As-Saḥāb releases new video statement from American Adam Gadahan: "Legitimate Demands [2] Barack’s Dilemma"

NOTE: Adam Yaḥyā Ghadan (“Azzām al-Amrīki”) was born as Adam Pearlman in California. He converted to Sunni Islam in 1995. He has been a senior operative for al-Qā’idah since 2004 and is currently in control of the As-Saḥāb (“The Clouds”) Foundation for Islamic Media Publication. A transcript of Ghadan’s message to Obama is below.

As-Saḥāb releases new video statement from American Adam Gadahan- “Legitimate Demands [2] Barack’s Dilemma”
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As-Saḥāb released a new video of Abū Yaḥyā al-Lībī mourning the death of the Islamic State of Iraq's former senior leaders: "Blood of our Commanders, Fuel of our Battle"

NOTE: As-Saḥāb (“The Clouds”) Foundation for Islamic Media Publication released a new video of Abū Yaḥyā al-Lībī mourning the death of the Islamic State of Iraq’s former senior leaders: “Blood of our Commanders, Fuel of our Battle.” Abū Yaḥyā al-Lībī is considered one of the top leaders within the al-Qā’idah organization (AQSL). He has also been touted as a possible replacement to ‘Usāmah Bin Lāden. Al-Lībī started to gain notoriety and respect within thejihādī community after he broke out of the Bagram Airbase prison facility in 2005. It was also reported this past December that a drone killed al-Lībī, but it ended up being Ṣāleḥ al-Ṣūmālī instead.

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As-Saḥāb releases video message by Usāmah Bin Lāden addressed to the American people

NOTE: As-Saḥāb (“The Clouds”) Foundation for Islamic Media Publication officially released a video message of Usāmah Bin Lāden speaking to the American people. It was first aired on al-Jazeera TV back in March. The main highlights of the video include:

“My message is about the captives that you have taken from us. Your friend in the White House [President Barack Obama] has been following the footsteps of his predecessor [President George W. Bush] in many important issues, such as escalating the war in Afghanistan and unjustly treating our people that you took as captives.”
Bin Laden threatened to murder anyone they captured if the United States kills Khāled Shaykh Moḥammed.