May 3, 2021:
COVID-19 vaccination campaign begins in Aleppo countryside
April 2, 2021:
Northwestern Syria gears up to start an anti-COVID vaccination campaign next May
February 28, 2021:
Syrian opposition gears up for coronavirus vaccine drive
February 22, 2021:
Idlib Health Directorate to start vaccinating people against Coronavirus next March
October 22:
“Coronavirus” and prices… Syria’s al-Bab markets await selling activity
September 26:
Rising COVID-19 cases are putting additional pressure on northern Syrian medical facilities
August 28:
Coronavirus in camps of northwestern Syria despite previous warnings… Who is to blame?
July 25:
Is it sufficient to join efforts to curb COVID-19 northern Syria?
After reaching the state of relative stability in the number of infections with the coronavirus, the liberated Northern Doctors Syndicate holds the authorities in the northern countryside of Aleppo and demands that they stop human smuggling from the areas of the criminal regime’s control to the liberated areas
July 13:
Raed Al-Saleh, Director of the Syrian Civil Defense to our people after recording four Coronavirus cases in Idlib Governorate
July 12:
“Coronavirus” preventive measures in Dabiq IDPs camps northern Aleppo
تقرير مجموعة العمل لفريق الاستجابة الوطنية بجائحة كورونا 19-COVID
Important tips for preventing coronavirus
July 11:
جامعة حلب تنهي امتحانات اليوم ضمن إجراءات احترازية مشددة لمنع انتشار فيروس كورونا.
Tips for the prevention of the emerging coronavirus
July 10:
وزير الصحة يتوقع ازدياد عدد الإصابات بفيروس كورونا مع بداية شهر أيلول.
رسائل حول بدء تفشي كوفيد19 في الشمال السوري
تعميم بخصوص تسجيل أول إصابة بفيروس كورونا في الشمال السوري
Instructions to reduce the risk of coronavirus “Covid 19” infection
July 9:
رسالة توعية مجتمعية للوقاية من فيروس كورونا
Circular from the Idlib Health Directorate
First coronavirus case reported
June 18:
Idlib opens first hospital to fight COVID-19
June 10:
In a Province No Stranger to War, Preparing to Battle a New Enemy
June 3:
Tips to reduce the spread of the COVID epidemic
May 30:
Initiatives launched in the towns of Zanu, Kafr Kharim, and Mara, in cooperation with the Directorate of Idlib Health, for four days, a campaign to raise awareness of the COVID pandemic
May 29:
May 21:
Awareness workshop on Coronavirus risks in northern Aleppo
May 20:
Part of the activity of the Syrian Intellectual Forum – Ma’rat Misrin team .. Visiting the service facilities in the village of Kafr Hamoul and painting awareness campaigns on the walls regarding the coronavirus
May 15:
Among the activities of volunteer teams to raise awareness of the dangers of the virus
May 12:
May 10:
Guidelines for the protection of media workers when they cover the coronavirus
May 8:
Dr. Mundhir Khalil, director of Idlib Health Directorate, reviews the latest updates regarding a volunteer campaign against coronavirus, the field reality, and what has been achieved so far
May 7:
Prevention of the coronavirus in the workplace
May 6:
The volunteer team for the protection of children in the border camps in the area of khirbet al-Nut is participating in awareness-raising activities in the community and warning about the dangers of the coronavirus and prevention methods
May 5:
Awareness activities of volunteer groups and teams within a volunteer campaign against corona
May 3:
Awareness activities of volunteer groups and teams within a volunteer campaign against corona
April 30:
‘Abd al-Rahman Mustafa, President of the Syrian interim government has said that the government is continuing with the actions it has taken regarding the closure of the crossings and they will remain closed until the coronavirus is eliminated and the closure process is temporary until the completion of this epidemic

In order to clarify and explain the goals and stages of the volunteer initiative against corona, a second meeting was held between Dr. Mundir Khalil and Mr. Raed al-Saleh
April 25:
Ramadan tips during times of coronavirus

April 24:
In order to clarify and explain the goals and stages of the volunteer initiative against coronavirus, a meeting was held between Dr. Mundhir Khalil and Mr. Ra’id al-Salih, director of civil defense and volunteer organizations and teams joining the volunteer initiative against the coronavirus
Local engineers and doctors build ventilator machine in Syria’s al-Bab
April 22:
What is the Purchasing Committee?

To see the progress of the distance education process, the Minister of Education undertook an inspection visit to Aleppo University, which is affiliated with the Syrian interim government in the liberated areas

April 19:
“Volunteered against Coronavirus”… Solidarity in northern Syria to fight Coronavirus crisis
The Directorate of IDPs of the ministry of local administration and services in the Syrian interim government passed out guidance and advice related to the coronavirus for our families who are forcibly displaced to the areas of Afrin and Sharran

April 18:
Coronavirus in Syria: Why people are not complying with self-isolation order in Syria’s al-Bab
April 17:
The first artificial breathing device created in north Syria
Due to the coronavirus, the only road to the Rukban IDP camp was closed by the regime, creating deteriorating conditions and limiting food aid. The Syrian interim government calls upon the regime to shoulder its humanitarian and moral responsibility to relieve our people in the camp to protect them from another disaster if the coronavirus spreads

In order to address the spread of the coronavirus the Syrian interim government issued a resolution yesterday that has been made to all the ministries and their affiliate agencies

April 16:
Dr. Mundhir Khalil, Director of Idlib Health, talks about the latest updates on the volunteers’ campaign against the corona, with an explanation of the second phase of the campaign
April 15:
The Aleppo health Director of the ministry of health of the Syrian interim government, Dr. ‘Abd al-Basit Shayukhi, has announced the overall activities and preparations being done to counter any spread of the coronavirus in northwest Syria, which includes the purchase of screening laboratories, training, and isolation centers for patients
The waqf and religious authority in the Syrian interim government has issued a new circular to all the schools and sharia institutions in the liberated areas: suspension of work until April 29

April 14:
In order to review health projects and health situation in general, a delegation from the Syrian interim government visited the al-Bab in northern Syria, headed by external relations official Yasir al-Haji, director of health in Aleppo Dr. ‘Abd al-Basit Ibrahim, the director of Agriculture in Aleppo, and members of the health directorate

April 13:
How Syrian opposition is trying to stop coronavirus from reaching its areas
April 12:
Mustafa Hadj Yusef, director of the Civil Defense Foundation in Idlib, spoke about the “volunteers against Corona” campaign and its role in organizing work to overcome this stage and confront any possible spread of the Corona virus. Always remember that our safety is in our solidarity.
Steps for organizations to join a volunteer campaign against the Koruna. Our safety is in our solidarity

Citizens of Jarablus took to the streets today to protest the closure of roads into the Peace Spring areas due to the spread of COVID-19. SNA fighters took to the streets to disperse them with gunfire and seemed to enjoy it
April 11:
Dr. Mundhir Khalil, director of idlib health, talks about the latest updates related to the campaign as a solution and recommendations
Volunteers against corona initiative

The Minister of Health of the Syrian Interim Government Dr. Maram Sheikh said that the cases checked yesterday reached 26 suspected cases, making the total samples examined so far are 118 cases, which are negative. This indicates that there is no trace of the virus in the liberated areas, in the absence of any activity of the World Health Organization

Medical and Pharmacy students initiate awareness campaign on Coronavirus for IDPs in rural Aleppo
April 9:
As part of the preventive measures for coronavirus, the directorate general of the ministry of finance of the Syrian interim government has created a carwash to fully clean vehicles inside and outside for safety

April 7:
The Ministry of defense of the Syrian interim government issued a circular to the corps and the military police department in which they referred to the efforts of the national army formations on border to protect the region from all that would threaten the security of citizens and stressed the follow-up and tightening of actions to prevent the smuggling of people and goods through crossings of contact with the criminal regime and areas of control of gangs as a preventive measure against coronavirus

Awareness lecture on “Coronavirus” in northern rural Aleppo
April 6:
Syrian students turn to e-learning amid pandemic
April 5:
How is the interim government preparing for the coronavirus crisis?

The coronavirus pandemic in north Syria

April 4:
The Minister of Finance and Economy confirms the continued closure of the crossing points with the regime to prevent the spread of coronavirus to protect the safety of citizens in the liberated areas
The Awqaf and religious affairs authority issued a circular to all schools and sharia institutions to suspend work until the date April 15

The coronavirus pandemic in north Syria

‘Abd al-Rahman Mustafa, president of the Syrian interim government: we have taken several measures to counter the coronavirus
April 3:
Among the actions taken to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the president of the Syrian interim government, ‘Abd al-Rahman Mustafa, issued a general pardon for crimes committed before 4/1/2020

April 2:
The Syrian interim government has issued a resolution continuing the closure of three internal crossing points: al-Humran, Awn al-Dadat, and Abu Zindin until further notice

April 1:
The Minister of Health Dr. Maram Sheikh, once again confirms that the liberated north is free of coronavirus
March 31:
Strict measures to break up social gatherings in al-Bab city
Guidelines to reduce the risk of infection from coronavirus

March 30:
Syria Civil Defense disinfecting facilities and IDPs’ camps in rural Aleppo
The Minister of Health Dr. Maram Sheikh talks about the latest updates on the coronavirus in the north and providing tips and guidance to prevent this dangerous virus
The Minister of Education Dr. Huda al-Absi said that the ministry has taken new additional measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus Syria

March 29:
Precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus
March 27:
The Aleppo Health Directorate in coordination with the local councils continue to distribute publications to prevent coronavirus to include all targeted areas in northern Syria

March 26:
In the light of the rapid spread of the coronavirus and to further preventive measures the head of the Syrian interim government ‘Abd al-Rahman Mustafa met with members of the political body and the minister of health Dr. Maram Sheikh and the deputy director of health in Aleppo Dr. ‘Abd al-Basit Ibrahim at the headquarters of the government’s representation in Gaziantep

March 25:
Disinfecting vital installations by civil defense teams in northern Aleppo
Al-Bab city overcrowded despite awareness campaigns and closure of public utilities
Awareness campaign on Coronavirus in camps of rural Aleppo
March 24:
The Minister of Health Dr. Maram Sheikh said that in 24 to 48 hours the laboratory will start working on testing for the coronavirus and are on their way to hospitals and medical centers

March 23:
At the headquarters of the Syrian interim government in Gaziantep via Skype a workshop entitled “preparations and gaps” related to coronavirus organized by the ministry of health

March 21:
The Minister of Health Dr. Maram Sheikh talks about medical tips and guidance to prevent coronavirus
On the Urgent Need for International Support to the Syrian Interim Government to Confront Coronavirus

The Minister of Health “Maram Sheikh” called for measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus

In order to take preventive action to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus the University of Aleppo met with the faculty and administrative staff about the establishment of a temporary mechanism to give lectures and work

March 20:
Awareness campaign for IDPs in Afrin’s countryside on coronavirus (Covid-19)
The Awqaf and Religious Affairs Authority issued a circular in order to ensure the safety of our students and our educational facilities and as part of the prevention measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and the suspension of work until March 27

March 17:
Coronavirus checks taking place in Afrin city on those coming in via the Deir Ballut and Ghazawia crossings from other parts of Syria, no cases of coronavirus have been found in the Olive branch areas

The Aleppo Health Directorate of the Ministry of Health in coordination with the local councils distributed brochures for the prevention of the coronavirus covering all of rural Aleppo

March 15:
Guidelines to reduce the risk of infection from the coronavirus

March 14:
As a protective measure in the face of coronavirus, the Ministry of Health in cooperation with the Turkish Ministry of Health and the WHO, announced its intention to carry out a package of preventative measures

March 13:
The Ministry of Education issued a circular to warn about the spread of the coronavirus among students in schools and universities after its spread in areas of the regime

March 10:
Precautionary measures to confront “Corona” in northern countryside of Aleppo