Jihadology presents a new announcement: "Partnership With ZOpenSource"

Today Jihadology would like to announce a new service and partnership. Jacob Zenn of ZOpenSource and I will be now partnering to provide individuals or companies with translations of any content on Jihadology.net. We believe we can fill a gap in the translation industry by providing a service tailored to the specific individual or company. If you are not interested in translations, nothing for you at Jihadology will change. Jihadology will still be a free service to the public. I will continue to post to the website and if jihadis transcribe or translate documents I will post them for free. As many who follow this site know, though, jihadis don’t often translate their content and if they do, it is usually months if not a year or two later. I certainly do not have time to translate content and only know Arabic, which is but one of the many languages posted here. As such, for efficient and timely translations, Zenn and his associates in multiple countries will provide two types of services. One can either get a full translation or a summary of what is in the release. ZOpenSource can provide translations from the following languages: Arabic, Urdu, Farsi, Pashto, Uyghur, Dari, Kurdish, Turkish, Uzbek, Russian, Somali, Swahili, Hausa, and Bahasa, among others. ZOpenSource tracks and translates material either for one-time assignments or according to weekly, monthly, or yearly plans. Email: [email protected] and [email protected] to see previous translations from the ZOpenSource team or to inquire about products for yourself or organization. Pricing and transactions are confidential and final products come formatted according to client’s request.