Category: Turkestan Islamic Party
Ṣawt al-Islām presents a new video message from Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī [Turkistan Islamic Party]: “The Express Mail of the Turkistān Mujāhidīn #6"
Ṣawt al-Islām presents Issue #13 of Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī’s [Turkistan Islamic Party] magazine: “Turkistān al-Islāmīyyah”
NOTE: For previous issues see: #12, #11, #10, #9, #8, #7, #6, #5, #4, #3, #2, and #1.
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī’s [Turkistan Islamic Party] — “Turkistān al-Islāmīyyah #13″
To inquire about a translation for this magazine issue for a fee email: [email protected]
Ṣawt al-Islām presents a new video Nashīd from Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī [Turkistan Islamic Party]: "You Should Realize, Oh His Mother, Verily Your Son Is In the Way of God"
Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī's [Turkistan Islamic Party's] Ṣawt al-Islām Media presents a new video message from Abū Dhar 'Azzām: "To the Muslims of Turkistān: We Have To Prove Islam Is In Our Hearts"
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
Ṣawt al-Islām presents a new video message from Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī [Turkistan Islamic Party]: “The Express Mail of the Turkistān Mujāhidīn #5"
NOTE: For earlier parts in this video series see: #4, #3, #2, and #1.
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
Ṣawt al-Islām presents a new video message from Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī [Turkistan Islamic Party]: “The Express Mail of the Turkistān Mujāhidīn #4"
NOTE: For earlier parts in this video series see: #3, #2, and #1.
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
Ṣawt al-Islām presents a new video message from Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī [Turkistan Islamic Party]: “The Express Mail of the Turkistān Mujāhidīn #3"
NOTE: For earlier parts in this video series see: #2 and #1.
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
Ṣawt al-Islām presents a new video message from Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī [Turkistan Islamic Party]: “The Express Mail of the Turkistān Mujāhidīn #2”
NOTE: For the first part in this video series click here.
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]