New statement from the Global Islamic Media Front: "Warning About the Use of the Program 'Asrār al-Ghurabā''"

  1. In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

    Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Universe, and may peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and all of his family and companions. Thereafter:
    We warn all the brothers using the new encryption program called “Asrar al-Ghurabaa” – the program is suspicious and its source is not trusted.
    Likewise, we confirm that there wasn’t any relationship between the program “Asrar al-Ghurabaa” and the Front’s encryption program “Asrar al-Mujahdeen”,
    and therefore, we advise and warn the brothers not to use the program “Asrar al-Ghurabaa” entirely!
    We also warn of using any encryption program which hasn’t been published through the Global Islamic Media Front or Al-Fajr Center for Media.
    And lastly, we remind that the sole source to download all of the technical programs for the Media Front:

    Mobile Encryption Program
    Asrar al-Dardashah Plugin
    Asrar al-Mujahideen Program


    The technical website for the Global Islamic Media Front 
    Direct link to the technical website for the Global Islamic Media Front
    Encrypted link to the technical website for the Global Islamic Media Front
    English Site
    Direct link to the technical website for the Global Islamic Media Front
    Encrypted link to the technical website for the Global Islamic Media Front
    لا تنسونا من صالح دعائكم
    Don’t Forget Us in Your Sincere Prayers

    إخوانكم في
    Your Brothers at

    القسم التقني
    Technical section

    الجبهة الإعلامية الإسلامية العالمية
    Global Islamic Media Front
    رَصدٌ لأَخبَار المُجاهِدين وَ تَحريضٌ للمُؤمِنين
    Observing the Mujahideen News and Inciting the Believers


New statement from the Global Islamic Media Front: "Condolences and Congratulations to the Islamic Ummah on the Martyrdom of the Amīr Ḥakīm Allah Meḥsūd"

In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
{Think not of those who are slain in Allah’s way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord; They rejoice in the bounty provided by Allah: And with regard to those left behind, who have not yet joined them (in their bliss), the (Martyrs) glory in the fact that on them is no fear, nor have they (cause to) grieve.}

Praise be to Allah for what He decided and what He decreed, and for what He grants for each person in order not to be delayed, and prayers and peace be upon His servant and Messenger Muhammad, and on all of his family and companions.


We offer condolences to the Ummah of patience and Jihad, the Ummah of Islam, for the martyrdom of the the brave leader and hero Hakimullah Mehsud – may Allah accept him – condolences mixed with sorrow for our pride in our loss of our deceased. His example from the heroes of our Ummah does not depart from us except when they ride with the reins of their horses attacking their enemies, the enemies of Islam, until their last breath. Yes, life is what has been lived, and yes, life is what departed from him, as we consider him, and Allah is his Reckoner, and we do not commend anyone to Allah. The leader Hakimullah Mehsud was granted a love of Jihad and the teachings of what made him begin his march along the path of Jihad since his youth, raising the banner of Tawhid, seeking his expected death as a valiant, attacking Mujahid, then a leader of a group of lions, and then a happy martyr – with Allah’s permission – achieving what he left for and lived for: martyrdom, may Allah accept him from its people with the best of acceptance.
And if the martyr departed before he saw the fruits of his Jihad in order to make a full and complete victory, then we reckon him as leaving behind men as mountains, and they will be restless until they see the banner of Tawhid waving and the religion of Allah triumphing over all religions, even if the infidels dislike it.

O Allah, accept our martyr, forgive him, have mercy on him, and raise him to the highest level of Your paradise.
O Allah, place prayers on Your servant and Your Messenger Muhammad, and on all of his family and companions.

The General Command
Global Islamic Media Front


المصدر : (مركز صدى الجهاد للإعلام)
الجبهة الإعلامية الإسلامية العالمية

رَصدٌ لأَخبَار المُجاهِدين وَ تَحريضٌ للمُؤمِنين

The Global Islamic Media Front

Source: (Echo of Jihad Center for Media)=&0=&


New statement from the Global Islamic Media Front: "Congratulations to the Ummah of Islam on the Occasion of Blessed ‘Īd al 'Aḍḥā 1434 H"

In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Universe, the Almighty, the All Praiseworthy, who brought us the joy of victory and Eid, and may the prayers and peace of Allah be upon the Righteous Imam, our Prophet Muhammad, and on his family.
The Almighty said: {Such (is his state): and whoever holds in honour the symbols of Allah, (in the sacrifice of animals), such (honour) should come truly from piety of heart.}[Al-Hajj 32]
On the occasion of the blessed Eid al-Adha 1434H, your brothers in the Global Islamic Media Front offer congratulations to the Islamic Ummah everywhere. We ask the Almighty to make it a year of victory for the Muslims, an Eid of joy, pleasure, security, and faith – and we say to you: may Allah accept righteous deeds from us and from you and from all the Muslims. So, congratulations to the Ummah of Islam on Eid al-Adha, which Allah was pleased with for you and returned it to us and to you with prosperity, faith, mercy, and forgiveness.
On this occasion, we congratulate our brother Mujahideen and the sincere ones everywhere with perfumed congratulations for their victories and achievements. We ask Allah to support them and steady their feet wherever they may be. We say to them, may Allah accept your Jihad and blood, O you crowns of heads, and may Allah reward you for us and for Islam and the Muslims with the best of rewards. So congratulations to you on the Eid, O lions of Tawhid, and may you be well in every year.
A special congratulations to our brothers in the Jihadi media in all the media centers and brigades and our supporting brothers on Eid al-Adha which Allah was pleased with for you and returned it to us and to you with prosperity, faith, mercy, and forgiveness. We say to them, move forward in supporting the religion of Allah and His helping Mujahideen, and be patient, garrisoned, and fear Allah so that you may succeed.
Likewise, it’s necessary for us to remember our imprisoned brothers and sisters in the prisons of the Jews, Crusaders, and apostate tyrants. We ask Allah the Almighty in the grace of the blessed Eid to release our brother Muslims and bring them out of the darkness of the prisons to the dawn of freedom and return them to their people and families safely and soundly. Congratulations to you our imprisoned brothers everywhere on Eid al-Adha which Allah was pleased with for you and returned it to us and to you.
A blessed Eid, every year, and the Mujahideen from victory to victory and the Jihadi media from victory to victory. Islam is above all other rule, and the Ummah of Islam is strong with glory and pride, and may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and his companions.
Allah is the Greatest…Allah is the Greatest…Allah is the Greatest.
O Allah, have mercy on our martyrs
O Allah, free our brother Muslims
O Allah, grant victory to our Mujahideen brothers everywhere
O Allah, aim the shots of our Mujahideen brothers
And support the Mujahideen and the weak with security
A happy and blessed Eid, and may you and the Ummah of Islam be well in every year.
Your brothers in

The Global Islamic Media Front

لا تنسونا من صالح دعائكم
Don’t Forget Us in Your Sincere Prayers

إخوانكم في
Your Brothers at
الجبهة الإعلامية الإسلامية العالمية
The Global Islamic Media Front

رَصدٌ لأَخبَار المُجاهِدين وَ تَحريضٌ للمُؤمِنين
Observing the Mujahideen News and Inciting the Believers


New release from the Global Islamic Media Front: "Mobile Encryption Program: For Sending Encrypted SMS and Files and For Android and Symbian Mobiles"

UPDATE 9/26/13 11:49 AM: Here is an English translation of the below release:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Introduction by
Sheikh Abu Saad al-’Amili, May Allah Protect Him

Praise Allah, by whose grace good works are done. And prayers and peace on the final prophet and messenger – our master Muhammad and upon his family and companions as well as upon whoever walks by his guidance until the day when people stand before the Lord of creation.

The mighty and powerful Allah says:

{Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of God and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom God doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of God, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly

The course of action for truth repelling falsehood compels us to prepare ourselves and provide the means of victory for our own, for our groups and our actions so that Islam will not be taken from us. Whoever embraces this religion must do so with strength. He must be adorned with patience, resolve and wisdom in his actions, since achieving victory and overcoming the enemies cannot be achieved through compromise or mutual trust. Before that, we have the duty to repel the enemy’s strikes. We must weaken them and be superior to them in the fields where there can only be victory.
These include the media field and especially communication, which is absolutely indispensable in our war against the enemies of Allah and our actions, using this religion to support our brothers the Mujahideen at the front to protect from the rear and provide them with various types of assistance that are required.
It is perfectly clear that our enemies are concerned about this field from the extent of the massive financial expenditures and specialized human resources given to it. The importance of these means is manifested in that they have been weapons in the hands or our enemies to snare several of our brother supporters in their trap. They have read many secrets, operational plans and a lot of various pieces of information that should never fall into their hands under any circumstances.
We are requested – even before our enemies – to provide suitable ways and means of communication between us and between our Mujahideen, who are defending the borders. This is so we won’t be subject to their surveillance; thus, we will close the doors to spying on us and becoming aware of all the Mujahideen’s secrets and what the Mujahideen entrusted us with.
Allah has blessed your brothers in the Global Islamic Media Front to do this program for cell phone encryption. This will be a surprise and shock to our enemies, and it will be revenge against them in as much as it will be a blessing, relief and a secure weapon for our brothers for continuous communication far from the eyes and monitoring of the enemies.
This program by the power of Allah will be a qualitative move in the field of secure communication between the brothers – supporters and Mujahideen – in the light of the fact that cell phones are used more and are easier than computers for communication and media in the field of resistance. Therefore, cell phones’ importance and value are apparent in the field of Jihadist preparation. We hope and pray to Allah that this would make it a means to terrorize the enemies of Allah and put more fear in their hearts. We also pray that it would bring the righteous servants, the soldiers of truth, closer to victory and to empowering His religion. The mighty Allah is capable of achieving that.
{God will certainly aid those who aid his (cause);- for verily God is full of Strength, Exalted in Might, (able to enforce His Will).}
And blessings and perfect peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions.

About the Mobile Encryption Program

In light of the growing need to protect privacy and to escape from the repressive police regulations, your brothers in the Technical Department of the Global Islamic Media Front are pleased to present to the Islamic Ummah in general and the Mujahideen and Ansar of Jihad in particular, the mobile encryption program. This program features asymmetrical encryption, along with the ability to encrypt SMS and files, sending and receiving emails, and receiving messages effectively and efficiently with the use of advanced techniques to maintain security and privacy, both during sending and receiving, or when saving messages. We announce that this program, like all the sites and programs that we develop, is the property of all Muslims.

We ask Allah to guide us, take from us what pleases Him, be pleased with us, and support the Islamic Ummah and return us to a single, free Ummah that is only subject to its Lord and is only ruled by His just Shariah.

D e s c r i p t i o n of the Mobile Encryption Program
The mobile encryption program offers the highest levels of encryption for secure communication through SMS along with the ability to send encrypted files through email. It is the first Islamic encryption program for mobiles and secures communications with the greatest degree of secrecy based on the highest standards reached by cryptography and the engineering of digital communications.
The program uses the cryptographic algorithm Twofish with cipher block chaining which has the same strength as the algorithm for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). It uses elliptic curve encryption in exchanging keys with the keys encoded to 192-bit length. It was necessary to use elliptic curve encryption instead of the base encryption RSA because it is very long, and it’s not possible to store it in SMS nor use it with the Bouncy Castle libraries which use algorithms and methods of encryption with tested capabilities proven to be effective. This library does permit developers to change the random algorithms to protect against any misuse or abuse.
The program supports digital fingerprints, so any user can display a digital fingerprint for his public key. Of course, it’s possible to send the fingerprint or publish it to assure recipients of the public key. All encrypted files have a digital fingerprint, and the program uses them when decrypting to verify the file has not been tampered with. This fingerprint can be published to confirm to the recipients that the file is sound. The block chaining cipher mentioned above is very important to encrypt the files because if someone tried to tamper with any digital file, the file becomes corrupt when trying to decrypt it.
Also among the characteristics of the program is the ability to send SMS of 400 characters in length in Arabic and English. The program works with a number of l a n u a g e s, and it can send encrypted files between two mobiles differing in l a n u a g e settings
without problem with the ability to send encrypted files through email with the use of SSL and can add port settings to support SMTP and POP3. The program works with most email hosting providers.
Furthermore, one cannot access and use the program without entering a password. Storage inside the program is encrypted as is the storing of private addresses in the program, as the addresses found on the mobile can’t be accessed. The program does not allow sending messages that are unencrypted to a recipient who has been added, so if the user did not receive a public key, this means that it’s not possible to encrypt a message, and the program does not allow sending a message unencrypted to protect the user.
Lastly, among the most important features of the program is the ability to send and receive encrypted messages with Android mobiles and vice versa, and this feature is not available even in the most important similar applications which are programmed by well-known companies.
Therefore, the mobile encryption program is the best means for instant communication through SMS and encrypted files through email between the two users. It offers a level of encryption that cannot be undone or broken and can be relied upon to protect the confidentiality of communication. 
Features of the Program

The first Islamic encryption software for mobiles

The program is easy to use and does not require the installation of complicated files
The program offers the highest levels of encryption available for secure communication through t e x t messages (SMS)
The ability to send encrypted files by e-mail with the use of the SSL certificate.
The program does not allow you to send non-encrypted.
The program address directory as well as all the info stored in it is completely encrypted.
The ability to send and receive encrypted messages between Android and Symbian cell phones and that functionality isn’t available in similar apps.
The ability to send short encrypted messages that are 400 characters with multi-lingual support
Download Mobile Encryption Program
English Site
Arabic Site
GIMF Technical Programs Include:

Mobile Encryption Program
Asrar al-Dardashah Encryption Plugin
Asrar al-Mujahideen Encryption Program

The only source for the download of all the IS:

The GIMF Technical Center

Direct link to the 
English Site Technical site of GIMF

Encrypted link to the Technical site of GIMF
لا تنسونا من صالح دعائكم
Don’t Forget Us in Your Sincere Prayers

إخوانكم في 
Your Brothers at

القسم التقني
Technical section

الجبهة الإعلامية الإسلامية العالمية
Global Islamic Media Front

رَصدٌ لأَخبَار المُجاهِدين وَ تَحريضٌ للمُؤمِنين
Observing the Mujahideen News and Inciting the Believers




The Global Islamic Media Front presents a new video Nashīd from Abū Talḥah al-'Almānī (Deso Dogg): "You Followed (the Path of) Satan, Desired the Dunyā, and Neglected the Hereafter: So This is Your Reward!"

New article from the Global Islamic Media Front and Dār al-Jabhah Publications and Distribution: "The Genocide Against the Muslims in Burma Has Spread to Other Cities and the Current Situation of Arakan"

The Global Islamic Media Front presents a new article from Millat Ibrāhīm's Abū Usāmah al-Gharīb: "Denial of What Was [Allegedly] Published From My Tongue About Rotten Democracy"

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Abū Usāmah al-Gharīb — “Denial of What Was [Allegedly] Published From My Tongue About Rotten Democracy”

To inquire about a translation for this article for a fee email: [email protected]