Translation from IslamDin by the Kavkaz-Jihad blog.
Category: Russia
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "On the Occasion of the 22nd Anniversary of the Red Army Withdrawal from Afghanistan"
On February 15, 1989, the invading forces of the former Soviet Union fled Afghanistan. However, to begin with, the invading army had not entered Afghanistan to face defeat vis-à-vis the resistance and jihad of the empty-handed Afghans and
eventually have to pull out of Afghanistan humiliatingly. The Islamic jihad and resistance of the Afghan Mujahid nation compelled the colonialist army not only to withdraw from Afghanistan, being defeated but caused their Red Empire under the name of the former Soviet Union collapse, rendering the communist atheist ideology futile at world level.
Initially, the invading Soviets were wallowing in their intoxication, riding on the waves of conceit of their military might. They occupied Afghanistan to use it as a springboard for reaching the Indian Pacific Ocean like what the invading Americans are doing now. But before reaching the Indian Ocean, they themselves drowned in the ocean of the blood and sacrifices of the Afghan Mujahid people. Waves of this hurricane of the ocean of blood shattered down the skyscrapers in the heart of Kremlin, crumbling it to prolong its era of superiority. The invading Soviets like the Americans of today were hankering after extending their domination over the whole region through occupation of Afghanistan but due to the help of the Almighty Allah and as the result of the jihad and sacrifices of the Afghans, not only they failed to prolong the occupation of Afghanistan but lost control of all their occupied republics of central Asia. Their dominance over the Eastern Europe came to an end and the Warsaw Pact was dissolved.
The Russians came around to know after a decade-long occupation of Afghanistan that arm-twisting with the brave Afghans is tantamount to annihilating oneself. Nothing more than that, it will yield. So they concluded that the Geneva Accords were a good pretext to withdraw their defeated troops. They pulled their morale-sagging troops out of Afghanistan disgracefully and humiliatingly. Today, another arrogant empire has occupied the same Afghanistan by dent of their invading troops and the Afghan Mujahid nation is once again engaged in combat against the invading Americans and their coalition forces, i.e. NATO. The era of current resistance has almost completed ten years. The world community concedes that the invading Americans and their allies are now facing the same moribund situation that their predecessor, the invading Soviets, were facing. Their showdown of muscles has proved in vain; they have lost their war spirit; tens of thousands of their troops have been either killed or wounded; their economic expenditures have broken their spine bone and strongholds of Jihad and resistance against the invaders have sprang up all over Afghanistan.
The Americans had thought that they would occupy central Asia and the entire region by means of occupying Afghanistan but Afghanistan by its very nature, is not a country to give itself to occupation so smoothly. Previously, the Britons had stepped over this land with the same covetous fantasy but instead of stabilizing their occupation of Afghanistan, they themselves ended up losing their great empire at the hands of the Afghans. Genghis Khan and Alexander had tested the strength of the Afghans’ warfare. Now the American empire is hovering over the edge of collapse. If they intend to prolong the occupation of Afghanistan and the sufferings of the Afghans because of their imbecility, they will face the fate of the Soviets and Britons which occurred in the past century. But if they put to use their rationale rather than being bent on stubborn stupidity and put an end to this tragedy by bringing to a close the occupation of Afghanistan and withdraw their forces unconditionally, then they will not only save themselves but will eradicate the factors of insecurity in the whole region.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, while celebrating the victory of the legitimate Jihad of the Afghan Muslim nation against the invading Red Army and marking the 22nd anniversary of the withdrawal of the Red army from the country, once more re-affirms the need for continuation of the legitimate Islamic Jihad against the invading Americans and deem it an effective mean for the ouster of the invaders.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
New article from Ḥunafā' (one of the mouth pieces of the Caucasus Emirate) by Yagafarov Tangauri al Bashkurdistani: "Appeal to Muslim Youth of Bulghār and Bashkortostan"
UPDATE 2/13 5:57 PM: Here is an English translation of the below statement:
Today, the Russians have seized all the property your ancestors had. Even these stubby pieces of land called “Bashkortostan Republic” and “Tatarstan Republic” are now being robbed and sold to Russian and foreign agricultural companies.
Factories produce for us nothing but stench and radiation, they all belong to Jewish oligarchs in Moscow. You are forced to go to work to Russia for slaverish salaries.
You work 10 hours a day, you’re squeezed like a lemon, you lose your health, you do not know what’s going at home, how you children grow. Some pennies are paid to you, although you work all day. You help Russian to raise their economy.
Therefore, the action is up to you. We must force the Russians to return the loot, we are to undermine their economies in our region.
Do not allow them to transport oil and gas, do not allow them to recycle here and poison our villages, to conduct their nuclear underground explosions, not to give money to collectors on our roads.
Burn their drinking establishments, brothels, where they subvert our children! Shoot the traitors of our nation, occupation officials, corrupt cops, prostitutes on the roads, lawless criminals, murderers, maniacs who do not allow peaceful people to live!
They want a controlled chaos. So that people are drunk and direct their anger not to the right place.
Today, an initiative group of Muslims goes to fight against these villains. Your choice is on you.
Tangauri Yagafarov
UPDATE 2/12 10:43 AM: Mr. Orange responded to me through Twitter:
I wouldn’t say that I’m an expert but the Caucasus Emirate considers itself the legitimate authority for Muslims within Russia/the former SU. That was for example the reasoning Buryatski used when he joined the CE. He said it’s obligatory for Muslims within Russia to pledge to Umarov.
Bashkirs and Bulghars (you are right about it meaning the Volga ones – yet it refers to modern days Tatarstan’s people) are majority Muslim people, the only ones in Russia outside of the Caucasus as far as I know. Or at least the only ones with their own republics: they are mainly living in Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.
Both groups are not known to have had many volunteers on the Chechen side (though there were some). This is a thing that may change as the CE left Chechen nationalism and pan-Caucasus thoughts for the pan-Islamic cause (while still using the other ones as talking points).
As far as I know radicalisation is pretty low in both of the mentioned republics but we all know how fast that can change.
A sidenote that may interest you: There is a group operating in AfPak named Jamâ’ah Bulghâr, composed of Russian speaking recruits, among them Tatars and Dagestanis (not seen a Chechen yet though ; ). I have no idea how many of them are in fact Bulghars, still something to keep following.
As I responded to Mr. Orange on Twitter: “I have seen Jāma’at Bulghār before, but didn’t even think to link that up with this.” That said, there is no evidence yet that there are any links. Either way, an interesting development nonetheless, which one should keep an eye on, especially if it is added to Dokku Umarov’s platform as a key issue.
NOTE: Any analysts or researchers who know more about the Caucasus Emirate and Russia in general and want to comment about why this individual is appealing to the youth in Bulgar (I’m guessing in reference to the old Volga Bulgar peoples) and Bashkortostan since those areas are not near the Northern Caucasus where the Caucasus Emirate is located. Thanks.
Хвала Аллаху, Который создал нас мусульманами, показал нам Прямой Путь и сделал нас общиной справедливости и воинской доблести. Мы свидетельствуем, что не нет никакого истинного божества, кроме одного лишь Аллаха! Ему мы преданы целиком и полностью. Его Религией довольны и принимаем все Его Законы, не упуская из них ничего. Наш Господь — Аллах, Единственный Творец всего сущего. Он самодостаточен, и не нуждается ни в чем и ни в ком. Только Милость Его способна открыть нам двери Рая! Никто не подобен Ему, и Он никому не подобен! Не рождал Он и не был рожден Он. Нет равных нашему Господу во все времена. Так же мы свидетельствуем о вере в посланника Аллаха Мухаммада сына Абдуллаха из рода Хашима, потомка Исмаила-пайгамбара. Мы веруем в него, да благословит его Аллах и приветствует, и во всё, с чем он пришел от своего Господа.
Воистину Ислам – Религия Справедливости и Величия. Унижающая неверие и неверующих. Уничтожающая сопротивляющихся Истине и творящих тиранию, разврат и хаос. Способна ли справедливость утвердиться на Земле? Способна ли Истина Единобожия достичь каждого в этом мире, чтобы он мог ознакомиться с ней? Способна ли Религия Аллаха стать Законом для всех людей, не зависимо от их различий? Способно ли это все воплотиться в явь, согласно Обещанию Аллаха, данному Им в Торе, Евангелие и Коране? «Это возможно» — отвечаем мы. И это время настало. Сегодня люди, считающие себя несущими знамя Единобожия, подверглись атаке международных сатанистов, безбожных и алчных деспотов, во всех странах мусульман. Враги потеряли страх перед теми, чьи предки топтали Европу и Азию копытами своих коней, сея ужас на тех заблудших, говорящих «Иисус сын Господа», Свят Аллах от того что Ему приписывают! Как и предсказывал Пророк Мухаммад: «Скоро уже народы будут созывать друг друга против вас, как собираются едоки на сытную трапезу»… И когда один сподвижник спросил: Нас будет так мало в это время, о, Посланник Аллаха? Пророк ответил: Нет, вас будет очень много. Но вы будете словно пена морская. И Аллах уберет страх из сердец кафиров и поселит в ваших сердцах немощь. Что же это за немощь, о, Посланник Аллаха? — спросили сподвижники. Любовь к прелестям этого мира и отвращение к смерти. – ответил он.
И правда, сегодня мусульмане многочисленны как никогда реньше… Их земли богаты нефтью и золотом. Они физически крепче остальных. А кровь… А кровь дешевле крови овец… Под прикрытием всяких «международных организаций» и «международного права», враги нас уничтожают. Они алчны. И сегодня они подняли головы и несут кресты не для того чтобы вспомнить Иисуса. Нет, они хотят, чтобы мы стали такими же как они. Сказал Аллах Всевышний в Коране: «И иудеи и христиане не будут довольны тобой, пока ты не последуешь за их религией», и Он также сказал: «Многобожники не прекратят сражаться с вами пока не отвратят вас от вашей Религии, если смогут» . Они помешаны на этом. Пока мы не оставим нашу Религию и не станем подобными им полу-животными. Такими как они безнравственными, развратными, безбожными эгоистами.
Почему так случилось? Причина этого в истории о слабости мусульман. Пророк, да благословит его Аллах и приветствует, сказал: «Придет день, когда вы увлечетесь сделками с процентами, займетесь земледелием и скотоводством так, будто приросли руками к коровьим хвостам и оставите джихад на пути Аллаха. Вот тогда
New video message from the Amīr of the Caucasus Emirate Dokku Umarov: "Taking the Responsibility for the Moscow Martyrdom Operation of January 24, 2011"
UPDATE 2/15 6:35 PM: Here is an English translation of the below video message:
I seek refuge in God from the cursed Satan. In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful!
Verily, all praise is due to God, we praise Him, we seek Him and we ask for His forgiveness and guidance, and we seek refuge in God from the evil of our own selves and from evil consequences of our actions, whom God guides, nobody can misguide, and whom God leaves astray nobody can guide.
I testify there is no God but God, and that Muhammad is the Prophet of God.
And then:
May peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you!
Dear Muslim brothers and sisters. Today, I want to address to you with this letter, a video letter. Before I address to you, I would like to ask the Almighty that He makes my words beneficial for Muslim people and beneficial for the Nation of the Prophet (pbuh). I am not getting tired giving praise to God who made me a holy warrior, who made me a Muslim, and I praise Him for putting me in the ranks of holy warriors.
By addressing now to you, I want at least one Muslim to see the truth in the events which occur in this world. After the special operation was carried out on January 24 in Moscow, we heard how all the politicians and clergy accused the people, who did that, of terrorism and, among other things, of being inhuman and barbaric evil doers. But look. This operation was carried out on my orders and, God willing, such special operations will be carried out in the future.
Look at the events which are now developing in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. By what right do they kill our brothers in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Algeria and all over the Muslim world?
Why is the Nation of the Prophet (pbuh) being destroyed today, as much as they like it, with every method they like it and nobody condemns this destruction? But when we carry out an operation, everybody comes down on us and tries to tarnish us and blame us. But why don’t they make assessments for themselves? Why are they trying to make barbarians out of us today? Look how they kill our brothers in every Muslim state, where true Muslims strive for freedom, freedom to profess their religion. Why is the whole world silent when they destroy and kill our brothers and sisters?
And when we answer to something for which we have a right to do, the world immediately pounces on us. Look at the events which are happening in Sudan, where the president (or Emir, I don’t know what he is called) made his first concession many years ago by agreeing not to rule by Sharia and the Sunah of the Prophet (pbuh), he should have known that this was only the first of many forthcoming concessions, and that they would tear him apart with all force. Look how the largest Muslim state is being divided and cut apart today. America and “Israel” are dividing the very part of Sudan which possesses energy resources, where there is oil and gold, where there is oil and gas, and taking it away from Sudan. Why is it that the world looks at these events so calmly and does not react?
Look, if now we are not given the right for freedom, if we are not given the right for profess our faith, under cover of the slogans that our faith is not ancient and our faith is short sighted, that our people are small in numbers, then all the rights belong to numerous peoples and their cultures, rooted in antiquity,
We are not to invent anything new in that case. Russia and America should simply acknowledge that the right to be the masters of the world belongs to China because it has most of the people and the most ancient culture. Therefore, it is necessary to give all the rights to China.
Today, this right given is given to every man, this right is given at birth by the Almighty, and nobody has the right to deprive anyone of this right anywhere in the world. Therefore, we, the holy warriors of Caucasus, are now striving for freedom, which was given to us by the Almighty, we are striving to make our Caucasus free, we are striving for human rights to be proclaimed in Caucasus, for the right for life because life is given by the Almighty and nobody has a right to deprive anyone of life but only under the right, under the law of God.
We want that Caucasus today has the right for freedom, the right for worship, the right for (political) convictions, and the right for justice, because a court can only be the court from God, according to the Sharia, the right for defending honor and dignity, the right for an asylum for the persecuted, the right for defending property.
I want to ask those who listen to me today, those who view me now: where are these laws observed today by these infidel states that occupy and oppress the peoples who have a right to be free in this world? Where are these states? Is it America, or “Israel”, or Russia, or China? Where are these rights respected? Nowhere! Nowhere! They are only declared on a sheet of paper. Their laws are used as a truncheon to beat you on your head wherever it is possible for them and wherever there is no resistance.
Look at the events which are happening in Tunisia, Algeria and many other Arabic countries. Do not be fooled that these events bring some benefit to the Nation of the Prophet (pbuh) or Islam. No. One puppets are simply being replaced by the others. If the slogans of God and the laws of the Sharia were really proclaimed there, if the Truth were present there, then all the actions would have been carried out by Muslims and these occupiers, the Americans, would have long bombed these cities. Simply, one stooges are being replaced by other stooges. And that is all. Look what happens everywhere where Satan is rejected, where their laws are rejected, everywhere – take Caucasus, take Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Kashmir- look at their methods of destroying our brothers and sisters.
There is no doubt about that: anywhere where is Truth, where events, behind which God would stay, take place, where the laws of God are proclaimed, where the laws of Satan are rejected, everywhere the infidels destroy our Muslim Nation, destroy our brothers, who proclaim these slogans. But the world is somewhat silent.
The whole world looks at us with condemnation. At it looks with sympathy at the actions by the infidels, by the Satanic regimes, and presents its feigned condolences. Why is it so? Because those people who present feigned condolences, those people who are at the top of the Muslim Nation and Muslims governments, they are puppets, they are henchmen of infidels. When some of them go too far and do not satisfy their masters any more, they are destroyed: they are killed or sent to prison or hung as in the case of Saddam Hussein. And they put other puppets at their place.
But I think it is time to awake. Life was given to us by God in order we sacrifice it to God. And it doesn’t matter how many thousand years we live in this world, our life will be taken by God in any case. Is it not better to bring our life as a gift to God ourselves and to fight in truth on the path of God in order to establish the word of God? What is more sacred for a man than to enter the Paradise? God willing, I hope that my words will open the hearts of our brothers and sisters. God willing, I hope that at least one brother or one sister looks through a clean lens at the events which happen in the world and at least one head in a Muslim community gets free from the garbage that those Satanic regimes put in it.
Today, we, the holy warriors of Caucasus, wage the Holy War in the name of God and in the name of God only, only in order to establish the word of God in Caucasus.
If you are interested in the events that are happening in Caucasus, then ask: why did out ancestors fight? Why is the Caucasian part of the Nation of the Prophet (pbuh) is scattered throughout the world? Why didn’t many generations of them ever see their homeland and died in other countries? They never saw their homeland. Why did that happen?
This is already a law of injustice, this is a law of Satan. There are peoples in Caucasus that have been totally eliminated. That is why we want to stop this injustice, it should not be so. Because God bestowed upon us our land, and God bestowed upon us our religion. God ordered us to wage the Holy War for our religion, for our land and for our honor. Therefore, we, the holy warriors of Caucasus, God willing, are carrying out the God’s order and, God willing, we will continue to carry it out. God willing, we will strive to establish the word of God on this land. And, God willing, even if there is no more Abu Osman, then, God willing, the generation that comes after us will establish the word of God.
These special operations, which are being carried out on the territory of Russia, they will be carried out also in the future, no doubt, because there will be hundreds of brothers among us who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of establishing the word of God and for the sake of revenge against the enemies of God because they are the enemies of God. God willing, I demonstrate again to you, I demonstrate to the Putin’s regime out there in Moscow that we do not carry out these operations on a regular basis because we want to demonstrate to the people, to the chauvinistic people, to the chauvinistic regime of Russia that we can carry out these operations at anytime, wherever we want to and whenever we want to.
This is a further demonstration of the fact that we are capable to carry out these operations regularly, to carry out deeper operations, more aggressive operations against you. But I would like not to shed so much blood and not to make such enormous sacrifices, I would like that Russia thinks it over and leaves Caucasus.
But I would like to ask again the
New article from Abū Ismāʻīl of Wilāyah Dagestan of the Caucasus Emirate: "Opponents of the Caucasus Emirate"
Во имя Аллаха, Милостивого, Милосердного!
Хотелось бы объяснить некоторые сомнения в отношении объявления Амиром кавказских муджахидов на Кавказе Доккой Умаровым, да сохранит его Аллах и удлинит в поклонении Ему жизнь, Кавказского эмирата, то есть начала, и фундамента Исламского государства на Кавказе.
К сожалению, мусульмане в общем, и мусульмане россии в особенности, настолько долго жили и продолжают жить по критериям, которые им установили неверные, касающиеся всех сторон жизни, а также вопроса государства, что официальным государством у них будет считаться лишь то, которое неверные нарисовали на карте, и у него должны быть такие-то и такие-то описания. Должны быть школы, больницы, светофоры и т.д. Однако мусульманин обязан сломать эти стереотипы, этих идолов, которые нам неверные внедрили через передачи «Время». Как об этом известно, институт государства в Исламе есть средство для установления религии, и у него нет ни в Коране ни в Сунне чёткого материального обозначения, однако когда община мусульман, может установить религию на том или ином участке земли, а в первую очередь это поклонение одному Аллаху, совершение намаза, давание закята, запрещение порицаемого, приказ одобряемого, то есть способность практикования основ религии и запрещения основных очевидных внешних грехов на территории неподвластной неверным — это будет исламским государством.
Всевышний Аллах сказал: «Если Мы одарим их властью на земле, они будут совершать намаз, выплачивать закят, велеть совершать одобряемое и запрещать предосудительное»(аль-Хадж, 41).
И нет сомнения, что здесь не подразумевается вся земля, ведь Посланник Аллаха, да благословит его Аллах и приветствует, и мусульмане не занимали всю землю и даже не весь аравийский полуостров в начале переселения. А ведь нет сомнения, что они вошли в этот аят. Поэтому достаточно лишь части земли, которая группа мусульман сможет охранять от неверных и поклоняться там одному Аллаху. И не ставиться условием, чтобы это была равнина или город. Любой, кто добавит какое-то описание, о котором упомянул Аллах должен принести доказательство. И конечно в основе своей, мусульманская община должна быть единой под одним правителем. Однако в настоящее время это, к сожалению, не совсем легко сделать. Также нет сомнения в том, что Муса, мир ему, с народом Исраиля были государством, несмотря на то, что находились в пустыне, так как могли спокойно исповедовать религию и защищать себя. Конечно, затем на правителе мусульман лежит обязанность укреплять свое государство всем, в чём будет польза для мусульман и религии, но это уже по степени возможности.
Шейхуль-Ислам ибн Таймия, в своей книге«ас-Сияса аш-Шар’ия» 1/175, говорит: “…иеслицельвластииимущества, будетприближениекАллахуирасходованиенаЕгопути, товэтомбудетблагополучиеврелигиииобычнойжизни. Еслижевластьотдалиласьотрелигии, илирелигияотвласти, тоиспортитсясостояниелюдей. Ипоистине, отличаютсялюди, подчиняющиесяАллаху, отгрешниковнамерениямииправеднымиделами, какприводитсяуаль— БухарииМуслимаотПосланникаАллаха, даблагословитегоАллахиприветствует: «Поистине, Аллахнесмотритнавашвнешнийвидивашеимущество, носмотритнавашисердцаидела». Икогдамногимиправителямизавладелажаждаденегипочести, иониотдалилисьотсущностиверывуправлении, многиеизлюдейпосчитали, чтоуправлениепротиворечитвереиполноценнойрелигии. Затемнекоторыеизнихпреувеличилидуховнуюсторонурелигиииотстранилисьоттого, безчегоонанеможетбытьполноценной – властьивоеннаясила. Атеизних, ктоувиделсвоюпотребностьвовласти – взял
New video message from the Amīr of the Caucasus Emirate Dokku Umarov: "Visiting the Base of the Riyāḍ us-Ṣāliḥīn Martyrs Brigade"
UPDATE 2/24 7:58 AM: Here is an English translation of the below video message:
Emir Abu Usman (aka Dokku Umarov): I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan, in the name of Allah the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah the Creator of the Worlds and peace and blessings be on upon His prophet (pbuh) and his family and companions and those who follow him on the true path. Peace and blessings be upon all the holy warriors who are following the footsteps of our Prophet (pbuh) today. Today, I am visiting a base of the Martyr Brigade Riyad-us-Saliheen, with our brother Khamzat, the Emir of this brigade, praise be to Allah Who allowed in His mercy for us to meet. I want to say some words which will give you an idea why these special operations are carried out and why we are compelled to carry out such operations. The blame for the suffering of these people does not fall on us but on Putin, the enemy of God. We all can see this lawlessness that is being committed today, in the Caucasus in the first place. We also observe that this same lawlessness is now being committed in Russia. This lawlessness is staged on purpose because Russia is cheating, hampering and deceiving its people in Russia’s obligations before it. That is why they carry out such provocations in order to direct the people’s anger at something else. We observe that the infidels, Russia, occupied the Caucasus and made it its testing ground and an experimental base. They make experiments on the lives of Muslims, kill them, bury them alive, they do what they want with them, everything what they need for their experiments and their scientific works. But that is too little for them, they set their dogs on those Muslims, on those Caucasian brothers who are now forced to live on the territory of Russia, in Moscow, Leningrad and other cities. These dogs attack the Caucasians in large numbers. Therefore, the Caucasians are forced to defend themselves. That is how they create propaganda and try to set on the Caucasians the anger of their human cattle. Therefore we are forced to respond to this lawlessness, although what we do is not lawlessness, because, God willing, that is called a special operation. We sacrifice our life while carrying out the special operation. Today, I am weeping. Why? Because, we, the Emirs, are forced to send out the best of the best from among us on special operations. So I am simply weeping because our brother leaves this world before me. But praise be to God, I am happy for him inside me because this world is worth of leaving it. So we are forced to act, to carry out these special operations. This special operation will be carried out exactly against those people who attack the Caucasians and mock at the Caucasians, and try to manifest their hatred to our Muslim brothers being instigated by Putin and his pack of dogs. You are to manifest this hatred first of all to your authorities and demand from them that they leave the Caucasus . And we will never visit Russia, and will never see your faces because we manage without doing that. If you swallow in silence this fraud that Putin and his dogs offer you, we are forced to try to awaken you with our actions. If this is not enough, then God willing, more strikes will follow. I can say with absolute confidence that if it is the Almighty’s will and if God’s mercy is upon us, then we will make this year a year of blood and tears for you. That is why I ask those citizen whose heads are not filled with garbage to awake and to understand what we are striving for, so that they understand who exactly is responsible for this massacre, for blood, for tears that we are now forced to sacrify . We now establish the word of God, God willing, and our blood, and our tears, all that is justified and paid for. And your blood, and your tears, all that throws you in fire, believe me. In conclusion, I would like to say again that I will not tell you that we have hundreds prepared for martyrdom, but that 50 to 60 of them will be found, God willing. Depending on your reaction, depending on your actions, these operations, God willing, will be carried out monthly, weekly, as often as God allows us. May God reward you with Greatness and my last supplication is to praise God, the Lord of the worlds. The Emir of Riyad-us-Saliheen, Khamzat, will also add a few words for you. Emir Khamzat: I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan, in the name of Allah the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful, peace and blessings be upon the Messenger (pbuh) of Allah. I have nothing to add except to ask God to accept my prayer for our brother that we are sending out. We do not send him out because he is superfluous. But since the Russian commanders here, Putin and other like him who establish order in the Caucasus, are lawless, and they do everything they wish and you sit silently in Russia, we do that not just in order to kill somebody or to spill some blood – we simply want that you to understand that it won’t do that we bleed and you drink milk. You’d better come to senses and start thinking and ask your higher-ups, who hide behind your backs and call us various names – terrorists, Islamists and name their actions in the Caucasus as “anti-terrorist operations.” You have to think about that and not lash out at us, at our Caucasian people, but you should ask your high commanders. We send out our brother with bitterness because he is leaving us, God willing, we will pray for him that his expedition is for the good of Islam and that the word of God is supreme. Praise be to God! May peace be with you and the mercy and blessing of God be upon you. Emir Abu Usman: And now we give word to our brother. First of all, I wish with trembling in my soul, and I pray the Almighty to accept our brother in the circle of the Prophet (pbuh) and that he waits for us in paradise and, God willing, God will judge according to intentions. And the intentions of our brother are sincere. So our brother Seyfullah says a few words. Seyfullah: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds! Peace and blessings be on Muhammad, peace be with you and the mercy and blessing of Allah be upon you. I am a mujahid in the sabotage brigade of Riyad-us-Saliheen under the command of Emir Khamzat and under the command of the supreme Emir Abu Usman. I am preparing for a special operation to carry it out for the sake of God in order to make the word of God supreme on this Earth, and not only in the Caucasus but in the whole world. And so that the infidel, Putin or Medvedev, it makes no difference, so that the infidel, the enemy knows that there are many of us, that after me come other brothers who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of God, to spill their blood to make the word of God supreme. We went out for war for the sake of God, to free our lands from the enemy, from the infidel. And this is my last word. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Peace be with you and the mercy and blessing of God be upon you.—
NOTE: Below is an implicit claim of responsibility from Dokku Umarov for the Domodedovo attacks, which occurred last month. According to the Kavkaz-Jihād Blog, Umarov visited the base of the Riyāḍ us-Ṣāliḥīn Martyrs Brigade and released this video with its amīr named Khamzat and another individual named Sayfullah. Umarov stated he arrived at their base prior to sending Sayfullah on a special task in Russia, most likely referring to the Domodedovo attacks. Here are some key quotes from the below video:
“God willing we will make this year a year [2011] of blood and tears for you [Russia]”
Attacks were a response to “lawlessness” unleashed on the region by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and “his pack of dogs.”
“You better come to your senses and think”
Bombings would go on as long the “crimes committed by the gangs under Putin continued”
IslāmDīn presents a new video message from Amīr Zakarī of the South-West sector of the Caucasus Emirate
UPDATE 2/12 8:33 AM: Here is an English translation of the below video message via the Kavkaz-Jihād Blog (unedited):
“If you’re Muslim, you must understand that winning or losing depends only from Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the Creator of all things, the Mighty, the Wise!” |
A man who believes in Allah, performs Namaz (prayer), but when Allah is testing him to see his sincerity by enemies (1), who began to fight against him, [then] because of his fear, he is ready to submit to the giaours (the infidels). If he sees that the believers prevail, he says: I’m with you believers, I’m with you. What is the position of this man before Allah? Allah said: «And of the people are some who say, “We believe in Allah ,” but when one [of them] is harmed for [the cause of] Allah , they consider the trial of the people as [if it were] the punishment of Allah . But if victory comes from your Lord, they say, “Indeed, We were with you.” Is not Allah most knowing of what is within the breasts of all creatures?» (Surat Al-`Ankabūt : 10)
There is no doubt that fear is experienced by all people. Fear is a feeling that Allah has bestowed upon mankind, so people are afraid of Him alone, and [so they] do not transgress the laws which He established on this earth. However the people also use their fear [as an excuse] before those who have only a temporary authority, before the negligible people who are not afraid of their Lord and who decided to replace His laws, by their laws, and called it the “world order”. For what reasons the laws of Russia are established in our land?! We are fighting against them because they decided that they were “smarter” than the Creator of heaven and earth, because they overthrew his laws, and established defective and fictional laws invented by fools who decided that they could remain unpunished for such acts. They fight against us, saying that they fight against wickedness and to establish order, but Allah said: «And when it is said to them, “Do not cause corruption on the earth,” they say, “We are but reformers.” Unquestionably, it is they who are the corrupters, but they perceive [it] not. And when it is said to them, “Believe as the people have believed,” they say, “Should we believe as the foolish have believed?” Unquestionably, it is they who are the foolish, but they know [it] not.» (Surat Al-Baqarah : 11-13) O Muslims, o our brothers and sisters, o people who consider yourselves as a part of the Ummah of Muhammad, peace be upon him, we are from among you! Here, there are people who are ready to defend you, by their blood! Why do you turn away from the people among you, who have not recognized fear, and who go to die for the sake of truth, to defend the honor of the Islamic Ummah in violent battles with the disbelievers?! Are you not you tired to invent reasons to blame us, only to protect yourselves from the evil of the giaours? How many lives they’ve [already] ruined! What they yet must inflict on you, so that you change your minds? You are wasting irreplaceable moments of this life in empty speeches, watching TV shows and movies. You are afraid of the giaours and you want to protect yourselves and your families from their evil, but they already killed you! Their propaganda has [already] subjugated your hearts! You seek the favors of the disbelievers through (2) the wrath of Allah, and Allah will give you something which you aspire. But is fear will be an excuse to justify yourselves [of your submission to the disbelievers], before Allah on the Day of Jugement? Allah said: «Indeed, those whom the angels take [in death] while wronging themselves – [the angels] will say, “In what [condition] were you?” They will say, “We were oppressed in the land.” The angels will say, “Was not the earth of Allah spacious [enough] for you to emigrate therein?” For those, their refuge is Hell – and evil it is as a destination.» (Surat An-Nisā’ : 97) Yes, we are few, and it is one of the reasons of your fear. The enemies are many and they are everywhere, but if Allah was not on our side, then there would be no Mujahideen – whose aim is to seek His favors. How many times in the Muslim history, numerically small groups of Mujahideen defeated the giaours armies?! If you are Muslim, you must understand that winning or losing depends only from Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the Creator of all things, the Mighty, the Wise! Know that the worldly life is just like a glow, it sparkles like a ring. In contact with the sunlight there is a flash and then it goes out. A glow and then it goes out. It’s very quick, isn’t it? This moment (this life) will pass and we will bear [our deeds] on our shoulders, and only imperishable good deeds will be beneficial before our Lord! So, invoke Allah, by saying:“O Allah, Lord of Jibril, Mika’il, and Israfil, Bringer of the heavens and the earth into being, Knower of the unseen and visible, it is You who judges between Your slaves concerning the things about which they disagree. Guide us to the truth in respect of the things about which there is disagreement by Your permission. You guide whomever You will to a straight path.” A qulu qauli Hada, wa astaghfiru wa Aley wa Lyakum, fa staghfiruhu atubu ileyk, innahu hu al-Ghafur ur-Rahim! Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil ‘alamin!
Translation from IslamDin by the Kavkaz-Jihad blog.
(1) In other words, enemies sent by Allah to test the believers.
(2) In others words, despite His wrath.
NOTE: The South-West sector is considered part of the Kabarda-Balkaria-Karachai province of the Caucasus Emirate. According to the Kavkaz-Jihād Blog the below message asks Muslims to join the Mujāhidīn and to go beyond the ‘fear’ instilled by the infidels through their propaganda.
New video message from the Supreme Qāḍī of the Caucasus Emirate 'Alī Abū Muḥammad al-Dagestanī: "Answering Questions About Muslims"
NOTE: ‘Alī Abū Muḥammad al-Dagestanī was appointed the Supreme Qāḍī of the Caucasus Emirate this past October. Earlier this week he also released a video titled “Clarification About the Distribution of the Spoil of War According to Sharī’ah.” According to the Kavkaz-Jihād Blog, this video answers questions for Muslims about jihād, ṭāghūt, those who help infidels, and those who spread ḥaram.
Statement from the Kavkaz-Jihād Blog announcing the "martyrdom" of the Amīr of the Northern sector of West Dagestan (and of the Khasavyurt Jamā'at), Adam Husseynov aka Hassan
Amir Hassan (ra) on left. May Allah (swt) accept him in Jannah |
Hassan (ra) with Ibragim Ibiev (ra). |
New video message from the Supreme Qāḍī of the Caucasus Emirate 'Alī Abū Muḥammad al-Dagestanī: "Clarification About the Distribution of the Spoil of War According to Sharī'ah"
NOTE: ‘Alī Abū Muḥammad al-Dagestanī was appointed the Supreme Qāḍī of the Caucasus Emirate this past October. According to the Kavkaz-Jihād Blog, this is his first video appearance since then. In December he did released a statement regarding the leadership disputes in the Caucasus Emirate, which boiled to head in October and haven’t really heard much about since.