Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Anṣār al-Islām — “To the Sunnī People in Iraq”
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]
Category: Anṣār al-Islām
New statement from Anṣār al-Islām: "Message to the Leaders of Jihād in Syria"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Anṣār al-Islām — “Message to the Leaders of Jihād in Syria”
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]
New Fatwā from Anṣār al-Islām: "On the Sanctity of Selling Land of Ahl al-Sunnah to Rāfiḍah"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Anṣār al-Islām — “On the Sanctity of Selling Land of Ahl al-Sunnah to Rāfiḍah”
To inquire about a translation for this fatwā for a fee email: [email protected]
al-Anṣār Media Foundation presents a new video message from Anṣār al-Islām: "They Shouted #2"
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
al-Anṣār Media Foundation presents a new statement from Anṣār al-Islām: "A Blessed Martyrdom Operation in Support of Our Muslim Sisters in the Prisons of the Shīʿah in the Land of Iraq and Syria"
UPDATE 12/1/12 4:56 PM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic statement:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحَمدُ لله مُعز الإسلام والمُسلمين، ومُذل الكَفَرة والمُرتدين، والصَلاة والسَلام على إِمامِ المُجاهدين، وقائدِ الغُر المُحجلين الضَحوك القـَتال، وعلى آلهِ وصَحبهِ أجمعين ومن سارَ على نهجهم واهتدى بهديهم إلى يوم الدين, أما بعد ..
Allah Almighty said: (So you did not slay them, but it was Allah Who slew them, and you did not smite when you smote (the enemy), but it was Allah Who smote, and that He might confer upon the believers a good gift from Himself; surely Allah is Hearing, Knowing) 17 Surah Al-Anfal
When we heard your cry “Wa’ Mu’tasima” Jamaat Ansar Al-Islam answered your call and a courageous lion from its martyrdom seeking elements set out to turn with the will of Allah the day of the Shia occupation army in proud Iraq and Sham to a dark night and hellfire in the Dunya to burn their stinky bodies before the hellfire of the hereafter… who violated the honor of our imprisoned brothers in the two countries thinking that the lions of the Al-Ansar are in slumber. Never we swear by Allah that defenders of the land are watching over them, at 7:30 am on Sunday 11 Muharam 1434 A.H. corresponding 2012-11-25 in the (Rabī’ah) region near the Syrian Iraqi borders one of the lions of Ansar Al-Islam set out determined with his car bomb carrying a large quantity of explosives in his car and a Kalashnikov in his hand to be prepared for all circumstances and he stormed a training camp for the criminals from the (Ghadr – Badr – Brigade and Al-Dajjal – Mahdi – Army) in this region in preparation to send them to Syria to fight the Muslims next to the Kaffir Nusayri regime in Al-Sham and prolong the life of Bashar the deceased (Allah willing) and violate the honors of our sisters there and outcome of this blessed operation was the death of tens from those impure and injury of others of them and after the partial destruction of the camp a detachment from the hero brothers in the Islamic State of Iraq set out to finish off who remained of them and all the brothers returned unharmed thanking the grace and favor of Allah.
And we say to the media that is complicit with the enemy that the operation Alhamdulillah is recorded not for revealing its falsity and lies on jihad and mujahidin but to heal the hearts of the believers. O’ Allah accept our brother (Abu Aisha) among the martyrs, and inhabit him in your wide Jannahs, O’ Allah make this deed purely for your sake, O’ Allah take from our blood until you are satisfied.
Office of soldiers and jihad
Jamaat Ansar Al-Islam
Tuesday 13 Muharam 1434 A.H.
corresponding 2012-11-27
بسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
الحَمدُ لله مُعز الإسلام والمُسلمين، ومُذل الكَفَرة والمُرتدين، والصَلاة والسَلام على إِمامِ المُجاهدين، وقائدِ الغُر المُحجلين الضَحوك القـَتال، وعلى آلهِ وصَحبهِ أجمعين ومن سارَ على نهجهم واهتدى بهديهم إلى يوم الدين, أما بعد ..
فقال الله جل وعلا: {فَلَمْ تَقْتُلُوهُمْ وَلَكِنَّ اللَّهَ قَتَلَهُمْ وَمَا رَمَيْتَ إِذْ رَمَيْتَ وَلَكِنَّ اللَّهَ رَمَى وَلِيُبْلِيَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ مِنْهُ بَلاءً حَسَنًا إِنَّ اللَّهَ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ} [سورة الأنفال ] .
لما سمعنا وامعتصماك يااختاه لبى جماعة أنصار الإسلام ندائك وانبرى أسد هصور من أفرادها الاستشهاديين ليحيل بإذن الله تعالى نهار جيش الاحتلال الشيعي في العراق والشام الابية الى ليل دامس وجهنم في الدنيا يحرق اجسامهم العفنة قبل نار الآخرة.. الذين كانوا يتطاولون على عرض اخواتنا الاسيرات في البلدين تصورا منهم ان اسود الأنصار في سبات . خسئوا فوالله فإن حماة الدار لهم بالمرصاد ففي تمام الساعة السابعة والنصف من صباح يوم الأحد 11/ محرم/1434 الموافق 25/11/2012 في منطقة (ربيعة) قرب الحدود العراقية السورية انطلق أحد أسود أنصار الإسلام عاقدا العزم بسيارته المفخخة حاملا كمية كبيرة من المتفجرات في سيارته وكلاشنكوف في يده تحسبا لجميع الاحتمالات فاقتحم معسكرا لتدريب المجرمين من(فيلق غدر وجيش الدجال) في هذه المنطقة تمهيدا لإرسالهم إلى سوريا ليقاتلوا المسلمين بجانب النظام النصيري الكافر في الشام واطالة عمر بشار الهالك (بإذن الله) ولينتهكوا اعراض أخواتنا هناك وكانت حصيلة هذه العملية المباركة قتل العشرات من هؤلاء الأنجاس وإصابة أعداد أخرى منهم وبعد أن تم تدمير المعسكر تدميرا شبه كامل انبرت مفرزة من الإخوة الأبطال في دولة العراق الاسلامية ليجهزوا على من تبقى ورجع الاخوة جميعا سالمون ولفضل الله ونعمه شاكرون.
ونقول للإعلام المتواطيء مع العدو ان العملية ولله الحمد مصورة لا لكشف زيفه وكذبه على الجهاد والمجاهدين ولكن ليشفي صدور قوم مؤمنين . اللهم تقبل أخانا (أبا عائشة ) في الشهداء، واسكنه فسيح جناتك، اللهم اجعل هذا العمل خالصا لوجهك الكريم, اللهم خذ من دمائنا حتى ترضى .
ديوان الجند والجهاد
جماعة أنصار الإسلام
الثلاثاء 13/ محرم/1434
الموافق 27/11/2012
المصدر : ( مركز الفجر للإعلام )
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]
New statement from Anṣār al-Islām: "Message to the Islamic Ummah on the Occasion of a Blessed ‘Īd al 'Aḍḥā"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Anṣār al-Islām — “Message to the Islamic Ummah on the Occasion of a Blessed ‘Īd al ‘Aḍḥā”
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]
al-Anṣār Media Foundation presents a new statement from Anṣār al-Islām: "Message Regarding the Announcement of the Abuse on the Messenger of God Muḥammad"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Anṣār al-Islām — “Message Regarding the Announcement of the Abuse on the Messenger of God Muḥammad”
To inquire about a translation for this statements for a fee email: [email protected]
al-Anṣār Media Foundation presents a new statement from Anṣār al-Islām: "Condolences to the Leadership of Qā’idat al-Jihād Globally and All the Mujāhidīn on the Martyrdom of the Mujāhid of the Working World, the Hydra of the Libyans, the Eminent Shaykh Ḥasan Muḥammad Qā'id (Abū Yaḥyā al-Lībī)"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Anṣār al-Islām — “Condolences to the Leadership of Qā’idat al-Jihād Globally and All the Mujāhidīn on the Martyrdom of the Mujāhid of the Working World, the Hydra of the Libyans, the Eminent Shaykh Ḥasan Muḥammad Qā’id (Abū Yaḥyā al-Lībī)”
To inquire about a translation for this statements for a fee email: [email protected]
al-Anṣār Media Foundation presents a new statement from Anṣār al-Islām: "Support for the Rohingya Muslims of the Arakan Region"
UPDATE 4/14/13 4:07 PM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic statement:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Anṣār al-Islām — “Support for the Rohingya Muslims of the Arakan Region” (En)
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Anṣār al-Islām — “Support for the Rohingya Muslims of the Arakan Region”
al-Anṣār Media Foundation presents a new statement from Anṣār al-Islām: "Condolences to Their Brothers in Fataḥ al-Islām on the Occasion of the Martyrdom of Abū Ḥussām ash-Shāmī"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Anṣār al-Islām — “Condolences to Their Brothers in Fataḥ al-Islām on the Occasion of the Martyrdom of Abū Ḥussām ash-Shāmī”
To inquire about a translation for this statements for a fee email: [email protected]