Articles of the Week – 10/15-10/21

Tuesday October 18:
Race & Religion in the Political Problematization of the American Muslim – Iqbal Akhtar, Political Science & Politics:
Cyber-Fatwas and Terrorism – Gabriel Weimann, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism:
Is It Ideology or Desperation: Why Do Organizations Deploy Women in Violent Terrorist Attacks? – Angela Dalton & Victor Asal, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism:
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood After the Revolution – Samuel Tadros, Current Trends in Islamist Ideology:
The Extremist Reaction to the UK’s Prevent Strategy – Jack Barclay, Current Trends in Islamist Ideology:
Wednesday October 19:
The Spring of a New Political Salafism? – Hassan Mneimneh, Current Trends in Islamist Ideology:
Thursday October 20:
Muslim American/American Muslim Identity: Authoring Self in Post-9/11 US- Muna Ali, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs:
Is Honor Killing a “Muslim Phenomenon”? Textual Interpretations and Cultural Representations – Recep Doğan, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs:
Ayatullah Khomeini’s Concept of Governance (wilayat al-faqih) and the Classical Shi‘i Doctrine of Imamate – Hamid Mavani, Middle Eastern Studies:
The Allure of Parliamentary Politics for Jihadis – Will McCants, Jihadica:
Friday October 21:
The Arab Spring’s First Real Test of Democracy Arrives in Tunisia – Aaron Y. Zelin, Foreign Affairs:
Muhammad, The Jews and the Constitution of Medina: Retrieving the historical Kernel – Paul Lawrence Rose, Der Islam:
Shifting Legal Authority from the Ruler to the Ulamā: Rationalizing the Punishment for Drinking Wine During the Saljūq Period – Felicitas Opwis, Der Islam:
Ibn Taymiyya’s Criticism of the Syllogism – Sobhi Rayan, Der Islam:
Modernity from Within: Islamic Fundamentalism and Sufism – Itzchak Weismann, Der Islam:
Perspectives on Islamist & Salafi Parties in Egypt: Similarities & Dissimilarities – Hani Nasira, Terrorism Monitor:
Death of an ideologue – Christopher Anzalone and Bruno-Olivier Bureau, The AfPak Channel: