In the wake of Tunisia’s popular uprising this past week, some are debating whether Twitter,WikiLeaks, or even George W. Bush might have played a role in enabling the historic protest movement. But one thing seems clear: The jihadist movement, which has long defined itself as Arab governments’ staunchest and most authentic opposition, had nothing to do with it. Jihadists’ non-involvement in organizing, encouraging, or even participating in the Tunisian protests suggests that the jihadist current has been largely irrelevant to Tunisia’s popular uprising. For as long as jihadists have been in business, one of their main goals has been to overrun an “apostate” Arab leader such as Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. But with the possible exception of Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat’s 1981 assassination, they never came close. That Tunisia’s protesters succeeded where the jihadists so often fail, and appear not at all driven by anything close to jihadist ideology or even general religious grievances, has left members of the online jihadist community unsure how to respond. The uprising, after all, fulfills a top jihadist goal, but it also rebukes their belief that only violent and pious struggle can bring down a man like Ben Ali.
Two days before Ben Ali’s ousting, the amir (leader) of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), Abu Mus’ab ‘Abd al-Wadud, released a statement titled “In Support of the Intifadah of our People in Tunisia.” He appealed to Tunisians, selling AQIM as an ally in their protests. “I found it a fit chance to inform you, on behalf of my Mujahideen brothers in the Islamic Maghreb, our partisanship and consolation with you. And our stand alongside you in your problem and uprising, with advice, inspiration and affirmation,” he wrote. “Your battle you fight today isn’t alienated from the general battle the Muslim Ummah is engaged in against its external and domestic enemies. … And I encourage our people in Tunisia to be ready and prepare preparations and send their sons to us to train on weapons and gain military expertise. … My Muslim brothers in Tunisia: your Mujahideen brothers are with you, and your problem is our problem and your happening is ours, and the bereaved isn’t like the adopting.”
Read the rest here.
UPDATE 1/30 8:07 AM: Here is a German translation:
Abū Sa’d al ‘Āmilī’s — “In The Heart of the Matter- The Reality and the Role of the Jihadist Media” (German)
[scribd id=47812629 key=key-bd08l1khugnm5dq1lhc mode=list]
UPDATE 1/9 7:50 PM: A point of clarification regarding this essay from Leah Farrall:
The essay is not new. It’s a cut and paste from an old Q&A he did. Not sure if he has done the cut and paste or if his supporters have, but it’s not new.
NOTE: I hope to return to this in the coming weeks after I finish some more urgent projects I am currently working on. If you get the chance to read this I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section.
Abū Sa’d al ‘Āmilī’s — “In The Heart of the Matter- The Reality and the Role of the Jihadist Media”
[scribd id=46560328 key=key-1hzozvcus119qbkgzrf mode=list]
NOTE: This new media outlets purpose according to the announcement is to translate Arabic language statements and video messages into Urdu, Hindi, Bengali, Pashto, and Farsi. The name of the media outlet has significance in Islamic history. During the Battle of Qādisīyyah (معركة القادسيّة) it pitted the newly formed and what would later be described as the “Rāshidūn Caliphate” (الخلفاء الراشدون), which was led by the second Caliph ‘Umar bin Khaṭāb against the Sassanid Persian Empire led by Rostam Farrakhzād in the city of Qādisīyyah, which is located in what is today Iraq. This battle lasted three days from November 16 – 19 in 636 CE. The Muslims were victorious and it led to the annexation or as described in the Islamic literature the “opening (conquest)” (فتح) of Iraq into the Islamic empire. This paved the way for the nascent Islamic empire to conquer Sindh as the online jihadists describe below in their explanation for their reasoning of using this name.
Click the links below for a specific language:
The Global Islamic Media Front Announces the Creation of a New Media Outlet- Qādisīyyah Media Productions (Arabic)
The Global Islamic Media Front Announces the Creation of a New Media Outlet- Qādisīyyah Media Productions (Bangla)
The Global Islamic Media Front Announces the Creation of a New Media Outlet- Qādisīyyah Media Productions (English)
The Global Islamic Media Front Announces the Creation of a New Media Outlet- Qādisīyyah Media Productions (Hindi)
The Global Islamic Media Front Announces the Creation of a New Media Outlet- Qādisīyyah Media Productions (Urdu)
NOTE: The al-Majāhidīn Electronic Forum announced this afternoon that they have created an English language version of their Arabic forum. This forum is unique on some level in that they also have a Turkish, French, and German section. Additionally, they have a Hebrew section so they can view what the “enemy” is doing/saying. Aaron at the Internet Haganah would know more about whether a jihādī forum has placed a Hebrew section in it before. Either way, I find it an interesting development especially if one takes into account the first jihādī message released in Hebrew this past November from Jamā’at Anṣār al-Sunnah: “Letter to the Enemy.” Click here to see what the new forum looks like. Below is their announcement of the creation of this new forum.
Praise be to Allah, the One who raises Islam and Muslims, who humiliates the unbelievers and apostates, and peace and blessings on the Commander of the Mujahideen, our prophet Muhammad, his family and all his companions as well as those who followed
Good News of the opening of Mojahden English Network
We are pleased to announce the good news to our Muslims in Europe about the opening of the new English Forum.
In this forum, we will bring the latest Mojahden News in English as well as in different languages
All posts in this jihadi forum must be in English, so the message of Mojahden will reach all Muslims
Your Brothers
Media Group… Al Mojahden Electronic Network
NOTE: This article is most likely in response to the recent spate of arrests by the FBI against individuals such as Mohamed Osman Mohamud in Oregon and Antonio Martinez in Baltimore.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
All praise to due to Allah, the creator and sustainer of the Universe. All praise to due to Him who said:
“And whether you keep your talk secret or disclose it, verily, He is the All-knower of what is in the hearts. (Qur’an 67:13)”
And may His peace be upon the Final Prophet, who said:
“Maintain truthfulness, for truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Heaven. A man continues to maintain truthfulness until he is recorded in Allah’s book as truthful. Refrain from lying, because lying leads to blatant evil, and evil leads to the fire. A man continues to lie until he is recorded in Allah’s book as a liar. (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood and Al-Tirmithi).”
..and upon his family and his companions and his followers.
To proceed:
Allah said in His Book:
And when the disbelievers plotted against you to capture or to kill you or to expel you; they were plotting and Allah was plotting also, but Allah is the Best of Plotters. (Qur’an 8:30)
With this in mind, and in light of recent events, most notably the arrest of our brother in Oregon (may Allah keep him steadfast and free him), I have decided to record and write down 10 methods which, through my own personal experiences, will shed light onto the tactics used by spies and/or informants to entrap and ultimately arrest Muslims, and the ways to defect and foil these plots.
# One #
A spy will always start with “grooming.” The process of grooming way take several months. Sometimes this information and join and be active on a forum or in a masjid for several months alone before they even make contact with the individual they seek to entrap. Once they make contact, the dialogue is typically small. Such topics as translations, finding nasheeds, looking for a husband/wife, or best places for halal food are discussed, simply because they are low key. These are used to gain trust and not seem blunt, because bluntness (i.e. talking about Jihad from day one) raises red flags. A spy may groom their target for months before mentioning Jihad, and even then, they will start out small, with such topics as “did you like the new video by As-Sahab” or “what is your favorite Jihadi nasheed.”
# Two #
You may notice red flags in the form of lies and inconsistencies. Such red flags can include changes in stories, which are typically elaborated upon once you make it known that you are aware in the changes in their stories. For example, a spy may mention he is a student in an American university. However, being smart, you notice he comes online or is at the masjid during what would be normally considered as school hours. When you say “I thought you were in school” they will quickly change their story to accommodate with a statement such as “I am taking online classes” or “I only go to night school.” Watch for small things which may seem insignificant, such as the mentions of family members, a job, or knowledge of a particular topic. If it is revealed that this person has told one lie, even if it involves something small, take precautions that everything may very well be a lie.
# Three #
Other red flags include major statements. These typically include claims to be a member of a Mujahideen organization, or to be in contact with Mujahideen or particular Shayook, or to have known personally or met various leaders of the Mujahideen. This should be obvious. Anyone who makes these claims is either a liar, or if they are truthful, then they are extremely jahil when it comes to security, both for themselves and for the Mujahideen whom the represent.
# Four #
A spy will typically claim to be busy, most likely with school studies. This personally will frequently make apologies for not being around as a result of studying for midterms or doing homework. Spies use this ploy to make themselves seem normal, as if they have a life that can be related to. This does not mean that someone Mujahideen are not students and hard at work with studies, because some in fact are. However, if one really seeks Jihad, and in particular Shahadah by means of an Istishhadi or Fidaye mission, it is unlikely their primary focus is schooling. They excuse of schooling is used most frequently, as opposed to health problems or a job, possibly because a target who is being groomed may feel that an unhealthy person is unfit for Jihad or a person who has a job and thus pays taxes is in some was a collaborator. Regardless of the reasons, this excuse and constant apology for a late reply, even it is sent a day or two after your message to them, is quite common.
# Five #
Spies will ask their targets to be “specific” and “clear.” For example, if you say you say you are interested in Jihad, they will ask if you mean physical Jihad. If you mention you have knowledge of firearms, they will ask what kind of firearms and what do you know. One must watch their words at all times, or better yet, say nothing. They reason spies ask their targets to be precise is not because they don’t understand you, but rather because if and when you are arrested, they want to make sure a jury will understand what you meant and thus convict you. If you are vague then there is a chance a jury will not convict. If you keep you mouth shut, then there is a chance you will not even be arrested. A spy may or may not make threats themselves, but will wait for you to do the talking. After all, it you they want, and no matter what threats a spy says, he cannot get into any trouble for making them. They want you to talk and be specific.
# Six #
In the process of grooming, a spy will always accept you. They will accept your manhaj and not debate it, even if they say it is different from their own. Typical behaviors such as smoking, listening to music, or hanging photos are never condemned by spies if they target says that they do this; spies may in fact claim to even do these things themselves. They will always answer personal questions and take no offense when you ask, because after all, they are lying. If you are a revert to Islam and make mention of sinful behaviors in your life prior to accepting Islam, a spy will not seem to care at all. Spies never appear to get mad at or disagree with their targets, except under one condition. This condition is if they target appears to break away from or become disenchanted with the idea of Jihad. Then they spy will badger their target, typically by bringing up their past words or using techniques to make them feel guilty. Only if the target seems to be against the Jihad which the spy is talking about – whether it is Al Qa’idah or Jaish e Muhammad – will they spy become or appear to become upset.
# Seven #
Ask yourself, what does this person trust you? In a world where literally anyone can be a spy, why does this person trust you? Why are they claiming to be a Mujahid, and telling this to a person who they met over a computer or at the masjid? Why are they telling you they want to conduct Jihadist operations or make hijrah? You cannot know if anyone in sincere, and this is the sad reality. Think about why they would trust you of all people, and not someone else. The answer is because they are seeking to arrest you, and this is part of their grooming process.
# Eight #
Now ask yourself, if they already trust you, why do they need you? If they want you to make hijrah with them, ask yourself why they are not going alone or with someone else. If they need someone to carry out an operation on the home-front, as yourself, what do they pick you. If you look at the events of Oregon and learn from them, you will see that it was a group of “brothers” who in fact spies that recruited our noble brother, may Allah free him. One can now ask himself “if there was already a group of brother, amongst them a bomb maker, why did they need someone else to drive the car?” If an individual already claims to know how to build a bomb, why would they ask you to plant it? Is it because they are afraid to die? Is it because they want to make more bombs? Or, or than likely, is it because they want to entrap you? This is especially true in such scenarios that contain multiple spies. If there is already a group who is claiming to be Mujahideen and preparing an attack, what do they need from you?
If they claim to be Fidayeen, why do they need one more?
Why not recruit ten more, why not use one less?
Why do they ask you to help them train if they already claim to have knowledge
NOTE: Below is a new forum post by Abu Fāris al-Muhājir in the ash-Shamūkh al-Islāmīyyah Arabic Forum. He reflects on Bin Lāden’s statement in 2004 that said AQ would not attack Sweden and why it is now legitimate to do so. Here is the main quote UBL said about Sweden in 2004:
Contrary to what [President George W.] Bush says and claims — that we hate freedom –let him tell us then, “Why did we not attack Sweden?” It is known that those who hate freedom don’t have souls with integrity, like the souls of those 19. May the mercy of God be upon them.
The main ideas al-Muhājir posits is that Sweden adding 500 troops to Afghanistan and the blasphemy against the Muslim prophet is cause to attack Sweden. And the only way to stop such attacks from occurring in the future, al-Muhājir states that Sweden must withdraw its troops from Afghanistan.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قال مجدد الزمان قاهر الروس والأمريكان في حديثه للشعب الأمريكي في عام 2004:
“حديثي هذا لكم عن الطريقة المثلي لتجنب مانهاتن أخرى، عن الحرب وأسبابها ونتائجها، وبين يدي الحديث أقول لكم إن الأمن ركن مهم من أركان الحياة البشرية، وإن الأحرار لا يفرطون بأمنهم بخلاف ادعاء بوش بأننا نكره الحرية, فليعلمنا لم لم نضرب السويد مثلا؟”
فما هي الدروس الأولية التي يمكن استخراجها من عملية ستوكهولم؟
1. أنّ ضرب المجاهدين للدول لا يأتي من فراغ فإمام المجاهدين نفسه لم يهتمّ بضرب دولة كالسويد في حربه ضد الصليبية العالمية إنما ضربات المجاهدين تأتي عقوبة للاحتلال أو عقوبة لظلم المسلمين في أي شكل من الأشكال. فالسويد بعد أن أرسلت 500 جندي إلى أفغانستان فتلقائياً أصبحت هي أهلاً للضربات بعد أن لم تكن.
2. أن الاعتداء على شخصية خير البشر محمّد خاتم النبيين تحمل عقوبة أقوى و أكبر و أشرس من أي جريمة أخرى و من هنا ارتفع السويد في قائمة الدول المؤهلة لتسليم ضربة أو ضربات.
3. أنّ الحل واضح للسويد إن أرادت عدم تكرار ما حدث في ستوكهولم فعليها سحب كل جنودها من أفغانستان و عليها أيضاً تسليم الرسّام و مساعديه للجهات المعنية من أهل الجهاد و تتوعد ثمّ بعدم تكرارها و تذلّ نفسها أمام الاسلام والمسلمين.
4. كما حدث مع مدريد و لندن فالمجاهدين يأخذون التوقيت في الاعتبار عند الهجوم فالسويد حالياً تعيش لحظات كراهية من قبل المسلمين، الصينيين، و الاف الالاف من كارهي الجبروت الرأسمالي من مؤيدي ويكيليكس حول العالم. و كذلك الضربة وقعت في قلب ستوكهولم في عصر يوم السبت في شهر ديسمبر والناس كلهم في الخارج يتسوقون للكريستماس و في هذا دلالة كبيرة على قدرات أهل الجهاد.
5. ما سبق يجب أخذها في الاعتبار عند نقد الناقدين ل”فشل” العملية فهذه نجاحات جيّدة لشخص قام بالعملية وحده.
6. العملية ستبدي لنا ربما استمرار تكتيك “الذئب المنفرد”.
فلنرى رد فعل السويد…
والله غالبٌ على أمره و لكنّ أكثر الناس لا يعلمون
كتبه ابو فارس المهاجر