخبار التي يتم تسريبها وفي هذا الخصوص نوضح عدة أمور:
1- حركة الشباب المجاهدين هي حركة جهادية شهد لها قادة المجاهدين في العالم وكذلك العلماء بصحة المنهج والمعتقد تمثل ذلك في أفعالها لتطبيق شرع الله وكذلك أقوالها فقد والت في الله وعادت في الله, وهي بشهادة الجميع حركة ذات شوكة اجتمع على نصرتها شعب الصومال المسلم .
2- منذ فترة قصيرة أُعلن عن لقاء مع الشيخ على ديري – حفظه الله – هذا اللقاء سمح فيه بطرح جميع الأسئلة وقد طرح فيه كثير من الشبهات حول بعض الأمور التي تتعلق بالجهاد في الصومال أو بأوضاع المجاهدين المهاجرين هناك وكذلك بعض المسائل الأخرى , ونحن في انتظار مؤسسة الكتائب لنشر الأجوبة على هذا اللقاء .
وعليه فإننا لا نسمح بنشر أي أخبار كاذبة أو غير موثقة عن أي أمور تتعلق بالصومال, وننصح إخواننا أن لا يكونوا عوناً لفريق التواصل الإلكتروني التابع لوزارة الخارجية الأمريكية الذي أوكلت إليه مهمة تشويه الإسلام والطعن في المجاهدين في كل مكان .

ثانياً: نشرت الجبهة الإعلامية الإسلامية العالمية بيان بتاريخ 15/12/2011 بعنوان [بيانٌ بخصوص نشر نسخة مزيفة لبرنامج أسرار المجاهدين بها ملفات تجسس] حذرت فيه من منتديات “عشاق الحور الإسلامية ” وكان هذا التحذير بعد أن تم نشر نسخة من برنامج أسرار المجاهدين فيها ملف تجسس ونسخة مزيفة من البرنامج على أنها نسخة حديثة في المنتدى المذكور بواسطة أحد أعضائها, وقمنا بمراسلة القائمين على المنتدى غير أننا لم نتلقَ أي رد على رسالتنا, مما جعلنا نذكر هذا التحذير, وكان غاية هذا التحذير أن ينتبه الإخوة لعدم تحميل البرنامج الذي يحمل ملفات تجسس داخله وليس طعناً في الشبكة , فإننا نؤكد أنه لا علاقة لنا بها سلبا أو إيجابا، وننصح القائمين على أي موقع أن يكونوا على قدر المسؤولية.
كما نبشر الأخوة بأننا نعمل على نشر برنامج أسرار المجاهدين بصورة تمنع تلاعب مواقع الرفع في البرنامج – بإذن الله – كوضع برامج تجسس داخله كما ظهر مؤخراً من هذه المواقع، وقريباً سيتم نشره إن شاء الله.

ثالثا: يصلنا عبر الرسائل الخاصة بعض الاعمال التي يقوم بها الأخوة بصورة فردية ويمنعنا في بعض الأحيان أن نقوم بنشرها وذلك لوجود تنسيق مع إخواننا في المؤسسات الإعلامية وهذه المواد تكون من اختصاص عملهم وبناء عليه نود من كل أخ يريد أن يقدم المساعدة أن يتواصل معنا ويعرض ما يمكن أن يساعد به في الجهاد الإعلامي .
وبهذه المناسبة ندعو جميع الأخوة أصحاب الخبرات الإعلامية سواء التصميم أو الترجمة أو الهندسة الصوتية أو الإنتاج المرئي أن يتواصلوا معنا ليساهموا في دعم الإعلام الجهادي .
كذلك الأخوة الذين يراسلوننا عبر بريد الجبهة [Redacted]
نطلب منهم إرسال بريد الكتروني في رسائلهم لنتمكن من الرد عليهم , ونذكر إخواننا بوسائل الاتصال بنا :


وآخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العالمين .

لا تنسونا من صالح دعائكم
Don’t Forget Us in Your Sincere Prayers 

إخوانكم في
Your Brothers at

الجبهة الإعلامية الإسلامية العالمية
Global Islamic Media Front

رَصدٌ لأَخبَار المُجاهِدين وَ تَحريضٌ للمُؤمِنين
Observing the Mujahideen News and Inciting the Believers


Masāma' al-Khayr l-l-Inshād presents a new album of Anāshīd: "Good Breezes #1"

Labayk Media Foundation presents an Arabic translation of an audio message from Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn Amīr Shaykh Mukhtar Abū al-Zubayr: "About the Situation in the Country"

UPDATE 4/27/12 12:54 PM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic transcription:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Shaykh Mukhtar Abū al-Zubayr — “About the Situation in the Country” (En)

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Shaykh Mukhtar Abū al-Zubayr — “About the Situation in the Country” (Ar)

To inquire about a translation for this audio message for a fee email: [email protected]