As-Saḥāb Media Production releases second edition of Dr. Ayman aẓ-Ẓawāhirī's "Knights Under the Prophet's Banner"

NOTE: The first edition of Knights Under the Prophet’s Banner (which you can download here) was completed around the time of 9/11 and it was published and serialized by the Saudi newspaper Ash-Sharq al-‘Awsaṭ in October 2001. Click here to see an in depth description of the first edition from Ash-Sharq al-‘Awsaṭ. Also see Youssef H. Aboul-Enein’s critical review of the book here. The first edition was 252 pages while the second is 507 pages.

Click the following link for a safe PDF copy of the second edition of the book: Ayman al-Zawahiri — Knights Under the Prophet’s Banner (Second Edition)

As-Saḥāb media presents a new video message from Dr. Ayman al-Ẓawāhirī: "Who is going to defend ‘Aāfīa Ṣiddīqī?"

UPDATE 4/23/12 10:19 AM: Here is an Italian translation of the below Arabic video message and transcription and English and Spanish translations:


UPDATE 4/22/12 3:39 PM: Here is a Spanish translation of the below Arabic video message and transcription and English translation:


UPDATE: Flashpoint Partners released an English translation of Dr. Ayman al-Ẓawāhirī’s recent audio tape titled “Who is going to defend ‘Aāfīa Ṣiddīqī?.” Click the link to download:
Dr. Ayman aẓ-Ẓawāhirī: “Who is going to defend ‘Aāfīa Ṣiddīqī?”

NOTE: For whatever reason, WordPress/Scribd will not allow me to upload the video or pdf transcriptions of this message in Arabic, Urdu, Pashto, or Farsi. As such, below is an embedded Arabic transcription instead from my colleague Florian Flade’s blog who seems to have somehow gotten it to work. If I am able to upload the above files later I will. If not, and you want a copy of any of the above files mentioned, feel free to email me.

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As-Saḥāb Media presents a new video from Usāmah Bin Lāden: "A Letter for the People of France"

UPDATE 4: Here is a German translation:

Von Osama bin Laden an das französische Volk:
Frieden sei mit denen, die den Rechtleitung folgen.
Das Thema meiner Rede ist über die Gründe für die Bedrohung eurer Sicherheit und die Entführung eurer Söhne.
Die Entführung von euer Experten in Niger, während eure Offiziere sie bewacht haben, ist eine Reaktion auf das Unrecht, das ihr den islamischen Nation zufügt.
Ist es fair, dass sie in dem Besatzung unseren Landes teilgenommen haben und neben den Amerikanern stehen wenn sie Kinder und Frauen töten, und danach wollen sie in Frieden und Sicherheit leben?
Wie könnt ihr euch vorstellen, dass ihr euch in den Sachen der Muslimen einmischt, besonders in Nord- und Westafrika, ihre Offiziere gegen uns unterstützt, und viel aus unseren Reichtum nimmt in verdächtigen Geschäften, während unser Volk unter Armut und Elend leidet?
Wenn ihr zu Unrecht denkt, dass es euer Recht ist, freien muslimischen Frauen das Tragen des Gesichtsschleiers zu verbieten, ist es dann nicht auch unser Recht, eure eindringenden Männer rauszuwerfen und ihnen die Kehle durchzuschneiden? Natürlich tun wir das.
Die Gleichung ist einfach: Wenn ihr tötet, werdet auch ihr getötet werden; wenn ihr Geiseln nimmt, werdet ihr selbst als Geisel genommen, wenn ihr unsere Sicherheit bedroht, werden wir eure Sicherheit zerstören; die Schuld lastet auf den, der anfingt.
Das einzige Mittel, eure Sicherheit zu bewahren, ist all das Unrecht und seine Wirkungen auf unseren Volk zu stoppen und am wichtigsten, eure Kräfte aus den bösen Krieg von Bush in Afghanistan zurückzuziehen. Es ist Zeit, dass die sogenannte direkte und indirekte Kolonisation beendet wird.
Ihr solltet Konsekvenzen daraus ziehen, wie tief Amerika gefallen ist wegen diesen unrechten Krieg, es ist am Rande der Kollaps an allen wichtigen Fronten und wird bald an die andere Seite der Atlantik zurückfallen, wenn Allah es so will.
Glücklich ist, wer von den Fehler von anderen lernt, und Frieden sei mit denen, die den Rechtleitung folgen.

UPDATE 3: Check out Andrew Lebovich’s thoughts on why UBL was targeting France.

UPDATE 2: Here is the English translation:
English translation of audio message from Usāmah Bin Lāden- “A Letter for the People of France”

UPDATE: Check out Leah Farrall’s take on the UBL audio.

NOTE: The main highlights of this video include Usāmah Bin Lāden discussing France’s ḥijāb ban that he states should be cancelled. In addition, the hostage taking by al-Qā’idah in the Islamic Maghreb in Niger is a justifiable act due to France’s transgressions and support for the American-led Afghan war, which he says they should withdraw from. Most importantly, Bin Lāden affirms, France should stop interfering in Muslim-related issues or affairs.
Nothing of significance here, just typical rhetoric. Previously, Dr. Ayman aẓ-Ẓawāhirī also discussed the issue of the ḥijāb on July 27, 2010 in a video statement eulogizing the death of Shaykh Muṣṭafā Abū al-Yazīd who was killed in a U.S. drone strike on May 21, 2010. He stated:

What France is waging … must push us to tightly hold onto our truthful faith to counter their deviational doctrines. We must call our daughters and sisters and mothers to wear ḥijāb and to support them and defend them. As every ḥijāb-wearing and niqāb-wearing female Muslim, who defends her ḥijāb, is a mujahid who defends the rulings of Sharia against the Crusade, secular, Western invasion.

Other than that, the only thing one can take away from this video is that As-Saḥāb Media is in a fairly safe area and has not been disrupted by the droning campaign since As-Saḥāb has released many videos in the past month.

New video from As-Saḥāb Media: "Knights of Khurāsān: Abū Ja'far al-Kūwaitī Martyrdom Operation against a Base in Marghā"

UPDATE: An Arabic transcription of the below video has been released:
As-Saḥāb Media- “Knights of Khurāsān: Abū Ja’far al-Kūwaitī Martyrdom Operation against a Base in Marghā”

NOTE: This video is part of the martyrology style of videos produced by jihadists. In it, Abū Ja’far al-Kūwaitī explains why he is conducting a suicide attack (or as they would call it a martyrdom operation). The video was produced in Arabic and Urdu. Producing videos or statements simultaneously in Arabic and Urdu has become a recent norm for al-Qā’idah Central’s media outlet As-Saḥāb (the clouds). There was some confusion over where the attack took place since Marghā sounds like Mārjah, which was the location of a large joint US/NATO operation earlier in the year. Additionally, the guys at Anṣār al-Mujāhidīn English Forum transliterated Marghā as Mārjah. In Arabic, though, Marghā is مرغا while Mārjah is مارجة and in the statement title in Arabic it explicitly says مرغا. Further, Marghā is in Paktika Province while Mārjah is in Helmand Province.



New video release from Adam Gadahn: "The Tragedy of the Floods"

UPDATE 2: Here are transcripts in English and Arabic of Gadahn’s video statement.
UPDATE: Brian Fishman, J.M. Berger, and Christopher Anzalone make perceptive points as well:

NOTE: Adam Yaḥyā Ghadan (“Azzām al-Amrīki”) was born as Adam Pearlman in California. He converted to Sunni Islam in 1995. He has been a senior operative for al-Qā’idah since 2004 and is currently in control of the As-Saḥāb (“The Clouds”) Foundation for Islamic Media Publication.
This video is boilerplate anti-American and anti-Pakistani talking points. The most interesting thing I noticed was that Gadahn was outside. Is this a message to the American’s that he is not afraid of the drone strikes or that he has more freedom of movement again? Also, I found it noteworthy that when Gadahn talked about the famous conspiracy he added an additional conspirator: “The Zionist-Crusader-Hindu Conspiracy,” which shows the importance the Kashmir cause has been taken-up within al-Qaeda as they have further embedded themselves within the Pakistani militant milieu.

New statement from Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri on the Ninth Anniversary of 9/11: "A Victorious Ummah, A Broken Crusade"

UPDATE: Check out Jarret Brachman and Brian Fishman’s, leading authorities on AQ, analysis of Zawahiri’s most recent video.
NOTE: Four days after 9/11, As-Saḥāb Media, al-Qā’idah Central’s media outlet, released a video of Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri tited: “A Victorious Ummah, A Broken Crusade.” They also released a transcript of the video in English, Arabic, Pashto, and Urdu. Since I am still having issues with video under the Arabic title is a link to a safe MP4 file of the video, which you can download. The video contains English subtitles. The video is 44 minutes and highlights the failure of the Pakistani government to respond to the floods in the past month, blasts Egypt’s El-Baradei as nothing new, but a new tool in the “Crusaders” game, praises the Jihād of al-Shabāb in the Horn of Africa, highlights the importance of relief work and Jihād as he accomplished during the 1980s in the Afghan Jihād against the Soviets, emphasizes understanding ones ‘Aqīdah (Islamic theology) in light of the Mardin Conference in Turkey earlier in the year, rejects the games played by the “Crusaders” in Palestine — there are two methodologies secular (incorrect) and shari’ah (the righteous path), admires the new efforts of the Turkish mujāhidīn who are trying to revive their ancestors Caliphate, and finally praises the CIA bomber in Khost from last year Abū Dujannah al-Khorāsānī.

A Victorious Ummah, A Broken Crusade (English)
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A Victorious Ummah, A Broken Crusade (Video; Arabic)
A Victorious Ummah, A Broken Crusade (Transcript; Arabic)
[scribd id=37516502 key=key-1a6383b84b4jiqh53e5o mode=list]
A Victorious Ummah, A Broken Crusade (Pashto)
[scribd id=37480771 key=key-pe6o00bvho4clu2qcxx mode=list]
A Victorious Ummah, A Broken Crusade (Urdu)
[scribd id=37480811 key=key-ykndpfpug5wcmn1ghx4 mode=list]

As-Saḥāb presents: “Message to the people of Turkey” by Dr. Ayman al-Zawahri

UPDATE: Flashpoint Partners released a transcript of  Dr. Ayman al-Zawahri’s most recent video message titled: “Message to the people of Turkey.” Here is a brief abstract of the transcript and below it is the entire transcript:

In an audiotape titled “Message to the Muslim Turkish People”, produced by As-Sahab and released on August 15, 2010, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri said that “Change will come if the Turks decided to demand their government stop cooperating with Israel and recognizing it, and stop sending its forces to kill Muslims in Afghanistan, and stop fighting Islam and its Sharia. The Turkish people must hold the responsibility of its government’s continued recognition of those who invaded Palestine and persistence in participating with the Crusaders in killing Muslims in Afghanistan. The Turkish people must regain the glorious role that the Ottoman State carried out in defense of the Muslim homelands in general and Palestine in particular.” He argued that “The role of the Muslim Turkish people in defending Islam and Muslims cannot diminish to simply sending a ship or a number of ships to aid Gaza.” And he reminded the Turks that “The Ottoman Turks used to be the mujahideen against every greedy and aggressor, and they weren’t only donors of a few tons of aid.”

Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri- “Message to the Muslim Turkish People”
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As-Saḥāb presents new video statement from Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri: "Al-Quds [Jerusalem] Will Not Be Judaized”

NOTE: Flashpoint Partners released a transcript of  Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri’s most recent video message titled: “Al-Quds [Jerusalem] Will Not Be Judaized”. Here is a brief abstract of the transcript and below it is the entire transcript:

In an audiotape titled “Jerusalem Will Not Be Judaized”, produced by As-Sahab and released on July 19, 2010, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri addressed President Obama: “O’ Obama, whether you admit or not, the Muslims have defeated you in Iraq and Afghanistan, and they will defeat you—and the powers that brought you—soon Inshallah in Palestine, Somalia, and the Islamic Maghreb. Not only will you be defeated militarily and economically, but also, most importantly, you were defeated morally and constituently.” He harshly criticized Muslims who applauded Obama’s speech in Cairo despite the fact that “His criminal, invasive forces were occupying Afghanistan, Iraq and the Gulf, and wide ranges in Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, the Islamic Maghreb and Yemen…” He then argues that “we are the greatest reason in losing Palestine because some of us are requesting to unify with the Arab Zionists and call them with prefixes like brother and president…to the end of these falsehoods, in which they realize their own lies.” For Zawahiri, “Arab Zionists are more dangerous…than the Jewish Zionists. Who is sanctioning our people in Gaza and circulates them with a metal wall underground? Who? Isn’t it the head of the Arab Zionists Husni Mubarak?…And who is helping the Mossad in killing the mujahideen and imprisoning them? Isn’t he the Arab Zionist Mahmoud Abbas?” He counsels that “we first have to liberate ourselves in order to liberate what is outside of it; we will not liberate our homelands if we are weak slaves with our fear, incompetence, greed and delusions, with the incompetent rulers and the greedy leaders and the scheming cooperatives and the apostate sheikhs.”

Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri- “Jerusalem Will Not Be Judaized”
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