New statement from al-Qā’idah’s General Command: “Regarding the Succession to Usāmah Bin Lāden In the Emirate of the Qā’idat al-Jihād Group”

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah’s General Command — Regarding the Succession to Usāmah Bin Lāden In the Emirate of the Qā’idat al-Jihād Group


To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah: "For Incitement and Publishing: You Are Held Responsible Only for Yourself, Parts 1 and 2"

UPDATE 1/5/14 7:12 PM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic video message and transcription (with updates from events since the original video was released in June 2011):
Part 1:

Part 2:


UPDATE 6/4/11 9:12 AM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below video message:

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah — “For Incitement and Publishing- You Are Held Responsible Only for Yourself, Parts 1 & 2”

Part 1:
[wpvideo 8oA7N51h]
Part 2:
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As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from Ayman aẓ-Ẓawāhirī: “Sixth Installment of a Message of Hope and Glad Tidings to Our People in Egypt”

UPDATE 5/27 8:41 AM: Click here for an English translation of the below Arabic audiovisual message.

UPDATE 5/23 7:41 PM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below video audiovisual message:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Ayman aẓ-Ẓawāhirī — “Sixth Installment of a Message of Hope and Glad Tidings to Our People in Egypt” (Ar)

NOTE: For previous installments see: FifthFourthThirdSecondFirst.

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As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from Usāmah Bin Lāden: "To the Muslim Ummah"

UPDATE 6/4: 5:57 PM: Here is an Urdu translation of the below Arabic audiovisual message:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Usāmah Bin Lāden — “To the Muslim Ummah” (Urdu)

UPDATE 5/27 8:34 AM: Here is a German translation of the below Arabic audiovisual message:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Usāmah Bin Lāden — “To the Muslim Ummah” (German)

UPDATE 5/19 5:31 PM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic video message:
All Praise is due to Alláh, We praise Him and we seek help from Him. We ask forgiveness from Him. We repent to Him; and we seek refuge in Him from our own evils and the consequences of our bad deeds. Anyone who is guided by Alláh, he is indeed guided; and anyone who has been left astray, will find no one to guide him. I bear witness that there is no god but Alláh, the Only One without any partner; and I bear witness that Muhammad, sws, is His servant, and His messenger. To what proceeds,
My muslim Ummah , we were observing with you these great historical events, and we share with you happiness and joy. We get happy with your happiness and sad with your sadness. Congratulation to you on these victories and may Allah have mercy upon your martyrdom and heal your wounded and free the prisoners.
Days of Glory for Islam came, and the leader disappeared from Arab lands
They lived upon thrones until we received the news heralding joy
The Muslim ummah was always awaiting the victory to be rising from the eastern horizon, but the surprise was that the sun of the revolution rose from the Maghrib, the west. The light of the revolution sparked in Tunisia, and the nation felt the relief, the faces of the people got brightened, and the throats of the rulers got coarser, and the Jews got terrified because the coming of the promised day,
With the overthrow of the tyrant, the definitions of fear, humiliation, and surrender have fallen as well. The new meanings of freedom, pride, audacity, and courage have risen. The winds of change came, in a will of liberation. And Tunisia took the first credit fast as like the strike of lightning. The knights of Kennana took the torch from the freemen of Tunisia to Tahrir Squares . So a great revolution started, and what a great revolution! A revolution that will change the whole of Egypt and the whole Ummah if it holds onto the rope of Allah.
And this revolution, wasn’t a revolution of food or clothing but a revolution of pride and audacity, a revolution of take and give, a revolution that lighted the capital of the Nile and its towns from its lower to its higher so that the youth of Islam saw their gloriousness, and their soul craved the era of their forefathers. So they brought torches in the Tahrir square in Cairo to crush the corrupted system. They stood in front of the face of fraud and they raised their fists against it. And they didn’t fear its army. They made a commitment and full filled their promise. The high-minded are steadfast, the helpers are helping and the revolution is still continuous.
“So, to these free revolutionaries in all the countries: hold fast to your initiative and beware of negotiations, because there is no middle road between the people of truth and the people of falsehood. There is no way,”
And remember that Allah has granted you with days where the greatness is coming later. You are their knights and leaders and in your hand you have its bridles. The Ummah had saved you to this very gravely missed events. So continue the march and don’t fear the hardship. The marcher started his objective and in determination the freeman had crawled. And if a freeman starts his march, he doesn’t get tired nor stop. The freeman doesn’t stop until his chanted aims are satisfied biidni Allah Ta3alaa. Your revolution is a precious one and it is the only hope for the sorrowfull and the wounded.
You have relieved the sorrow upon our ummah may Allah relieve yours. And you accomplished many great hopes , May Allah accomplish your hopes. Poetry…
Oh children of this Muslim Ummah, There is a serious crossroads before you, and a great and rare historic opportunity to rise with the Ummah and to free yourselves from servitude to the desires of the rulers, man-made law, and Western dominance. It is from the greatest sin and the biggest igronance to lose this opportunity that our Ummah has waited for for decades. Take advantages of it and destroy the status and the idols. And establish justice and faith. And from this place remind the truthful that establishing council for opinion and advice to Muslim population in the major important dialogue is obligatory under Shari3a. and add to some jealouss of this deen who had mentioned how it is important to take off those oppressive system and they have great trust among the ummah, they need to start the projects as soon as possible and advertise it away from the dominance of the opprresive leaders and set up an operations room that follows up events and works in parallel so they can accomplish the ummah ‘s need with taking benefit of the proposals of Muslims thinkers and also using a qualified research center, and the people of knowledge to save the people that are struggling to bring down their tyrants where their children are killed, and to advise the population that falled the tyrant rulers and some of his pillars to follow the right steps to protect the revolution and accomplish their objectives and also in working with other nations who their revolution didn’t start yet to prepare for the zero hour and what to plan before it. Getting emotional feelings can make you lose the opportunity and starting before time is ready can cause a lot of casualties.
I think that the winds of change will blow over the entire Muslim world, with permission from Allah. It is important for the youth to prepare of this matter what it needs, and that they shouldn’t take in decision before they take advice from the people of sincerity who are away from halfway resolutions and who aren’t kissing the behinds of the oppressors. Poetry “ It was said” the opinion before the courage of the bravery is first and then second.”
My muslim Ummah, you have witnessed throughout the decades many revolutions that people were happy with but sooner they tasted its sourness. So the path to reserve the Ummah today from misguidance and oppressions , is to start a revolution of awareness and to correct the understanding in many fields without forgetting the major ones. And the most important one is the pillar of Islam, and from the best books that was written is a book of understanding that need to be corrected to sheikh Muhammad Qutb . Because of the weakened awareness of our youth today which is the result of a wrong culture that the rulers have preached for centuries is the biggest disaster but other catastrophes that afflict the ummah is but a poisonous fruit from other sour fruits. It is the culture of oppression, tyranny and forced silence and spending all the obedience simply to satisfy the rulers and that is worship for them apart from Allah and it is forfeiture to them all the rights of the religion for the life of this world and a sacrifice of the Hereafter to them. And they make values and principles and persons spin in an orbit which makes humans lose their humanity and makes humans run behind the ruler and his desires without any realization or insight. So he became a robot, if people did good, he will, and if people did bad he will. So he became like merchandise that was fallen from the belongings, where ruler can do with it whatever he wishes. And those who are the victims in our lands, who the leaders made them to go out and chant his name .and the leaders have worked hard to make sure people lost the most important thing that Allah has given them so they delayed the Ummah’s brain and they marginalized the general imported affairs by merging government institutes religion with media so they look as they applied shara’3, so they took people’s sight intellect and will. Under falsehood and lies. They portrayed the sacred leaders under the Islamic establishment and also under the name of the nation so that people will be respected and that they would plant in peoples souls so that the older would worship and obey. And even the children were affected by this ideology. It is our duty to protect them, they are born with natural instincts (fitrah) and their natural instinct has been assassinated without any sympathy or mercy. The elders continued this ideology , but the young were raised upon this ideology too, the tyranny got more tyranical and the weak got weaker. So what are you waiting for? Save yourselves and your children the opportunity is a given, especially when the youth have faced the burden of the revolution and its troubles, and the bullets of the tyrants and its suffering. So they made the path smoother by sacrificing themselves and they established the bridge of freedom with their bold youth at the age rose, and divorced this life of humiliation and hardship, and they chose either pride and dignity or the grave. Don’t the rulers understand that the nation went ahead and won’t go back until the promise is satisfied iidni Allah ta3ala.
To Conclude, the great oppression in our land has reached and lasted for a long term. And we delayed so long for rejecting it and changing it. So who ever started should finish it Biidni Allah, and to the others who didn’t start yet they should get in the boat and start too and understand the authenticHadith from the prophet Muhammed ( PBUH): Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “Never a Prophet had been sent before me by Allah to his people but he had, among his people, (his) disciples and companions, who followed his ways and obeyed his command. Then there came after them their successors who proclaimed what they did not practise, and practised what they were not commanded to do. And (he) who strove against them with his hand is a believer; he who strove against them with his heart is a believer; and he who strove against them with his tongue is a believer and beyond that there is no grain of Faith”.
And also the best of marthys is Hamza ibn Abdoulmutalib and the one that speaks the truth on the face of the tyrant oppressive, and he is killed because of this. Congratulations to whoever had this great intention, if he dies he is the best of shuhadaa and if he lives he lives with pride and glory. Stand by truth and don’t worry. Saying truth to a tyrant is the pride and good tidings. It is the path in this dunya and it is path to the hereafter. Whether you want to die as a slave, or if you want to die as a freeman.
O Allah make a way for the people who are seeking victory for the deen and grant then patience, clear focus and sincerity. O Allah plan for this Ummah great guidance , where your worshipper can have their pride and the people of sin can be humiliated , and commanding the good and forbidding the evil , oh Allah grant us the good of this life and the hereafter and protect us from the fire. O Allah make our weakness strong, and heal our wounded and make our footsteps firm. O Allah punish the people of oppression local and the international and grant us victory upon the people people of kufr. And our last prayers is al Hamdollillah rabi 3alamine.

NOTE: Below is Usāmah Bin Lāden’s last ever words to the world. The video deals with the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt. Click here to see how jihādīs have reacted to his death.


As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah's Khālid bin 'Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān [Abū Zayd al-Kūwaytī]: "Jihād of the Soul"

UPDATE 5/6 5:22 PM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below video message:

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Khālid bin ‘Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān [Abū Zayd al-Kūwaytī] — “Jihād of the Soul”

NOTE: The below video message was record prior to the death of UBL. Earlier in the week, As-Saḥāb Media released another video message from Khālid bin ‘Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān titled “Why Doesn’t Your Heart Feel Sorrow?” This is also the fifth release from al-Husaynān since the beginning of April, suggesting that AQ is really putting him out there as one of their new top ideologues.

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New statement from al-Qā’idah: "You Lived Benevolent and Died a Martyr: Statement on the Death of Usāmah Bin Lāden"

Update 5/6 8:39 AM: Via CNN, here is an English translation of the below statement:
Al-Qaeda statement calls the day ” a historic day of the days of the great Islamic umma (nation) and in a noble stand of one of its great men and heroes across its blessed age and on the path taken by the will of all the mighty predecessors and those who will follow them, the Sheikh, the Mujahid & the Commander, the pious migrant fighter, Abu Abdullah Osama bin Muhammad bin Laden, may God have mercy on him was killed in a place where truth shines and where sincerity for good deeds and the call for truthfulness exist. Bin Laden was killed so he can follow the mighty caravan of the umma (the nation) with the great leaders, the loyal soldiers, and the honest knights who refused to abandon their faith for the mundane lives and to hand over the command to those who will be humiliate them and be humiliated and that’s why they confronted the weaponry with weaponry, force with force and accepted to challenge the arrogant masses that came out to fight with their killing machines, equipments, aircrafts and forces boastfully so they can be seen as men, and still this didn’t weaken their resolve and didn’t drain their strength, but instead he stood up for them face to face, a mighty mountain, a proud mountain and he was still in the midst of the battle that many got used to and his eyes were used to its sceneries but after that, he was yet to be excused and delivered his message and then he was shot bullets of betrayal and blasphemy delivering his soul to its maker while repeating: ‘Who sacrifice the blessed soul for his Lord to fight off the falsehood CANNOT ever be blamed’.”
“Congratulations to the Islamic Nation on the martyrdom of their devoted son Osama,
Even when the Americans managed to kill Osama, they managed to do ONLY that by disgrace and betrayal. Men and heroes only should be confronted in the battlefields but at the end, that’s God’s fate. Still we ask, will the Americans be able thru their media outlets, their agents, their instruments, soldiers, intelligence services and their might be able to kill what Sheikh Osama lived for and was killed for? How far! How impossible! Sheikh Osama didn’t build an organization that will vanish with his death or fades away with his departure.
In this context, we in al Qaeda Jihad organization promise God Almighty and we ask Him for help, support and steadfastness to continue on the path of jihad that our leaders, led by Sheikh Osama chose, and that we will not be reluctant, and will not deviate from that honorable path until God be the final judge between us and our enemy.
We also stress that the blood of the mujahid sheikh Osama bin Laden, may God have mercy on him is VERY dear to us and more precious to us and to every Muslim from being shed in vain and this blood (OBL’s blood) will be a curse that will chase the Americans and their agents, a curse that will pursue them inside and outside their country, and soon – with God’s help – we pray that their happiness turns into sorrow and may their bloods mix with their tears and let Sheikh Osama’s resonate again that “America will neither enjoy nor live in security until our people in Palestine live it and enjoy it. The soldiers of Islam in groups and as individuals will continue to plan and plot without any fatigue, boredom, despair, surrender or indifference until you receive from them a cunning misfortune that will gray the hair of the child even before he gets old.
We call upon our Muslim people in Pakistan where our dear Sheikh Osama was killed on their soil to rise up and revolt so they can cleanse this disgrace that was brought upon them by a handful of traitors and thieves who have sold everything to the enemies of the Muslim nation, and disregarded the feelings of this great Muajhid (Pakistani) people and let them rise up and start a massive public uprising to cleanse their country (Pakistan) from the filth of the Americans who have wreaked havoc in the land”.
Al-Qaeda chimes in to OBL’s body controversy and tells its supporters that OBL had one more message for them.
“The sheikh (OBL) didn’t leave this world before taking part in sharing the joy with his Muslim Umma (nation) regarding its revolutions when the nation has risen in the face of injustice and the tyrants and may God have mercy on him, the sheikh recorded an audio message one week before his killing that we will release soon, God willing and his audio message included a congratulation greeting, advices and a guidance. He ended his audio message with the following verses:
Saying the righteousness to the tyrants is the splendor & the gospel.
This is the path leading to the mundane life, this is the path leading to the hereafter.
You can die a slave if you wish or die a free man, this is your choice.
Moreover, we warn the Americans of any injustice to be made to the corpse of Sheikh Osama, God’s mercy be upon him or that he will be mistreated in any despicable manner and this warning includes the mistreatment of any member of the sheikh’s honorable family whether they are dead or alive and that the bodies must be handed over to the families because any inappropriate treatment will open the doors of double evil and you will only be blaming yourselves for your own deeds. We call upon all Muslims to do their duty in enforcing this right.”

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah — “You Lived Benevolent and Died a Martyr- Statement on the Death of Usāmah Bin Lāden”

As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah's Khālid bin 'Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān [Abū Zayd al-Kūwaytī]: "Why Doesn't Your Heart Feel Sorrow?"

UPDATE 5/4 8:52 PM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below video message:

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Khālid bin ‘Abd al-Raḥman al-Husaynān [Abū Zayd al-Kūwaytī] — “Why Doesn’t Your Heart Feel Sorrow?”

NOTE: This sermon was recorded prior to the death of Usāmah Bin Lāden.

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Usāmah Bin Lāden is Dead: Forum Reactions

NOTE: Older quotes are first. Newest quotes toward the bottom of this post. This post was last updated 5/2/11 9:10PM US Central time.

“How sound is the news of the martyrdom of Sheikh Osama bin Laden?”
“O Allah, make this news not true”
“Allah protect us in our loss”
“God willing, news is not true. Catastrophic if it is authentic.”
“O Lord for your kindness”
“May Allah increase you rank in Jannah o Sheikh Usamah!”
“Ameen AMEEN AMEEN! May Allah give you a place next to our beloved Prophet (saws), ameen ameen”
“Please everyone calm and pray”
“We ask God to be the news is not true Lord of the Worlds”
“God damn you, Obama”
“Shut up and delete this thread”
“I think the Americans are doing this to make a good excuse for leaving Afg this year.”
“I hope with tears in my eyes that it is false. But if it is the will of Allah(swt) then may Allah(swt) grant the Sheikh ul Mujahideen, the status of a Shaheed and a place in Jannat ul Firdaus..”
“Inna li Allahi wa inna ilaihi raaji’oon. May Allah forgive his sins and raise him to the ranks of greatest Shuhada in the modern history of Islam.Ameen”
“Jihad will not stop because of Sheikh’s death, it will continue until we gain victory.”
“Kullna osama bin laden kullna osama bin laden kullna osama bin laden”
“I’m with Osama either in winning a victory or earning status as a martyr”
“May Allah accept his martyrdom and enter him into al-Firdaws with the Ambiya, Shuhada and the Saliheen.This day is the greatest day of shame in the history of Pakistan and what dignity had been left in calling oneself a Pakistani has now gone. Wallahi if the people of Pakistan keep on tolerating the kufr and riddah of that filthy kafir Zardari after this day, then may Allah deal with them as He sees fit.However, not all is so bad. Events like this are sent by Allah to remove the munafiqeen from the ranks of the Muslims. In the aftermath of this, we’ll see many munafiqeen, including ‘scholars’, come out in happiness and support for the Americans.Good news for Osama inshallah and good results for this Ummah inshallah.”
“This has not been confirmed by the Mujahideen what ever the out come Usamah bin Laden is the most influencial man of our times and May Allah accept all his sacrifices ameen”
“If it is true then we must thank Allah that America was not able to capture him alive. Else they would be humiliating him like Saddam Hussain. At last he may have find his greatest desire of Shahada.”
“Think not of those killed in the way of Allah dead, but alive with the Lord. We consider him a martyr. O Allah, accept the martyrs. And join us by the Lord of the Worlds”
“Brothers and sisters the order to attack the shaykh didn’t come from Obama, it came from Allah SWT and we should be aware that Allah SWT has the power to obliterate the White House in no time. So have yaqeen in Allah SWT because today the kufaar celebrate but tomorrow the ash of their fitna will block out their joy.”
“It seems obama has secured his seat in the white for the next term. This week only, he proved the world he was born in america by releasing his birth certificate and now he killed america’s worst enemy.”
“The celebrations are amusing. Cheer all you want kuffar, you only have a limited amount of time in this dunya in which to do it. And then you will see the reality of this life.”
“I hope Allah sends them [an] earthquake that will choke them further”
“And if its true it would be the most shameful moment for the pakistani people who could not protect 1 muslim hero…its a black day and a day when we should keep our voices and gazes lowi personally feel the lowest i have ever felt, we couldnt protect our beloved Sheikh”
“Mashallah the whole nation is celebrating the death of one man. Shaykh osama was a true lion.”
“We renew our pledge of allegiance with the Covenant and the first with the Lord to continue our path until the end. We will continue .. We will continue .. We will continue ..”
“Coming Oh America; Coming Oh Jews, Coming Oh rejectionists (Shi’a); Coming Oh Kufar, secularists, and apostates. Arrivals are coming and they are bringing the coffins with merciless devices”
“May Allah bring thousands osama to give nusra to his deen”
“Ya ikhwati wa akhawati, hold your horses. No conclusion should be derived until we get word from Muslims who are affiliated with him and who can confirm so. No words should be taken from the enemies of Islam and Muslims. They faked so many videos in the past of him, so why can this not be one of them? Just look at those beer-drinking, hog-eating, incestuous, red-necks, uncle sams, house negros, vatos locos, all celebrating outside the White House. It’s like a holiday for them. Really a sad bunch of people. I’m just waiting for the Chocolaty Muslims, Talafies, and those borderline murtad/moderates to join the ugly bandwagon of cheering this so-called victory.”
“I dont get it. How come Shaykh was living next to militray area and he was not seen before. Seems like a plot of america to wage war on pk. Anyways, it will be good to see pk fighting america ….actually Excellent!”
“please let them celebrate, they are celebrating their own end.
osama is in the heart of every muslim, even those who dont admit publicly.
in sha Allah its the start of something. this is the day muslims will remember Allah alot and seek the destruction of this pharoanic nation of our time.
oh Allah destroy this nation for their hatred and enmity toward your deen
oh Allah seal their hearts with disbelief they shall never taste faith untill they taste your severe punishment.
oh Allah send them endless tornados to destroy their homes and earthquakes to crash them.”
“Why can’t people admit he was killed? he is a human being, not a prophet. another man will replace his shoes, its easy.”
“The kuffar can show only symbolic success. Militarily, the beaten, like the Russians in Chechnya. Whenever the Russians have claimed that Doku Umarov has fallen and he reported back again and again.”
“Death of the commander of the Mujahideen Sheikh Osama bin Laden – as he had wished – a new victory for the approach of the Islamic Jihad”
Anjem Choudary’s reaction to the death of Bin Laden. He’s the leader of UK jihadi group al-Muhajirun:
“I think America knows that Sheikh Osama already passed away in recent years. Now they have planned to take advantage of his confirmed death. And they are taking advantage as US people have greatly appreciated the news. Also this news have pressurize the Pakistani intelligence that Osama was declared to be found in a sensitive settled area.”
“We should not forget that these illitarete idiots in the past have killed sheikh ayman zawahiri many times sheikh osama and cmdr ilyas kashmiri in their dream. Let the kuffar and murtadeen keep dreaming.”
“Yes, the Covenant continues until the establishment of the law of God in the land”
“We are all Osama bin Laden, God willing; We are all Osama bin Laden, God willing; We are all Osama bin Laden, God willing; We are all Osama bin Laden, God willing”
New statement from Hānī al-Sibā’ī: “Congratulations Osama .. Woe Obama .. And Woe to the Traitors of Pakistan”
“Si la nouvel est vrai ,mon coeur sera plus que jamais brisé par cette nouvel , mais j’ai moi aussi le sentiment que cela est vrai , car il ont annoncer qu’il détenait le corps du Cheikh ( Allahou A’lem ) et ces derniers temps , je ne sais pas si ça explique cet nouvel , mais je faisait un rêve quasiment toujours le même ou je perdais mes dents et ou j’avais une barbe encore plus grosse que d’habitude , j’ai fait des recherches on m’a dit que cela signifiais la mort la mienne ou celle d’un proche , je sais que cheikh Oussama n’est pas un proche au sens propre mais je l’aime pour Allah énormément comme s’il faisait partie de ma propre famille voir plus.”
“En tout cas s’il était vraiment vivant et que les amerloques l’ont vraiment tué, je pense que hervé ghesquière et stéphane taponier ont du soucis à se faire…”
“If Osama is martyred then we are all Osama. And the march of struggle will inevitably continue.”
“I’ll cut the head of everyone who says Sheikh Osama is dead”
New Elegy from Ḥāmid Bin ‘Abdullah al ‘Alī: “To the Lion Shaykh Usāmah Bin Lāden, God Have Mercy”
“After the news of the killing of the Sheikh a sharp drop in oil prices and gold and silver. U.S. stock market is witnessing an unprecedented profit. How much are you [worth], O great Osama? Blessed, living and dead. What if all the heads of Arabs killed in one day were influenced by oil prices? Gold? Silver? The stock market?”
“The absence of trophy photos, like they had with zarqawi and saddam hussein’s sons, is highly suspicious.”
“Agggh!!! This news on TV is annoying. These sell out Muslims really piss me off. I hope that Allah (swt) raises them with their community of shaytaan who they chose to side with, make friends with and obey instead of His (swts) law in the duniyah. May these sell outs also be thrown into the lowest depths of Hell with no respite.”
“The denial of the Pakistani Taliban has been relayed by the Russian news agency, so nothing prevents us from asserting that denial. Since when Mujahideen use the Russian news agency to connect?”
“My father woke me with this news, I had tears…The worst is when I saw the Kuffar celebrate on TV, I felt lousy”
“The killing of Sheikh Osama bin Laden does not affect the progress of victory, God willing. After the death of Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, Jihad did not stop. And went on…….. And went on……… And went on ………”
“God willing, it’s a lie and we should not rush in denying news media organizations patience patience. We do not believe them and will not believe, but our media only.”
“al-Qaeda are the people of the Victorious Sect, which recognizes the last of the banner to the Mahdi”
“Jihad will continue until the Day of Resurrection”
“If it is authentic [that] Osama [died], indiscriminate killing is the solution, is the solution, is the solution.”
“Sheikh Bin Laden is not dead! What a farce from the Tawaghit!!”
“Hope that this act will not go unpunished.”
“We have our horror when we heard of the way in which knowledge of the place of Sheikh Osama bin Laden. It has been suggested that the Guantanamo prisoner [KSM] is [the] one who gave the information that led to access to the martyed sheikh … It has already happened [before] … one ex-Guantanamo prisoner led to the achievement of discovering the operations of the parcel bombs launched by the Mujahideen brothers in Yemen. Similarly, in a number of things [it also] led to the deaths of many of the Mujahideen. Are Guantanamo prisoners disclosing the secrets of jihad and the mujahideen? … Are the Mujahideen in danger?”