New article from Hay’at Taḥrīr al-Shām’s Shaykh ‘Abd al-Raḥīm ‘Aṭūn: “The Revolution, Turkey, and the Regime”


Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Shaykh ‘Abd al-Raḥīm ‘Aṭūn — The Revolution, Turkey, and the Regime


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this article for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from Jaysh al ‘Adl’s Amīr Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Fārūqī: “Congratulatory Message On the Occasion of ‘Īd al ‘Aḍḥā 1445 H”

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Amīr Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Fārūqī — Congratulatory Message On the Occasion of ‘Īd al ‘Aḍḥā 1445 H


Source: Telegram

New video message from Ḥarakat al-Shabāb al-Mujāhidīn’s Shaykh Abū ‘Ubaydah (Aḥmad ‘Umar): “‘Īd al ‘Aḍḥā Speech: Unquestionably, the Party of God – They Are the Successful”

The title of this release is in reference to Qur’anic verse 58:22. Here it is in full: “You will not find a people who believe in God and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose God and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred. Those – He has decreed within their hearts faith and supported them with spirit from Him. And We will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally. God is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him – those are the party of God. Unquestionably, the party of God – they are the successful.”


Source: Telegram

New statement from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān’s Abū Manṣūr ‘Āṣim Meḥsūd: “On the Occasion of ‘Īd al ‘Aḍḥā to the People of Pakistan”


Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Abū Manṣūr ‘Āṣim Meḥsūd — On the Occasion of ‘Īd al ‘Aḍḥā to the People of Pakistan


Source: Telegram

New article from Ḥurās al-Dīn’s Dr. Sāmī al ‘Uraydī: “Oh People of Gaza and Sudan, Know That Victory Comes With Patience”

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Dr. Sāmī al ‘Uraydī — Oh People of Gaza and Sudan, Know That Victory Comes With Patience


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this article for a fee email: [email protected]

New article from al-Qā’idah’s Salīm al-Sharīf: “This Is Gaza: A War of Existence, Not a War of Borders #3″

Click here for the first part in this series.

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Salīm al-Sharīf — This Is Gaza- A War of Existence, Not a War of Borders #3


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this article for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from Shaykh ‘Abd al-Razāq al-Mahdī: “The al-Shām Revolution Almost Won…But”

ثورة الشام كادت أن تنتصر.. ولكن؛

وللأسف؛ أفسدها النخبة: الساسة والمفاوضون والأمراء إلا من رحم الله..

كنا في بداية الثورة نظن أن المناطق التي ستخرج من قبضة بشار وزبانيته.. وحكمها المجاهدون والثوار ستكون في أحسن حال.. حيث سيحكم فيها بشرع الله ويسود العدل ويعيش الناس في خير ورخاء..

لنتفاجأ ويتفاجأ الناس في الداخل والخارج بأن بعض الأمراء والقادة قد شابهوا الطغاة في كثير من الأمور.. فقد مارسوا الحكم الجبري وتسلطوا على الناس فظلموا وتكبروا وتجبروا.. كل أمير في المنطقة التي تسلط عليها – وهذا الحال منذ العام ٢٠١٣

وقد ذكر محللون بأن النظام المجرم كان يراهن على فشل أمراء الفصائل في إدارة المناطق وأنهم سيخسرون الحاضنة الشعبية..

وهذا الذي حصل!! فكان التنازع ثم الفشل.. وفتحت الدنيا على الأمراء والقادة والنخب..

فكان الوهن وهو حب الدنيا وكراهية الموت كما فسره النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم.

فتم تجميد الجبهات.. !!

بل وأصبح القرار مرهونا للخارج؟!!

فلا نصر ولا تمكين إلا إذا رجع الأمراء وشرعيوهم إلى الله وزهدوا في الدنيا وحب الرياسة وأقبلوا على الآخرة يبتغون القتل في سبيل الله بعد أن غابت عنهم هذه المعاني منذ سنين..

فحسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل.

الشيخ عبد الرزاق المهدي


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

New article from Hay’at Taḥrīr al-Shām’s Shaykh ‘Abd al-Raḥīm ‘Aṭūn: “Inscriptions On the Wall of the [Current] Stage”


Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Shaykh ‘Abd al-Raḥīm ‘Aṭūn — Inscriptions On the Wall of the [Current] Stage


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this article for a fee email: [email protected]

New video message from al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib’s Abū Yāsir al-Jazā’irī: “Enlightened Insights: The Disbelief of the Rulers of Algeria #8″

For prior parts in this video series see: #7, #6#5#4#3#2 and #1.


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]