NOTE: Flashpoint Partners released a transcript of Abū Muṣ’ab ‘Abd al-Wadūd’s (‘Abd al-Malik Drūkdīl) most recent audio message titled: “We Don’t Surrender…We Win or We Die.” Here is a brief abstract of the transcript and below it is the entire transcript:
On July 29, 2010, an audiotape featuring Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) commander Abu Musab Abdel Wadoud was released titled, “We Don’t Surrender…We Win or We Die.” In the tape, Abdel Wadoud argued that “calls to recede and surrender are proof and a confession from the enemy that the military solution has failed, as the apostates have realized that defeating the mujahideen militarily is highly impossible…the sword destroyed the arrogance of those murdering criminals who shed much of the Muslim blood. And we praise Allah because the rains of bullets and the infiltrations of the intended-martyrs and the detonation of explosive devices shattered their hegemony and brought humiliation upon them.” He then vowed: “We do not surrender. We win or we die. We do not surrender. We win or we die. First you have to fight our Jihadist generation and our men who are spread in the mountains and the valleys, in the cities and the deserts…” The U.S. Treasury Department has noted that in 2006 Abdel Wadoud “stated that he had consulted with…Ayman al-Zawahiri regarding AQIM’s upcoming plans and missions in Algeria and the Maghreb countries.”