As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah's Dr. Ayman al-Ẓawāhirī: "Unification of the Word Surrounding the Word of Tawḥīd"

UPDATE 4/10/13 9:48 PM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below video message:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Dr. Ayman al-Ẓawāhirī — “Unification of the Word Surrounding the Word of Tawḥīd” (Ar)



To inquire about a translation for this video message email: [email protected]

New press release from Anṣār ad-Dīn: "About the Circumstances of the French Crusader Campaign Upon the Muslims of Mali"

UPDATE 3/31/13 9:36 AM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic statement:

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Anṣār ad-Dīn — “About the Circumstances of the French Crusader Campaign Upon the Muslims of Mali” (En)


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله رب العالمين ،والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله، وآله وصحبه ومن اتبع هداه، أما بعد

بعد مرور شهرين من الحملة الصليبية، وانتشار أصناف من الدعاية الإعلامية المضللة ،حول ما يجري ممن أحداث في أرض مالي المسلمة، خاصة إقليم ازواد، الذي تدور فيه رحى المعارك البطولية، بين أولياء الله واعدائه،

يسر مكتب الشؤون الإعلامية في جماعة أنصار الدين بعد غياب طويل أملته ظروف الحرب

أن تصدر هذا البيان، تعلق على شيء من مجريات الأحداث، وتبعث فيه ببعض الرسائل، فنقول وبالله التوفيق:

1- : لقد اتضح لكل ذي عينين أن هذه الحملة الصليبية لم تكن كما رَوج لها من أوقدوا نارها، زاعمين أن هدفها الحرب على الإرهاب وحماية حقوق الإنسان، ووقف الخطر الذي يهدد أمن واستقرار المنطقة ،ومن بعدها أوروبا. كلا بل الحقيقة أن هذه الحملة كان لها هدفان رئيسان:
أولهما: منع قيام أي كيان يسعى إلى تحرير الأمة من رق الأنظمة العلمانية الطاغية، ويدعو إلى العيش بحرية تحت ظلال حكم الشريعة الإسلامية.
ثانيهما:حرص فرنسا على بقاء العملاء الخائنين لأمتهم، مهما بلغوا من التجبر والطغيان والتنكيل بشعوبهم، ماداموا جنودامخلصين، يسهرون على استمرار الهيمنة الاستعمارية، القائمة على مسخ العقول، وسرقة الثروات، والتحكم في مصير الأمم
.ولا نعلم نحن في جماعة أنصار الدين ذنبا ارتكبناه،حتى تجيش فرنسا علينا جيوشها، وتؤلب علينا أذنابها، سوى أننا نهضنا لتأسيس مشروع يحفظ مقوماتنا الحضارية، ويصحح مسيرة نضالنا وكفاحنا، الذي استمر أكثر من خمسة عقود، كي نتلافى بذلك كل العوائق التي حالت دون الوصول إلى تحقيق أحلام شعبنا المقهور. وكل العقلاء الشرفاء على وجه الأرض- مسلمهم وكافرهم- متفقون على أن ما نسعى إليه حق مكفول، ومادامت فرنسا يعوزها العقل والشرف الذي تعترف به لنا بهذا الحق، فإننا نعاهد الله على المضي قدما في مقاومة عدوانها علينا، ولن نقيل أو نستقيل حتى يكتب الله لنا ما نؤمل أو نهلك دونه

2- بينت هذه الحملة الصليبية مدى البغض والكراهية التي تحملها فرنسا الصليبية للإسلام وأهله، فمع الساعات الأولى لهذه الحملة، تم استهداف المصلين الآمنين في المساجد، ودُكّ بنيانها فوق رؤوسهم، وانطلقت عمليات الاعتقال التعسفي في بماكوا ،على أساس الانتماء العقائدي والمذهبي، لكل من يعرف عنه مناصرة قضية تحكيم الشريعة، والالتزام بها ظاهرا وباطنا، ولولم يحمل السلاح، هذا بغض النظر عن لونه أو عرقه، ولا تزال تلك الاعتقلات مستمرة في جميع المناطق التي يدخلها الفرنسيون وأذنابهم، وخاصة في تمبكتو وقاوا، حيث صار التدين والالتزام بالشريعة الإسلامية جريمة توجب الاعتقال والقتل

3- أظهرت المسرحيات الإعلامية المخزية، نظرة الاحتقار والازدراء، التي يكنها الاعلام الفرنسي لشعبنا المسلم،حيث صورت للعالم الشعب المسلم في مالي، على انه حفنة من الخمارين والمدخنين والمغنين، المطبلين لدخول المحتل الصليبي، وهي إن دلت على شيء، فإنما تدل على حقيقة النوايا الفرنسية من وراء غزوها لهذه البلاد الإسلامية، وهي حرب الفضيلة وقمع أهلها، ونشر الرذيلة والرفع من شأن المنادين بها، وإن كانوا قلة قليلة في المجتمع. ووسائل الإعلام بفعلتها النكراء تلك، توجه إهانة عظيمة لهذا الشعب المسلم، الذي عرف بإستقامته وبغضه لكل ما هو دخيل على عاداته وثقافته الإسلامية، وعلى كل فرب ضارة نافعة ، فقد أظهرت تلك الصور على ما فيها من اساءة لشعبنا، الأهداف الحقيقية لهذه الحملة، التي جهد القائمون عليها على إلباسها ثوب تحرير الشعوب وصيانة حقوق الإنسان

4- كان لزاما على أمتنا أن تعرف من هم أبناؤها الحقيقيون، وخدامها المخلصون،الساعون في استرجاع عزها ومجدها، العاملون على تحقيق نهضتها على كافة الأصعدة، والحمد لله كانت هذه الاحداث الجسيمة في تاريخ أمتنا امتحانا حقيقيا لكل من رفع الشعارات الرنانة، من قبيل الوطنية والتحرير والكفاح والنضال، تلك الشعارات التي اتضح انها مجرد سراب، ما لم تكن مصحوبة بنية خالصة، لإقامة الدين ،والذب عن مقومات الامة التاريخية والثقافية، ومن المؤسف أن تجد كثيرا ممن يدعي الغيرة على هذه الأمة، قد سارعوا إلى الارتماء في حضن الاحتلال، ورشحوا أنفسهم ليكونوا رأس الحربة في العدوان على إخوانهم، الذين رفضوا التلاقي مع الأعداء في منتصف الطريق، وقد ظهر لكل متابع خطر العمالة وقبح آثارها، فهاهم بعض من كانوا ينادون بالوطنية والتحرر بالأمس، يقومون بدور الشرطي نيابة عن المحتل، ويعتقلون خيار هذه الأمة من العلماء والدعاة إلى الله، ويسلمونهم إلى العدو الصليبي، وينهبون ممتلكات الشعب، ويثيرون النعرات الجاهلية بين مكونات الأمة التي تعايشت قرونا طويلة تجمع بينها أخوة الإسلام، هذا عدا عن إلقاء الرعب في قلوب المستضعفين، وبث الشائعات فيهم، وفرض الحصار على الناس، ومنعهم من الاسترزاق، بحجة منع تمويل الجماعات الارهابية، وهكذا فليكن الكفاح والنضال

5- نبشر أهلنا في مالي وفي ازواد خاصة، أن أبنائكم في جماعة أنصار الدين بخير، وهم ثابتون بحمد الله، وقيادتهم ممثلة في الشيخ أبي الفضل إياد أق أغالي، بخير ولله الحمد ،وهو يقود العمليات العسكرية بنفسه، ضد أحلاف الشر التي جيشتها فرنسا حربا على الإسلام، وقد شفى هو وإخوانه صدور المؤمنين، فأذاقوا الفرنسيين ومرتزقة التشاديين الأهوال، خاصة في المعارك التي دارات في جبال تغرغر، يوم19 و 22 فبراير وما بعدها، ولولا تدخل الفرنسيين بطيرانهم لأرسل الجنود الفرنسيون والتشاديون الى بلدانهم في التوابيت.والحمد لله، رغم الحصار والعزلة الذي تريد فرنسا فرضها علينا فنحن بخير، ونوجه تحية شكر وامتنان لكل من ناصرنا بنفسه وماله ورأيه، فجزاهم الله عنا وعن الإسلام خيرا

6- نكذب وبشدة الأرقام الخيالية التي يدعي الإعلام الفرنسي أنها أعداد القتلى في صفوف المجاهدين، والتي يهدف من ورائها إلى رفع معنويات جنوده المنهارة، ولا يملك دليلا ماديا واحدا على صحتها، بل الحقيقة المرة التي يخفيها الإعلام ،أن الجنود الفرنسيين ومعهم المرتزقة التشاديين، يتلقون ألوانا من العذاب، على ايدي فئة من الشباب المطاردين برا وجوا، وإننا نؤكد من خلال ما رأيناه وشاهدناه من تصرفات الجنود الفرنسيين، أنهم من أجبن خلق الله ، ولا يدخلون معركة إلا ويكاد الرعب يقتلهم، ولولا القصف العشوائي الذي يطال الأشجار والأحجار والمزارع والحيوانات والآبار والعزل من السكان، لولا ذلك لرأيتم جثثهم تتناثر في الصحراء، تقتات منها

Check out my new Foreign Policy piece co-authored with Daveed Gartenstein-Ross: "Uncharitable Organizations"

In 1997, employees of the Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation (AHIF), a Saudi-based charity, were mulling how best to strike a blow against the United States in East Africa. According to the U.S. Treasury Department, one employee indicated that the plan they hatched “would be a suicide bombing carried out by crashing a vehicle into the gate at the Embassy.” A wealthy foundation official from outside the region agreed to fund the operation.
The employees’ plans would go through several iterations, but AHIF would eventually play a role in the ultimate attack. In 1998, simultaneous explosions ripped through the U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya — attacks eventually traced back to al Qaeda operatives. Prior to the bombings, a former director of AHIF’s Tanzanian branch made preparations for the advance party that planned the bombings, and the Comoros Islands branch of the charity was used, according to the Treasury Department, “as a staging area and exfiltration route for the perpetrators.” The ultimate result was deadly: 224 people killed and more than 4,000 wounded.
This was, of course, before the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent crackdown on wealthy Islamist charity organizations such as AHIF, which provided a large portion of the funding that made international terrorism possible. As a monograph produced for the 9/11 Commission noted, prior to 9/11, “al Qaeda was funded, to the tune of approximately $30 million per year, by diversions of money from Islamic charities and the use of well-placed financial facilitators who gathered money from both witting and unwitting donors.”
But despite all the efforts made to shut down such groups, Islamist-leaning international charities and other NGOs are now reemerging as sponsors of jihadi activity. In countries like Tunisia and Syria, they are providing the infusion of funds that have allowed extremist groups to undertake the hard work of providing food, social services, and medical care. Jihadists, meanwhile, have discovered that they can bolster their standing within local communities, thereby increasing support for their violent activities. And governments are struggling to keep up.
Click here to read the rest.

al-Malāḥim Media presents a new statement from al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula's Sharī'ah Committee: "On the Crusader Intervention in Mali"

UPDATE 2/18/13 2:43 PM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic statement:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula’s Sharī’ah Committee — “On the Crusader Intervention in Mali” (En)

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula’s Sharī’ah Committee — “On the Crusader Intervention in Mali”

Minbar at-Tawḥīd wa-l-Jihād presents a two new Fatāwā from Shaykh Abū al-Mundhir al-Shinqīṭī

al-Bayyān Media Foundation presents a new article from Shaykh Jalāl ad-Dīn Abū al-Fatuḥ: "The War on Mali: Between the Motives and the Scandals"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Shaykh Jalāl ad-Dīn Abū al-Fatuḥ — “The War on Mali- Between the Motives and the Scandals”

To inquire about a translation for this article for a fee email: [email protected]

New video message from Dr. Iyād Qanībī: "Mali and the Torch of Freedom"

UPDATE 1/31/13 8:04 AM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic video message:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the Name of Allaah the Most Gracious, Most Merciful
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
Asalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaah.
Ikhwatil Kiraam we would like to in these minutes review some important points in regards to the the World Campaign against the Muslims of Mali, the beginning:
1) Mali is one of the the ancient capitals of Islam, established the Islamic University of Timbuktu about nine hundred years ago, so it thus has one of the oldest universities in the world.
2) Mali lived under the light of Muslim countries for centuries, including the Kingdom of Songhai who was the Sultan of Morocco who had alliance with Elizabeth I of England in Britain to invade in 1591 destroying civilization and enslaved its people and scientists such as Ahmed Baba Altenbkta.
What many do not know that a number of those forcibly enslaved Crusader West in Mali and other African countries were graduates of universities and Muslim scholars, such as the Senegalese Omar bin Said, who died in 1864 AD and who his pictures are still in the American Historical Archive.
4) After that France occupied Mali in the late nineteenth century and exercised heinous crimes, and did not let it only after they planted the agent system to ensure continued control over the financial and plunder its riches. The successive regimes oppression of the Muslim people, especially Tuareg Arabs Almtozein northern Mali and neighboring countries.
5) Then arose liberal movements demanding autonomy and better living conditions. But these movements are not of an Islamic character, making the international communities follow their of inclusion and calling for negotiations with the central government.
These negotiations were always going end with promises from the puppet central government which soon show their falseness.
Then a revival of Islam appeared amongst the Tuareg groups. It became evident and demonstrated its vision and learned that there’s no salvation for the people only by applying the law of Allaah which united the Sons of ethnicity on the same Word, and achieving Justice and freedom from dependence on France and salvation and an end from the corruption and persecution carried out by the puppet central governments, and the Muslims achieved the good in this world and the Hereafter.
7) From amongst these groups Ansar al-Din led by Iyad Ghali -may God protect him-, who had tried diplomacy and action by the consul of the State of Mali, Saudi Arabia, and then he retired from these ways and established Jama’at Ansar al-Din, allying with other Islamic groups; they joined on the will to apply the Sharia and the liberalization of Mali from the dominance of France and their client governments.
The literature of Jama’at Ansar al-Din my brothers is featured on the purity of Aqidah wa Manhaj, balance and wisdom, mercy, and the stability and realistic all attest to the presence of scientists Akaber in this group, and realistic all are a reflection of the big Scholars in this community, and regarding the existence of an integral, civilizational project despite the lack of resources. (subhan Allah).
This is clearly reflected in the interviews with Sand Walid Bu’amama – spokesman for the group, which stipulated that the targets of Ansar al-Din are..
Building the Islamic project and the resumption of Islamic life in the land under our hands in various spheres of life, and focus on the urgent aspects as an area of the religious judiciary, education and advocacy, counseling, and raising generations of Islamic morality, and correct beliefs of Muslims and their businesses, and to protect them from the preachers of Kufr, deceit, establishing security and safety in the urban and rural areas; filling the minimum needs of people’s lives. And the involvement of people in this industry project and convincing them that contribution to this is an composed Ibaadah (worship), which its inevitable for a Muslim to perform, to tolerate and to endure.
9) here my brothers we can begin to understand why the International community deal with such violence and bloodshed, and refused dialogue with Ansar al-Din and its allies. The former British Home Secretary Charles Clarke in his speech on terrorism in the (Heritage Foundation) in Washington on 5/10/2005, said: (What motivates these terrorists is ideas. Liberation movements that have arisen in many parts of the world after World War II, on political ideas such as independence, equality and freedom of expression. such ambitions are negotiable, have been negotiated, many of them already. but what does not assume nor accept negotiation (reiterating his expressions: what can not be negotiated) is restoration of the caliphate. what does not accept negotiation is imposed Sharia. does not accept negotiation is gender inequality (of course these “cosmetic” comments are thrown in every place!). does not accept negotiation is to prevent freedom of expression. these values ​​are the foundations of our civilization is simply non-negotiable” end of quote
10) Completely just like him, French Prime Minister after the start of the current campaign said: (negotiate with? With terrorists settled in northern Mali. Imposing Sharia law … cut off the hands and destroying buildings, considering the human heritage)
(He means shrines that worship other than Allah.)
11) Of course my brothers he hasn’t returned sane, he carefully deceives the international society on “the rights of women”, and it violates their rights in Syria for two years! and “freedom of expression” while Syrian slaughtered with knives! These slogans are chanted by yet we see Muslims in Burma being roasted alive and cut.
12) So, then the issue is simply. That the international community never bear the idea of the application of the Shariah-law anywhere in the world. This idea is not for discussion and negotiation, as it means the appearance of a bright model which humanity so desperately needs and long-suffered human bondage of capitalism and greed … it means nullifying the magic of the media machine/media-god that worked so long to distort the concept of Sharia’.
Our brothers in Ansar Dine (Supporters of the Religion) thus went into an area where safety is spread and Rahmat among people, and Stopping taxes and resource exploitation. and distributed evenly, and kept the people of other religions their rights, and favored the vulnerable over themselves.
The success of this land of Mali is a sample that provides and area for the people; compared to man-made regimes which already failed humanity with many potions of woes and calamities.
14) In the same way the Arab regimes do not bear the success of this model, which will become a beacon and an example for people seeking dignity, and will reveal the falsehood of the rulers, the fatwas of the Wali al Amr and the stage of vulnerability and (Maslaha wal Mafsada) benefit and harm. And there wasn’t a better time than it was now! Hence they’re in spiteful treason and in complicity with France against Ansar-Dine. Wealthy nations of Muslims that wasted funds in foolishness while the Muslims of Mali die and others are starving.
I recently realized their presence on the map, they’ve provided no money to support them, BUT rather to help France to kill them and free them from such hunger! And some of the movements, which tread on the path of democracy like Tunisia who opened its airspace and provided full support to the crusader war as they fight each model that apply Sharia honestly and open the eyes of its people to the Handalah of thier democracy.
15) the international community, who oversaw the domestication of the revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia, Libya, and oversaw the democratic elections because he sees their demands are subject to negotiation, is the same that moves violently and bloodily, refusing to negotiate in Mali as they did before in Afghanistan and Somalia. Therefore, this is the corner to all you want to apply sharia.
16) spokesman for Ansar Din Sand Bu’amamah said: “Ansar al-Din is at the stage of force upon acceptance to negotiate and seek a solution with any other party which has no impact in this land, provided with one condition one does not compromise it and it should not be a stumbling block in the way of arbitration in religion of God, which for Him we carried arms and fought the war. and whatever is besides that, we accept debate in which there is the mercy of people and excuses to God, having mercy on our brothers the Mujahideen newly joining. “Finished his words, may Allaah protect him
17) but the group had commended the mediation by Algeria in the negotiations before they are well aware that Algeria is in the end part of their international system and implementing its policies. But Ansar Dine, were putting every gesture to avoid antagonizing neighboring regimes. But in regards to the international community then ruling by the Deen of Allaah – simply – does not accept negotiation.
18) then war began and Mujaahideen withdrew from cities out of generosity to people because the Crusaders and their helpers are bombing cities randomly as long as the mujahideen where there, and repeated scenes same that we have seen before in Afghanistan, Somalia, Nigeria, Chechnya: Whenever the uniformed troops entered, the city had embraced Mujahideen and the troops infringed on them and people where executed in the streets, honour was violated and Death to them for their support of the mujahideen.
19) but my brothers reviewing the the Black bonded slavery of the West in Mali,

al-Malāḥim Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula: "On the Intervention of France in the War on Mali"

UPDATE 1/25/2013 3:53 PM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic video message:
In the Name of Allah; the Merciful; the Compassionate.
Praise be to Allah; the Lord of all beings & there shall be no aggression save for evildoers.
and peace and blessings be upon our faithful prophet and upon all of his family and companions; then;
The decision taken by the French Government to intervene in the war against Mali doesn’t serve its interests. The government considered solely their view regardless of the view of the French people and their interests.
its former decision of withdrawal from Afghanistan was a rational one; Yet how could it make today such a decision to intervene in this particular region! even though its history among those nations was very bloody; at which point All Muslims are infuriated.
O French people; This aggression; arbitrariness and oppression against mankind shall only bring you bad consequences and woe. There was certainly a lesson for you in your previous aggression; How long did it last? And how did it end?
for how long are you going to abstain from reflecting on your past mistakes?
Stop pulling wool over other’s eyes; claiming that your intervention is for the sole purpose of protecting Mali’s people and helping them; c’est de la poudre aux yeux!
Why did you not interfere in their affliction ages ago?
& Why don’t you protect the Palestinians against the brute aggression of Israel?
& then if you’re truthful why don’t you intervene to protect the people of Iraq and Syria; and other oppressed nations?
hence it’s only sensible that this aggression is a Crusade against the Muslims’ countries and nations. that is not unexpected; not long ago you commit aggression against the veil of the Muslim women & today you aggress against governing under Sharia laws. you respected neither your invalid laws within the bound of your lands nor your unjust treaties with others, Where’s the Democracy you keep ranting about?
We in Al-Qa’ida Organization in the Arabian Peninsula counsel the French people and their government; to retract this aggression & to pay attention to their deteriorating economic conditions and internal problems; you’ve enough trouble; do not ask for more. there’s a lesson for you in what have become of the Americans, ask them; for none could inform you of their fate like them who are aware of it. the Americans having tasted blood in Iraq & Afghanistan realised that they bit off more than what they can chew. Think this over rationally if you wish to save yourselves. The Muslims are all but one body and one nation; certainly they couldn’t see their brothers in religion suffer from flagrant aggression and brute oppression and do not rush to their aid. as of today; the Mujahideen’s strength differs from how it used to be; their armies multiplied; their brigades spread out; and they are all but one hand against whoever aggress against them.
Allah the Almighty says: “وَلَمَنِ انتَصَرَ بَعْدَ ظُلْمِهِ فَأُولَـٰئِكَ مَا عَلَيْهِم مِّن سَبِيلٍ”
“There is no blame against him who avenges himself after he has been wronged.”
all honour belongs to Allah, and to His Messenger, and to the believers.
Al-Qa’ida Organization in Arabian Peninsula



New statement from Jamā'at Anṣār al-Muslimīn Fi Bilād al-Sūdān's Abū Yūsuf al-Anṣārī: "Claiming Credit for Targeting Nigerian Soldiers Heading to Mali"

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمدلله ناصر المستضعفين، والصلاة والسلام على رسوله الأمين، أما بعد:

يسعدنا نحن جماعة أنصار المسلمين في بلاد السودان أن نبلغ العامة، خصوصا أولئك الذين في أفريقيا السوداء، أنه في اليوم 19 يناير 2013 عند السادسة صباحا، في ساحة إتاب في مقاطعة إيكهي في ولاية كوغي في نيجريا، بعون وتوفيق من الله، نفذنا بنجاح أول محاولة الهجوم على قوات الجيش النيجيري التي تهدف إلى تدمير الدولة الإسلامية في المالي.

نحن مستعدون وننتظر أقل محاولة للجيش النيجيري، للتحرك نحو دولة مالي الإسلامية.

إننا نحذر الدولة الأفريقية بأن تترك جهودها لمساعدة الدول الغربية في القتال ضد الإسلام والمسلمين، فإذا لم يفعلوا ذلك فنؤكد لهم، وخصوصا الحكومة النيجيرية، بأن يكونوا جاهزين وعلى أتم إستعداد لمواجهة الصعاب من جماعة أنصار المسلمين في بلاد السودان في أي مكان وزمان، ونسأل الله أن ينصرنا ويستجيب لدعواتنا.

أبو أسامة الأنصاري



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