New statement from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān’s Muḥammad al-Khurāsānī: "The Claims of ISPR by the Tongue of Iḥsān Allah Iḥsān are Baseless"

We the Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan, by denying the unserious conversation of Ehsanullah Ehsan and childish tricks of Pakistani intelligence agencies, congratulate the Mujahideen e Islam that Alhamdolillah their leadership is authentic and is exactly according to the principles of Sharia.
Its authenticity is the forceful allegations of ISPR by the tongue of Ehsanullah Ehsan. It is so that when enemy is unable to defeat us in the battlefield then he uses such malicious tactics by the prisoners.
The script is former but the speaker prisoner is recent. And the sober people do not pay attention to such comments because the sayings of prisoners are not valid.
:pushpin: So, O Muslims, don’t get upset from such tactics because the movements do not seize by entering or leaving of the people.
I speak something other the comments of these prisoners that there will be many people who will join the jihad and then will leave it.
Some will leave it due to their cowardice, some will leave it due to their weak ideology, and some will be unable to be patient on the difficulties,
So in these conditions we must not get upset because this has to happen in this path. We are obedient to the orders of ALLAH that is to complete this by remaining in the boundaries of Shariah.
Many tribes in the Arab became apostates when Mohammad SAW left this world since they were Muslims before.
But sahaba (may Allah agree with them) did not leave their mission of Jihad and they struggle for jihad in those difficult times and after that ALLAH has blessed them with the victories and then the vast lands of Iraq, Syria and Faras and Super powers were submitted before the Muslims.
So the Kuffar and their companions have always used such tactics to derail the Muslims and make lessen the zeal of their emaan (faith) but the believers tend their direction towards their Lord in these situations.
Alhamdolillah Mujahideen are not going to be afraid of such situations, this is not only the first attempt of ISI. Before this they recorded such sayings by the tongue of Niyaz Mohammad Shaheed
And then they published the interview of Lateef Mehsood which was an unsuccessful attempt and this time again they will be failed in their nefarious designs insha Allah (if ALLAH wills).
The dogs of Agencies will always be doomed in their tricks and tactics insha ALLAH (if ALLAH wills), it is famous saying:
The dogs bark and the caravans continue their journey.
Mohammad Khurasani
Central Spokesman Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan
Source: Telegram

New statement from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān's Muḥammad al-Khurāsānī: "The Seeker of Martyrdom Finally Found His Destination: The Commendation of Condolence on the Martyrdom of Qārī Yāsīn"

A close assisstant of Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan, Ustadul Mujahideen ( The trainer of Mujahideen), famous punjabi taliban commander Qari Yasen (nick Ustad Aslam) embraced martyrdom along with his three companions in an American drone attack in the area of Laman near Pak-Afghan boundary on 19 Jumadi al-Akhir 1438 (March 19, 2017). The respected Ustad was one of the closest companions of Shaheed Amjad Farooqi who was a famous personality of Pakistan Jihad -May Allah have mercy upon them both-. He was considered as one of the greatest trainers of explosives and electronics in the fields of Jihad and still his students are performing their duties in the field of Jihad relating to such sectors of Jihad. Other than this he participated enthusiasticaly in the various jihadi operations in Pakistan. Among those, the attack at GHQ is counted on top and he was considered as the master mind of that plan and attack. We TTP, send our deep condolence to the survivors and companions of respected Ustad on his martyrdom. May ALLAH grant patience to the survivors. It is not a sorrowful saying because the respected ustad himself arrived in this field for the wish of being martyred and finally he embraced that and went to meet the shuhada by remaining on the path of success. We believe him to be so, and Allah is his witness. Mohammad Khurasani Central spokesperson Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan

Source: Telegram

New release from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān's Umm al-Khurāsānī: "A Letter Written By a Sister From Khurāsān to Syrian Sisters in Aleppo"

Asalam o Alaiykumwarahmatullahiwabarakatahu
I pray to Mighty, Gracious Lord to bestow His Mercy upon my sisters in Syria and upon all Syrian muslims in this testing time. I am confused now what more to write, what more to say to you so that your spilling blood can be stopped, your lost honour can be returned back, your torn up body parts can be gathered, your tears can stop flowing and your sorrow can turn into happiness. My words are not as effective as your words are, my prayers are not that quickly accepted as your prayers are, my cry does not have that much pain as your cry has. Because I have not crossed river of fire and blood as you have. I have not spent long, torturous days and nights under the siege of cruel, heartless Rafidis and Russians, I have not seen my children dying slowly due to starvation and crying with wounds.
At dawn I saw this photo.
O’ Allah! While I was sleeping quietly in my bed what a catastrophe occurred in my beloved Syria. A Syrian sister sadly said,’’ O my Muslims you wait for the day of judgement, my day of judgement has already occurred in Halab.’’ O’ my beloved sisters in Syria! I am far away from you in Khurasan but I am not unaware of your grief and pain. Prophet of Mercy Hazrat Muhammad saw stated that we Muslims are like one body. If one part is in pain then whole the body feels it. By Allah, although you were bombed but we felt the heat, by Allah, you were surrounded by smoke but we also could not breathe here, your blood was spilled, your honours were dishonoured but our grief stricken heart was torn as well. We are living but under huge weight. Here in Khurasan your sisters sheded tears of blood with you. Your Taliban brothers are also restless.
O my respected Syrian sisters! You called brothers for help. Please be patient and do not be hopeless. Now no Rafidi, no Russian, no American can stop them. Your brothers can not be stopped by the heights of mountains, by the vastness of valleys and by the depth of oceans. They will cross it all bare footed just to reach you..
O my beloved respected Syrian sisters! You are pure, you are great and your honour is so pure that no Rafidi, no Russian can take it away from you. You are daughters of Tahira (pure) Khadija r.a, you are daughters of Maryam a.s and you are the ones who follow the footsteps of Khaular.a. May Allah bestow His Mercy upon you because you have written with your pure blood such a history of sacrifice and bravery that the entire world is shocked. Long time ago my respected Afghan sisters gave a tremendous sacrifice that is still remembered by the history. When Russians came after the honours of my Afghan sisters they did not surrender but they ran to the peaks of mountains and jumped bravely into the flowing river Kabul and hence did not let Russians win over them.
Today you have revised the same sacrifice. I try to imagine what you went through, when you would have heard the filthy voices of Rafidis and Russian soldiers near your house, the sounds of their footsteps would have crushed your spirit. Your husband would have been a martyr a long time ago, your brother might have been captured by these enemies of Allah, your father’s feeble figure was for sure unable to keep them away from dishonouring you. Then you thought and made a decision and got hold of that pistol which you kept to fight enemies of Allah. You knew you would not be able to fight back those dogs. I could feel your tears, your sobbing, I could hear your cry YaMutasim! YaMutasim! But no one came to rescue you. Reality struck you that today Islam is under the siege of Rafidis, Russians and Americans. Today Islam is all alone. Today you are left all by yourself facing flocks of kuffar. I am sure cursed Iblees would not have left you. This thought of surrendering to kuffar and begging them for mercy might have crossed your mind. But then soon ‘religious honour ‘took over you and you ignored all these lowly thoughts. Your tauheed, your aqeeda, your emaan and your righteous actions helped you. You realised that you did hijra for sake of Allah, you fought for sake of Allah and your death will be only for Allah.
. O my respected Syrianmartyred sister! This is not suicide because suicide is cowardly act, suicide is to lose hope on Allah while what you did was very courageous and you were hopeful of Allah’s Mercy and you were keen to meet your Lord. You are honour and pride of this ummah my respected sister. I pray to Allah Almighty to bring you together with prophets, the truthful, the martyrs, the piously. Amen.
Wa salaam,
Your sister
Umm eKhurasani.
Tehreek Taliban Pakistan