Jihadology presents Academic Journal Articles of 2012, Part I

For previous posts in this series see:

Aaron Y. Zelin — al-Farīḍa al-Ghāʾiba and al-Sadat’s Assassination, a 30 Year Retrospective
Adis Duderija — Evolution in the Concept of Sunnah during the First Four Generations of Muslims in Relation to the Development of the Concept of an Authentic Hadith as Based on Recent Western Scholarship
Alexander Knysh — Islam and Arabic as the Rhetoric of Insurgency- The Case of the Caucasus Emirate
Andreas Gorke, Harald Motzki, and Gregor Schoeler — First Century Sources for the Life of Muhammad? A Debate
Anke Iman Bouzenita — Early Contributions to the Theory of Islamic Governance- ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Awzāʿī
Anver M. Emon — On Sovereignties in Islamic Legal History
Ashraf Nabih El Sherif — Institutional and Ideological Re-construction of the Justice and Development Party (PJD)- The Question of Democratic Islamismism in Morocco
Behnam Said — Hymns (Nasheeds)- A Contribution to the Study of the Jihadist Culture
Benjamin Ducol — Uncovering the French-speaking jihadisphere- An exploratory analysis
Bruce Maddy-Weitzman — Arabization and Its Discontents- The Rise of the Amazigh Movement in North Africa
Carin Berg — Tunes of religious resistance? Understanding Hamas music in a conflict context
Charles Hirschkind — Experiments in Devotion Online- The YouTube Khutba
Chris Lundry, Steven R. Corman, R. Bennett Furlow, and Kirk W. Errickson — Cooking the Books- Strategic Inflation of Casualty Reports by Extremists in the Afghanistan Conflict
Christian Bleuer — Muslim Soldiers in Non-Muslim Militaries at War in Muslim Lands: The Soviet, American and Indian Experience
Cynthia Shawamreh — Islamic Legal Theory and the Context of Islamist Movements
Damien Janos — Qur’anic cosmography in its historical perspective- some notes on the formation of a religious worldview
Danny Orbach — Tyrannicide in Radical Islam- The Case of Sayyid Qutb and Abd al-Salam Faraj
Darryl Li — Taking the Place of Martyrs- Afghans and Arabs under the Banner of Islam
Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Tara Vassefi — Perceptions of the “Arab Spring” Within the Salafi-Jihadi Movement
David H. Warren and Christine Gilmore — Rethinking neo-Salafism through an Emerging Fiqh of Citizenship- The Changing Status of Minorities in the Discourse of Yusuf al-Qaradawi and the ‘School of the Middle Way’
David Martin Jones and Michael K.R. Smith — Ideology, Networks and Political Religion- Structure and Agency in Jemaah Islamiah’s Small World