Category: Somūd Magazine
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases Issue #60 of al-Ṣomūd Magazine
English translation of an interview with Shaykh Jalāl al-Dīn al-Haqqānī: “The Defeat Of America In Afghanistan Will Be Swifter Than The Defeat Of The Collapsed Soviet Union” from Issue #30 of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s al-Ṣomūd Magazine
Dear Readers,
Al-Somood magazine wished to interview Field Commander Jalaluddin Haqqani, one of the most prominent Jihadist personalities and the military official for the provinces of Khost and
Paktia, about the latest political and military developments on the Afghan front. The Sheikh has privileged al-Somood magazine with this interview. We thank him, and regard this interview as a realistic assessment of the accomplishments of the Mujahideen by one who lives physically and mentally at the heart of the conflict and who sees with his Jihadist perspective what political analysts do not see from the outside.
Question: Your excellency Sheikh Haqqani, would you please give readers of al-Somood information about your health situation?
Answer: In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful, Who granted victory to His servants and glory to His soldiers, Who fulfilled His covenant, and defeated the factions alone. Praise be to Allah Who blessed us with the Religion of Islam, the greatest of religions. Prayers and peace upon the noblest of His creation, Muhammad, and upon his household and his companions and all who are guided by him! Thereafter…Praise be to Allah Almighty, I am in complete health and vigor. By complete health, I mean that, despite my great age, and despite the unstable security conditions I have been experiencing, I have not faced any health problems hindering me from conducting my Jihadist activities.
Question: Local and global media recently reported news of the seriousness of your health situation. Indeed, there have been spread news of your death or your martyrdom in a barbarous bombing attack. What is the truth of these rumors?
Answer: I say that the fact you are interviewing me and that I am alive amongst you is sufficient to falsify these rumors. If we compared my health situation to those rumors, we would reach the conclusion that I am in full health and not suffering from any illnesses. There is no truth behind the spread of those rumors and lying reports and these are deceptive claims of the enemy.
A second thing is that health, sickness, death and martyrdom are divine destinies. We believe in Allah-ordained fate and destiny. These destinies are ordained for every person and none can escape them. Every human being must taste death, and everything destined for him will occur at its appointed time.
The Sublime and Exalted says: “Nor can a soul die except by Allah’s leave, the term being fixed as by writing”(Al-i-Imran 154).
And the Almighty says “every soul shall have a taste of death in the end to Us shall ye be brought back”. (Al-Ankabut 57).
I mention to you that although I have faced many bitter days and have spent most of my days in Jihad and battling the enemy; have endured serious crises and have been wounded many times in battles that erupted between us and our enemies among the kuffar and munafiqeen – despite all that, I am in perfect health.
I also state that martyrdom and death fi sabeel Allah are among the dearest wishes of my life. All my life I have wished to be killed and to sacrifice myself and my soul fi sabeel Allah and to support his Deen with which he has blessed us and to deliver his servants from the oppression of the oppressors and the deceits of the infidels. But I have not been to achieve my dearest wishes yet.
Question: Excellency Sheikh, more than seven years have passed since the Crusader occupation of Afghanistan. Their forces stationed in Afghanistan number more than 70,000 persons armed to the teeth with the most modern types of military equipment. On the other hand, the Mujahideen confront them with scarce resources and paltry equipment. Based on your Jihadist and military experience, and in view of the imbalance in numbers and equipment between the two sides, what are your expectations of the defeat of the Crusaders in the face of the Mujahideen resistance, from your perspective?
Answer: If we looked at the ongoing battle between truth and falsehood in Afghanistan, we would understand from an historical standpoint it is considered an unique battle and asymmetrical encounter between Islam and infidelity. There is only one precedent in the history of Islam of such an intense battle and that is the Ghazwat al-Ahzab. There the Mujahideen achieved a great victory in the end. Here, also the Mujahideen will achieve victory by the will and permission of Allah. The assistance of Allah Almighty for the Mujahideen and the support of the people by their side, as well as recent military and political events are among the evidence and indications that prove our claims and back up our words.
I add to that, all the reasons and factors that led to the fall of the Russian Empire at the hands of the Afghan Mujahideen are today facing the American Empire. The huge monetary sums America is spending on the occupation of Afghanistan and the deaths of dozens of their forces every day at the hands of the Mujahideen are among the circumstances that indicate the victory of the Mujahideen and the defeat of all aggressor Crusader forces before them.
Question: There are enormous differences between the Russian occupation and the American occupation of Muslim Afghanistan, from the perspective of time, circumstances and resources. Meaning, at that time there was an ongoing Cold War between the forces of East and West. Additionally, the peoples of the world were angered by the arrogance of Communist actions and its use of arbitrary methods. For this reason, the Afghan Jihad received material and moral assistance from the world. The Mujahideen were permitted the latitude to carry out Jihadist activities and received resources and aid from outside the country. But the situation today is the opposite. The world’s affairs are directed by a unipolar power with no competitor to balance its power. The entire world stands against the Jihad and the Mujahideen in the name of the War on Terror – as they call it – and the Mujahideen enjoy no financial or military support and no external political backing from even one country across the globe. So how can the Mujahideen resist this great force and triumph against them with empty hands?
Answer: Divine fate and victories often cause supernatural events that can not be (grasped) by the human mind. This is not something new today rather they are constants that have been determined since the beginning of the outbreak of the battle between truth and falsehood across the pages of history. If we look at history, we would find that divine criteria are based on this premise. The Sublime and Exalted says, “How oft, by Allah’s will, hath a small force vanquished a big one? Allah is with those who steadfastly persevere.” (Al-Baqara 249). The Almighty also says,“O ye who believe! If ye will aid (the cause of) Allah, He will aid you, and plant your feet firmly..”(Muhammad 7).
It is true that this world is (controlled) by reasons; we must therefore look for means and motivations. We see in the present circumstances that the Islamic Jihad against the occupiers provides a strong impetus to the collapse of the American occupation and its agents. It provides an impetus whose positive effect is acknowledged by America and its Crusader alliance. Additionally, Afghanistan’s geographic situation, the strong hatred around the world towards Americans and huge costs of the war are factors that play a tangible role in the failure of those predatory forces. Indeed, I believe that America’s current policy and its violation of all international agreements are considered as a threat to the entire world. It is not far-fetched that the world will one day act against it and adopt a unified policy towards (America’s) failed policy.
It is worth mentioning that during the time of the Russian occupation of Afghanistan, it was called the Russian Empire, it was alleged that the cause behind the victories of the Mujahideen against the Russian forces were Western aid and American Stinger missiles. The victory of the Mujahideen was therefore attributed to American aid and equipment. The victories against the American crusaders and their allies in our present time, however, are the result of nothing but the heavenly sacrifices of the Mujahideen. It is impossible to attribute it to any other agency or ascribe it to baseless causes.
Question: More than seven years have passed since the Crusader attack on Afghanistan and America and its allies have used all of their military and political resources to subdue the Afghan people. The result of these practices and attempts has been failure, defeat and collapse. Moreover, all Western military commanders and political analysts, among others, have given the opinion that this war will not be able to achieve any victory. Despite that, America insists of sending more military reinforcements to Afghanistan. What is your assessment of these contradictory actions?
Answer: I have said before and I say again that America’s involvement in the Afghanistan issue is just like someone who is losing at gambling. He keeps playing hoping to win but, in the end, rather than achieving anything he loses everything he owns.
Undoubtedly, Western admission of losing the battle in Afghanistan is an established fact they have to face. Even if they don’t acknowledge it, the coffins and corpses of their slain soldiers acknowledge it. As for sending additional reinforcements without achieving victory, I believe that Allah has ordained the destruction of this unjust race at the hands of the oppressed
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases Issue #59 of al-Ṣomūd Magazine
English translation of Abū Sa'īd Rāshid’s “Combating Colonialism, Between Yesterday And Today ” from Issue #56 of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s al-Ṣomūd Magazine
NOTE: To view issue number fifty-six of the Ṭālibān’s magazine al-Ṣomūd see here. You can also see other translations from issue fifty-six:
- “A Brief Glance At The Jihadist Situation In Paktīkā Province”
- “The Afghān Jihād Is The Reason For The World’s Salvation And Especially The Islamic World”
Rabi-us-Sani 04, 1432 A.H, Thursday, March 10, 2011
By Abu Said Rashed
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of Creation, Who gave strength to His soldiers, supported His servants and defeated the Confederates Alone, prayers and blessings be upon his Messenger Muhammad, the Laughing Warrior, and upon his Household and Companions, and those who follow his example until the Day of Judgment.
31 years ago, on the 6 Jadi 1385 Hejrah-e Shamsi, as is it is known among the Afghans, corresponding to 8 Safar 1400 AH, Soviet Communist forces invaded the beloved land of Afghanistan, and thousands of soldiers came from high and low in the dark of night, and the killing, desolation and destruction began. That night of unjust aggression, the night of tyranny and oppression lasted ten years. Through the grace of Allah, His aid and support, however, and through the sacrifices, determination and faith of the people and one and a half million martyrs, and through the support of the Ummah, the Red forces were forced to leave Afghanistan and indeed liberated from the grip of their aggression, tyranny and assault (on) both Islamic and non-Islamic states which were under the weight of Communism for years. The Afghans with the help of their Lord destroyed that Empire; the Red empire and great Communist state.
Allah, through the blessing of the Jihad and sacrifices of the Afghans, erased the Soviet Union from the face of the earth and eliminated them from the world; the Warsaw pact.
“Such were the populations We destroyed when they committed iniquities; but We fixed an appointed time for their destruction.” (al-Kahf 59).
But we say, (unfortunately) that Afghanistan with its enormous sacrifices – one and a half million martyrs, millions of wounded, and bereaved mothers and widows – is still being burned by the fire of unjust external aggression, incoming tyranny, dark and gloomy night and a black and gloomy situation.
The injustice and aggression began ten years ago on 20 Rajab 1422 AH, corresponding to 15 Mizan 1407 Hejrah-e Shamsi, with the aggression of the NATO alliance under the leadership of America. More than 150,000 soldiers came aided by all the countries of the world, or almost all of them, and attacked the land of the Afghans, a land of which has been appointed: “It is the quiver (Kanana) of Allah, if he is angry with a people he fires from it at them”.
Thousands of Afghans have been killed since that night of aggression until today. Thousands live under continuous torture and punishment in the prisons of the Occupation inside and outside the country. Other men and women have been impacted by weapons of mass destruction filled with gunpowder and gases dangerous to the public as well as beasts and animals and the barbarism remains.
We are the children of conquering warriors and we do not pay heed to these calamities if Allah is content and do not mind any of our struggles if they are for Allah and the liberation of the homeland. We adhere to the eternal and ancient covenant:
“Allah hath purchased of the Believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the Garden (of Paradise): they fight in His Cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in Truth, through the Law, the Gospel and the Qur’an: and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? Then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded: that is the achievement supreme.” (al-Tauba: 111)
To us, there is no difference between the Russians and the Americans. Each of them has occupied our country and shed our blood, destroyed our civilization, corrupted our culture and our Religion. The first, turned away and fled and the second is in the dark, trying to reach their vile goal. They will not win, Allah Almighty willing.
There is no difference: if yesterday, Russia occupied Afghanistan with its soldiers under the name of the Warsaw Pact, today America occupies it in the name of the NATO alliance. If yesterday, Russia described the battalions of liberation and Jihad and all the Mujahideen as evil, America – stamped with murder and destruction – likewise describes its unjust and evil occupation as fighting terrorism, its intervention in others countries’ affairs as building civilization and restoring woman’s rights, its obliteration of the economy as opium eradication and the sabotage of minds and ideas as education and culture.
Just as Russia yesterday tried to devour the freedom of the Afghans and hitch their government to the Kremlin palace, today America wants to swallow the freedom of the Afghans and tie their fate and their future in the hands of the White House and the notables of London and Brussels. The Royal palace – Kabul – above it used to fly a Soviet flag imputed to belong to Afghanistan. Likewise, today an American flag waves above it and is attributed to the Afghans.
Just as Russia yesterday did not consider the presence of its forces and its occupation as injustice, tyranny and aggression; America and its allies today term the presence of 150,000 soldiers as friendship and their barbaric deeds as resistance and war conducted in the interest of the country.
Yesterday, men in Afghan uniforms stood in rank with Russia were given the appellations of loyal and honest. Likewise, the indecent, treacherous, vile and wicked gang obscure from the eyes of all the wicked deeds of the occupation soldiers – random bombing; complete destruction; killing of civilians; changing and destroying culture and education; spreading prostitution; plunder; sowing fear; violating traditional Afghan and Islamic sanctities and painting those crimes as deeds done to benefit the country.
But Russia and the Warsaw pact were not able, yesterday, to fight the Afghan people and their brothers and, praise be to Allah for this, (they) did not succeed in their goals, the most important of which were: making the faithful Afghan people true communists and making Afghanistan a country belonging to the great Soviet Union. The Russians faced an historical and abominable defeat while resorting to all kinds of terrorist acts, destruction and punishment. Those forces that had rushed to swallow up Afghanistan went back; crawled away, folded up and indeed fled. Today, through the aid and grace of Allah, and the determination of the people, and the cooperation of their brothers, America has been unable to vie with this proud people. Nine years after American and NATO forces entered Afghanistan none of the goals which they wanted to achieve are achieved. Indeed, the situation becomes worse day after day. Their goals were achieving security, destroying the forces of the Islamic Emirate, establishing an Afghan army fashioned in the American and Crusader mold and capable of controlling matters and fighting the Mujahideen in the country, holding free and fair democratic elections and then withdrawing. This was to be accomplished within a year at most.
But years have passed with none of this having been achieved. Rather, unrest has increased, and the forces of the Islamic Emirate grow stronger day by day while NATO soldiers are falling dead and injured. These circumstances have placed the governments of those countries participating in those forces in a dilemma before their peoples. Demands for the withdrawal of those forces increase day by day. In Canada, Germany, the United States of America itself and Great Britain public cries are raised inside and outside parliaments demanding an end to the war and the withdrawal of forces from there, because it has become futile, confusing and consuming minds and driving some insane.
More than one fact and confession confirms that Afghanistan is the critical predicament into which the NATO alliance and the American people themselves, who are unable to do anything with NATO or without it, have fallen.
It has been revealed to all that America is standing on the brink of an abyss and will fall to ruin; destruction and death; its strength shaken; its plan weak and confused; its pride and arrogance collapsed and broken.
“But your Lord is Most Forgiving, full of Marcy. If He were to call them (at once) to account for what they have earned, then surely He would have hastened their Punishment: but they have their appointed time, beyond which they will find no refuge.”(al-Kahf: 58). All praise is due to Allah.
When we recall the 6th of Jadi, its calamity, terror, its trials, misfortune, and when we condemn those who made this calamitous day and send our greetings and blessings to those who sacrificed for the sake of saving the country from the claws of the red lobster, we see that the 15th of Mizan is the calamitous follow-up in the unfortunate chain of 6th of Jadi. We wish that America and the NATO alliance are resisted to the same extent as Russia and the Warsaw Pact, in order to save the world from its evil and the evil of those in it. This is up to Allah Almighty.
So death, death to the transgressors of the 6th of Jaddi, and 15th of Mizan. Evil befall them and those who follow their model. Glory be to Allah and to his Messenger and to the patient Mujahideen believers. Allah is Most High and the Greatest!
Translated From The Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan: Al-Somood Magazine Issue #56
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases Issue #58 of al-Ṣomūd Magazine
English translation of Abū Muthannā Bādir’s “The Fifth Column Embraced In Sinful America’s Lap, Spreading The Lying Buzz Of Negotiations” from Issue #57 of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s al-Ṣomūd Magazine
NOTE: To view issue number fifty-seven of the Ṭālibān’s magazine al-Ṣomūd see here.
Rabi-ul-Awwal 21, 1432 A.H, Friday, February 25, 2011
By Abu Muthanna Badir
For months we have been hearing the startling and stunning buzz of negotiations, reports of which have been seen increasingly spread in an urgent and polished style by the ignorant Western news agencies, glossed with a hue of truth and veracity. This buzz has been repeated and spread until it was said: a high-ranking delegation from the Islamic Emirate met with officials of the lackey, mercenary government at the Sarina Hotel here in the Afghan capital Kabul. This was corroborated from the mouth of the snake-charmer president of this government in one of his interviews with the CNN satellite network.
Unfortunately, I have heard this false claim on the tongues of some naïve and stupid countrymen of ours, as well as those who wear the garb of the praiseworthy and innocent lamb who corroborate their words and bear witness for them because of the existence of common interests which they share with them, but at heart they have a faith that is weaker than the spider’s web.
We must not wonder at these biased (reports) and fabricated deceptions on the part of the enemy. Such contrivances are nothing but the practice of Americans and Westerners and the habit of the hypocrites and mercenaries. Whenever they fail in a conspiracy, they immediately resort to the next one – like a drowning man who extends his hand to even (pond) scum, hoping it will save him even though it is impossible for it to help him. The Afghans generally and the Mujahideen especially are fully aware of the tricks of the occupying enemy and his wicked plots. They have been hardened by wars and military plots throughout the past three decades which they have spent fighting foreign invaders and occupiers, and they have mastered all kinds of war. They will be not be duped by these farcical lies issued by the enemy even though these lies are deceptively coated as truth. The enemy has today retreated to the military invasion due to the heroism of the Mujahideen and the resistance of the Afghans. They resort to this toxic discharge among naïve circles of Muslims, with the intention of shaking their bright ideas, driving away their strong zeal, diminishing their religious awareness, causing their determination to slumber, and intoxicate their clear minds.
It is logically impossible for negotiations to be conducted with the lackey government and the fifth column so long as it is embraced in the lap of wicked America and while American flags are flapping above the peaks of this Muslim land.
How is it possible? The Mujahideen have embarked on Jihad and given themselves and their souls to Allah Almighty. They have refused to have anything to do with this artificial life, and have chosen death over life. They have made countless sacrifices in these past three decades. They have turned to face and banded together against the pharaoh of this age (criminal America) with overflowing might and rushing zeal, bearing on their backs the responsibility for defending the frontlines of Islam and defending the territory of Islam in this blessed land against those criminals who have swept through many Afghan territories and committed repulsive crimes that send a shiver down the spine, especially in the south which they have occupied and where they have shed the blood of its innocent people until this day.
No matter how they spread the spirit of defeat and (try) to shake trust in the spirits of Mujahideen via their lying rumors and trying to shatter their solid wills; break their backs; destroy the optimism of Muslims in supporting the Religion and its people; spread their exaggerations and dull their senses. No matter what…no one will believe them (Allah willing) nor accept their false rumors.
This is because the policy of the Islamic Emirate is as clear as the afternoon sun. The Emirate summit has more than once declared in its media statements that negotiations with the lackey government are not possible so long as Western armies are present here and while it remains the candidate of the first rank of collaboration, treachery and perfidy towards this country and its people. This is and remains the Emirate’s policy, and there will be no concession or compromise on this.
What type of negotiations are these? The government has thus far been unable to make any statement in the name of any actual Emirate officials. They are just random words thrown about here and there.
Unfortunately, some naïve individuals believe their words and vouch for them on their positions without knowing whether the basis for the reality for these positions are true or false. This just (reflects) the old understanding between them and the dissolute hypocrites and the presence of personal interests between them. Those stupid ones who are drawn by sentiment or an old understanding – as it seems to me – come appearing as servants of Allah SWT, but at heart their faith is weaker than the web of the spider. If they had truly read the glorious Qur’an then they would have denied the false rumors. Recall the words of Allah SWT:
“O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done”. (Al-Hujarat: 6).
Finally, I wish to gladden the hearts of dear brothers and lovers of Islam and Muslims; falsehood no matter how it grows and multiplies, and no matter how its roots and branches lengthen, there will (be) a hand of the people of truth to pluck it out. So, do not fear or be troubled. The glad tidings of victory appear on the horizon.
“Already has Our Word been passed before (this) to our Servants sent (by Us), that they would certainly be assisted, and that Our forces, – they surely must conquer.”(Al-Saffat: 171-173).
So rejoice followers of Allah. Rejoice, soldiers of Allah:
“So lose not heart, nor fall into despair: For ye must gain mastery if ye are true in Faith” (Al-i-Imran: 139).
Discouraging words should not deter your determination to do good deeds. False news should not stop you so that you remain in the same place, not moving forward or producing any effect. Cling fast to the rope of Allah and trust in the victory of Righteous Allah.
“Whoever holds firmly to Allah will be shown a way that is straight” (Al-i-Imran: 101).
Place these false rumors behind your backs, for they are from the soldiers of Shaytan:
“It is only the Evil One that suggests you to fear of his votaries: Be ye not afraid of them, but fear Me, if ye have faith,” (Al-i-Imran: 175), because he frightens us with his men at times and with his words at others and by making us despair at others. Allah only suffices for us; He is our Supporter and He is “the best to protect and the best to help”.
Translated From The Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan: Al-Somood Monthly Magazine Issue #57
The Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases Issue #57 of al-Ṣomūd Magazine
NOTE: Previous issues: #56, #53, #51. You can also see English translations of articles from previous issues here.
Click the following link for a copy of the magazine: The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan releases Issue #57 of al-Ṣomūd Magazine
English translation of an Interview with 'Abd al-Sattār Maywand, the Administrator of the Islamic Emirate Website, from Issue #55 of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s al-Ṣomūd Magazine
NOTE: There is also an English translation of Ikrām Miyūndī’s “The Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan And Its Successful Administrative Policy” from issue fifty-five of al-Ṣomūd Magazine, which you can read here.
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Dear Readers!
In the series of al-Somood interviews with officials of the Emirates, we present to you this time an exclusive interview about the Jihadist media activities of the Islamic Emirate with esteemed brother Abdul Sattar Maiwand, who is responsible for the al-Emarah website on the global internet. We invite you to read it.
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.
Al-Somood: To begin, we wish you to provide the readers of al-Somood with a summary of the media activities of the Islamic Emirate.
Maiwand: Praise be to Allah. Blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, and upon his family, his companions and all those who followed him. Thereafter:
Among other committees, the Islamic Emirates established a special Media Committee to spread (news) about Jihadist activities in different fields and chase away the voice of the unjust enemy who, before the entire world, was distorting the image of the Jihad in Afghanistan and was claiming false victories here and there over the Mujahideen. Need called for the existence of a media agency to take responsibility for the Mujahideen in Afghanistan; speaking on behalf of the Islamic Emirate; delivering news of its victories on the battlefield to its friends and to the world; exposing the falsehood of its enemies and their media; responding to the claims and its daily changing deceptions; and delivering to the world the voice of truth and jihad and its point of view about current Jihadist events in the land of Afghanistan.
Wars today cannot be won without media. (Media) is directed to the heart rather than the body. The weapon is directed to the body. If the heart is defeated the battle is won and the body is defeated. In the beginning, with the fall of the Islamic Emirate, the enemy thought that the field was completely open before them, and they spread their lies and falsehoods that they had destroyed the Islamic Emirate and its Mujahideen and that their victory in the land of Afghanistan was complete. All of their resources, especially their media were directed towards changing the ideas of Afghans and injecting defeatist thought into them and instilling in them a petrifying fear of the new occupiers. First through the grace of Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, then through the victories of the Mujahideen and their rightly guided leadership; and after defeats were inflicted on the enemy on the field of battle, a media committee was established to contest with the enemy in the (media) field.
Therefore, the media ranks of the Islamic Emirate were re-formed under a special committee that reflects the tangible reality on the ground in Afghanistan. Among its most important accomplishments in the beginning period was the inauguration of the Islamic Emirate website under the name “Voice of Jihad”.
The website specializes in conveying field reports from the combat zones and publishing the statements of the Ameer ul-Momineen and the statements of the Command Shura Council about different issues pertaining to Jihad, in addition to articles and official analysis. They have many sections: for example there’s an Islam page, a magazines page, and a page for films produced by official studios. We also print magazines and statements and distribute them in popular circles at home and abroad. Additionally, we produce different publications and regulations and distribute them among the Mujahideen. There is also a “Voice of Shari’ah” that broadcasts news and official statements day and night.
The Media Committee has also appointed official spokesmen to speak in the name of the Islamic Emirate to local and global media regarding the course of affairs.
Al-Somood: How do you gather news and field reports from Afghanistan and publish them on the website?
Maiwand: Yes, through the grace of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala the Committee employees correspondents in all the provinces of Afghanistan to cover news of events and prepare reports on them.
They make every effort to follow news of operations in detail and keep abreast of developing situations, and they send reliable and precise reports of ongoing operations immediately to the official spokesmen of the Emirate; Zabihullah Mujahid and Qari Yusuf, who review the news and then send it to the news department of the website after an in-depth scrutiny and examination.
Al-Somood: News, official statements and analysis are published simultaneously or in near time in five different languages. How is that so?
Maiwand: Yes, as you were so kind (to mention), news and other things are published in five different languages almost simultaneously. These include local languages such as Pashtu and Farsi as well as Urdu, Arabic and English. The website first publishes new and other media in Pashtu and after that, translates it directly into these other languages and publishes in their special sections.
Al-Somood: Are there ways to publish the news other than through the al-Emarah website?
Maiwand: Yes brother, we send the news to journalists and global news agencies immediately after it occurs and is posted on the website. We have many email lists to which we distribute news and official statements. These lists include journalists and others concerned with the issue of Afghanistan. We are also active on Facebook and Twitter where we publish the news every day and reach thousands of people. We also daily send news via cell phone text messages to many people.
Al-Somood: Could you please clarify that last sentence? How do you send news to many people via cell phone?
Maiwand: The news that is posted on the website is converted to SMS messages and sent to a number of people, who send it to other people. Each of them sends it to his acquaintances inside and outside Afghanistan and so a chain of dissemination begins. Each ones tries to spread the news more and more. We have seen many people requesting their friends and relatives to forward the news they receive to at least 20 other people, etc…and so this news becomes widely circulated in popular circles. Through the grace of Allah, we have seen many among the general populace rejoice when news reaches them of the victories of the Mujahideen over their enemies.
Al-Somood: Could you please explain for us some of the other activities of the Media Committee beyond the Islamic Emirate website?
Maiwand: The Media Committee has other media pulpits including: the Jihadi Studio which publishes Mujahideen operations in live video. Through the grace of Allah Almighty it has created some good products in this field.
In addition to publishing live images of Jihad and battles, the Jihadi Studio also produces films to preach (da’wa) and reform with the goal of illuminating the minds of the Mujahideen and making them ideologically aware. These films have so far had a good impact in Mujahideen circles.
There is also a Pashtu-language radio broadcast called “Voice of Shari’ah”, which is transmitted via the internet. It broadcasts daily news and reports, political commentary, Islamic and Jihadi nasheeds which have a direct impact in raising the morale of the Mujahideen. The Voice of Shari’ah programs are broadcast during morning and evening periods. In addition to audio and video information there is print information in Arabic, Pashtu and Farsi languages. The print media is represented by the monthly magazine al-Somood (Steadfastness) in Arabic; and theShahamat (Gallantry), Sarrak (Gleam of Light) and Morgil (The
English translation of ʼIsmāʻīl al-Suhaylī’s “A Brief Glance At The Jihadist Situation In Paktīkā Province” from Issue #56 of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s al-Ṣomūd Magazine
NOTE: To view issue number fifty-six of the Ṭālibān’s magazine al-Ṣomūd see here. You can also see another translation from issue fifty six of Fidā’ī’s “The Afghān Jihād Is The Reason For The World’s Salvation And Especially The Islamic World.”
Safar 25, 1432 A.H, Sunday, January 30, 2011
By Isma’il al-Suhayli
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.
Geographic Situation: Paktika Province is located in the southeast of Afghanistan and is bordered by Paktia and Khost provinces to the east; Ghazni to the north; Zabul to the west and the Waziristan region to the south. 393,800 people live in the province, the capital of which is the city of Sharan. It is situated 2118 meters above sea level.
(Paktika) was separated from greater Paktia and is composed of 23 districts: Mata Khan, Yosuf Khel, Yahya Khel, Omna, Sar awda, Zarghun Shahr, Jani Khel, Gomal, Sarobi, Urgun, Ziruk, Nika, Dila, Khushamand, Waza Khwa, Terwa, Barmal, Gayan, Kherkut, Remami, Yek Khel and Jarbaran.
The life of the people in Paktika province is a tribal life like the rest of the Pashtun tribes, characterized by religiousness, hospitality, patience, forbearance, respect for their chiefs and honor for scholars.
Educational Situation: The continuous wars in Afghanistan have impacted all aspects of life. The educational aspect has been greatly damaged and the residents of Paktika have been denied the blessings of education. There are undoubtedly causes for this deprivation, at the forefront of which is the foreign occupation which has left its negative impression on the Afghan people, especially the people of Paktika province.
Paktika province was one of the main battlefronts during the Soviet occupation and remains in the front line of fire in confronting the Crusaders. The residents of Paktika still defend Islam and its people with self-sacrifice and devotion as they break the backs of the tyrannical aggressors. Due to their death-defying defense and heroic stand, the haughty aggressors destroy their schools by their continuous shelling of villages and their barbarous campaigns. Because of this, the educational infrastructure is being demolished and the people of this province are denied their right to an education.
Health Situation: Undoubtedly whenever a country is afflicted by the flames of battle, there is a detrimental impact on and degeneration in the basic necessities of people’s life. Public health is one of those necessities (of life) that has been greatly damaged in Afghanistan. The health situation in Paktika province is very low. Some Arab charitable foundations used to be concerned with the health situation in Paktika province but, after the American occupation, all projects connected to the health situation in the region collapsed and matters went from bad to worse. A routine illness that used to be treated immediately, now, because of the lack suitable clinics for treatment, become chronic illnesses. The situation is aggravated by the fact that Paktika province lacks a working hospital and a single specialist who can treat these routine illnesses!!!
The Role of the People of Paktika in Confronting the Crusader Occupation: The people of Paktika province, as mentioned before, are a prohibitive barrier in confronting the occupiers, always conducting their Jihad to defend their religion. The pages of the history of Afghanistan bear (the stories of) the heroes of Paktika who confronted both the English and Russian occupation. After the American occupation of Afghanistan and the maligning of our Islamic values, Paktika was among the first provinces to declare Jihad against the American forces. The famed Shahi Kut mountains in Pakistan witnessed one of the epic battles in the land of Afghanistan under the leadership of the Shaheed Saif al-Rahman Mansour, may Allah have mercy on him. This extraordinary commander began his campaign against American forces, taking the Shah-i Kot mountains as a base to launch his Jihadist operations and reminded the occupiers of the black days of Vietnam.
From the epic battle of the Shah-i Kot mountains till this day, Paktika province has been a lofty fortress of Jihad. The sacrifices of its people are always increasing. The people of this proud province are determined to continue their Jihad until Afghanistan is liberated from the filth of the Crusaders and the banner of Islam flutters in its sky!
Paktika province is one of the provinces in which the Mujahideen were able to kidnap an American soldier from inside an American military base in broad daylight and transport him to a secure location. This demonstrates the cooperation of the people of Paktika and their standing by the side of their Mujahideen brothers because such an operation cannot be conducted without the cooperation of the local people.
Paktika province is considered one of the most important bases of Jihad in the southern regions and the operations of the Mujahideen in this province are conducted with the cooperation of its residents. Its zealous people stand in the ranks of Jihad in confronting the occupiers and their lackeys. For this cause, they, like the rest of the people in the other provinces of Afghanistan, offer the greatest examples of heroism and sacrifices.
This year, Paktika province, in comparison to neighboring provinces, offered many martyrs, may Allah Almighty accept them. Yet, Jihadist operations have not ceased. Rather, they are on the continuous increase. In each of its districts, the Mujahideen launch their attacks on enemy bases. The enemy has tried his sword (against them) time and time again but they remain nothing but a shamed loser, bearing enormous losses in lives and equipment.
The martyrdom-seeking military operation which was recently carried out by nine Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate against a border base in the Urgun directorate resulted in the destruction of almost fifty infidel occupiers, is the best evidence of what we said. The pace of Mujahideen operations against the supply convoys of the occupation forces is continuously on the increase. The people of Paktika have not, and will not permit these military convoys to cross the lands of Paktika in peace! They lie in ambush for them and offer themselves; their wealth and their sons as a sacrifice for the Deen of Allah Azza wa Jall and will not let the filthy feet of the occupiers tread on their lands. Despite all the efforts of the enemy to control Paktika province and annihilate the Mujahideen, the Mujahideen, through the grace of the All-powerful and Omnipotent, have liberated a large area of this province from the filth of occupations and its lackeys. The flag of the Islamic Emirate flutters in the sky over 85% of the lands of Paktika, praise be to Allah. The occupiers and their lackeys have become besieged in their bases and even the areas adjacent to these bases are under the control of the Mujahideen.
Most of the occupiers in this province are American, but there are also some soldiers belonging to other countries who work on American bases under the direct supervision of the Americans. The number of occupiers is around 10,000 soldiers.
The presence of this huge number of occupiers armed to the teeth with the most modern and destructive of weapons has not had a negative impact on the morale of the Mujahideen. Rather, the morale of the Mujahideen is high, because it is based on lofty principles and their ardor built upon true and passionate sentiments. Indeed, the Mujahideen rejoice in this great number of occupiers because military targets have therefore spread out and increased.
Because of his inability to destroy the Jihadist movement in the region, the cowardly enemy has resorted to base methods in targeting the people; destroying their houses and raiding their homes at night in order to take their revenge against the Mujahideen and spread a climate of fear and terror in the province. This, however, has no effect on the morale of the people of the province and strong cooperation in the cause of Jihad. Rather, this barbarism makes them more committed to the Mujahideen and ignites in them the spirit of vengeance and retribution against the occupiers and their cowardly agents. The increase in Mujahideen operations in this province and in their campaigns there is evidence of this reality. Indeed, because of these operations, the Paktika theater has become oppressive for the occupiers.
Praise be to Allah, first and finally.
Translated From The Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan: Al-Somood Magazine Issue #56
The Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan