The Global Islamic Media Front presents a new video message from Abū Talḥah al-'Almānī (Deso Dogg): "al-Raḥmah: And the Da'wah Will Continue in al-Shām"

About the Rahma Video Series
Accompany Abu Talha Al-Almani on his way through Bilad Ash-Sham (Syria), although it’s only a usual day, as he lives together with the people of this land and gets to know different cultures and traditions. Gain insight into the life of the people in Sham, be they refugees, the general public, or the Muhajireen who came to this land in order to help and support the people and do Da’wah to invite the people to Islam and its correct understanding. All of this is in order to unite the Muslims and bring them together in their lost love, brotherhood and Rahmah for each other, in order to pour it back into their hearts. Through this, they will be united and strong and open their hearts to each other for truth and leave behind falsehood, whether they are the general public or do not even know how to write or read.
This project is an invitation to all Muslims to help and support their brothers and sisters in Sham. The goal is to demonstrate the audience a correct and real picture so that they can learn how it is possible to offer support, whether with simple means or on a large scale, and to show what help is needed, whether financial or on-the-ground building up schools and hospitals, devising educational or economic systems, or even in areas and works like waste treatment, street-cleaning, and important jobs like mechanics, plumbings, and masonry.
This is exactly what Rahmah wants to show to remove the distorted picture which has been made up by the mainstream media and to let people know that Jihad and the Mujahedeen are to be welcomed as they are not aiming to destroy. They are there only to construct and build up a state which rules according justice and truth, where the rights of the people are fulfilled, and their blood, honor and belongings are protected. They are merely there for protection of the people and the Islamic state.
This and more weekly – Allah willing – on Rahmah together with the mujahid brother, Abu Talha Al-Almani (hafidhahullah)
In Part 1 of the Series:
The Da’wah started in Germany, now it shall be continued here، in the Sham. In this part of the series Abu Talha Al-Almani is explaining about the circumstances which are being met in Sham and about the project Rahmah. Part of the circumstances here in Sham is the lack of electricity, so that in many regions generators are producing the needed electricity. Be there when the Da’wah shall be officially started, when Abu Talha will run the new generator and get an insight of what will follow up in the next parts of series and is awaiting you.


New statement from Millat Ibrāhīm: "Regarding the Leader Brother Abū Talḥah al-'Almānī (Deso Dogg)"


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله وحده والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن والاه

أما بعد،

قامت بعض الصفحات على الشبكة العنكبوتية بنشر خبر مفاده أن اﻷخ أبا طلحة االألماني قد استشهد في غارة جوية على موقع للجيش الحر..

لذا فإننا تؤكد على الحقائق التالية:

أوﻻ: إن أخانا الحبيب أبو طلحة الألماني ( مغني الراب السابق Deso Dogg) من قادة جماعة ملة إبراهيم ولم ينضم للجيش الحر في يوم من الأيام، وإنما يقاتل جنبا إلى جنب مع إخوانه المجاهدين في سبيل الله.

ثانيا: ﻻ صحة للأخبار التي تحدثت عن مقتل أخينا وننصخ الجميع بالتبين قبل نشر أي خبر.

ثالثا: ما حدث هو تعرض بيت أحد الأخوة اﻷنصار والذي كان يؤوي فيه بعض المهاجرين إلى قصف عنيف بطائرة حربية واخرى مروحية،
نتج عنه اصابة اﻷخ أبو طلحة الألماني وبعض اﻷخوة اﻵخرين ومقتل عدد من أطفال المسلمين ، نسأل الله أن يتغمدهم برحمته.

نسأل الله أن يشفي أخانا وجميع إخواننا المصابين وأن يعوض إخواننا اﻷنصار خيرا مما فقدوه
وأن يفك أسر إخواننا ومشايخنا المأسورين

والحمد لله رب العالمين

إخوانكم في

جماعة ملة إبراهيم
الإثنين 3 ذو القعدة 1434 هـ

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim
Alles Lob gebührt Allah und der Segen und Frieden seien auf dem Siegel aller Propheten sowie auf seine Familie und Gefنhrten
Um fortzufahren
Einige Internetseiten haben die Nachricht verbreitet, dass unser Bruder und Mujahid Abu Talha Al-Almani bei einem Luftangriff auf einer Stellung der freien Syrischen Armee (FSA) getِtet wurde.
Dazu mِchten wir folgende unterstreichen:
Erstens: Unser geliebter Bruder Abu Talha Al-Almani (Ex-Gangster Rapper Deso Dogg) ist einer der Anfuehrer der Gruppe von Millatu Ibrahim und hat sich kein Tag der freien syrischen Armee (FSA) angeschlossen. Vielmehr kنmpft er Seite an Seite mit den Mujahidin auf Allahs Weg.
Zweitens: Die Nachrichten ueber die Tِtung des Bruders sind unwahr und wir raten allen sich bei jedem Geruecht zu vergewissern.
Drittens: Was geschehen war, ist dass ein Haus eines Ansari, der Muhajirin bei sich aufgenommen hatte, von einem Kampfjet und ein Helikopter angegriffen wurde. Dies fuehrte dazu, dass einige Brueder verletzt wurden, darunter unser geehrte Bruder Abu Talha Al-Almani sowie der Tِtung von mehreren Kindern. Wir bitten Allah, dass Er mit ihnen barmherzig ist. Ebenso bitten wir Allah, dass Er unseren Bruder und all unseren verletzten Bruedern heilt, unsere Brueder die Ansar besseres erstzt und unsere Gefangenen befreit.
Und unser letztes Bittgebet lautet
Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alamin

Eure Brueder von

Millatu Ibrahim

الإثنين 3 ذو القعدة 1434 هـ
المصدر : (مركز صدى الجهاد للإعلام)
الجبهة الإعلامية الإسلامية العالمية
رَصدٌ لأخبَار المُجَاهدِين وَ تَحرِيضٌ للمُؤمِنين

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

The Global Islamic Media Front presents a new article from Millat Ibrāhīm's Abū Usāmah al-Gharīb: "Denial of What Was [Allegedly] Published From My Tongue About Rotten Democracy"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Abū Usāmah al-Gharīb — “Denial of What Was [Allegedly] Published From My Tongue About Rotten Democracy”

To inquire about a translation for this article for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "Remarks Regarding Decision By Germany To Prolong Occupation"

We strongly condemn the decision made by the German defense minister who announced that it will keep a number of its troops for an extended period of time in Afghanistan to prolong its occupation as well as the killing and oppression of the persecuted Afghan nation.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan wants to clarify to Germany and to its people that the Afghan nation will never accept the military presence of their occupying troops and they will not be spared from attacks of the Mujahideen in the upcoming year. We counsel the German people to prevent their government from helping America in occupying Afghanistan and oppressing the Afghan nation and to avoid prolonging the persecution of the Afghan people for the benefit and interests of America.
This futile war was America’s war of fancy which regretfully also drew in other nations and senselessly spilt the blood of the Afghans. If Germany wants to continue its hard headedness and irrational policy then the Islamic Emirate will take a harsh stand against it by targeting it with special tactical and Jihadi operations which will force them to regret their illogical decision.
The Afghans have historically had good relations with Germany and have behaved with them valiantly however disappointingly, the German government is talking about prolonging the invasion of our country and has forgotten everything.


Spokesman of Islamic Emirate

Zabihullah Mujahid


30/01/1392         19/04/2013


The Global Islamic Media Front presents a new article from Millat Ibrāhīm's Abū Usāmah al-Gharīb: "Nothing Has Changed! Commenting on the Outcome of the U.S. Election"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Abū Usāmah al-Gharīb — “Nothing Has Changed! Commenting on the Outcome of the U.S. Election”

To inquire about a translation for this article for a fee email: [email protected]