Remarks Regarding The Upcoming Supposed Loya Jirga:
Under the orders of its masters, the Kabul administration wants to abuse a much respected custom of our country (Loe Jirga) and try to give a legal face to the establishment of permanent bases for the American occupying forces on the Islamic soil of Afghanistan and in this way prolong the ten year catastrophe befallen on our country, deceive the nation and further expose their own crimes.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan would like to make the following statements to the respected nation regarding this issue.
Loe Jirga has been our custom ever since the foundation of our country. The governments have always turned to it in times of crucial and significant issues. Have always made decisions for our autonomy and independence and this much respected custom has remained a freedom giving principle for our nation. This tradition has also been abused by some hireling authoritarian figures tied to others to give credence to their illegal rule but such overtures have always mounted to nothing and were rejected by our intelligent and sensible nation. The last communist leader of the Kabul Regime (Najib) also abused this principle many times against the Muslim Afghan people however it did not benefit him or the country.
With the onset of the American occupation, the current stooge Kabul regime has also repeatedly utilized the name of Loe Jirga, its high-status and aim to play games and has held such councils under the command of its American master, has gathered faces of its liking and passed resolutions to the likings of the invaders. For its long term goal of permanently staying in Afghanistan, the Americans want to once again abuse this tradition through its stooge regime to call a supposed Loe Jirga in which faces of its preference will be gathered, food will be eaten and once again, games will be played with the fate and future of its nation. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan wants to call on its countrymen that in the past ten years, such conventions have always complied with the invaders and has rubbed salt on your wounds instead of healing them. While paying serious attention to these impairments, no countryman should take part in this partial convention and should wholly side with its country’s freedom. Islamic Emirate wants to warn every person who wants to participate in this so-called Loe Jirga that such traitors will be pursued by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in every corner of the country and will face severe repercussions. The country’s trustworthy scholars have passed a decree in this regard and every participant of this convention shall be charged with treason if caught. Islamic Emirate also calls on its brave and courageous Mujahideen to target every security guard, person with intention, participant and every caller of this convention in all corners of the country so to not let the invaders accomplish their plot and perpetually occupy our beloved country under the heading of permanent bases but rather should forever turn their plans to dust.
Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Zabihullah Mujahid
Comments Regarding The Martyrdom Of A Detainee In Bagram Prison:
Thousands of our innocent countrymen are languishing all across the country in the prisons of internal and foreign forces under inhumane conditions and are facing torture and abuse, which was also pointed out in a recent report published by the United Nations so now it happens that on Monday, one of our defenseless prisoners’ reached the high status of a martyr in the notorious Bagram prison under extreme torture.
These kinds of incidents have repeatedly taken place in the mentioned prison but then its custodians cite illness as the cause of the martyrdom?! in such a state that the illness was neither reported to the family members nor some aid agency. This event manifests in itself that the prisons under the control of foreigners and those connected to the Kabul administration are all secure from legal action. Serious life threats are faced by detainees here and this heart rendering occurrence is condemned by Islamic Emirate with the harshest of words. We would like to once again show our deepest concern about this matter to the United Nations, Human Rights Watch Organization and other International circles and asks them to pay serious attention to the terrible conditions of the Afghan prisoners and to stop hiding the violators in political curtains. The conditions in the prisons of our country are far worse than that which is sometimes pointed to by in the media and other reports. The beatings, torture and martyrdom of our prisoners cannot lower the moral and weaken the determination of our Muslim nation. Our enemies should realize that this kind and other kinds of incidents will only make us more determined in our struggle and will increase the sense of self-determination, honor and zeal of our nation, God willing.
Zabihullah Mujahid
Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan