New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Mawlāwī Hībat Allah Akhūnd Zādah: “Congratulatory Message On the Arrival of the Auspicious ‘Īd al-Fiṭr”

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

الحمد لله نحمده ونستعينه ونستغفره ونتوب إليه ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيئات أعمالنا من يهده الله فلا مضل له ومن يضلل فلا هادي له وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله. أما بعد:فقد قال الله تعالي: قَدْ أَفْلَحَ مَنْ تَزَكَّى (۱۴) وَذَكَرَ اسْمَ رَبِّهِ فَصَلَّى (۱۵) سورة الأعلی

To the Faithful and Mujahid Nation of Afghanistan and All the Muslims Around the World!

I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations on the arrival of the auspicious Eid-ul Fitr, may Allah Almighty accept your fasting, worship, prayers and sacrifices.

Dear Brothers!

First of all, we should thank Allah Almighty for bestowing upon us the Islamic Sharia system, through which life is guided by righteousness and sacred principles. By the grace of Allah, the month of Ramadan passed in a peaceful atmosphere, we will perform the Eid-ul Fitr prayer, and we will spend these auspicious days with joy and in a peaceful environment.

For every blessing for which gratitude is expressed, Allah Almighty increases it, if someone is ungrateful for the blessings, then Allah Almighty warns of the possibility of punishment, as ingratitude holds dire consequences, therefore, I urge my Muslim brothers that we should not overlook expressing gratitude to Allah Almighty, and let us all strive to be grateful servants of Allah.

Allah Almighty has granted us the Islamic Sharia System, peace, brotherhood and unity, all of these are blessings from which we were deprived of for decades, now, that Allah has reminded us these blessings, it is incumbent upon us to express gratitude, to acknowledge them, to support them, to reform them accordingly, and to strive for goodness.

Scholars bear a great responsibility to guide all people and officials of the Islamic Emirate to the worship of Allah, they must keep them reformed, provide good counsel, offer advice, encourage goodness, and continuously invite them to worship.

It is the responsibility of mosque imams (scholars) to constantly guide their followers, their children and community towards improving and nurturing of their beliefs, actions and morals. They should remain vigilant every day, unceasingly work towards reform, especially amidst contemporary tribulations.

Enforcement of Islamic Sharia

In Islam, the sacred pillar of Jihad in the path of Allah is a crucial means to implement Islamic Sharia Law. Additionally, safeguarding the sacrifices made by Mujahedeen and ensuring the protection of the community are fundamental goals. Various strategies were employed to achieve these objectives, including ensuring justice, implementing Sharia -based legal boundaries and punishments, and ensuring adherence to the principles of Sharia. Furthermore, it is imperative to resist oppression and defend the oppressed.

In line with Sharia law, the Ministry of Vice and Virtue carries out its duty to enforce the promotion of good deeds, prevention of evil, and handling complaints against wrongdoing, the councils of scholars in the provinces are a means of implementing Sharia rules, providing good counsel, fostering unity among scholars, and strengthening trust between the Islamic Emirate and the Afghan nation, furthermore, officials are also obligated to obey and the establishment of such councils at the district and village level is underway.

It is the responsibility of every Muslim to adhere the courts and be satisfied with their judgements, as well as to implement the directives and recommendations of the functionaries of the ministry of vice and virtue and extend necessary cooperation in carrying out the duties properly.


For the religious and modern education of the new generation, the Ministry of Education has broad structures in all provinces and districts and it has operationalized hundreds of religious and scientific centers. In addition, orphanages are also established in various provinces and a number of districts aimed at providing daily care, education and sponsorship for all orphans, which are being managed by an independent administration.

It is the responsibility of every Muslim to provide good upbringing, education, and opportunities for their children, so that they should attain religious knowledge.


Over the past decades, Afghanistan has faced numerous challenges in terms of insecurity, lawlessness, and adversities. After many struggles and sacrifices, Allah Almighty has given us a great reward to ensure security throughout the country as well as, ensuring both visible security and internal peace.

Visible security refers to the safety and protection of lives, property, and dignity of the people within a society, and internal peace means freedom is preserved, and it is indeed a great blessing from Allah Almighty. Now, let us all strive and collaborate with security officials in every way possible, this is a responsibility upon all of us, mandated by Allah Almighty, to cooperate with each other for the betterment of society and to not engage in any actions that may cause harm to others.

Let us combat the mischief-makers, as you bear responsibility for ensuring security, if someone is causing harm unlawfully, it is the responsibility of every Muslim to refrain from supporting them. If you do not cooperate with security officials, you might be complicit in their wrongdoing. Pay attention to security in your city, village, and home, and provide full cooperation wherever needed.


In the Islamic system, it is a Sharia responsibility to improve the economy of the people, the Islamic Emirate strives to meet the needs of its people within the limits of possibility, encouraging the establishment of businesses and public welfare activities, in order to provide employment and economic opportunities.

In addition, do not sit still! Try to provide opportunities for work individually and collectively, establish new businesses, promote agri-business, create opportunities for industrial work, collaborate with the government, and strengthen the economy of the country, the Islamic Emirate will also create a conducive environment, enabling a fair ground for farmers, craftsmen, and factory owners to establish and grow their businesses, and as a result of joint efforts our economy will grow, have faith in Allah, and pursue all lawful means to earn your sustenance, avoid unlawful transactions, earn halal income, and do not be greedy for others!

Deal Within the Framework of Sharia

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, in line with Islamic principles, seeks good relations with others based on mutual respect and understanding, and urges everyone not to entertain any doubts regarding the good intentions and sincerity of the Islamic Emirate. Our commitment and dedication are firm, and we expect and demand respect for Afghanistan’s sovereignty, integrity, and dignity, ensuring that any disagreements are addressed through dialogue and with mutual respect.

In the realm of international relations among all countries, we aim to pursue a balanced and economically-focused policy in the light of the holy religion of Islam. We seek diplomatic and economic relations with all nations, ensuring that Afghanistan’s security, stability, and prosperity serve as a favorable opportunity for others, we urge international community to maintain good relations with the Islamic Emirate, and adopt strategies in the spirit of mutual benefits.

The ministry of foreign affairs of the Islamic Emirate is tasked to foster an atmosphere of confidence and peace among all, especially within the Islamic countries.

The Islamic Emirate’s foundation lies on the principles of Islam and the well-being of the Muslim community. We share common faith, beliefs, and convictions, binding us together. In times of joy and sorrow, we stand united, supporting each other with equal participation and collaboration, leveraging our abilities to the best of our capabilities.

Indeed, creating a common ground and resolving our shared challenges is essential. The Islamic Emirate aims to foster an environment conducive to achieving this goal.


The issue of Palestine is indeed a concern for the entire Islamic Ummah. We stand in solidarity with the people of Gaza against Israeli aggression and occupation. It is incumbent upon the Islamic Ummah to address the plight of the oppressed Palestinians and to collectively condemn any form of injustice or aggression perpetrated by Israeli invaders. We must mobilize our resources and support Palestine in every possible way to alleviate their suffering and work towards a just resolution of the conflict.

It is regrettable that the international community often falls short in effectively addressing the injustices faced by the people of Palestine. Despite claims of upholding human rights, there is a lack of meaningful action to curb the ongoing oppression and to hold perpetrators of these injustices accountable. This is indeed a source of profound sorrow, and it underscores the urgent need for all responsible parties to fulfill their obligations in addressing this grievous situation. 

Prohibition of Drug

The Islamic Emirate is committed to fulfilling its Islamic and Sharia obligations in the country by strictly enforcing the prohibition of narcotics and by taking effective measures to eradicate the cultivation, production, and trafficking of illicit use of drugs. The Islamic Emirate is determined to carry out this important task with firm resolve and decisiveness, seeking support and cooperation from its own communities, emphasizing the need for a drug-free Afghanistan.

Furthermore, in Kabul and provinces, efforts are underway to rehabilitate drug addicts and ensure their safe return to society. The Islamic Emirate takes this responsibility seriously and recognizes the pain and suffering caused by addiction to both individuals and families.

The people of Afghanistan are obligated to cooperate with the Mujahedeen in the implementation of the decree, tackling this issue. 

To the Mujahedeen and Officials of the Islamic Emirate

I issue the following instructions and ask everyone to follow them, I also ask you to share them with your subordinates, so that we can serve and treat our nation properly and give them their Sharia rights:

  • All officials must ensure that their duties are carried out effectively to uphold the rights of the people of Afghanistan in every ministry, province, region, and department. If any official neglects their responsibilities, their negligence is not excused under Sharia law.
  • Officials should live a brotherly life among themselves, avoid disagreements and selfishness, with this the outcome of Jihad, which is the strengthening of the Islamic system, will be preserved. The Jihad against Soviet invasion and Communism in Afghanistan was not succeeded due to disagreement among officials, as a result, the Islamic system was not established and Afghanistan remained in turmoil with various problems.
  • Security does not come from being tough and killing more; rather, security is aligned with Sharia and justice. Injustice and being opposed to Sharia leads to insecurity. Therefore, self-correction is necessary, as every official and individual’s wrongdoing adversely affects the entire system.
  • If oppression is allowed to prevail, it will eventually corrupt the entire system. Therefore, when one person suffers from oppression, it affects the integrity of the entire system, as there is no veil between the oppressed and Allah.
  • Our enemies hope that after the success of Jihad against communism, the differences that they created among the Mujahedeen will also arise among the officials of the Islamic Emirate. But we tell them that this wish will not come true and your evil goal will not be achieved, Insha Allah.
  • The Afghan people are very resilient; they have endured a lot of injustices and suffered many sacrifices. This success has come at the cost of many sacrifices made by our people. Therefore, our people are highly valued, and we should serve them and listen to their grievances. It is imperative that we remain faithful to our promises and not betray the trust of those who have sacrificed for the cause of Jihad.
  • No one should be unjustly harassed, and if someone is detained, they should be asked appropriate questions to determine whether they have any complaints or if they are not being charged with a serious crime. Care should be taken to ensure that no one is unjustly harassed.
  • There is no division or discrimination in the Islamic Emirate, those from the south will serve in the north and those from the north will serve in the south, and they should provide their services accordingly.
  • Rewards should be based on merit, eligibility and trustworthiness, ethnicity, language, position, and relationship should not influence the officials, and if there is any inclination towards this, it should be eliminated completely from the outset.
  • It does not matter who is in need and who is providing assistance; what matters is that those in need receive help, regardless of their status or identity, reach out to the needy promptly.
  • In this era, we must ensure that we pass on a positive legacy to future generations, with good history, sound laws, and strong principles. We should pay extra attention to the hereafter and seek the pleasure of Allah Almighty.
  • The protector is indeed Allah Almighty. Allah alone determines your sustenance, no one increases it beyond, nor decreases it, nor will your life be prolonged except by will of Allah, therefore, have faith and seek the pleasure of Allah Almighty.
  • Encourage and motivate people towards Islamic values and ethics, inspire them and use gentle persuasion rather than force. Hatred is instilled through force, while encouragement fosters sincerity and dedication.
  • Try not to forget the religious practices and good habits obtained during Jihad.
  • Stay connected with the Holy Quran, at least recite and contemplate upon it during a specific time of the day.
  • Strive to excel in your duties and responsibilities, but do not become complacent or arrogant due to your position and do not be upset while losing a position.
  • Take lessons from the mistakes and misdeeds of others, especially from those who have a bad reputation. Let their actions serve as a reminder for you to adhere to good deeds and morals.

Assist the Needy

I urge the wealthy and affluent people of Afghanistan to remember the poor and needy Afghans during these auspicious days, extend your cooperation and utilize all your resources to support and assist the less fortunate among our fellow citizens.

At the end, I once again congratulate you for the arrival of Eid-ul Fitr, may Allah protect you from all kinds of harm and disaster, and may you be successful by the grace of Allah.

Sheikh-ul Quran and Hadith, Mawlawi Hebatullah Akhundzada,

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Emirate

April 6, 2024

۲۷ رمضان المبارک ۱۴۴۵ هـ ق

۱۸/۱/۱۴۰۳هـ ش


New statement from the Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān: “Explanation Regarding the Fatwā Attributed To the Leader of the Believers Shaykh Hībat Allah Akhūnd Zādah”


Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Teḥrīk-ī-Ṭālibān Pākistān — Explanation Regarding the Fatwā Attributed To the Leader of the Believers Shaykh Hībat Allah Akhūnd Zādah


Source: Telegram

To inquire about a translation for this statement for a fee email: [email protected]

New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Mawlāwī Hībat Allah Akhūnd Zādah: “Congratulatory Message On the Arrival of the Auspicious ‘Īd al ‘Aḍḥā”

To the Mujahid Nation of Afghanistan and to the Muslims Around the World

I wish you all a very happy Eid. May Allah accept your charity, pilgrimages, services and all good deeds in the path of Islam.

I hope you celebrate these days with happiness and perform Eid prayers, pilgrimage and all worships properly.

On this auspicious day, millions of Muslims from all over the world perform pilgrimage and it is a day of worship and brotherhood that invites Muslims to unite, sympathize and give charity in the path of Allah.

Our countrymen are celebrating Eid while the Islamic system exists and peace is ensured throughout the country, therefore, we should thank Allah Almighty to gain further rewards.

Under the rule of the Islamic Emirate, the Islamic system has been established, the Islamic Sharia law has been implemented, and concrete steps have been taken to strengthen the religious centers. Reforms are underway in law-making, governance, judiciary, economy, culture and other related fields. These are the goals and values for which we have fought and made great sacrifices.

At the national level, the independence of Afghanistan has been restored once again, brotherhood and national unity have been strengthened, all kinds of prejudices such as race, language and region have been eliminated, the territorial integrity of the country has been preserved and all borders are strictly defended and protected. Afghanistan’s national assets, such as customs and revenues, mines, state land, forests and other common assets have been taken from powerful individuals and now being protected as state assets.

Under the rule of the Islamic Emirate, concrete measures have been taken to save women from many traditional oppressions, including forced marriages and their Sharia rights have been protected. Moreover, necessary steps have been taken for the betterment of women as half of the society in order to provide them with a comfortable and prosperous life according to the Islamic Sharia. The negative aspects of the past 20-year occupation related to women’s Hijab and misguidance will end soon. By issuing the six-article decree on women’s rights, the status of women as a free and dignified human being has been restored and all institutions have been obliged to help women in securing marriage, inheritance and other rights.

With the functioning of the Sharia courts, the Holy Sharia has once again been put into practice. Religious and Sharia orders that were not possible to be implemented are now being enforced. In addition, the great duty of vice and virtue is being carried out. Necessary measures have been taken according to the Islamic principles, due to which the society is improving day by day and the evildoers are about to disappear.

In the economic sector, the prediction of the country’s economic collapse and crisis has been proven wrong. Economic collapse was prevented as a result of Islamic Emirate’s wise measures, sincerity and transparency. For the first time in recent history, Afghanistan has become economically self-sufficient, furthermore, concrete steps have been taken and are underway in rehabilitation, reconstruction, agriculture, mining and other related sectors.

The Islamic Emirate calls on national investors and businessmen to play a constructive role in the development of the country by investing in various fields in order to further develop the country’s economic sector and eliminate existing problems. IEA is committed to ensure their security and all government institutions are responsible for providing necessary facilities to investors in order to pave the ground for the country’s growth and economic development.

The war that lasted for decades in the country, left hundreds of thousands of orphans, widows and needy people, and the Islamic Emirate is committed to helping them secure their rights. Also, I call upon rich people and specially the relatives of the needy people to extend their support and pay full attention to their education and livelihood. After decades of war, now, Islamic system is enforced and peace has been ensured in the whole country, therefore, I call upon those who threaten peace to start a comfortable life in their country with their fellow citizens and help to further strengthen and stabilize peace.

Significant steps have been taken to divert beggars from begging and thousands of beggars who are in need are being given assistance by the Islamic Emirate. However, in order to prevent professional beggars, it is necessary for scholars, clerics and community elders to take an active role in educating people and encouraging them to work.

As a result of continues efforts of the Islamic Emirate, the cultivation of poppy has eradicated in the country, farmers are looking for alternatives and legal cultivation is expanding, meanwhile, ban has imposed on production, trafficking and use of all kinds of drugs and now, many citizens, specially the youth are saved from this harm.

Currently, many institutions of the Islamic Emirate are working to treat those who became addicted in the past 20-year and efforts are underway to bring them back to a normal life.

During the occupation period, many people were deprived of their rights and national assets were seized by powerful individuals, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has appointed a special commission for restitution of state grabbed land, so far, hundreds of thousands of acres of state land have been identified and freed from grabbers. Since, preventing oppression is a public duty, therefore, I call upon all the citizens to extend their cooperation with this commission.

The Islamic Emirate wants good political and economic relations with the world, especially with Islamic countries, and has fulfilled its responsibility in this regard. Just as we do not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, in the same way we do not allow others to interfere in our internal affairs.

My advice to the officials of the Islamic Emirate is to carry out the given responsibility seriously; providing services and wellbeing of the people should remain on top. Keep your doors open toward the people, do things efficiently and never treat people in a way that makes them feel less than you. This is the same nation who sacrificed their lives and properties during the past 20-year. I instruct the security officials to pay full attention to the well-being, service and safety of the citizens, especially during Eid. Consider all measures for the welfare and safety of the countrymen and extend your help and support to the families of martyrs, disabled and orphans.

Dear Countrymen!

It is our shared responsibility to protect and serve our Islamic system, the current system is the result of sacrifices of thousands of Mujahideen, let’s stand by each other, eliminate conspiracies, value security and prosperity and work together for its further enhancement.

It is with immense pleasure, that this year thousands of our countrymen went to attend and perform pilgrimage. All necessary facilities are provided and they are being served properly by the officials of the Islamic Emirate. I request all the pilgrims from around the world to pray for the prosperity of the entire Islamic Ummah and especially for the people of Afghanistan, so that Allah may grant them happiness in this world and the hereafter.

I strongly condemn Israel’s brutal act on Palestinian women, children and defenceless Muslims and ask other countries to do their duty in order to prevent this great human crime and cruel atrocities.

I request the people and government of Sudan to leave their differences and work together for unity and brotherhood, rather, the solution to the problems of the Islamic Ummah relies on their unity, considering the fact, every Muslim has an obligation to be fulfilled with sincerity, doing so will eliminate conspiracy and Muslims will enjoy the blessing of unity and Islamic brotherhood.

At the end, I once again wish you a happy Eid-ul Adha. May Allah grant us the opportunity to celebrate Eid under the shadow of the Islamic system.

Sheikh Al-Quran and Hadith Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Emirate

۷/۱۲/۱۴۴۴ هـ ق

۴/۴/۱۴۰۲هـ ش ــ 2023/6/25م


New release from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’s Mawlāwī Hībat Allah Akhūnd Zādah: “Congratulatory Message On the Arrival of the Auspicious ‘Īd al-Fiṭr”

1- To the Mujahid Nation of Afghanistan and to the Muslims Around the World!

I wish you all a very happy Eid, may the Almighty Allah accept your fasting, prayers and services.

Dear brothers! We should thank the Almighty Allah that after so many hardships, we benefit from peace and Islamic Sharia System, and by fulfilling the great duty of the holy month of Ramadan, we celebrate Eid in a peaceful atmosphere throughout the country. Alhamdulillah

All rich brothers should help their poor and destitute countrymen, orphans, widows and the families of the martyrs in every possible way, give your charity to the deserving people on these precious nights, so that they can fulfil their needs and enjoy Eid.

2- Officials and Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate are obliged to make more efforts and sincerity in serving the people, because serving the people is worship and should be done properly and their legitimate rights and happiness should be taken into account.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan considers itself responsible for the welfare of its people and ensures their rights under the Sharia law, it does this for the pleasure of the Almighty Allah and fulfilling its Sharia obligations, in order that everyone should be sure that their Sharia rights will be given, following this great purpose, the courts have been established both in the centre and provinces to help the oppressed, prevent oppression and to ensure justice, therefore, citizens should cooperate with the courts in ensuring justice and avoid recommendations, fake and fraudulent claims.

3- Since the main goal of our Jihad and struggle was the implementation of Islamic law, welfare of the people and the religious and moral reform of the society, with the grace of Allah, significant measures have been taken in this regard. The Vice and Virtue as our highest duty is under implementation, everyone should fully cooperate with the concerned ministry helping its employees in commanding good and preventing inappropriate acts.

Significant reform measures have been taken in culture, education, economy, media and other fields, and the bad intellectual and moral effects of the 20-year occupation are about to finish. Countrymen should consider these reform measures important, because living in the light of Sharia principles will lead to the well-being of our world and the hereafter, as well as the eternal happiness, success and salvation of our society.

The religious scholars and clerics should also pay attention to their responsibility in this regard and the Ministries of Vice and Virtue, Education, Higher Education and Information and Culture should work closely in informing people of religion and reforming their acts throughout the country, every nation and country can taste honour and real peace and prosperity when it does not disobey Allah, therefore, the task of reforming the people and informing them about religion has been given to the clerics and religious scholars, they should fulfil their obligations in this regard, try to reform and enlighten the people through mosques, gatherings, media and programs and become a means of good guidance for them, also, they should create an atmosphere of harmony and trust among themselves, avoid differences and pay attention to the great interest of religion and the people.

4- Our country has just come out of wars and sufferings, it is in dire need of construction and rehabilitation, now, we all have a shared responsibility to build our country, the development of Afghanistan is the responsibility of Afghans, we should not rely on others; rather, with courage and enthusiasm we should build this country and provide all possible conveniences to the people.

In this regard, the country’s national traders and investors have more responsibility than others, the Islamic Emirate fully cooperates with them, provides them with facilities and standard services. Insha Allah

5- Security is the greatest blessings of the Almighty Allah. Let us stand by our system for ensuring the stability and security, so that our country and people will no longer face obstacles and suffer from insecurity, off course, some hostile groups will make their evil efforts to show the relevant security organizations weak and our country unsafe, but we are sure that with the help of Allah and the support of the nation, peace will be ensured and people will have a comfortable life. Insha Allah

6- Afghanistan wants positive relations with its neighbours, Islamic countries and the world, based on mutual benefits and within the framework of Islamic principles, since Afghanistan does not want to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, it also insists that other countries should not interfere in our internal issues, doing so is beneficial both for the world and Afghanistan.

7- Preventing the cultivation of poppy in the country and the implementation of the decree of the Islamic Emirate remains a great achievement, this great work shows the firm determination of the Islamic Emirate and the strong support of the people, and this makes it clear that Afghanistan will be cleaned of poppy cultivation and drugs soon.

Collecting drug addicts in Kabul and provinces and handing them safely to their families after treatment is another Sharia obligation that the Islamic Emirate has fulfilled, and the grief and pain of a large part of our people and families has been addressed, which was not done in the last 20-year.

8- Rounding up beggars in the centre and provinces, helping them and solving their problems was another important measure of kindness and compassion of the Islamic Emirate, which was done well and the process will complete soon, with this step, the professional and the really needy beggars were separated and the needy citizens were helped, and they were given a certain amount of aid from the national budget, professional beggars were counselled and disciplined, this is a great work in the history of Afghanistan which shows the unique sympathy of the Islamic Emirate with its people.

9- The relevant organizations of the Islamic Emirate are making all their efforts for economic development. So far, with the grace of Allah, they have been able to manage the country’s economy well despite the problems and international obstacles.

Making the last year’s budget from national income and then spending it well is a great reward from the Almighty Allah, this year, with the help of Allah we will take concrete steps in spending the national budget properly.

10- Extending education and training to the whole country and providing good training to all children is one of the responsibilities of the Islamic Emirate and effective plans for further development are also worked on.

11- For monitoring the work of the provincial offices, providing written and verbal advice on religious matters, observing the behaviour of the officials, sharing shortcomings with concerned people in a proper manner as well as building and maintaining relations between officials and the public, joint councils of scholars and clerics with specific TOR and framework were formed across the country, this was an important step that has been taken and we hope that many of the problems of the officials will be addressed this way, as a result, peace and trust will be further strengthened and the officials will be helped to carry out their responsibilities. Insha Allah

12- The courts and judiciary system of the Islamic Emirate, which has a special status among all the organizations, is a part of the Islamic System whose work is considered more important, because the main goal of the Islamic system is the protection of the head, wealth, intellect, status and all the rights given by Allah, therefore, all the judges and court’s officials are instructed to be more serious in obtaining people’s rights, resolving disputes and avoid favouritism, look at the crime instead of criminal, defend the oppressed, prevent the oppressor and solve people’s cases without delay and hindrance.

13- I instruct officials of the Ministry of Health to serve the nation day and night and extend every possible assistance, equip and activate health centres, address the problems, provide proper treatment to the people and take concrete steps toward improving health sector of the country.

14- In order to succeed, all security and defence forces of the Islamic Emirate must implement the followings:

  1. Make your will and intention only for the sake of the Almighty Allah,
  2. Everyone (youngers and elders) should adorn himself with piety,
  3. With the grace of Allah and blessings of the holy Jihad, we have achieved a great victory, therefore, always remember the Almighty Allah,
  4. Do justice, generosity and modesty and avoid arrogance, pride, oppression, betrayal and wasteful spending,
  5. Strictly avoid all kinds of discrimination,
  6. In Islamic Emirate, rewards should be based piety and trustworthiness,
  7. Do not offer jobs to your relatives, the appointment should be based on merit,
  8. Build trust and brotherhood among yourselves, avoid jealousy, complaints, backbiting and actions that create distrust,
  9. All Mujahid brothers, be committed to vice and virtue, continue the chain of education and training in every possible location, be strict to your prayers and pray with the congregation,
  10. Support the families of martyrs and appreciate those Mujahideen who fought and suffered during the 20-year of Jihad, they will not be left behind in the Islamic Emirate,
  11. In order that the Islamic Army can be cleaned of disqualified and corrupt people, all Mujahideen should extend their assistance with the Clearance Commission which has been appointed by the Islamic Emirate!
  12. Fully obey your seniors and strictly implement the orders of the Islamic Emirate,
  13. If someone wants to advise the leader, he advises him secretly, because secret advice is useful, do not give open advice, because open advice has negative effect instead of positive,
  14. Be accountable for your spending! The Messenger (PBUH) used to make accurate calculation with his finance officials, who were responsible for the treasury and deposits, likewise, Hazrat Omar Farooq did the same, therefore, being accountable is crucial and be responsive to your seniors and relevant departments,
  15. Be serious against the enemies of the religion and the country, security destroyers, robbers and criminals, but be very gentle and kind in dealing with public, no one should be harmed by false information, no one’s status, honour, head and wealth should be unjustly harmed, this nation needs mercy and compassion, we should be at their service, their security is our religious and national responsibility, but let us be careful not to disrespect our people in the name of security and defence and let no one complain to Allah because of our actions.

In the end, I would like to remind you to pay attention to the families of the martyrs, orphans, widows and relatives on the auspicious days of Eid-ul Fiter and do not spare your sympathy and help to the poor and needy people.


Sheikh Al-Quran and Hadith Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Emirate

Ramadan 27, 1444

18/4/2023 – 29/1/1402
