New statement from Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī in Bilād al-Shām: "On the Martyrdom of Shaykh Abū al-Faraj al-Maṣrī"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī in Bilād al-Shām: “On the Martyrdom of Shaykh Abū al-Faraj al-Maṣrī”

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

New video message from Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī in Bilād al-Shām: “A Call From the Front Lines of Jihad #23"

For prior parts in this video series see: #22#21#20#19#18,#17,#16#15#14#13#12#11#10#9#8#7#6#5#4#3#2, and #1.



To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]