al-Andalus Media presents a new statement from al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib: "Year Of the Community, Hope Of the Ummah"

UPDATE 8/2/14 3:28 PM: Here is an English translation of the below Arabic statement:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib — “Year Of the Community, Hope Of the Ummah” (En)

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib — “Year Of the Community, Hope Of the Ummah”

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

al-Andalus Media presents a new statement from al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib: "Killing and Injuring More Than Thirty Apostates, Including a Number Of Officers"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib — “Killing and Injuring More Than Thirty Apostates, Including a Number Of Officers”

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

al-Andalus Media presents a new statement from al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib: "Revenge For the Free Tunisia: Targeting the Interior Minister 'Luṭfī Bin Jiddū'"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib — “Revenge For the Free Tunisia- Targeting the Interior Minister ‘Luṭfī Bin Jiddū'”

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

al-Andalus Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib’s Shaykh al-Ḥasan Rashīd al-Bulaydī: "Series of Lessons: Stances With the Battles of the Parties: The First Episode: The Importance Of Studying the Sīrah"

UPDATE 6/4/14 9:06 AM: Here is an Arabic transcription of the below video message:
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Shaykh al-Ḥasan Rashīd al-Bulaydī — “Series of Lessons- Stances With the Battles of the Parties- The First Episode- The Importance Of Studying the Sīrah” (Ar)



To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]

al-Andalus Media presents a new article from al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib’s The Muslim Africa Blog’s Abū Nu'man Qutaybah: "God Bless You Oh 'Ma'rūf 'Ūld al-Haybah' Has Left Us In Silence"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Abū Nu’man Qutaybah — “God Bless You Oh ‘Ma’rūf ‘Ūld al-Haybah’ Has Left Us In Silence”

To inquire about a translation for this article for a fee email: [email protected]

al-Andalus Media presents a new release from al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib’s The Muslim Africa Blog: "Messages From the Notebook Of a Mujāhid #1"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghrib’s The Muslim Africa Blog — “Messages From the Notebook Of a Mujāhid #1”

To inquire about a translation for this release for a fee email: [email protected]