at-Taḥadī al-Islāmīyyah Forum presents: "Answers from the Open Meeting with Shaykh Abū Basīr al-Ṭarṭūsī"

NOTE: On March 3, at-Taḥadī al-Islāmīyyah Forum announced they were having an open meeting for its members with Shaykh Abū Basīr al-Ṭarṭūsī and they should send in their questions. Below are al-Ṭarṭūsī’s answers to these questions.

at-Taḥadī al-Islāmīyyah Forum presents- “Answers from the Open Meeting with Shaykh Abū Basīr al-Ṭarṭūsī”
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at-Taḥadī al-Islāmīyyah Forum announces an open meeting for its members with Shaykh Abū Basīr al-Ṭarṭūsī

يتم اسقبال الأسئلة من الآن وحتى الساعة الثانية عشر من مساء يوم الإثنين 2 ربيع الثاني هـ الموافق 2011/3/7م بالموضوع المخصص في شبكة التحدي فقط لأن الشيخ سجيب عن الأسئلة فيها مباشرة ابتداءً من منتصف ليل الجمعة 29 ربيع الأول الموافق 2011/3/4 م.
برجاء نشر الإعلان
لا تنسونا من صالح دعائكم
إخوانكم في
شبكة التحدي الإسلامية

ash-Shamūkh al-Islāmīyyah Arabic Forum has privatized its content

NOTE: I first mentioned this on Twitter about a day ago. It is interesting in light of the alleged “revitalization” of the at-Taḥadī al-Islāmīyyah Forum, which came back online in the past week privatized — as originally reported by Aaron Weisburd at the Internet Haganah. I wonder if at-Taḥadī’s decision to do that nudged ash-Shamūkh to change its policy as well. It will be interesting to see if any other fora decide to follow suit. Another chapter in the continual evolution of the online jihād.

Click the following link to see: ash-Shamūkh al-Islāmīyyah Arabic Forum Front Page