UPDATE 9/29/11 9:44 PM: Here is an English translation of the below statement in Indonesian:
We deliver the following words :
When you let our brothers in Ambon butchered and their houses burned in the past and recently…
When you imprison and kill our brothers who are trying to destabilize your Batil power and Murtad system in this country…
When you support America and its allies in their new crusade against the Mujahideen all over the world…
When your treachery against the Muslims is getting more intense…
Here we come up with a bit of an explosion to shake up your throne of murtad (apostacy)…
To defend our brothers and sisters who are slaughtered in Ambon, our brothers whom you murdered in the raids by the Densus 88 la’natulloh, and whom you imprison just because they profess the tawheed and deny your murtadgovernment…
- To show to you that we never recede in terrorizing you while we still do not feel safe in carrying out theShari’ah of Allah in this country, while the Muslims still experience oppression by your batil system, and as long as you are still an ally of the filthy America…
- To show to you that the honor and a Muslim’s life is costly…
- To show to our friends whose spirits have weakened that it is actually easy to attack you, that you are actually very fragile…
Here’s our noble brother, akhuna Ahmad Yosepa Hayat who has sacrificed himself for the above mission. May Allah accept him as one of His Shuhada’s.
And for you to know that this will not be our last attack. Rest assured that we still have a lot of alternative models of attacks which of course will surprise you. All this while, we have already known a lot of your weaknesses, and you to this day do not know the source of our strength. That is what’s stupid about you.
So wait… indeed we are also waiting with you. And nothing that we anticipate except the two goodness, namely: Live Honorably (victory) or Die Shaheed….!!!
Allahu Akbar…Allahu Akbar…Allahu Akbar… wa lillahil hamd… !!!On behalf of all the Mujahideen all over Indonesia (Abu Ja’far al Muhajir)
Make Do’a for the MujahideenYour brothers in,
Forum Islam Al-Busyro
- Untuk membela saudara-saudara kami yang dibantai di Ambon, saudara-saudara kami yang kalian bunuh dalam penyergapan-penyergapan oleh Densus 88 la’natulloh, dan yang kalian penjarakan hanya karena mereka bertauhid dan mengingkari pemerintahan murtad kalian…
- Untuk menunjukkan kepada kalian bahwa kami tidak pernah surut dalam meneror kalian selama kami belum merasakan aman dalam menjalankan Syariat Alloh di negeri ini, selama Kaum Muslimin masih mengalami penindasan oleh sistem batil kalian, dan selama kalian masih menjadi sekutu bagi Amerika Salibis najis…
- Untuk menunjukkan kepada kalian bahwa kehormatan dan nyawa seorang Muslim itu mahal harganya…
- Untuk menunjukkan kepada kawan-kawan kami yang telah lemah semangat bahwa kalian itu sebenarnya mudah untuk diserang, bahwa kalian itu sebenarnya sangat rapuh…