Source: Telegram
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Source: Telegram
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
Source: Telegram
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
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October 4, 2019:
Probe into police HQ knife rampage handed to French anti-terrorist prosecutor
French anti-terror prosecutor takes on investigation in Paris attack – Reuters
Tuerie à la préfecture de police: pourquoi la piste terroriste est privilégiée – Le Parisien
October 5, 2019:
Paris police attacker a radicalised Islamist, says French prosecutor – The Guardian
Paris Police Employee Sent Religious Texts Before Attack – WSJ
In Paris Knife Attack, Police Ask How They Missed a Killer in Their Midst – The New York Times
October 6, 2019:
Paris police attacker adhered to ‘radical strain of Islam’ – The Local
October 7, 2019:
Source: Telegram
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For an archive of other Attack and Plot Dossiers click here.
May 24, 2019:
Explosion à Lyon – un suspect toujours recherché, une enquête ouverte
May 25, 2019:
French police hunt suspect after Lyon bomb ‘attack’ – The Local
Explosion à Lyon – le suspect toujours en fuite, un ADN retrouvé – Le Parisien
French police search for man who left bomb in Lyon – Reuters
May 26, 2019:
Lyon: Polizei findet DNA-Spur auf Sprengsatz – SPIEGEL ONLINE
May 27, 2019:
France arrests four over Lyon blast – Reuters
Frankreich: Weitere Festnahmen nach Bombenexplosion in Lyon – ZEIT ONLINE
Colis piégé à Lyon – le suspect, ses parents et son frère en garde à vue – Le Parisien
Colis piégé à Lyon – comment la police est remontée jusqu’à Hichem M. – L’Express
May 28, 2019:
Lyon – des composants de l’explosif retrouvés chez le suspect – Le Point
Lyon – des composants de l’explosif retrouvés chez le suspect
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Shaykh Abū Muḥammad al-Maqdisī — Question- ‘Show Solidarity With The Christians With The Coming Down Of The Notre Dame?’
To inquire about a translation for this release for a fee email: [email protected]
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Abū Qatādah al-Filisṭīnī — Memories of the Muslims With the Church of Notre Dame
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]
Source: Telegram
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]
For an archive of other Attack and Plot Dossiers click here.
December 11:
Fusillade à Strasbourg – le tireur activement recherché, la ville quadrillée
At least 2 dead in shooting in Strasbourg, France – The Boston Globe
Gunman kills three people in French Christmas market, flees – Reuters
December 12:
« J’étais face à lui » – Audrey a croisé la route du tireur qui a fait 3 morts à Strasbourg
Straßburg-Anschlag- Chérif C. war bereits in drei Ländern inhaftiert – SPIEGEL ONLINE
Fusillade de Strasbourg- l’inquiétant profil de Chérif C. – L’Express
Attentat de Strasbourg- ce que l’on sait jusqu’ici
Attaque de Strasbourg: l’assaillant, 29 ans, 27 condamnations
Chérif Chekatt: who is the Strasbourg shooting suspect – The Guardian
December 13:
Straßburg nach Terroranschlag: Zahl der Todesopfer steigt auf drei – STERN.de
Attaque à Strasbourg – 700 hommes pour traquer l’assaillant
Strasbourg shooting: French and German police hunt gunman – The Guardian
Attentat de Strasbourg – la bascule terroriste de Cherif Chekatt, délinquant endurci – Le Parisien
Nach Anschlag: Bericht: Chérif Chekatt war in seiner Wohnung und floh – FOCUS Online
Debatte über Gefährderdatei: Dort ein Islamist, hier ein Krimineller – tagesschau.de
Main suspect in Strasbourg attack killed in gun battle with police: officials – Reuters
Attentat de Strasbourg – Cherif Chekatt a été abattu par la police
Attentat de Strasbourg – Chérif Chekatt a été abattu par la police après 48 heures de cavale
December 14:
Source: Telegram
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