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Category: TTP
New video message from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān: "Healing Balūshistān"
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New release from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān’s Muḥammad al-Khurāsānī: "Oh Aleppo, We Are Ashamed!"
It is very grief-stricken to look at the current conditions of Sham (Syria) and Iraq, especially the situation of Halab (Aleppo) where children, aged man and woman are being targeted. The blood of Muslims is so cheap that the Muslims are being killed in hundreds of numbers. Thousands of women are being widowed. The kids are being orphaned and fatherless. By witnessing the disgraced condition of Muslims, my heart bleeds.
That was a time when Muslims were living prosperously and conveniently under the Khilafah (caliphate) and splendid news and information of triumph were arriving from every place. Each and every place of Muslims was a place of peace and love.
But now nowadays, by looking at current conditions, I cannot estimate that those were the Muslims who ruled all over the globe. It is because the Muslims are living inglorious life everywhere and they have accepted infidel and enslaved system of law. Every Muslim country is in state of war either with their unscrupulous leaders or stuck with crusaders. And the countries which are somehow safe from the war, have become alliance of the crusader and have absolutely accepted the enslaved life. They have preferred the comforts and joys of Kuffar (infidels) over the Muslims and in the same way, they mourn over the griefs of Kuffar (infidels) other than the griefs and sorrows of their Muslim brothers.
Though they would have considered the happiness of Muslims to themselves and in the same way, the sorrows of Muslims, too, as stated in Hadees as our Prophet Peace Be upon Him said:
الْمُسْلِمُونَ كَرَجُلٍ وَاحِدٍ، إِنِ اشْتَكَى عَيْنُهُ، اشْتَكَى كُلُّهُ، وَإِنِ اشْتَكَى، رَأْسُهُ اشْتَكَى كُلُّهُ
“The Muslims are like a single man. If the eye is afflicted, then the whole body is afflicted. If the head is afflicted, then the whole body is afflicted.”
Likewise if an individual Muslim is in pain, all Muslims must feel that pain too.
But now this quality is totally obsolete and we Muslims are completely senseless.
It is very sorrowfully stated that the Kuffar (infidels) have become successful in their profaned intentions and they have settled the democracy over us by abolishing the Khilafah (caliphate) and dividing the Muslim countries in pieces. Kuffar (infidels) have limited their thoughts to their countries only. And today, for the sake of his country, Muslims are ready to cross all the boundaries. Even they don’t grudge the killing of Muslims. In the same way all the Muslims have become the noxious patients of so called patriotism. Even the Ulama’ (scholars) are singing the songs of the country. They are relinquishing the system of ALLAH Almighty and are making efforts for strengthening of the system of Lord Macaulay.
The Kuffar (infidels) have targeted every Muslim country one by one on the name of so called terrorism and then they began the massacre of Muslims in that country. Initially, Afghanistan and Iraq became the victims of that war on terror but Muslims remain quiet and even some of them became the allies of Kuffar (infidels) against their own Muslim brothers.
Gradually Kuffar (infidels) targeted every Muslim country after one another and negligence of Muslims was expanded parallel and now the time has come that every Muslim country is besieged in this “coop” so called war on terror.
And now Ulama (Islamic scholars) have adopted the logic tacts and are living their lives under the infidel system of democracy. They are now shamelessly enticing their fiducial trustees on this foul path.
Despite the facts that the blood of Muslim is being bleed in all quarters but still neither the public is ready to get rid of this heedlessness nor the so called Ulama’ (Islamic Scholars) are willing to fulfil mandatory task, though they consider themselves as the inherits of Prophets.
But if the scenario is witnessed through the factual eyes then the most of these Ulama’ will give the practical example of the saying of the Prophet Peace Be Upon Him:
عُلَمَاؤُهُمْ شَرُّ مَنْ تَحْتَ أَدِيمِ السَّمَاءِ
“Their scholars will be the most evil under the sky”
And for the pleasure of these secular leaders, they never grudged to change the teachings of Quran and Hadees fallaciously and now in these current worst conditions they announce the jihad bin nafs as the Jihad-e-akbar (biggest Jihad)
And it can easily be identified from the lives and sayings of some Ulama’ (scholars) that they do not permit for Qitaal (Jihad) in the current situation rather than they believe in the implementation of religion within the boundaries of politics and expedience. Though the Quran has specified the Qitaal Fi Sabeelillah (Fighting for the sake of ALLAH) for the extermination of the harmfulness and noxiousness.
وَقَاتِلُوهُمْ حَتَّى لَا تَكُونَ فِتْنَةٌ
“And fight with them until there is no more persecution”
But Alas! The modern developed mentalities have declared the Jihad as terrorism and noxiousness rather than the Shar’iah has declared this, an open Fitnah (persecution).
And now where these modern inventors of religion are claiming the quitting of Jihad as peace and blessing but the Shar’iah has declared it disgraceful and inglorious.
As the Rasoolullah Peace Be Upon Him said:
وتَرَكْتُمُ الْجِهَادَ، سَلَّطَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْكُمْ ذُلًّا لَا يَنْزِعُهُ حَتَّى تَرْجِعُوا إِلَى دِينِكُمْ
“When you neglect Jihad, then Allah will send upon you humiliation that will not be dispelled until you return to your religion”
The antidotes are considered to be as poison and poisons are considered as antidotes.
O Allah, wake up the Muslims from this conscious sleep and help them to recognize the somnolent and true Ulama’ (scholars), for the aid of their oppressed brothers.
Let them to be on the path of Shar’iah al Mutahharah as a result of this.. Aameen.
Mohammad Khurasani
Central Spokesman TTP
New release from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān's Ḥasnayn al-Kashmīrī: "Pakistani Government Sponsored Jihadi Organizations and the Role of Pakistani Intelligence Agencies"
Episode 1:
What was the purpose behind establishing jihadi organizations by the Pakistani agencies?
Allah Almighty has made human kind with variation in their nature. That is the reason why mood of every individual is different. Some people are strict while some people are of very soft and sensitive nature. Some are wise and clever while some are very simple.
In the same way you may have seen in your society that Muslims also have different trends among them.
Some of them love preaching Islam, some love teaching Islam, some are very curious about writing and reading Islamic booksand some in speeches.
Similarly jihad is a duty of Islam, some Muslims have natural trend towards jihad while some try to avoid it due to their cowardice.
It is same like a person who is waiting that when azan will be called and he will rush towards mosque to prostrate before his lord while other person offer prayer because it is just an obligatory on him which he has to fulfil.
So due to difference in human nature, trends also vary among human societies.
Now let’s come towards the actual point, Pakistan intelligence agencies among which ISI stands on top, knew that in whole Pakistan, there is a big section of population who is natural fighter and is eager to join jihad.
This section of Pakistani nation will surely try to find ways to fulfill their desire for doing jihad and they will definitely fight when they will get a chance.
Now ISI knew that this section of society could become a threat to this political system and national interest in the near future and can wage jihad against this democratic system and try to implement sharia in Pakistan for which Pakistan was made.
So whenever they will find a jihadi platform, they will not hesitate to join it and will become a major threat to our infidel democratic political system.
And the reason behind their being threatened is because of Pakistani nation’s passion and sincerity to help oppressed Kashmiri brother had reached to such an extent that they were willing to fight for the oppressed Kashmiri Muslims in any possible way.
So ISI thought, why not join the caravan of mujahedeen, like hypocrites, it will appear as we are working along with them but in reality we will fulfill our hidden agendas and underlying interests.
And apparently,we will deceive them that we are supporting Kashmir jihad on the national level, by providing training and funding.
Purpose of ISI behind this was not to strengthen Kashmir jihad, but to collect information about sincere Mujahideen, who lives where? What are their objectives? How to control them when necessary or to eliminate them if they aren’t controlled!
So that when these jihadist become threat to national interest, they could be controlled prior to them posing any risk to national interest and to know their intensions and eliminate them before any harm to national interest. Therefore one purpose of government sponsored jihadi organizations has been mentioned above while another purpose was to maintain constant pressure on India by using these jihadi organizations without using any proper military force.
So the goal was not to avenge the atrocities in Kashmir but was to pressurize India in pretext of national interest.
So that the time passes by without any threat to national interest.
ISI started spying in jihadi organizations in the name of training and funds using their spy’s who started to give information about affairs sincereMujahideen with time.
However when these organizations came into existence, they started to become stronger with time, sincere Mujahideen started hard fight, and in a short period of time, started giving Hindus a hard time in Kashmir.
These Mujahideen became real threat for India, their intense attacks on India caused damage and as a result pressure on India was increasing and conditions were getting worse and moving towards a permanent war.
Pakistani coward government and military agencies knew that if war was to be started on massive scale then apparently things are not in our favor because Indian force is superior in every aspect.
Most cowardly force in the world did not want face to face war with Hindus because they don’t have trust in help of Allah almighty, rather they trust on apparent reasons. That’s the reason why they haven’t started offensive war with India but always relied upon defensive wars. On which they are still entertaining themselves on media and social media although the facts are far away from what they claim, their real bravery was seen by whole world in Dhaka in 1971.
However when these jihadi organizations intensified their war because of their sincerity, then ISI started feeling threatened that we have to control them and limit their attacks otherwise, if they continue in same way then India could start full fledge war against us.
Following the footstep of their infidel masters, ISI adopted policy of “Divide and Rule” and started trying to split the Mujahideen by infiltrating their spy’s in the ranks of Mujahideen to control them.
As a result, those Mujahideen who were fighting the enemy under one leadership split into differentgroups, this split reduced their capabilities of effectively carrying out attacks against enemy and also deviated them from their real purpose.
May curse of Allah be upon these wicked people of ISI who teared apart unity of Muslimummah and damaged them by splitting them in groups. If jihad in Kashmir would have continued with same level of dedication and sacrifice like before then Kashmir surely would have been under Mujahideen control and Muslims of Kashmir would have been liberated long time ago.
To be continued…
Pakistani Government Sponsored Jihadi Organizations
and Role of Pakistani Intelligence Agencies
Episode 2:
In the last part we gave the reason of why Pakistan intelligence agencies are making and supporting official jihadi organizations. In this part we will discuss that how these agencies play their disgusting role in wasting and weakening the precious jihadi force of Muslimummah.
First attempt that they made was that they penetrated their spies in the ranks of Mujahideen, who split the Mujahideen into different groups with different leaderships by following “divide and rule” policy of their colonial masters.
Then they spread misconceptions among the groups against each other, as a result the collective force which was fighting Indian army with their full strength turned against each other and after that, each group started defaming other group which weakened the Mujahideen forces in their fight against Indian army.
And this exactly was the wish of ISI.
After splitting them..ISI gained strong grip over these organizations and made them unable to surpass a limited battle field, boundaries of which were set by ISI. If any group even thought to exceed its limits then ISI would put economic sanctions on that group and change its leadership which would follow dictations of ISI and compel other lower level Mujahideen to follow their dictatorship. Any mujahid who refused, was warned or eliminated from the path if necessary.
Due to limited role of the jihadi organizations and working under dictatorship of ISI, same battle front which was becoming graveyard of Hindus became limited and after some time battle fronts became quite and intense battle completely stopped.
In the past when Mujahideen were well organized and working under one leader, they were conducting operations on a greater scale regularly. After Mujahideen split into groups and became weak. Threat of full fledge war with India was over for Pakistan army and ISI.
I am not throwing by myself, by comparing conditions and events of the past and present, it is a clear evident for familiar persons.
Indeed there are many sincere Mujahideen in these organizations who are doing jihad to raise the word of Allah Almighty. Whoever understood the motives and goals of ISI tried to reform but their effort went in vain and atlast they migrated towards Waziristan and started jihad in Pakistan and Afghanistan because jihad is the order of Allah which is not limited to any geographical boundary. It depends on the order of sharia irrespective of any location or geography. If jihad is ordered in your own home country then true servant of Allah will perform jihad and obey Allah’s orders irrespective of location.
Therefore, large number of popular KashmiriMujahideen migrated towards Waziristan in which IlyasKashmirir.a ,Faizshaheedr.a , commander of war Qari Imran Shaheed are prominent .
Now present situation is that, due to involvement of ISI, although these organizations give rhetoric speeches on media but these organizations have been weakened to such an extent that whenever government is under pressure from India than they don’t go towards these organization. Rather they request Taliban for help.
A similar situation occurred few years back when a delegation was sent by government to TTP’s Amir BaitullahMehsud, who was led by MNA Shah Abdul Aziz for request of Taliban’s support against India.
You can see interview of Shah Abdul Aziz on capital talk with HamidMir as a proof. I think it’s enough for today.
Insha’Allah in next part /episode, we will discuss about the type of disgusting tactics that were used by ISI to weaken these organizations.
Pakistani Government Sponsored Jihadi Organizations
and Role of Pakistani Intelligence Agencies
Episode 3:
..Fact revealing episode..
Any department or organizations you go, you will always find some thieves in every department. Such class of thieves always tries to find ways for making money, these type of people are also present in jihadi organizations as well as in agents infiltrated by military intelligence in the ranks of these jihadi organizations.
This is a story of a leader who used to launch Mujahideen on Kashmir front. These official jihadi organizations take help of ISI guides for launching Mujahideen into Kashmir front.
These local guides are settled here for many years and have extensive experience in the areas of their ancestors and they know the routes quite well, that’s
New magazine released: "Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān Magazine, Issue #1"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān Magazine, Issue #1
To inquire about a translation for this magazine issue for a fee email: [email protected]
New video message from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān: "Professional Killer! You Are Not A Soldier"
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New statement from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān’s Muḥammad al-Khurāsānī: "A Message to US President Elect Donald J Trump"
We have this message for the new President Elect for United States of America that He should abandon the anti islam policy in the name of terrorism and should release all the muslim prisoners especially Afia Siddique at his earliest.
Our war is not against Pakistan or people of Pakistan but against its government and army who has forsaken us from our religious right that is islamic law.
They are killing us massively and destroying our properties in return for this demand.
We are not terrorists but we are fighting our religious war.
Pakistan came into being in the name of Islam therefore we want islamic law in it, which is our very right from every dimension.
America should stop military assistance of Pakistan against us in the name of terrorism.
Pakistani rulers and its slave army are only up to money, they can fight against America if they get more from somewhere.
These are double cross , whose creed and faith is money only, for which they can go to any extent. No matter if they have to fight against Islam or their own country men.
Their past and present is enough to understand them.
Muhammad Khurasani
Central Spokesman for
Tehreek Taliban Pakistan
New video message from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān: “Strike the Necks #2"
Click here for the first part in this video series.
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New statement from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān’s Muḥammad al-Khurāsānī: "The Video On Kashmir Is a Fake"
ٹی ٹی پی کے نشریاتی ادارے عمر میڈیا کی جانب سے کشمیر کے موضوع پر ابھی تک کوئی ویڈیو جاری نہیں کی گئی لہٰذا اس حوالے سے شائع ہونے والی کوئی بھی ویڈیو جعلی اور دو نمبر ہوگی۔
ٹی ٹی پی کا بنیادی مشن پاکستان میں اسلامی نظام کا قیام ،برطانوی اور امریکی وفادار فوج سے پاکستان کے مظلوم مسلمانوں کو نجات دلانا ہے
چونکہ ہمارا جہاد ہر باطل کے خلاف ہے اسی لئے ہم کشمیرسمیت پوری دنیا کے مظلوم مسلمانوں کی مدد کیلئے تیار ہیں ، لیکن ہمیں پاکستان اور بھارت کے فوج میں کوئی فرق نظر نہیں آتا
دونوں افواج اسلام مخالف جمہوریت کے محافظ ہیں اور مسلمانوں پر ظلم ڈھارہے ہیں مثلاً
انڈین فوج نے بابری مسجد کو شہید کیا تو پاک فوج نے لال مسجد اور جامعہ حفصہ کو شہید کیا
انڈین فوج مقبوضہ کشمیر میں مسلمانوں پر ظلم ڈھارہے ہیں اور ناپاک فوج نے قبائل سمیت پورے پاکستان میں مسلمانوں پر ظلم کے پہاڑتوڑے
وغیرہ وغیرہ
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New release from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān's Miqdād al-al-Khurāsānī: "Reasons For The Failure Of Talks With the Pākistānī Government: Real Story, Real Facts"
There have been many negative things printed and circulated on social media regarding peace talks. So I decided to reveal real facts.
Because the man was present during whole peace process, so it was necessary to bring out facts before Muslim Ummah regarding the events that took place during this whole period of peace talks.
The dialogue was mainly an excuse for the government to take gullible masses of Pakistan into confidence by fooling them. Everyone knows that America has been demanding operation since many years but Pakistan government has replied that if we suddenly start operation on your demand without any talks then masses will think that this operation is started to obey the orders of America , and as a result we will face opposition, so let us first take the masses into confidence so that we could conduct military operation with full support from the people easily without any resistance from the masses. My point is supported by the fact that the final decision of operation was taken on 24 January 2014 and on next day 25 January 2014 American coalition support fund, which was closed since long time, was restored and 35 million dollars were approved for Pakistan byUnited States of America.
Now if someone objects that this is coalition support fund , why you thrust it in military operation . Then we ask these gentlemen that see the statement given by Pakistani ambassador Jalil Abbas Jeelani who is living in America. In which he clearly stated that this coalition support fund is given by America for Waziristan’s operation. So when the donors and receivers both are describing themselves, then there is no room remaining for audience to comment.
Background of starting the negotiations was that, the media was giving impression that Taliban want to continue war unnecessarily, if they don’t want war then why don’t they resolve the dispute by peace talks. So Taliban clarified their position that they want Pakistan government and army to leave American slavery and want an Islamic system to be implemented in the country. If this dispute is resolved through negotiations and if government and army are serious in resolving this dispute by negotiations then we are ready for it.
At the time when peace talks were being started, suddenly America killed the leader of Mehsood circle Maulana Wali ur Rehman Mehsood in a drone strike. But Taliban remained firm on their position that we don’t have any enmity with Pakistan, If Pakistan army and government leave slavery of infidels and impose sharia law in the country then we are willing to forget every sorrow and live as a slave of Pakistan. Government told us that America does not want negotiations that’s why America is deliberately creating problems. But at the same time, government and army were busy in serving Americans, if government was really sincere then it would have warned America. You are sensible enough to understand real intentions of government.
Later on, Leader of Tehreek Taliban Pakistan Hakimullah Mehsood was martyred in a drone strike but Taliban did not change their stance.
Government formed a committee for the negotiations and gave them enough publicity in media so that people think that government t is very sincere in negotiation but this was not true, government was not sincere That’s why Maulana Abdul Aziz who was a member of committee left the committee by saying that government is not sincere, government is just fooling people by saying that committee has all the authority and powers but the reality is that no power or authority had been given to committee.
But for a long time, drama continued in media, committee was meeting after weeks of breaks,meetings of committee were useless, no serious step was taken to proceed the process of negotiation’s forward. Media was showing that breakthrough has been achieved but this was not the case. If committee was serious then certainly it would have contacted Taliban as soon as possible, but drama continued for several months and after that government formed a new committee after removing some members of old committee.
Now a new drama started.
When talks started, Taliban announced ceasefire for one month in which Taliban ordered every group under its command to stop war for one month and all groups under command agreed this declaration. As a result Taliban did not conduct any operation for one month period. In this period some attacks took place inside the country but Taliban denied that they or any group under their command was behind these attacks. It is not only Taliban who are at war with Pakistan government and army, there are many other groups e.g in Balochistan, all over Pakistan. Tehreek Taliban Pakistan was only responsible for group under their command, we are not responsible for all groups who are at war with Pakistan government. Excuse of Tehreek Taliban should have been accepted as Taliban accepted excuse of government that America does not want any negotiations and is trying to spoil the process by killing leader of Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan by conducting drone strikes. On the other hand government had killed some of Taliban prisoners during the ceasefire period, proof of which was provided to government and reply of government was that we are investigating such incidents and guaranteed that these incidents will not take place again.
Before the announcement of ceasefire,Taliban committee had completed their homework e.g which topics are to be discussed in the negotiations and also created lists of prisoners so that when talks begin this issue could be raised upfront. After announcement of ceasefire and completing all the homework, Taliban committee was waiting for government committee to contact with them and start the process of negotiations.
Now imagine seriousness of the government towards peace that even after 3 weeks had already passed of one month ceasefire announcement , government committee was still not contacting the Taliban, After so much advisory meetings , government committee could not complete their affairs.
Even media was shouting that Taliban have announced a ceasefire and have invited committee so why committee is not going?
So brother! Dialogue was a drama of the government,
A trick to fool people!
Well, the government committee wasted 3 weeks, then in last week they contacted Taliban committee and invited Taliban committee to their favorite place which Taliban agreed after advisory meeting. And travelled through most dangerous roads and flood waters to reach the desired destination of governments committee which was militarily very dangerous place, from where a military fortress was just five minutes away.
This place was very suspicious militarily because in the past, government invited haji Muslim khan and other committee members of Taliban and then arrested them who were later killed by poison in jail.
However Taliban remained firm on what they decided and reached the desired destination with sincerity and substantial military arrangements.
It was decided that government committee will reach the place one day after Taliban committee had reached. Next day weather was not clear, when Taliban committee members contacted the government committee and asked when they will come, then government committee replied that we are in Peshawar, as soon as weather becomes clear we will reach the meeting place on helicopter. Taliban committee said that if weather does not become clear up to a week then will we wait here for a full week? So leave the helicopter and travel by road, journey will be long but Insha’Allah you will reach here today. Spokesman of Maulana Sami ul Haq conveyed our message to government committee but they rejected and insisted upon traveling on helicopter.
Anyways, governments committee was not willing to come by road so they did not come that day and Taliban committee had to wait for a day, next day weather became clear, and they arrived next day by enjoying the ride of helicopter.
Negotiations started with greetings behind the close door, government committee started the negotiations by putting allegations against Taliban , they tried their best to intimidate Taliban by their speech so that Taliban would be forced to accept their demands but when Taliban started their talk, they presented pile of evidence from Quran and Sunnah, every question was answered with arguments from Quran and Sunnah, even Maulana Sami ul Haq could not raise objections against evidences presented by Taliban.
Taliban spokesman said that this is not the time to on these small issues , lets pay attention to the real matter, well the discussion continued for some time, then talks again began after lunch and prayer break. Taliban were expecting that now talks on real issues will start but it was quite contrary to their expectations. Infact government committee only presented one demand which was to extend ceasefire. Taliban committee said, don’t worry about ceasefire, we will extend it, lets us talk on other points, top of which is release of prisoners, if you release some of our prisoners and we release yours, this will build more confidence. This will be a positive development in peace process. If only ceasefire should have been extended,was the purpose of the meeting, then this meeting would be useless.
But the government committee said that they don’t have authority for releasing prisoners, we are just here to extend ceasefire. Please discuss this issue. Taliban committee replied that if you don’t have any authority then why you were circulating lies on media that committee has full authority, look at us, our leadership has given us full authority, whatever we decide will be accepted by the leadership.
Now government committee became silent, they were insisting on the same thing again, they started describing benefits of extension in ceasefire, they were saying that if Taliban extend ceasefire then world will get the message that peace talks are proceeding successfully,