New statement from Minbar at-Tawḥīd wa'l-Jihād: "Adoption of Correspondents in Both of the Networks: Shamūkh al-Islām Forum and Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn Forum"

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

يعلن منبر التوحيد والجهاد اعتماد مراسل له في عدد من الشبكات الإسلامية الجهادية المباركة .

وذلك بغية نشر المواد الجديدة وكذا آخر أخبار المنبر ، وستقتصر إعلانات مراسل المنبر على النشر في كل من :

شبـكة شمــــوخ الإســــلام
شبـكة أنصـار المجاهدين

ولمن يرغب بالتواصل مع إدارة منبر التوحيد والجهاد فيمكنه ذلك مباشرة من خلال نافذة اتصل بنا في موقع المنبر.

نسأل الله أن ينصر عباده المجاهدين وأن يمكن لهم تحكيم شرع رب العالمين

ولا تنسونا من صالح دعائكم

إخوانـــــــكم في
منبر التوحيد والجهاد



New joint statement issued by the Forums and the Online Media Jihād Outlets: "To Our People in Libya"

NOTE: The six signatories are Shmūkh al-Islāmīyyah Forum, Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn Arabic Forum, at-Taḥadī al-Islāmīyyah Forum, Mirkaz al-Yafīn al-I’alāmī, Ghorfah Minbar al-Anṣār, and al-Ma’sadat Media Foundation.

New statement issued by the Forums and the Online Media Jihād Outlets- “To Our People in Libya”

Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn Arabic Forum is back online after being down for three weeks

NOTE: Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn Arabic Forum went down on February 15. Below is their message announcing that they are back online.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمدلله حمدآ حمدا والشكر لله شكرآ شكرا
هنا نبارك ونهنئ إدارة شبكتنا الحبيبة أنصار المجاهدين بعودة الشبكة للعمل
سائلين الله عز وجل أن يحفظها والقائمين عليها من كل سوء

al-Fajr Media releases issue one of a new women's magazine: "al-Shāmikhah"

UPDATE 4/1 9:39 AM: Here is an English translation of an interview in the below magazine:
Click here for a safe PDF copy: Interview with a Mujāhid Widow Umm Muhannad, Issue #1 al-Shāmikhah

UPDATE 3/5 11:51 AM: For more details on the poetess al-Khansā’ see Christopher Anzalone’s comments below. Also, he highlighted Yusūf al ‘Uyayrī’s, first operational leader of AQAP, killed in June 2003 in Saudi Arabia, book the Role of Women in Fighting the Enemies, which I should have remembered, but it lapsed my mind. Click here for an English translation of it.

NOTE: The below magazines name al-Shāmikhah means majestic. As Alix Levine notes in her new blog, which I highly suggest you check out: “The magazine discusses everything a woman needs to know about first aid, skin care, jewelry … AND of course, how to participate in Jihad.”
In the past, there has also been two other famous global jihadist women’s magazines released. In 2004, the al-Qā’idah branch in Saudi Arabia released al-Khansā’, which means gazelle or short-nosed. The name al-Khansā’ most likely was derived from the famous female Arabic poet from the Najd in the seventh century during the time of the Muslim prophet Muḥammad. Later, in February 2010 another women’s magazine was released called Ḥafīdāt al-Khansā’ (granddaughters of al-Khansā’). This publication only lasted two issues.
Global jihadists reaching out to women is nothing new, though. This is just another step in normalizing their position within the overall movement. The most vivid example recently was when Ayman Ẓawāhirī’s wife Umaymah Ẓawāhirī published a “Letter to My Muslim Sisters,” which you can read more about at Jihadica.
Also, back in October, Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn Arabic Forum, which has been down the past month or so, created a new women’s section. Further other global jihadist forums including the newly opened al-Jahād and the French language forum Anṣār al-Ḥaqq, among others, have women’s sections. Additionally, the popular Western jihādī media website Salafī Media has a whole section of the site dedicated to articles on women.
One cannot also forget that women suicide bombers have played a large role in the Caucasus jihād. Most recently, Maria Khorosheva conducted a suicide attack against the ‘OVD’ police station in Gubden, Dagestan. Further, within the global jihadist movement there have been reports of female suicide bombers also in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
Lastly, the importance and role given to certain women in the Qur’ān and early Muslim history cannot be underestimated as well.

Click here for a safe PDF copy: Issue # 1 of al-Shāmikhah

Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn Arabic Forum posts a copy of Abū Muṣ'ab al-Sūrī's booklet: "Responsibility to the People of Yemen to the Sanctities of Muslims and their Wealth"

NOTE: Muṣṭafā Setmariam Naṣar (Abū Muṣ’ab al-Sūrī) is considered “the most articulate exponent of the modern jihād and its most sophisticated strategies.” He is most famous for his 1600-page book The Global Islamic Resistance Call(Da’wat al-Muqāwamah al-Islāmīyyah al-’Alāmīyyah) which appeared on the Internet in late 2004. He was captured in the Pakistani city of Quetta in late October 2005 and it has been speculated that he was one of the prisoners held at the US ghost prisons. It is believed he was renditioned and currently in a Syrian prison.

Click here for a safe PDF copy: Abū Muṣ’ab al-Sūrī’s — “Responsibility to the People of Yemen To the sanctities of Muslims and their wealth”