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Category: China
New statement from Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī in Bilād al-Shām: "Concerning the Death of Mullā Muḥmmad 'Umar"
Click the following link for a safe PDF copy: Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī in Bilād al-Shām — “Concerning the Death of Mullā Muḥmmad ‘Umar”
To inquire about a translation for this book for a fee email: [email protected]
New video message from The Islamic State: "Message to the Turkistānīs – Wilāyat Ḥalab"
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]
al-Ḥayāt Media Center presents a new video nashīd from The Islamic State: "Come, My Friend"
To inquire about a translation for this video nashīd for a fee email: [email protected]
New release from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Zabīhullah Mujāhid: "We Strongly Reject the Propaganda of the Meeting With Representatives of the Kabul Administration in China"
Rumors are being circulated by the media that a 4-man delegation of Islamic Emirate met with representatives of Kabul administration’s fake peace council in Urumqi city of China last Wednesday and Thursday.
We strongly reject these rumors. The enemy wants to raise the spirits of its morale lacking security personnel with such propaganda while publishing false news about the Mujahidin.
The media must also refrain from publishing unfounded reports and by extension working as a tool for some malicious circles.
The two set of different names of officials of Islamic Emirate given in media reports said to have travelled to China for talks are all at their own localities therefore we reject these rumors based on recent contacts with them.
The policy of Islamic Emirate with regards to political interactions and steps is very clear. We do not deem it necessary to meet or establish political links with anyone secretly. If we have ever travelled anywhere or met with anyone, we have informed the media on the matter. We do not believe in secret talks.
Zabihullah Mujahid
Spokesman of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
06/08/1436 Hijri Lunar
04/03/1394 Hijri Solar 24/05/2015 Gregorian
Ṣawt al-Islām presents a new video message from Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī [Turkistan Islamic Party]: “Lovers of Paradise #15"
New statement from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: "Regarding Peace Talk Rumors and Chinese Mediation"
Check out my new article for The National Interest: "What Do Asian-Oceanic Nations Think about ISIS?"
Recently, I had the opportunity to travel to a number of key Asian-Oceanic nations and allies of the United States to discuss issues related to Iraq, Syria, the Islamic State (IS) and foreign fighters. While much of the focus in Washington has been on the role of Western European and Arab partners in the fight, Asian-Oceanic countries also have their own interests related to this issue. In particular, I spoke with governmental officials, academic scholars and others in Singapore, Japan, China, New Zealand and Australia. While each country looks at the problem-set through a different lens and/or interests, as well as has varying degrees of threat-levels, it is clear that all are concerned and want to take an active role in combatting it.
Click here to read the rest.
The Clairvoyant: Turks Or Uyghurs Arrested In Indonesia?
Earlier this week, reports surfaced that four Turks had been arrested in Poso, Indonesia related to links with the Islamic State. It was later revealed though that in fact they were Uyghurs from Xinjiang, China. Why the confusion? There is actually a relatively simple answer to this, which was recently provided by a jihadi online that also helps us better understand some of the processes for how individuals are making their way toward Syria.
According to an individual that uses the name Abdullah Abu Bakr, Uyghurs have a difficult time obtaining Chinese passports to travel abroad. I personally cannot attest or know the veracity of this claim since I do not follow Chinese policies on this issue closely. That said, if one takes it as stated, because of this, these wannabe Uyghur foreign fighters then create fake passports, specifically from Turkey. He then claims they venture to Malaysia or Thailand where they might spend some time in prison, but afterwards because they were caught with these fake Turkish passports they are then deported to Turkey. Once in Turkey, according to him, Turkish officials view the Uyghurs as Turkic peoples and therefore allow them to safely stay in Turkey, which then allows the Uyghurs to safely get into Syria. This again raises questions about Turkish potential in enabling of the foreign fighter flow into Syria. He then warns that if any of this process gets snuffed out then the individuals attempting to fight jihad in Syria (and/or Iraq) will get sent back to China and face prison there. In part, this is likely why Indonesia at first believed the individuals arrested were from Turkey.
Of course, he does not mention Indonesia, but I do not see why this process couldn’t have played out there as well, whereby individuals from Xinjiang using fake Turkish passports traversed to Indonesia. Once there, the hope being to be deported then to Turkey so they can make easy entrance into Syria. This illustrates not only the efforts that go into trying to get to Syria, but also highlights that there is a network of individuals that has created a system to try and get individuals over there even if the process might take some time, arduous, and risky. It also likely shows that there are more interlinked connections between the different jihadi facilitation networks in south/southeast Asia as well as how they then connect back to the facilitation networks based in Turkey and/or the Arab world.
What the Syrian conflict has done is regenerate old networks, connect separate past networks that now overlap, and the creation of new ones that are now part of the broader echo system related to global jihadism. These connections created for going to join up to fight in Syria/Iraq will also be important for any potential returnees and/or the use of external operations if it is in the cards either for the Islamic State or al-Qaeda’s branch Jabhat al-Nusra. All of this just highlights that there is a very sophisticated methodology for ways in which individuals not so close to Syria get there that helps not only those that want to get there, but cements key relations that could be relevant to future jihad in south/southeast Asian countries.
Ṣawt al-Islām presents a new video message from Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī [Turkistan Islamic Party]: “Tourism of the Believers #9"
NOTE: To view earlier releases in this series, see: #8, #7, #6, #5, #4, #3, #2, and #1. The title of Ḥizb al-Islāmī al-Turkistānī’s video is in reference to the following Ḥadīth from Kitāb al-Jihād (2480) in Sunan Abū Dāwūd: “Narrated by Abū Umāmah: A man said: Apostle of God, allow tourism for me. The Muslim Prophet said: The tourism of my people is striving in the path of God, the Exalted.”
To inquire about a translation for this video message for a fee email: [email protected]