Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Ḥikmah Media — Heinous Aggression on the Fasting-Muslim Prisoners in Bangladesh- A Call For the Muslims To Rise-up
Source: Telegram
Category: Anṣār al-Islām Bangladesh
New statement from Anṣār al-Islām Bangladesh: "A Call to the Islamic Nation"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Anṣār al-Islām Bangladesh: “A Call to the Islamic Nation”
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]
New statement from Anṣār al-Islām Bangladesh: "A Jihād Not Conducted In Accordance To The Sharī'ah, Will Only Reap Strife and Turmoil"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Anṣār al-Islām Bangladesh — “A Jihād Not Conducted In Accordance To The Sharī’ah, Will Only Reap Strife and Turmoil”
New statement from Anṣār al-Islām Bangladesh: "Regarding the Assassination of Xulhaz Mannan and Samir Mahbub Tonoy"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Anṣār al-Islām Bangladesh — “Regarding the Assassination of Xulhaz Mannan and Samir Mahbub Tonoy”
New video message from Anṣār al-Islām Bangladesh: "The Assassination of Xhlhaz and Tonoy: An Operation of al-Qā’idah in Bangladesh"
[Posted for historical purposes of when it was released]
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
New statement from Anṣār al-Islām Bangladesh: "Claiming Responsibility for the Killing of Xulhaz Mannan and Samir Mahbub Tonoy"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Anṣār al-Islām Bangladesh — “Claiming Responsibility for the Killing of Xulhaz Mannan and Samir Mahbub Tonoy”
New statement from Anṣār al-Islām Bangladesh: "Claim Regarding the Assassination of the Blasphemer 'Nazim al-Dīn Samad'"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Anṣār al-Islām Bangladesh — “Claim Regarding the Assassination of the Blasphemer ‘Nazim al-Dīn Samad'”
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]
Jihadology Podcast: Islamist Militancy in Bangladesh: Then & Now
C. Christine Fair comes on the show to talk about Islamism in Bangladesh. Some of the topics covered include:
- History of Islamism in Bangladesh and its intersection with mainstream politics
- The role of Bangladeshi Islamists with Rohingya refugees
- History of al-Qaeda’s involvement in Bangladesh and its newest enterprise through Ansar al-Islam
- What we know about recent Islamic State attacks in Bangladesh
- Fighting to the End: The Pakistan Army’s Way of War
- Think Again: Islamism and Militancy in Bangladesh by C. Christine Fair and Seth Oldmixon | The National Interest
- C. Christine Fair, Author at War on the Rocks
- Christine Fair (@CChristineFair) | Twitter
- Christine Fair – Georgetown University
This episode also features an updated #SocialMedia segment, covering postings from November 2-10.
Thanks to Haakon Jahr and Raihan Kadir for supporting the show. You can support the podcast by making a small donation on Patreon!
The podcast is produced by Karl Morand. If you have feedback you can email [email protected], or find us on Twitter: @JihadPod.
You can subscribe to the show in iTunes, Stitcher, or with our RSS feed.
Download this episode (25MB mp3)
New statement from Anṣār al-Islām Bangladesh: "Claim Regarding Asaults on Aḥmad al-Rashīd Tutul and Fayṣal Arefin Dipon"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Anṣār al-Islām Bangladesh — “Claim Regarding Asaults on Aḥmad al-Rashīd Tutul and Fayṣal Arefin Dipon”
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]
New statement from Anṣār al-Islām Bangladesh: "Adoption of the Operation Against the Curser of the Prophet in Bangladesh (Niloy Neel Chatterjee)"
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يُؤْذُونَ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ لَعَنَهُمُ اللَّهُ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالآخِرَةِ وَأَعَدَّ لَهُمْ عَذَابًا مُّهِينًا
الأحزاب 57
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وبعد …
قام المجاهدين من أنصار الإسلام (قاعدة الجهاد في شبه القارة الهندية, فرع بنغلاديش) بتنفيذ عملية اغتيال عدو الله و رسوله المدعو «نيلوي تشاترجي نيل»
وبفضل الله تم تنفيذ العملية اليوم 22 شوال 1436 / 7 اغسطس 2015 الساعة 1.45 في كهل غاو, ولله الحمد
إننا، قاعدة الجهاد في شبه القارة الهندية, نتبنى هذه العملية ضمن ثأرا لرسول الله
واننا نعلن حربا على هؤلاء- الذين هم من اشد اعداء الله و رسوله و سنبذل جهدنا حتى يتم تدميرهم وتدمير حلفاءهم إن شاء الله
الحمد لله! فقد شفت هذه العملية صدور المسلمين و العلماء في هذه البلاد. فقلوب المنافقين والكافرين تشتعل غيظا
فيا امة الاسلام! نؤكد ان طالما تجري الدماء في عروق ابنائكم, فاعداء الله و رسوله، مثل هؤلاء، سيتم استهدافهم من قبلنا باذن الله
يا اعداء الله و رسوله, انتظرونا! فإنا قادمون
وإذا كانت حرية أقوالكم لا ضابط لها فلتتسع صدوركم لحرية أفعالنا
إننا لا ننسى، ولن ننسى الآخرين ان شاء الله…
المفتي عبدالله اشرف
المتحدث الرسمي, انصار الاسلام
قاعدة الجهاد في شبه القارة الهندية , فرع بنغلاديش
لا تنسونا من صالح دعائكم
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الجبهة الإعلامية الإسلامية العالمية
Global Islamic Media Front
رَصدٌ لأَخبَار المُجاهِدين وَ تَحريضٌ للمُؤمِنين
Observing the Mujahideen News and Inciting the Believers
To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]